- Abt 1512
Name |
Strangways, Thomas |
Gender |
Male |
Died |
Abt 1512 |
England |
Person ID |
I08289 |
My Genealogy |
Last Modified |
16 Jun 2015 |
Father |
Strangways, Thomas, b. Abt 1430, Of Stinsford, Dorset, England , d. 1484 -1485, Lady Chapel, Abbottsbury, Dorset, England (Age ~ 55 years) |
Mother |
Talboys, Alienor, b. Abt 1442, Of Poyntington Manor, Dorset, England , bur. 02.01.1500/1501, Abbotsbury, Dorset, England |
Married |
Abt 1460 |
England |
Family ID |
F02504 |
Group Sheet | Family Chart |
Notes |
- ?
Will of Thomas Strangways 01 December 1512 PROB 11/17
THE WILL OF DAME JANE STRANGWAYS. [Reg. Test. vi. 16 ft.] Oct. 28, 1500. In the name of the Almyghty God, the blessyd Trinite, the blessyd Lady and Virgyn Synt Mary, Amen. I dame Jayne Strangwais, wydowe. If it forten me to decesse in the Freres Prechorys of York, wher as I am now abydyng, my body to be buried in the quer of ye same Freires, under the lettron, wher as the rede theyr Legand : and, if it happen me to decesse w*in x mylez of York, yet I wyll y i my body be broght to ye said Freires and to be buried w*in the said quere : and, if it so forten me to decesse w*owt the space of x mylez of the citie of York, I wyll my body be buried w*in the quiere of the parich church where it schall forten me to decesse ; and the best garment y* I have to be my corsepresand. I wyll x li. wax be brynt abowt my body the day of my sepulture, and viij th torches then to brynne abowt me the same day, price of iiij marc. I wytt unto the iiij ordours of Freires w*in the said sety of Yorke xls., for iiij trentallys of massez to be said, w* Placebo and Dirige, for my saule and all Crysten saules, w*in vij dayes immediatly after the day of my buryall. I wyll y* the Prior w* convent of every plase of the iiij ordours be present abowt my body the day of my sepulture ; and y* every Prior have toward reparacons of hys plase x s. and every prest present iiij d. : every parich clerke ij d. ; and every chyld w* surplesse j d. To the cath. chyrch of Saynt Peter of Yorke, toward they re werkes, xxvj s. viij d. I wytt vij marc for a Messe dayly to be said for my saule, by the space of on yere, w*in the said Freires, so y* the Masse be said by dyvers persons of the same convent ; and what so ever he be y* sayth the Masse for y* day, I wyll he have for hys labour ij d. ; and the residew of the said vij marc for to be yeven to y e repa- racions of the plase after the dyscrescion of the Prior. I wytt for my grave, wher so ever my body schal be buried, xs. Morover, it is my wyll to have on honest prest of good name and good fame to synge for my saule, the saules of my fader and my moder, and for all Crysten saules, by the space of v yerys, and to have yerly vij marc : also I wyll that the said preste be elect by myn execu tours and Mr. Robert Frost,* beyng chaunselere unto my lord prince. I wytt unto the Mount Grace x marc, for to praye for my saule and the saule of my husbond Strangweis, their beyng buryed ; and the Prior, w* hys bretherne, to doo on obbett for my saule, my husbond saule, and all Crysten saules in theyre quere, w*in x dayes after they be dessyryd to doo it ; and on other to be downe be theime at my twelmonth day then next foloyng. I wytt unto the Priour and convent of th' abbey of Norton in Cheshire x marc, to praye for my saule, and for the saule of Roger Dudton, late my husbond, and for all Crysten saules ; the fyrst obet to be doon wythin x dayes after they have word of my buryall, and the second at my twelmonth day then next enshewyng. I wytt unto the Freires Minors at Richmount x s., for to syng a trentall Messes for my saule; and x s. unto the reparacions of their plase ; and to say Placebo and Dirige and Masse of Requiem for my saule. I wytt unto the Prioresse and convent of Saynt Clement at Yorke x s., for on obet yer to be doone w* Placebo and Dirige and Messe of Requiem, for my saule, and all Crysten saules. To every man and woman w*in the four lepor howesez j d., to praye for my saule. It is my wyll y* my dettes be content and payd of myn own proper godes, as gud consions requiryth. I bequeyth unto my naturall son, Lauraunce Button, a gylt pece w* on cover, and all such money as he hath lent of me, and resay vyd by my handez or any of my servauntes ; upon thys condicion y* he wyl be content to take it w* Cryste'z blessyng and myn, and never to troble w* myn executours for no maner of all maner of accyons, reall and personall, frome the begynnyng of the world unto the day of makyng of the said ac- quyetaunce ; then he to have the forsaid peice and money ; and, after none other maner, none other wyse. To every oon of my v godde doghtours, unto their maryage, viz. Jayne Dutton, Jayne Aschton, Jayne Methope, Jayne Iiigham and Jayne Kyrke, xl s. every on of them. Unto Freire Fraunch of Richmount xl s. To dane Thurston at Mowntgrace x s. To dane Richard Metheley x s. To Sir Henry Morton v li. To Sir Robert Hochonson xx s. To Elizabeth Eland, my jentylwoman, v marc, to praye for my saule, to hyr mariage ; under y* condicion, y* sche tary w* me in service unto the howr of my deth, and non other wyse. To Thomas Flecher xxs., and to Agnes Nottyngham x s., so y they tary w* me in service unto the howr of my deth. To Margett, hyr doghtour, toward hyr mariage, vj s. viij d. To ye Prior Maisson of the Freres Prechours at Yorke, to pray for my saule, xx s. I wytt xx li. to purchease landez unto the yerly valure of xx s. for on perpetuall obet yerly to be doone at the Frerys Pre- choures w*in the cetye of York, wher I purpose w* the grace of God my body schalbe buryed ; there to praye for my saule, the saule of Mr. Robert Frost, the saules of my fader and my moder and all Crysten soulez : the Prior to have xij d. ; supprior viij d. ; every prest of the same convent iiij d. ; evere profest Frier ij d. ; every nuffes j d. ; and the resedew of x s. to be put un to y e amendyng of ther petaunce for y* day, so y t the Prior and the convent, after thay have dynyd, say Z)e profundis for my saule, and the saulez above said, and all Crysten saulez. The oyer x s. to be spent upon the reparacions of the place. The residew to Sir Henry Mortime prest, and Ric. Mason, Prior of the Frerers Prechours of York, whom I make myn executours ; and Mr. Robert Frost supervisoure ; to whom, for hys labour, I bequeth xx* 1 marc, of ye beste goodes I have, after hys own eleccion. I wyll y* the said Prior, myn executour, have for hys labour, if it forten him to take ministracion of my goodez, x marc : and y e resedew and overplus of all such money as I have assignyd in bagges sealyd to perfourme thys my wyll ; whych summe aperyth more clarely in a payre of indenture therof made betwen me and the said Sir Henry, beyering dat the secund day of Novem- bre, yere of owr Lord God abov said, I gyf frely unto the said Sir Henry Mortime, in reward and recompens of hys great labours had for me at dyverse tymes, to pray for my saule and all Crysten saulez. CODICIL. March 21, 1500-1. To fryere Richard Maisson, Prior of the Fryers Prechours w*in the ceti of York, oon gylt goblet w* oon covere, and oon payr fyne schetes of iij webbes brod, for to mak a payr of syrplezys. I gyf oon vestment of blew saten, w* all thynges pertening unto the same, unto Saynt Mary church of Byschopfull, wher as I was sum tyme abydyng, to 190 A praye for my saule and all Crysten saulez. To my syster Warwycke my best gyrdyll. To my son wyffe, Margarett Dutton, my rede bonet of welvet, to praye for my saule. To Sir Henry Morton, preist, a Masboke, j chales, w* other clothes, and all thyng pertenyng for Messe. To Mr. Robert Frost, th' arch- decane, oon payr of gold baydes. I wyll y* freire James Best, bacheler, have oon yere sold* to syng for my saule and all Crysten saulez. I wyll y* Sir Thomas, my preist, have oon yere sold, or ij., and it may be bot oon at the lest. Also I wyll that my kynnysman, Sir Bryan Aschton, have ij yeres sold, to syng for my saule, my faders' and my moders', my husbandez', and for all my gud frendez' saulez, if he wyll take yerto.f [Pr. 3 Feb. 1501-2.]
A Cheshire lady and a Yorkshire woman only by marriage. She was a daughter of Sir Richard Aston of Aston, and widow of Roger Dutton, esq. She became the second wife of Sir Richard Strangways, knt. who died in 1488, and, bearing his name, she died. Her will was made in the house of the Friars Preachers at York, wherein she was a sojourner. It is chiefly filled with religious bequests, and the testatrix mentions very few of her kith and kin. Sir Richard Strangways died April 13th, 3rd Henry VII. leaving Sir James Strangways, knt. his son and heir, who was then 28.