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     #   Notes   Linked to 
    Any connection?
    Scope and content 2/Eliz/A3/58
    Richard Allam v John Trulock the father and John Trulock the son. Fraudulent conveyance. Manor of Appleford, Berkshire, of which Sir John Mason and his wife Elizabeth were seised; they dying, the reversion came to Anthony Weekes alias Mason, esquire, who leased some copyholds to Atwell, under whom complainant claims. Custom of the manor recited.
    Short title: Allam v Trewlock Covering dates Between 1558 and 1603 Availability Open Document, Open Description, Normal Closure before FOI Act: 30 years

    Will of John Trewlock Gentleman Steventon, Berkshire 20 August 1670 November 1670 Will of John Trewlock of Steventon, mentions wife Margaret, corn and grain at Steventon, daughter Mary, Margaret and Susanna, unborn child, cousin James Heron and John Heron, mother Edith Trewlock, son Richard,

    Will of James Heron, Gentleman of Abingdon, Berkshire 13 March 1663 PROB 11/310 Mentions son John and James and land in Berkshire and Oxfordshire, brother Richard Trewlock, dated 1651.
    Will of James Heron, Gentleman of Oxford, Oxfordshire 10 June 1685 PROB 11/3 Only mentions wife Anne.

    E1/19/2D/1 Assignment of residue of term 18 Feb 1641/2
    of 2,000 years upon trust
    1a. John Trulocke of Appleford, Berks, yeoman.
    b. Anne, wife of 1a.
    c. Elizabeth Trulocke, widdowe, mother of 1a.
    d. William Burges of Westminster, gent.
    e. Joane wife of 1d.
    f. Edmund Bradstocke of Appleford, gent
    2a. Richard Libbe, of Hardwick, esq.
    b. Anthony Libbe, son & heire apparent of 2a.
    c. John Norden of London, esq.
    Messuage called Barnards and + yard land or arble, meadowe and
    pasture: also + yard land or arrable, meadowe & pasture; common
    of pasture & feeding for 4 horses & 30 sheepe in Appleford.
    Consideration: £255; £180
    Trulock, John (I06705)

    DIED 24TH JULY 1812, AGED 39 YEARS.
    Pearson, Susanna Mary (I11070)
    Name George NEAT Date of death 2 Aug 1814 Age 62 Notes husb of Ann RefNum 82620 Place Box, WIL

    2. Name George NEAT Date of death 2 Aug 1814 Age 62 Notes ? RefNum 82628 Place Box, WIL
    Sole person in RefNum

    Name Amy NEAT Date of death 14 Dec 1791 Age 70 Notes wife of John RefNum 82620 Place Box, WIL

    2. Name Ann NEAT Date of death 24 Mar 1825 Age 71 Notes wife of George RefNum 82620 Place Box, WIL

    3. Name Elizabeth NEAT Date of death 13 Dec 1814 Age 26 Notes dau of George & Ann RefNum 82620 Place Box, WIL

    4. Name George NEAT Date of death 2 Aug 1814 Age 62 Notes husb of Ann RefNum 82620 Place Box, WIL

    5. Name John NEAT Date of death 7 Dec 1807 Age 93 Notes husb of Amy RefNum 82620 Place Box, WIL

    Sarum Marriage Licence bonds: Day: 20 Month: Aug Year: 1776 Groom Forenames: George Groom Surname: NEATE Groom's parish: Box Groom's county: Wiltshire,England Groom's condition: Groom's occupation: gent Groom's age: Groom's notes: Bride Forenames: Ann Bride Surname: LEE Bride's parish: Box Bride's county: Wiltshire,England Bride's condition: sp Bride's age: Bride's notes: Place of Marriage: Bondsman 1: TURNER John,mercer,Corsham,Wilts Bondsman 2: Jurisdiction: The Bishop of Salisbury in Wiltshire and Berkshire

    Neat, George (I03777)
    Gray, John
    Stratton St Margaret

    Gray, Margaret
    Place Key
    /Over Stratton/Stratton St Margaret/Wiltshire

    Wiltshire Memorial Inscriptions:
    Forenames: John Surname: GRAY Place: Stratton St Margaret County: Wiltshire Country: England Reference: 44714 Notes: d 17-0

    [no title] 1461/524 1 March 1712/3 These documents are held at Wiltshire and Swindon Archives
    Parch. 1m. Seal
    Feoffment by John Gray yeoman of Upper Stratton to Francis Kemble gent. of Stratton St. Margaret: arable land in Lower Clay Field; land in Hem Crafts, etc. in Stratton St. Margaret.

    Will of John Gray, Yeoman of Stratton Saint Mary, Wiltshire 18 February 1656 PROB 11/252
    Gray, John (I03832)
    possible 1798 
    Evans, Ann (I01064)
    ....The imposing church of St Mary in the Dorset village of Beaminster contains two important monuments. The larger of the two monuments on the south wall commemorates George Strode who died in 1753 and was sculpted by Peter Scheemakers. The other monument is that to Thomas Strode, Sergeant at Law who died in 1698.

    Thomas was born in 1628, the son of Sir John Strode and his second wife Anne, the daughter of Sir John Wyndham of Orchard. The Strode family lived at Parnham, ... It passed into the hands of the Strode family in the reign of Henry VI when Richard Strode married Elizabeth Gerard and it remained in the family for three hundred years. Under the Strodes the estate flourished, not least because of their knack of marrying rich wives. In 1522 Sir Robert Stroud married the daughter of Sir John Hody, Henry VIII's Lord Chief Baron of the Exchequer and her considerable fortune helped him to rebuild Parnham.

    ... Sir John Strode had acquired from the Cheverell family the estate of Chantmarle, about ten miles to the east of Beaminster in the parish of Cattistock, and built a new house there in 1612. He was a lawyer by profession and gained a reputation as ‘an honest, trusty, learned, religious gentleman’. He was Recorder for Bridport in 1614 and MP for that borough in 1621 and 1625. Like so many of his fellow-landowners he was torn between loyalty to his monarch and his sense of what was just and right. He was then approaching his eightieth year and so beyond military age, but he moved to Oxford to support the Royal cause with legal and financial help, leaving his wife in charge of the Parnham and Chantmarle estates....
    Strode, John (I08399)
    He was summoned to Parliament from 7th January, 4 Henry VI. 1426, to 26th May, 33 Henry VI. 1455, and on the 26th February, in the 10th year of that reign, 1432, was constituted Treasurer of the King's Exchequer. Dugdale states, that he died November 15th, 34 Henry VI. 1455, which is followed by Blore in his elaborate pedigree of this family in the History of Rutland. Seger, in his MS. Baronage, however, fixes his death on the 15th November, 37 Henry VI. 1438, but from Cottonian MSS. Claudius it appears, that Thomas le Scrope was found son and heir of John Lord Scrope of Masham, 34 Henry VI. which corroborates Dugdale's account.

    • ... The contradictory pedigrees of the descendants of this Lord Scrope will be noticed in notes to the other wills of the family, and it is only necessary to remark here that the clause in the codicil to his testament renders it nearly certain that it was his son Thomas who married the daughter of Lord Greystock, and which Blore states to have been the case.

    Will of John Scrope, Knight, Lord of Upsal, 1st July, 29th Henry VI. 1451.

    My body to be buried in a new tomb made for me and Lady Elizabeth, my wife, in the Chapel of St. Stephen, commonly called Scrope's Chapel, within the Cathedral Church of St. Peter at York; ...John my son and heir, Thomas my younger son, and Master William le Scrope my brother, my executors.
    CODICIL TO THE SAID WILL. Dated March 18th, 1453. To Alianore, my daughter, ... to John, son and heir of Henry Lord Scrope, of Bolton, ... and whereas John, my son, whom I appointed in my will to be one of my executors, has departed this life, ... that if before my death, Thomas, my son, marry the daughter of the Lord Greystock, ...
    Scrope, John (I08071)
    8 "Ann Neate from Lydiard Tregose married Robert Nalder from Draycott on May 9th 1733. Bondsman was Thomas Neate." Wiltshire Berkshire and Dorset Marriage Licence Bonds(WFHS CD)

    Wiltshire Memorial Inscriptions Index:
    Ref # 82230 "Anne Nalder 23rd Sept 1766 aged 72 years, wife of Robert, Winterbourne Monkton, Wiltshire"

    Neate, Anne (I00360)
    9 "Burialles 1630 M^s. Dorothy Ed (or 'g')." The rest has perished, but an inscription on an altar-tomb in the chancel fills up the gap. " Here lyeth the Body of Dorathy St John, daughter of Nicholas St John Esquire, wife and widow of George Egeocke Esquire who dyed the second day of September Anno Dom. 1630."
    St. John, Dorothea (I01366)
    10 "Edward Edwards, infant buried Ashwell 5th Nov, 1727"(Abstract of Bishops Transcripts, Parish Registers Burials 1678-1836) Edwards, Edward (I01620)
    11 "Edward Stradlyng esq. Writ 4 Dec inq. 8 April 3 Hen VII [1488]
    He died 4 Nov last, seised in fee of the under-mentioned mill and lands, which Hugh Gernon and Henry Baylemondes gave, inter alia, to Richard Dauntesay and Katherine his wife, and the heir of their bodies, and which after the death of the said Richard and Katherine, and of John their son and heir, and of John son and heir of the said John, and of Walter son and heir of the said John, son of John, and of Joan Stradling, sister and heir of the said Walter Dauntsay, and of Edmund Stradling, son and heir of the said Joan, descended to him the said Edward Stradlyng per formam doni, as cousin and heir of the said Edmund, viz son of John, son of the said Edmund. Anne the wife of John Danvers, esq. is his sister and heir and is aged 19 years and more.
    WILTS. A mill 20a. land, 3a. meadow, 3a. pasture, and 20a. wood in Dauntsey worth 4l. held of the abbot of Malmesbury, service unknown." [CIPM 2nd Series. Hen VII vol.I no.271]

    Stradling, Edward (I07166)
    12 "Frances Richmond Humphries, soujourner, and Mary Walton lic. 8th October 1768. " Married St Johns, Devizes, Wiltshire

    Wiltshire Memorial Inscriptions:
    Surname: HUMPHREYS Place: Aldbourne County: Wiltshire Country: England Reference: 82807 Notes: Major General late of Devizes

    Will of Francis Richmond Humphreys Esquire Devizes, Wiltshire Written 10 May 1793 Proved 30 June 1797
    Humphreys, General Francis Richmond (I00162)
    13 "Here lies The Honble Colonel JOHN ROBINBON Eldest Son of Sir John Robinson and Amy his Wife who Serv'd Several Campaigns in Flanders under his Grace John Duke of Marlborough and Died ye 21 st Oct 1, 1734 Lievtenant colonel of ye Cold Stream Regiment of Foot Guards, Aged 55."
    "Also Here lieth Frances the Wife of The Honble John Robinson of Denston Hall and Daughter of Ralph Bromsal Esq of Northhill in Bedfordshire And Frances his Wife Who was Daughter of St Gervase Elwes Bar.; of Stoke by Clare Who died the 24th of Decbr.; 1742 Aged 58"

    Daughter in law??
    "Also here lieth Elizabeth the Wife of Lieut. Colonel John Robinson. She was ever Distinguished by the most ardent affection for her Family &, Friends, & was an humane protectress of the Poor She died 16th Jan1781, Aged 47."
    "Also the Body of Mts Jane Coates, who died Unmarried on the 12th of Feb 1792, Aged 64. She was Sister to Elizabeth Wife of John Robinson Esq"

    D/DU 116/6 Attested copy of Conveyance [Lease and Release], 9,10 June 1719, for £750 Attested copy of Conveyance [Lease and Release], 9,10 June 1719, for £750
    Level: Item Dates of Creation c.1818 Scope and Content Dame Amy Robinson, widow of Sir John Robinson of Denston Hall (county Suffolk), knight., deceased., Robert Kedington alias Karington of Stansfield (county Suffok), gentleman, (trustee of the Will of Sir John Robinson), Elwes Robinson, only surviving younger son of Sir John Robinson, Thomas Remington of Easton Maudit (county Northants), clerk, and Katherine, his wife, Bridget Robinson, spinster, and John Durling of Denston, gentleman, and Rebecca, his wife (which Katherine, Bridget and Rebecca are three of the surviving daughter of Sir John Robinson), to Thomas Mayhew of Colchester, gentleman

    Capital messuage called Kings Head and lands with a messuage and garden adjoining S., in St. Mary; lands called Marks Great Meadow with a little Meadow (1acre) adj., Pyes Croft (3acres), with all tithes, in Colchester

    Recites: (i) Will of Sir John Robinson, 11 August 1704, by which he devised all his real estate, not already settled on Dame Amy or entailed on his issue, to his son in law Thomas Wood and Robert Kedington (by the name of Robert Karington), in turst to sell it and apply the proceeds as follows: £100 to Amy Wood, his granddaughter the residue to all his children except John, his eldest son, Amy Welsh, Elizabeth Robinson and Mary Trowbridge, his daughters, (all of whom are provided for) in the following proportions: to Isabella wood, so much money as will make her marriage portion equal to the share of the otehr children (not before excepted); to Bridget Robinson so much money as will make her inheritance from the testator's mother, Lady Jones, deceased., equal to the share of the other children (not before excepted); and the residue to be equally divided among the other children (not before excepted) (ii) [116/3-5]

    DU 116/7 Attested copy of Conveyance [Lease and Release], 9,10 June 1719, for £750 Attested copy of Conveyance [Lease and Release], 9,10 June 1719, for £750
    Level: Item Dates of Creation c.1818 Scope and Content Dame Amy Robinson, widow of Sir John Robinson of Denston Hall (county Suffolk), knight., deceased., Robert Kedington alias Karington of Stansfield (county Suffolk), gentleman, (trustee of the Will of Sir John Robinson), Elwes Robinson, only surviving younger son of Sir John Robinson, Thomas Remington of Easton Maudit (county Northants), clerk, and Katherine, his wife, Bridget Robinson, spinster, and John Durling of Denston, gentleman, and Rebecca, his wife (which Katherine, Bridget and Rebecca are three of the surviving daughter of Sir John Robinson), to Thomas Mayhew of Colchester, gentleman

    Capital messuage called Kings Head and lands with a messuage and garden adjoining S., in St. Mary; lands called Marks Great Meadow with a little Meadow (1acre) adj., Pyes Croft (3acres), with all tithes, in Colchester

    Recites: (i) Will of Sir John Robinson, 11 August 1704, by which he devised all his real estate, not already settled on Dame Amy or entailed on his issue, to his son in law Thomas Wood and Robert Kedington (by the name of Robert Karington), in turst to sell it and apply the proceeds as follows: £100 to Amy Wood, his granddaughter the residue to all his children except John, his eldest son, Amy Welsh, Elizabeth Robinson and Mary Trowbridge, his daughters, (all of whom are provided for) in the following proportions: to Isabella wood, so much money as will make her marriage portion equal to the share of the other children (not before excepted); to Bridget Robinson so much money as will make her inheritance from the testator's mother, Lady Jones, deceased., equal to the share of the other children (not before excepted); and the residue to be equally divided among the other children (not before excepted) (ii) [116/3-5]

    1756 Ipswich Journal: Mrs. Burchett, widow of the late Hon. John Burchett, Esq; Secretary of the Admiralty, and Daughter of the late Sir John Robinson of Denston Hall in Suffolk.(Isabella?)

    In 1703, with Elwes, he(John Robinson d 1704) successfully petitioned for a pardon for his eldest son, John, ‘a volunteer on board the late King’s ship Rochester’ who had been convicted of the manslaughter of an innkeeper at Deal.

    Will of John Robinson Suffolk Feb 1772 68 of Denston Hall, Suffolk
    Son John Robinson (13 yrs in 1796)
    Daughter Harriet Robinson
    James Robinson Heyward, son of Thomas Hayward of Throgmorten Street

    According to the King's Books, made in 1534 by the order of Henry VIII, with a view to obtaining a correct return of ecclesiastical revenues, the clear annual value was £22 8s. 7d. Upon the dissolution of monasteries in 1548, Sir Thomas Smith, Knt., and John Smith, appear to have obtained a grant of the same, and it has since passed with the lordship. In the reign of Queen Elizabeth, it came into the possession of William Burd, who died in 1591. It was purchased of a William Burd, Esq., by Mr. Robinson, who died in 1609. Thence it descended to Lieut. General Robinson, a distinguished soldier, who married Rebecca, eldest daughter of Robert, Lord Clive.
    Robinson, John (I08698)
    14 "Here lies Thomasina, daughter and heir of Thomas Heveningham the younger. Esquire, son and heir of Thomas Heveningham the elder, Esquire, and Thomasina his wife; which same Thomasina daughter and heir as aforesaid, was first married to Thomas Berdefield, secondly to John Bedell, and lastly to Walter Thomas, Gentleman, and died the twenty-first day of June 1513; and which said Thomas Heveningham the elder and Thomasina his wife and Thomas Heveningham the younger lie partly under this stone, and partly more immediately before the image of the Holy Trinity; upon whose souls may God have mercy" (All Saints Writtle, Essex)
    Heveningham, Thomasina (I10719)
    15 "History of Wiltshire":

    "From Thomas the estate of Roundway also possibly passed to Robert, one time Baron of the Exchequer and great-grandson of Edward of Manningford, who died in 1667 owning Roundway. The estate Roundway passed out of the family for two generations at Robert's death and was bought in 1705 by another Robert, a descendant of a younger brother. From this Robert the land passed to Edward the eldest son (of his second wife Jane Child), who married into the Richmond family. Their son Edward Richmond Nicholas, M.B., died 1770: a survey made before his death, possibly in 1753, shows his holdings scattered about the tithing in the open fields, in the village and in what is now Roundway Park. ...the Nicholas holdings passed by sale some time after 1770 when Edward Richmond had been succeeded in the Roundway estate by his son Robert, M.P. for Cricklade in 1784."

    Also the Will of Edward Richmond Nicholas, Apothacary of Devizes, proved 1770-refer to Annes Neates pedigree eg Nicholas the Aporthacary?
    Had two sons Robert and John.

    FILE [no title] - ref. 130/76/5 - date: Aug. 1762
    \_ [from Scope and Content] Survey of the property of Edward Richmond Nicholas in Roundway Farm in Bishops Cannings and Rowde by Edward Dore. With ref. nos. for map see 130/79H.

    FILE [no title] - ref. 177/33 - date: 1712-1887
    \_ [from Scope and Content] Copy of will and probate of Edward Richmond Nicholas of Roundway Devizes. 1770

    Wiltshire memorial Inscription Index:
    Forenames: Edward Richmond Surname: NICHOLAS Place: Southbroom; St James County: Wiltshire Country: England Reference: 84078 Notes: MB husb of Jenny

    ....Robert Nicholas, counsel on Colonel Penruddocke's trial, and afterwards Baron of the Exchequer, died owner of Ryndway in 1670. He left no son surviving. One of his daughters married Thomas Hulbert of Corsham: and their daughter Elizabeth marrying Brereton Boucher, Esq, of Barnesly, Co. Gloucester, carried the estate into that family. But in 1705 it was re-purchased by Robert Nicholas, Esq., Recorder of Devizes, descended from a younger brother of Robert the Baron of the Exchequer above mentioned. John Nicholas, the Baron's nephew, was Fellow of All Souls College Oxford in 1674. In 1706 Edward Nicholas of Manningford Braose held the manor of Potterne under the See.

    Robert Nicholas, Esq., the first Recorder of Devizes under Charles I.'s charter, was born at Ryndway 2nd March 1661 : was entered of Balliol College Oxford, and then of the Inner Temple. He married Jane only daughter of Mr. John Child, M.P. for Devizes, brother to Sir Francis Child the first banker. The Recorder died 7th January 1725, aged 64. The name of Edward Richmond Nicholas his grandson is found among the juvenile authors of the Musce Etonenses. He left Eton as Captain of the Commoners, and took a degree in Civil Law and Physic at Queen's College, Oxford. He died 1770. His son Robert Nicholas, Esq., M.P. for Cricklade (by petition) in 1784, was of Ashton Keynes, (where his grandfather Edward had married the daughter of Oliffe Richmond). He sold the Roundway estate about 1790 to Mr. Willy, M.P. for Devizes.
    Nicholas, Edward Richmond (I00169)
    16 "Marriage at Parish Church of St. Chad, Shrewsbury, in the County of Salop. 1826, August 9th, John Langley, Clerk, Widower, of this Parish, and Mary Emma Andrews, of this Parish, Widow, were married in this Church, by License, this ninth day of August, in the year One thousand eight hundred and twenty six, by me, William Bolland, Officiating Minister. This marriage was solemnized between us, John Langley, Mary Emma Andrews. Witnesses: Jane Eliza Kynnersley, Richard Henry Kinchant."  Kinchant, Mary Emma (I09037)
    17 ... the manor of HORTON was ....settled on them for life and afterwards on their daughter Maud and her husband Sir Ralph Lane. (fn. 44) Sir William Parr died in 1546 and his widow in 1555, (fn. 45) when the estate passed to their grandson Sir Robert, son of Maud and Sir Ralph Lane, (fn. 46) and he with his wife Catherine was party to a fine concerning the manor in 1557. (fn. 47) Their son Sir William Lane, who married Mary daughter of Sir Thomas Andrew, in 1597 settled the manor upon himself and his wife with remainder to their son Robert and his wife Theodosia. (fn. 48) Robert died before his father, and Theodosia then married Edward Thynne, esquire, before 1616, when Sir William Lane was succeeded by his grandson William, aged 17. At this date the manor was still held of the barony of Wahull by service of one knight's fee, suit of court and 6s. yearly towards the castleguard of Rockingham. (fn. 49)
    From: 'Parishes: Horton', A History of the County of Northampton: Volume 4 (1937), pp. 259-262. URL: Date accessed: 26 April 2011.

    [no title] G(H)267 15 February 1607/1608; 13 October 1607
    These documents are held at Northamptonshire Record Office 2 Seals; Parchment; 2 Seals; Parchment Contents:
    Indenture Assignment of Annuities
    Edward Thynne of Buckland, Glos, Esq and Wife Theodosia to Sir Wm Lane of Horton, Kt and his Servant Richard Lambe of Horton Reciting Indenture of 29 June 1597 * for £200 of annuity of £40 and yearly rent of £40 parcel of £80 pa Witnesses - Jn Thynne Egremont Thynne Wm Chaundler * of grant to Theodosia wife of Robert Lane son of Sir W Lane of £80 pa from The Great Feilde, Tofts Close and Horton Olde adjoining mansion house of Horton and out of meadows in H after decease of Rt Lane and £40 pa after death of Lady Mary Lane widow and mother in law to Sir Wm Lane Endorsed - Bond
    E Thinne of Buckland, Glos, Armiger to Wm Lane of Horton, Kt in Sum of £200 Witnesses - Jn Harrys
    Ralph Williams

    [no title] G(H)285 18 June 1621
    2 Seals; Parchment Contents: Indenture Conveyance
    Edw Thynne of London, Esq and Wife,
    Theodosia to Wm Lane of Glendon, Esq
    Reciting Indenture of 29 June 1597
    for £200
    of annuity of £80
    Witnesses - Hy Calthorpe Wm Dilke Jn Ducke Silvester Leake

    [no title] G(H)292 February 1624/1625
    Parchment Contents: Final Concord
    Edw Thynne Armiger and Theodosia, his wife Defts to Wm Lane, Armiger Plt of annuity out of land in Horton (inc 300a of pasture)

    [no title] G(H)291 February 1624/1625
    These documents are held at Northamptonshire Record Office
    Final Concord
    Edward Thynne, Armiger and Wife
    Theodosia to Wm Lane, Armiger, Plt
    of annual rent of £40 coming from 40a of meadow and 300a of pasture in ? Horton
    Very faded writing on Parchment

    [no title] G(H)307 30 November 1631 1 Armorial Seal; Parchment Contents: Bond
    Sir Wm Lane of Glendon, Rt to Ald Ralph Freeman, Citizen of London and Basil Nicoll, Citizen and Haberdasher of London in sum of £1,000 (Recites Pair of Indentures of 1 July 1625) to indemnify F & N against annuities to Theodosia Thynne and to Parr Lane
    Witnesses - Wm Childe, N? Thos Ichener Sidenham Lukins, Scrivener
    Thynne, Edward (I04832)
    18 ... the manors of Daeenev and Havell ... After this they were poffessed by Mr. Adamson, who in 1704 sold them to Thomas Holder, esq. whose widow was lady of the aforefaid manors.
    St Andrew, Northwold, Norfolk.

    On the pavement, near the north wall, lies a marble stone, having Holder impaling Greaves. Thomas Holder died February 24, 1713, aged 74.

    C015 Plaque on south wall:
    "Near this place lieth the body of Bridgett the widow of Thomas HOLDER of this parish Esq & daughter of Rd GRAVES of Mickleton in the county of Gloucester Esq who after a long and well spent life which she employed in doing all the good that lay in her power and during which she was deservedly esteemed by all who knew her left this world without an enemy as works of charity were her delight the poor in general ever found in her a ready & bountiful friend but more particularly those of this town whom she not only relieved but taught neither was her care confined to those of the present age only for long before her death she provided for the instruction of them and their posterity by purchasing an estate and conveying it to trustees for that purpose Mr HOLDER had issue by her four daughters one of whom named Elizth was the first wife of Henry PARTRIDGE Esq then of the Middle Temple but afterwards of Buckenham House & died in childbirth of her first child in jany 1709 at 17 years of age the others died in their infancy She departed this life June 14 1748 aged 90 years."
    Graves, Bridget (I08706)
    19 ....After coming into their Merton estate the Harringtons seem to have resided partly at Merton (fn. 75) and partly at Ridlington. Margery survived her husband and died in 1658, when Merton passed to her son, Sir James Harrington. (fn. 76) In 1632 he had married Katherine, daughter of Sir Edmund Wright, Lord Mayor of London in 1640, and a Royalist throughout the Civil War-a fact which stood Lady Harrington in good stead after the Restoration, (fn. 77) when her husband, who was exempted from the general pardon issued at the Restoration, (fn. 78) had fled into exile. He died in hiding and his body is said to have been brought secretly to Merton and there buried without a tombstone. (fn.79)

    Sir James's widow, Katherine, petitioned for the restoration of Merton on the plea that she had not shared her husband's political views and that the Merton estate, worth about £600 a year, had been settled on her as a jointure and entailed upon her issue. (fn. 80) In October 1662 letters patent were grantedher putting the manor in the hands of trustees on payment of £700; (fn. 81)on her death in 1675 the estate passed to her eldest son, Sir Edmund Harrington. (fn. 82) There is no evidence that she resided at Merton during her husband's exile, and in 1665 the property was certainly leased. (fn. 83)

    Several attempts were made in the next half century to recover full possession, but in spite of wise marriages the Harringtons were unable to clear themselves from the financial embarrassments caused by Sir James's political adventures....
    From: 'Parishes: Merton', A History of the County of Oxford: Volume 5: Bullingdon hundred (1957), pp. 221-234. URL: Date accessed: 29 November 2011.

    Records of the Parliament Office, House of Lords
    House of Lords: Journal Office: Main Papers - ref. HL/PO/JO/10
    House of Lords: Journal Office: Main Papers 1509-1700

    FILE - Main Papers - ref. HL/PO/JO/10/1/307 - date: 8 Jul 1661 - 26 Nov 1661
    [from Scope and Content] 3 Proviso saving certain lands, the inheritance of Sir Edmund Wright, and by him settled upon Lady Harrington.

    Wright, Katherine (I02992)
    20 ....Harpsfield was educated at Winchester College and studied canon and civil law in New College, Oxford receiving a BCL in 1543. In Oxford he became connected to the circle of Thomas More, of whom he later wrote a biography, ...With the more aggressive religious policies of the English Reformation following the accession of Edward VI in 1547, he left England in 1550 to pursue his studies in the Catholic University of Louvain....
    Upon the accession of Mary I in 1553, Harpsfield returned to England, took the degree of DCL at Oxford in 1554, and became Archdeacon of Canterbury in the same year, serving under Reginald Pole . He superintended hundreds of trials targeting lay Protestants in London, which resulted in punishments and intimidation (though not any charges under the revived Heresy Acts.
    Harpsfield defiantly opposed the new regime of Elizabeth I, opposing the election of Matthew Parker and refusing to subscribe to the Book of Common Prayer. At some point between 1559 and 1562, he was committed to Fleet Prison, together with his brother John Harpsfield, for his refusal to swear the Oath of Supremacy. He remained in prison until his release on health grounds in 1574, sixteen months before his death.

    Wiltshire Notes and Queries:
    NICHOLAS HARPESFELD, bust, represented as St. Jerome, beating his breast with a stone, garment of green and buff fur; inscribed NICHOLAUS ARCHIDIACONUS CANTUARIRENSIS; panel i8 in. by 15 in.; ? of Wilts, first Regius Professor of Greek; a Catholic historian, imprisoned in the Tower, d. 1575; he and his brother John, Warden-elect of New College and also Regius Professor of Greek, a zealous opponent of the Reformation, imprisoned in the Fleet, were according to Kirby's Winchester Scholars born in London, but a Nicholas Harpysfield was born at Wishford in 1474, a student of Bologna, and went on pilgrimage to Rome. The writer would like to hear something more about this family.
    May have died 1583. 
    Harpsfield, Nicholas (I07524)
    21 ....Sir Henry Goodricke notified the newly elected member Sir John Reresby in December 1674 that: "Wee both have the satisfaction to be asured that Sir James Long and his son have both forfeited their interest with Coll. Strangeways; the father by high unkindnesse and folly, the son by hard usage of his wife, who has betaken herselfe wholy to her father's (Strangeways) house, and by the foolish losse of £15,000 in one year at play, in so much that hee dare not stirr out of his house in the country"....
    Strangways, Susanna (I09698)
    22 ....This moiety evidently passed from the Norton family to the family of Okedenin the latter half of the 16th century and in 1604 wasconveyed by Sir William Okeden to Sir WilliamDodington of Breamore.(fn.10) By 1624, however, it had been again acquired by William Okeden under conditions appointed in the conveyance,(fn.11) and in 1670 his descendant, also William Okeden, pleaded before the justice seat held at Lyndhurst, though apparently without warrant, the right to claim estovers, and to be quit of the expeditation of his dogs in the New Forest by virtue of the charter of Henry III mentioned above. (fn. 12) From this date Linwood is not mentioned by name, its existence being merged in the Okedens' manor of Ellingham (q.v.).
    From: 'Parishes: Linwood', A History of the County of Hampshire: Volume 4 (1911), pp. 629-630. URL: Date accessed: 18 March 2012.

    William Parry Okeden, Esq., of Turnworth, Dorsetshire, is the representative of that branch of the Uvedale family, being descended from Elizabeth, sole daughter and heiress of George Uvedale, who married,. in 1598, William Okeden, Esq.(See pedigree.)

    Like Ellingham(q.v.) the Punchardon moiety of Harbridge passed to the Okedens, (fn. 33) and in 1604 William Okeden sold it to Thomas Worsley,(fn.34) who died seised in 1620,(fn.35)
    ...At his death in 1558, Henry having predeceased him, John Okeden left the manor to his grandson William son and heir of his son Philip. (fn.50) In 1604 William Okeden son of the last-named William sold the manors of North Ashley and Somerley to Sir William Dodington of Breamore, (fn. 51)

    Exch. Inq. p.m. (Ser. 2), file 1000, no.7.
    In 1598 Philip Okeden diedseised, as tenant in chief, of the manor of North Ashley and Penn, which may perhaps be identified with Somerley. William Okeden junior was his nephew(? grandson) and heir (Chan. Inq. p.m.[Ser. 2], cclii, 50).
    From: 'Parishes: Harbridge', A History of the County of Hampshire: Volume 4 (1911), pp. 604-606. URL: Date accessed: 18 March 2012.

    Will of Brigett Okeden, Widow of Ringwood, Hampshire 24 May 1622 PROB 11/139
    Will of Robert Okeden of Saint Gregory, City of London 28 September 1593 PROB 11/82
    Will of Edmund Okeden of Moore Critchell, Dorset 22 January 1657 PROB 11/261
    Okeden, William (I10042)
    23 ...A daughter of Oliver St. John was Lady Abbesse of Shaftesbury Abbey, elected 9th March 1460 and Abbess in 1480.

    Abbess of Shaftsbury:
    ...The voting body at the election of Edith Bonham in 1441 consisted of forty-one professed sisters and fourteen awaiting profession (tacite professae); (fn. 82) the total number at the election of Margaret St. John in 1460 was fifty-one; (fn. 83) at the election of Margaret Twyneo in 1496 twenty-five professed sisters and eleven not yet professed are mentioned; (fn. 84) at the election of Elizabeth Shelford, 1504, twenty-eight professed and twenty-two tacitly professed voted. (fn. 85) The surrender deed of the abbey on its dissolution gives the names of fiftyfive sisters besides the abbess and prioress. (fn. 86) From: 'House of Benedictine nuns: The abbey of Shaftesbury', A History of the County of Dorset: Volume 2 (1908), pp. 73-79. URL: Date accessed: 12 June 2008. 
    St. John, Margaret (I04597)
    24 ...An Ordinance was brought in, for appointing Mr.Thomas Woodrooffe Master of Arts, to be Rector and Parson of Chartam, in the County of Kent; which was read, and Agreed to, and Ordered to be sent to theHouse of Commons, for their Concurrence therein.
    From: 'House of Lords Journal Volume 8: 26 March 1646', Journal of the House of Lords: volume 8: 1645-1647 (1767-1830), pp. 236-239. URL: Date accessed: 20 December 2011. 
    Woodroffe, James (I09526)
    25 ...The will of Sir John Audley, dated 12 January 1527 and proved 6 June 1532, indicates that his son, Richard, had predeceased him, leaving a son, John Audley. In 1531 Roger Townshend (d.1551), who had married Amy Brewse, the granddaughter of Sir Thomas Brewes (d. 17 June 1482) by his first wife, Margaret Calthorpe, sold the wardship of John Audley to Elizabeth de Vere (d.1537), Countess of Oxford, for £300, while keeping the wardship of Edmund Audley, John’s younger brother, for himself (see Moreton, pp. 6, 96,125). By the time Elizabeth (d.1542), widow of Thomas Blake, esquire, and the second wife of Sir John Audley (d. 18 April 1530) made her will on 30 April 1541, Richard Audley’s son, John Audley, appears to have died. For the will of Sir John Audley (d. 18 April 1530), see TNA PROB 11/24, ff. 112-13. For the will of Elizabeth Blake Audley (d.1542), see TNA PROB 11/29, f. 3;( Audley, Richard (I09853)
    26 ...William was born on 3rd March 1611 and Christened at St Andrew's, Holborn, London. His parents were William Dobson and Alice Barnes, who married at Allhallows Honey Lane, London, in 1605. William was one of around eight or nine children, the last of whom, Abraham, was born in 1623. William Sr was a 'Gentleman' of some money, but he appears to have wasted his estate, dying in 1626, and, as noted by the antiquarian author, John Aubrey, due to 'spending his estate luxuriously upon women, necessity forced his son William Dobson to be the most excellent painter England hath yet bred'.

    William Jr was apprenticed to William Peake, a Stationer, and later worked with German artist Francis Cleyn. By the early 1630s his apprenticeship had ended and he was possibly married, as there is a record of an 'Elizabeth Dobson, wife of William' buried at St Martin-in-the-Fields churchyard in 1634. Little is known of his works or life during this decade, and very few paintings have been identifed as his from this period. The IGI (International Genealogical Index) notes that a William Dobson married Judeth Sander on 18th December 1637, at St Bride Fleet St, London. No definite record of any children from this marriage has been found, but it is intriguing that the IGI also notes the Christening of a Katherin Dobson in 1639, born to 'William Dobson' and 'Judith'.

    By late 1641/early 1642, through circumstances that are unclear, William was in Oxford, the Royalist headquarters of King Charles I during the Civil War. He was employed as the official painter to the King, replacing the Flemish artist, Anthony van Dyck, who had died the previous year. ...Dobson's best works seem to have been undertaken during the years 1644/45, and the full and three-quarter length portraits are dated to this period. After 1645, the paintings are mainly head-and-shoulder works, using very thin paint and plain backgrounds. ..
    When Oxford finally fell to the Parliamentarians in 1646, William returned to his house in St Martin's Lane, London. Evidence suggest that at some point after this he was jailed for debts, and a 1695 comment concerning him would seem to support this, stating that he 'was somewhat loose and irregular in his way of Living.' Whatever the reason for his financial situation, on his release William returned to St Martin's Lane, dying there in 'great poverty' in October 1646. He was buried at St Martin-in-the-Fields.

    Daughter's Marriage:
    London: - Marriage Licences, 1611-1828
    Marriage Licences Granted by the Bishop of London.
    County: London
    Country: England
    27 Nov 1661 Thomas Pomfrett, of Luton, co. Beds, Clerk, Bachelor, & Catherine Dobson, Spinster, dau. of William Dobson, late of St Andrew's, Holborn, London, decd; at St Mary, Savoy, Middlesex.
    Dobson, William (I05224)
    27 ..Mastership of the Tents was given to Henry Sackford of the Privy Chamber...

    Possibly buried Clerkenwel St James, London: "buried 16.10.1610 Sir Henry Sackford, knight"

    "Herbert Croft's Repulse" by WJ Tighe - 1985 -
    .....Henry Sackford (d. 1610), -groom of the privy chamber, 1558-1603; keeper of the privy purse,1569-1603; master of the tents, halls and pavilions, 1603-10; ...
    Sackford, Henry (I09776)
    28 06.07.1593 Old Mistress Jaye buried (Farnham St Andrew)

    Covenant with schedule annexed 1) Elizabeth Jaye of Badshott, Farnham, widow and executrix of Benedict Jaye, esq 2) Francis Jaye, gent, son of Elizabeth. Elizabeth gives all her goods and chattels to Francis on condition that he will bind himself to pay and deliver the monies and chattels named in the schedule to the persons therein named. With bond by Francis Jaye to George More to keep the covenants LM/348/201/1-2 15 Feb 1589 -18 Feb 1589

    Pulleyne, Elizabeth (I10752)
    29 08 Nov 1628 Richard Cressett, Gent., Bachelor, 21, son & heir of Edward Cressett, Esq., of Upton Cressett, co. Salop, who consents, & Jane Uxeley, of Edmonton, Middlesex, Spinster, 18, dau. of George Uxley, of same, Esq., decd; consent of her mother The Lady Needham alias Uxley; at Edmonton aforesaid. Book: Burials. Collection: London: - Marriage Licences, 1611-1828

    Prenuptial settlement of Rd Cressett and Jane Huxley 5460/3/12 20 October 4 Charles I [1628]
    Huxley, Jane (I05576)
    30 1 April 1610: release by Nicholas St John, gentleman, son of Oliver St John, esquire, and Margaret his wife, daughter of John Love, of Winchelsea, merchant, deceased. (Sussex Archaeological Society Papers). St. John, Nicholas (I09834)
    31 1 May, 12 James I [A.D. 1614].
    William Gardiner of Clerkenwell, joiner, for breaking into the house of Lady Rebecca Sackford, widow, at the same, about twelve o'clockat night, and stealing a brass kettle worth -, a spit worth 2s. 6d.,three pieces of iron worth 12d., a looking-glass, worth 4s., six pieces of lead worth -, and a book worth 12d. belonging to the said Lady Sackford.
    Not guilty.
    Prosecutors:-William Powell of "St. Jones," yeoman, servant to the said Lady Sackford, Ann Fullett. Sess. Roll 530/58, 110. G.D.R. 2/17d.

    From: 'Sessions, 1614: 5 and 6 May', County of Middlesex. Calendar to the sessions records: new series, volume 1: 1612-14 (1935), pp. 400-452. URL: Date accessed: 01 February 2012.

    Brandon, Rebecca (I09774)
    32 11 Nov 1749 The will of John Wall father of Amy: mentions husband Joseph Child and 5 granddaughters, including Frances Child.

    21 May 1751 Will of John Wall proved at Oxford by Joseph Child son in law. Admon.

    Wall, John (I05650)
    33 14 May 1807 Will PROB 11/1461 Anne HOPKINS, Wife of Cholsey, Berkshire.
    Hopkins, Richard (I07622)
    34 1437.Oct-Nov
    Membrane 28.
    Robert Treage or Treyage of Kilqwyt,Kilquyt,Kylquit,Kylqwyte or
    Quylquyteo,of Trenge or Treyage,co. Cornwall, gentilman or esquire, for not appearing before the same to answer Thomas Ecyngham of Echyngham,knight, touchinga plea of debt of 20L ; or when sued 'with John Mayowe of Smalehill, Co Cornwall,'gentilman,' to answer John Tredewey,citizen and skinner of London,touchinga plea, of debt of 2;V.; or to answer John Cory of Laimston touchinga like plea of S/. ; Richard Nordon, citizen and tailor of London, touchinga, like plea of ±1. ISs. ; Robert Umfravyle, knight, John Iwardby, gentilman, and Roland Tempest,touching a like plea of 50 marks....

    "In the parish church of Great Missenden is a brass, dated 1436, to John
    Iwardby and Katherine his wife, daughter of Bernard de Missended,'patron of the Abbey of Missended' (Royal Commission of Histor. Mon. England, Bucks. S., p. 171)."

    National Archives:
    Chancery: Inquisitions Post Mortem, Series II, and... C 142/1/10 John Iwardby, esquire: Buckinghamshire . Detailed descriptions at item level. Items are dated by the date of the writ, but some inquests were held in succeeding regnal years. This is reflected in the range of covering Date: 1485 - 1486 Source: The Catalogue of The National Archives
    Iwardby, John (I01884)
    35 1482 Trinity, “Christopher Tropenell (son of Thomas T.)” admitted to Lincoln’s Inn. (S) The Records of the Honorable Society of Lincoln’s Inn, 1896, P22.

    1488, Christopher, age 25 and more at the IPM of his father.

    Bristol and Gloucestershire Archaeological Society Transactions - Bristol and Gloucestershire Archaeological Society (Volume 23)
    ....At the north-east corner of the same chantry is the only other tomb of the Tropenells, and its identification has not, I believe, hitherto been established. It is that of Christopher (son of the above) and of his wife Anne, second daughter of Nicholas Carewe and Margaret his wife. This Margaret was daughter of Edward Langford, and formerly wife of John(?)Carant, and after the death of Carewe, of John(?)Twynyhoo. This lady, after her triple experience of matrimony, retired from the world as a religious member of the Cistercian nunnery of Tarant, Dorset; and in her will, bearing date July 21st, 1500, and proved March 4th, 1501, after arranging for her own burial at the Grey Friars, Reading, near the tomb which she made there over her father and mother, and providing masses, etc., for all her husbands, makes mention of Nicholas Carewe, her son, and of Ann Tropenell, her daughter, to whom she bequeaths "my coler of goold with panyers and flowers, my grettest herneys of goold, and my next best primer."

    The arms of Carewe are : "Or, three lions passant in pale, sable, armed and langued, gules "; and these are to be seen on the tomb, which may be thus shortly described. It is of smaller size than that of Thomas Tropenell, about 6 ft. long, but of the same character, and being in the angle of the building only two sides are visible. On the south or long side are three shields, namely: (1) Tropenell, (2) Tropenell impaling Carewe, (3) Carewe. At the west is the shield of Carewe alone. The identification of the tomb is further established from the following wills: - Christopher Tropenell, of Great Chafield, etc., whose will is dated March 5th, 16 H. VII. (1501), but which is without probate certificate - he died soon after -September 29th, 1503, - directed his body to be buried at Corsham, " in my father's chamber of our Lady in the north side of the chapel forth yenst 1 my father's tomb, in a tomb of marble, if that I die within 24 miles of Corsham, and of none iinfectious disease." There may be a little uncertainty as to whether he did die within the limits, and was buried here in the first instance. For in the will of " dame" Anne Tropenell, widow, late wife of Christopher Tropenell, Esq., deceased, dated December 19th, 6 H. VTII (1514), and proved October 23rd, 9 H. VIII. (1517), after providing for her own burial, "in the parish church of Corsham in the N. end of the altar in our Lady's chapel wherein the body of Thomas Tropenell father of the said Christopher lieth buried," towards the end she arranged for masses in the church, where the bones of her said husband " be or shall be buried, for his soul, my soul," etc. This clause, as also that giving directions for her own burial, may seem to indicate that the body of Christopher was not at Corsham when she made her will, and to contemplate a removal from some other church. However this may be, we can scarcely doubt that the remains of both Christopher and of dame Anne his widow were deposited under this second tomb."

    "Thomas Tropenell died in 1488 holding the manor of Great Chalfield of the Duchy of Lancaster as of the honour of Trowbridge, for the service (as it was said)of being constable of Trowbridge castle. (fn. 56) He was succeeded by his son Christopher, who died in 1503, leaving a son Thomas, a minor. (fn. 57) Part of the manor was assigned in dower to Anne, relict of Christopher. (fn. 58) In 1511, while still under age, Thomas Tropenell married Eleanor, daughter of Sir Thomas Englefield of Englefield (Berks.). (fn. 59) Thomas made proof of his age in 1519, and in 1523 granted the manor to Thomas Englefield, serjeant-at-law, for the performance of his will. (fn. 60) He died in 1547, having settled Great Chalfield upon himself, his wife, and their issue, with remainderto his sisters. (fn. 61) Giles son of Thomas succeeded hisfather and died still a minor in 1553. (fn. 62) The manor passed to his four sisters, Anne wife of John Eyre,Elizabeth wife of William Charde, Eleanor wife of Andrew Blakman, and Mary Tropenell. (fn. 63)"

    From: 'Parishes: Great Chalfield', A History of the County of Wiltshire: Volume 7 (1953), pp. 59-66. URL: Date accessed: 24 October 2011. 
    Tropnell, Christopher (I04678)
    36 1485, Anne, aged 22, coheir at the death of her brother Nicholas Carew, “wife of Christopher Tropenell.”. Anne received Sulham Manor, Berkshire as her share.
    1504-1515, “William Hall and Elizabeth, his wife, daughter of Christopher Tropenell, gentleman, and defendant. v. Anne, late the wife of the said Christopher.: Profits of divers manors, lands, &c., of the said Christopher charged by his will with marriage portions for his daughters.: Wilts, Somerset, Dorset.” National Archives

    12/19/1514, Anne, widow of Christopher Tropenell, son of Thomas, willed that Thomas’ bequest to the Parish Church of St. Bartholomew, Corsham, Wilts., be maintained by her executors. [Anne states that her son Thomas is a minor.]

    FILE - Writ to the sheriff of Surrey to compel Richard Carew to return the manors of Beddington, Bandon and Norbury claimed by John Iwardby and Sarcha his wife, Walter Twynyho and Eliz. his wife, Chris. Tropenell and Anne his wife. - ref. 25/3/2 - date: 8 May 8 Henry VII [1493]

    FILE - Note of grounds of claim of John Iwardby to the manors of Beddington, Bandon and Norbury and to £10 rent in Croydon, in the possession of Richard Carew. - ref. 25/3/5 - date: n.d. [c1494]

    In the will of " dame" Anne Tropenell, widow, late wife of Christopher Tropenell, Esq., deceased, dated December 19th, 6 H. VTII (1514), and proved October 23rd, 9 H. VIII. (1517), after providing for her own burial, "in the parish church of Corsham in the N. end of the altar in our Lady's chapel wherein the body of Thomas Tropenell father of the said Christopher lieth buried," 
    Carew, Anne (I04677)
    37 1541
    William Gascoign de Gawkethorp, senr., kt., and John Gascoign his son, Robert Tomlynson, son of Thomas Tomlynson de Staynburn Messuage with lands in Bradford, called Dragonhall and Rygton.

    From: 'Yorkshire Fines: 1541-45', Feet of Fines of the Tudor period [Yorks]: part 1: 1486-1571 (1887), pp. 91-119. URL: Date accessed: 18 January 2012.

    (Which William? No mentioned of son John for William of Gawthorpe.) 
    Gascoigne, William (I09740)
    38 1552, “Ayssheforth, Nicholas Esq; … husband of Margaret daughter and heir of John Tregarthen Esq

    National Archives:
    no title] 48/13/1/1/2a-b April 1534. 26 Henry VIII
    (a) Deed to lead the Uses of a feoffment, dated 12 April 1534.
    (b) Deed of Feoffment, dated 15 April 1534 [annexed to (a)]. (fragmentary).
    (1) Robert Cary, Senior of Cokengton, Esq.
    (2) Thomas Ponyngis, Knight
    Nicholas Ayssheford senior, Esq.
    Hugh Paulet, Esq.
    Leonard Chamberlayn, Esq.
    Robert Pagnam, gent.
    and Robert Cary, junior.
    Manors of Clovellye alias Clovelle, Cokengton, Chilston alias Chylliston, Cary, Northliew, Highawnton, Halwyll alias Hayghwyll, West Wanford and Hayne and Loddeford with all appurtenances. Also, all messuages, lands, tenements, water mills, woods, rents, reversions and appurtenances in the Parishes of Clovelle, Cokengton, Northelewe, St. Giles, Higheawnton, Halwyll alias Hayghwyll, West Wanford in Milton Damarell, Hayne and Luden in parish of Morton, Heddon and Langdon in Sutcombe, Lutterford in the parish of North Bovy, Loddeford in Shebbear, Venne in Beaworthy, Great Torryton, Schepewayche, Monnkeokehampton, Holdisworthy and Hertlond, and the advowsons of the Churches of Clovelle and Higheawnton. Beaworthy; Bovey, North; Clovelly; Cockington; Halwill; Hartland; Holsworthy; Lew, North; Moretonhampstead; Milton Damarel; Monkokehampton; Shebbear; Sheepwash; Sutcombe; Torrington, Great.
    Ascheford, Nicholas (I09997)
    39 1557. LADY JOAN WADHAM. [19 Wrastlev.J July 22nd, 1557. Dame Jone, Lady Wadham of Meryfeld, co. Somerset, wydowe. My body to be buried in the parish church of liton if it please God to call me from my house of Meryfyld. To the cathedral church of Wells I2rf. To the churches of Ilton, Whitlackyngton, Abbotes lie and Fyffet a noble apiece. To my son Christofer Cheverel the elder and to Christopher Cheverell the younger, son and heir apparent of the said Christopher Cheverell the elder, my basen and ewer of silver for my will is that the said basen and ewer should always remain to the heirs of the house of Chauntmarell. Whereas my said son Christopher Cheverell hath received of me ^100 and above and hath as yet made none accompt unto me for the same, I bequeath unto him all the said sum. To my daughter Elizabeth Cheverell two of my best gowns and kyrtilles. To Jane Wogan, widowe, as well £1, for payment whereof she standeth bound to me, as also all other money that she had of me. I will that 300 marks be received out of my stockes and stores of goods for the marriage and preferment of Philipp Cheverell my said son's youngest daughter ; my servants William Bevin and Marten Poster to have the custody of the said money until her marriage and if she die, to divide it amongst her brothers. I will that my said son Christopher Cheverell, William Bevin and Martyn Poster shall have the Wardeshipp of my warde Edward Barough, and that he shall be kept to scoole and virtuously brought up until he be 21 years of age, and if he marry with their goodwill and consent then I bequeath to the said Edward his Wardeshipp and all the appurtenances and comodities thereunto belonging; and if he do not, then all such sums of money or other comodities that ought to come to me by reason of the said Wardeshipp shall revert unto Tiarfea Barough his sister. To the said Edward all such rents as I have collected upon the land of the said Edward by reason that I was Wardeyne in Socage unto him, the deductions that I have made for his meat, drink, apparel! and teaching according to one booke of Accompte my Bayliffes and me thereof made, only excepted. If he die before the said age, the said Barba his sister shall have all the said superplussage that shall remain of the said rents. To the said Barba 500. ' if she contract matrimoni or promys her self in marrge to any man before the full age of 20 years with the goodwill of my son John Wadham Esquier, the said Christopher Cheverell, William Bevin and Martyn Pester. If she die before the said age and not be married the said £500 shall remain to the said Edward her brother. I will that the said ,£500 shall remain in the custody of the said William Bevin and Martyn Fester to whose honest keeping I have committed the said Barbara. To the said Edward Barough one standing cup and my best pair of vestments. To Florens Wadham six yards of black sattyn to make her a gown. To Marye Bevin my best woursted gowne. To Jone of Shapwick and Jone Santer 20s. each. To my servants with me at the time of my death, as follows : - William Bevin, and Martyn Pester £6 1 3J. $d. each. Richard Manering £3 6s. %d., the Scole M r . 40J., Robert Taylor, John Goghe, and Richard Horsman 40J. each, Thomas Hurman, Anthony the Coke, and Henry the boye of the kyching, 20j. each, John Thome, and John Baker 6s. $d. each, Philyce, 401., Old Jone 40s. Jone Sweltman 20s, To Alice Pester a standing bedstedd and a fetherbedd which are at the personage of Ramsham with the hangings of my house that were at Maydnewton. Memorandum : that where my cosyn George Payne hath laid certain lands unto me in Morgage upon condition that if he or his executors repaid not £103 6s. %d. unto me at a day appointed, as by one pair of Indentures bearing date November 4th last past more plainly it doth appear, then the said lands to be and remain to me and my heirs forever, I will that the said lands shall remain to my executors for the performance of my will. Whereas I have made covenant with one Henry Reynold for £6 i$s. qd., his meate, drynke, and lodgyng, a studye gowne of Fryse and a cote of good brode clothe to teche the said Edward Barough 3 whole years to begin at the feast of St Michael next coming, for the performance whereof I have caused the said Henry Reynold to be bound unto the said William Bevin and Martyn Pester, I will that they shall yearly not only provide an honest convenient place for the said Henry Reynold to instruct and teach the said Edward Barough in, but also pay quarterly for the same out of all such issues as ought to come to me by reason of the said Wardeshipp. To my said son Christopher Cheverell the elder £20. To Christopher Cheverell the younger .£20. To Nicholas Cheverell, Hugh Cheverell, John Cheverell the elder, Robert Cheverell, and John Cheverell the younger £10 each. To the said Barbara Baroughe one peace of playn red to make her two peticotes. To my daughter Elizabeth Cheverell three yardes of fync brode blacke. To John Surgion £1 6s. %d. Isabell Soper all such money as John Soper of Speckington her father doth owe me, my cousin Thomas Lyte £30, Phillipp Cheverell one peace of brode Russett cloth, Sir Thomas Stuckey vicar of Ilton 4OJ., Alice Pester one litle sylver salte with a cover. To the said Barbara Baroughe one litle spruse coffer full of stuf that is in my closett and one other spruse coffer that is at the parsonage at Ransham, and one great cheste there. To the said Edward Baroughe xj newe Cuysshens wrought wyth medle whereof ij are unstuffed and also ij litle carpettes of lyke worke. All the rest of my stuff of Ransham to my servants William Bevyn and Martyn Pester. I will that my body be honestly brought in earth and for the more better doing thereof I will £30 be bestowed in black cloth to make gownes and cotes, and £200 delte to the poor at my buriall, monthes mynde and twelve monthes ende, and if any remain it shall be bestowed upon the highe wayes. The residue to the said Christopher Cheverell, Willfn Bevyn and Martyn Pester (executors) to fyndc a preste praying for my soule and my late husband's, Sir Nicholas Wadham and other of my frendes in such church as I shall be buried, for one whole year and to have £10 for his wages. Overseers : my said son John Wadham and George Speake, Esquyer. In witness whereof I have set my seal, the day and year abovesaid, at my house of Meryffyld in the presence of John Wadham Esquyer, Edward Barough, and Richard Maneringe, gentillmen. Proved August 30th, 1557.

    Sentence of Dame Joan Wadham, Widow Date 22 June 1563 Catalogue reference PROB 11/46
    Lyte, Joan (I04894)
    40 1565 Visitation of Wiltshire:
    NICHOLAS of Coate.
    Arms :- Quarterly ; and Crest as under Nicholas of Randway, on each
    a mullet for difference.
    Thomas Nicholas of Cote, co. Wilts, third son of Robert Nicholas of Cote, mar. Edith, da. of John Bunion of Alcannynge, co. afs'd, and by her had issue, - Robert, son and heir ; Jone ; and Elizabeth.
    Nicholas, Thomas (I04395)
    41 1576-7. 2 Jan. Commission to Elizabeth Gresham, natural and lawful daughter of the sayd Catherine Gresham, widow, late of the parish of St. Michael Basinghawe to admmister.

    Will of Elizabeth Gresham, Fulham Middlesex, 1615.
    Why use surname Gresham not Plumbe? Wrong person?

    Fullham Church, Middlesex:
    On a slab of alabaster on south wall over the west door; above, are the Arms of Gresham, impaling Dormer quarterly : - Monuments Edmundi Gresham filii natu Minimi Johannis Gresham de Mayfield ar. migeri qui obiit 7® die Maii, Anno Domini 1593, Annoque ^tatis suse 16.

    Against the north wall of the tower, on a large mural monument, with stone base and marble Corinthian columns, is this inscription : - Sacrum MemorisB Gulielmi Plumbe Armigeri et Elizabethse Uxoris ejusdem. Guliebnus Plumbe Klius et Hseres Joan- nis Plumbe de Eltham Armigeri Du- as XJxores duxit ; morem Margaretam Filiam et Unicam HsBredem Thomse Nevill Equitis quam Robertus South- well Eques viduam Beliquerat, Ex qua nuUam prolem Genuit. Alteram Eliza- betham, ex qua unicus filius natus est Franciscus Plumbe. Elizabetha unica Filia et Hseres Edvardi Dormer de Fulham Armigeri, Filii natu minimi Galfridi Dormer de Thame Armigeri. Priorem conjugem habuit Johannem Gresham, de Majrfield in Comitatu Sussexise Armigerum et secundum fi- lium Johannis Gresham Equitis (quon- dam Majoris London) cui tres peperit filios Thomam Gulielmum et Edvar- dum Gresham, eo defuncto Gulielmum Plumbe praedictum conjugem accepit. Gulielmus Plumbe, obiit 9 die Febr. Anno 1593. ^tatis suss 60.

    National Archives:
    Articles of agreement 1) Thomas Morison [Morrison] of Sandon, Herts, esq 2) Thomas Gresham of Fulham, Middx, esq. Gresham to join with Morison in recognizance to borrow £900 for Morison's use until the marriage of Charles Morison and Penelope Gresham. LM/1083/14/2 8 Nov 1608

    Re-conveyance of property conveyed in trust 1) John Brasshead of Fulham, Middx, yeoman 2) Thomas Gresham of the same, esq. Messuage and lands in Fulham, lately belonging to Elizabeth Plumbe. LM/1083/24 25 Jul 1618
    Dormer, Elizabeth (I09662)
    42 1576-7. 2 Jan. Commission to Elizabeth Gresham, natural and lawful daughter of the sayd Catherine Gresham, widow, late of the parish of St. Michael Basinghawe to admmister.

    Text: So seised, the said John Gresham together with Katherine his wife by charter dated 07 Jul [1554],2 Mary granted to the said Richard Roper and Heline his wife and to the heirs of the said Richard for ever all the said premises. Book: Index to Wills Proved and Administrations Granted in the Commissary Court of the manor of Evington, 1581-1800. Collection: London: - Inquisitiones Post Mortem, City of London, 1577-1603
    Sampson, Katherine (I06542)
    43 1578 - Francis Shirley esq. Died 20 Mar 1578. Heir son Thomas esq age 21 and more- Sussex Post Mortem Inquisitions 1485-1649

    Francis Sherley, esquire.
    Died; 24 March, 20th Elizabeth (1578). Son and heir; Thomas Sherley esq.; age, 21 and upwards.
    Inq : at Lewes. 9 September 20th Elizabeth.
    Jurors; John Tuppyn John Frend Richard Colvell Richard Ersey John Smyth of Mousecombe Thomas Amoore Richard Cooke Thomas Maynarde, John Holter Peter Crane Paul Cheale Henry Hawle John Ampleford John Inkersall.
    Francis Sherley was seised of the manor of Bodington in Wyston; and of a messuage and certain lands and tenements called Courtlandes containing 70 acres of land in Westgrensted; and of certain lands and tenements in Westgrensted called Paynes Feyldes containing 26 acres ; and of a tenement containing 40 acres of land called Tucknames in Westgrensted; and of a capital messuage and 4 other messuages 4 woods 1 water-mill 2 pigeon-houses 500 acres of land 100 acres of meadow 500 acres of pasture 200 acres of wood and 100 acres of heath and brushwood called Westgrensted House the Parke Whytfeyld Spoles Feyldes Pypers Scoriers Herlandfeyldes Herland meades Fales Fales meades Hosecroftes Fullers Poyntelles Bokers Westlandes Lewkenors and Porters; and of a messuage and a garden in Horseham; and of 2 messuages 2 gardens 1 croft containing 15£ acres of land in Launcynge; and of a burgage in Steynynge; and of the manor of Hatherley 2 tofts 300 acres of land 100 acres of meadow 200 acres of pasture in Maberton in Somerset.
    The manor of Bodington is held of Queen in chief by service of the sixteenth part of a knight's fee ; and is worth £6. 13. 4. Courtlandes and Paynes Feyldes are held of the Queen in chief by service of the fiftieth part of a knight's fee; and are worth 36s. 8d. Tucknams is held of the Queen in chief by service of the hundredth part of a knight's fee ; and is worth 8s. A part of the messuages &c in Westgrinsted is held of Philip Earl of Surrey as of his Honor of Bramber by fealty and by what other services they do not know; another part is held of William West, knight, Lord La Warre as of his manor of Somptinge Welde by fealty and by what other services they do not know ; and the remainder is held of Thomas Browne, knight, as of his manor of Chauncketon by fealty and by what other services they do not know; and the whole is worth £10. The messuage in Horseham is held of the Queen as of her manor of Westgrenewyche in free socage and not in chief by fealty only; and is worth 6s. 8d. The 2 messuages &c in Launcynge are held of the Queen as of her manor of Howcourt in free socage and not in chief by fealty and by what other services they do not know; and are worth 16s. 8d. The burgage in Steynynge is held of Philip Earl of Surrey as of his borough of Steynynge in free burgage by fealty and by what other services they do not know; and is worth 6s. 8d. The manor of Hatherley is held of the Queen by service of the sixth part of a knight's fee; and is worth £6. 13. 4.(C vol 183 No. 65; W. L vol 20, p. 54.)
    Shirley, Francis (I09990)
    44 1587 Sir Richard Berkeley [Kd 1/1] 1587/8 Gloucestershire Archives 489
    Grant of the manor of Woodford, and release of all claim to it, by Sir Maurice Berkeley to Dame Eleanor Roe, widow of Sir Thomas Roe, in return for release by her of arrears of rent (secured on Sir Maurice Berkeley's estates) due to Sir Thomas Roe (whose executrix she is) and to Dame Eleanor.
    Berkeley, Richard (I08753)
    45 15th Earl of Ormonde Butler, John (I02715)
    46 1606 PCC Will of Thomas Sherly of West Grinstead, Sussex, esquire - 12 May 1606 - to be buried in my chancell in the church of West Grinstead next unto the place where my father hath. I give and bequeath unto Cisily Sherly my daughter. I bequeath unto Barbary Sherly my youngest daughter my farme unto of late in the occupation of John Spatchurk. Unto my aunt Blanche Newman 40 shillings per year. My cousin Elizabeth Baker. Two daughters executors. Overseer my uncle Richard Blunt esq of Deadsene in Sussex and my cosen Anthony Sherly esq of Preston in Sussex. No probate.

    1607 PCC Sentence of Thomas Shirley of West Grinstead, Sussex. - Cecilia Snellinge als Sherley wife of George Snelling daughter and exutrix of Thomas Sherley. Challenged by Phillippa Sherley relict of Thomas Sherley deceased, Richard Sherley brother, and Elizabeth Wiborne als Sherley sister and Richard Blunt. Executrixes of the will were Cecile Snelling als Sherley and Barbara Sherley. John Amye, Thomas Talbott, Thomas Edwarde, Blanche Jesoppe, Legnn Decrexibe, Johnanna Burroughe, Edward Saye, Jacob Jrland and William Milbunrye notary.16 May 1607 PROB 11/109

    1606 - Thomas Shirley esq of West Grinstead. Inquest dated 31 Aug 1606. Died 20 May last. Coheirs Cecily and Barbara - Sussex Post Mortem Inquisitions 1485-1649
    Shirley, Thomas (I09993)
    47 1618-1680 PORTRAIT OF JANE WEBB (D. 1669) three-quarter length, seated in a landscape, wearing a brown dress with blue and gold robes inscribed on the relining:
    Smith sister to John Smith/(Speaker of the House of Commons) &/ Dame Ann Dashwood and/Mother to General Webb oil on canvas, in a carved wood frame The sitter was the daughter of John Smith of South Tidworth, Wiltshire. She married Colonel Edmund Richmond Webb of Redbourne Cheyney, Wiltshire. Their son John Richmond Webb (1667-1724), described 'as Paris Handsome and as Hector brave' was a distinguished General who fought with Lord Orkney and General Meredith for the Prince of Orange at Malplaquet. Her brother John (1656-1723) was Chancellor of the Exchequer from 1699 until 1701, and Speaker of the House of Commons under Queen Anne's second Parliament from 1705 until 1708. Her sister Anne married Sir Samuel Dashwood who was Lord Mayor of London from 1702 until 1703.

    (no image found to date)

    Smith, Jane (I00178)
    48 1707: Paul Townsend, of Church Lambourn, & Mary Arnell, of Abvery Groom's Name: Paul Townsend Groom's Birth Date: Groom's Birthplace: Groom's Age: Bride's Name: Mary Arnell Bride's Birth Date: Bride's Birthplace: Bride's Age: Marriage Date: 1707 Marriage Place: Saint Mary, Marlborough, Wiltshire, England
    Townsend, Paul (I08901)
    49 175. On a large stone tablet with a shaped head against the South Westt corner of the nave, with two small brackets under:

    More MaIorum
    Extra Urbis Pomœriæ
    Iuxta Viam Publicam
    In Tumulo Editiore
    Heic Prope Inhumari Voluit
    Anglus Christicolâ Legum Doctor
    Ex Antiqua Comitis Tanquervillae
    Prosapia Normannica Oriundus
    Oddingtoniæ Natus 1616
    Glocestriæ Grammaticâ
    Oxonil jurisprudentiâ
    Londini Humanitate
    Imbutus fuit
    Per Galliam, Hispaniam, Italiam, Hungariam
    Bohemian, utramque Germaniam, Daniam
    Et Sueciam
    Susannam Clifford ex Equestri Familia Prognata
    In Matrimonium Duxit 1658
    Novem Liberos genuit sex Libros composuit
    Tandem 1703 in Terram Oblivionis
    Benefaciendi universis etiam et posteris
    A deo Studiosus fuit, ut secum Condi
    [J]usserit Libros aliquot suos cerâ obvolutos
    Serae forsan Posteritati aliquando profuturos
    Abi Viator, facSimile
    Deus te Servet incolumem
    Hoc Monumentum
    Non impune Temerandum
    In Amoris Juxta ac mœroris Testimonium
    Poni curavit
    Gual. Harris
    Amicus. Amico

    On the lower portion of the last tablet is the following:
    Whereas the Above mentioned Edward Chamberlayne Did Intend by deed or Will to Settle A certain Annual sum upon this Parish for Charitable Uses his Son John in duty to his will & respect to his memory has given Ten Pounds per Ann. for Ever to pay for the instruction of five Poor Children Natives of this parish in the adjoyning Charity School and apprenticing one of ye Said Children yearly

    On a small pedimented tablet on the west side of the south door:
    Posteritate Sacrum
    Hic Iuxta situs est Peregrinus Clifford
    Chamberlayne Dux Marinus Filius natu
    Maximus Edvardi Chamberlayne
    Legum Doctoris
    Natus fuit Hagae Comitis 20° Jan. 1660
    Qui tum linguis scientiis liberalibus
    Studio legum municipalium artibus
    Pingendi, psallendi, digladiandi, modulandi
    terra et regiones dimetiendi
    Sed præ omnibus operam navigandi dedisset
    Quattuor mundi plagas lustrasset, regi
    Patriæ fideliter ac strenue contra Gallos
    Et Indos meruisset. Heu praemature in
    Terras oblivionis semigravit
    6. novem. 1691.
    Hoc monumentum non impune temerandum
    Poni curavit mœrens Pater

    Upon a strip of marble over the south door is the following inscription:
    Hic juxta in conditorio deponitur EDVARDUS CHAMBERLAYNE
    filius natu | minimus EDV. CHAM. L.L.Dris qui in scholâ westmon
    postea in academ Oxon | deinde in col. Templi interioris lond: educatus,
    tandem pro rege et patriâ contra gallos | per mare mereri maluit, ubi
    per septennium vitam agens marinam tum demum | fatale pleuritide
    intra quatriduum abreptus fuit optimæ spei iuvenis natus nono |
    kal. Octob. mdclxix denatus pridie idus Maii: mdcxcviii
    Hoc Monumentum poni curavit Pater moerens

    On a small tablet with a pediment over and two small brackets underthe tablet, on the east side of the south door:
    P. S.
    Hic Juxta in Conditorio iacet Anna
    Edwardi Chamberlayne ll.d. filia Unica
    Londini Nata xx° Ianuarii 1667
    Quæ diu spreto connubio Magnaque
    supra sexum et cetatem moliens
    xxx° Iunii. 1690
    Contra Francigenas Armis, habituque virili.
    In rate flammifera sex horas sub duce fratre
    Pugnavit dum virgo fuit dum casta virago
    Heroum poterat stirpem generare marinam
    Ni praematuris fatis abrepta fuisset
    Redux ab istâ navali pugnâ ac post aliquot
    menses nupta Joanni Spragg armigero
    quocum vixit amantissime sesquiannum tandem
    enixa filiam post paucos dies obiit
    xxxo octobris 1691
    hoc monumentum uxori charissimae nec non
    pudicissimæ poni curavit maritus

    On another larger stone tablet near the South East corner, resembling No. 175:
    near this place in a vault belonging to the Family lies interred the body of Susanna Chamberlayne late widow of Dr Edward Chamberlayne and only daughter of Richard Clifford Esq descended from the ancient and noble family of the Cliffords lords of Frampton in the County of Glocester aged sixty nine years and 3 months. She dyed the 17 of December in the Year of our Lord 1703

    From: 'Chelsea Old Church: Monuments in the churchyard', Survey of London: volume 7: Chelsea, part III: The Old Church (1921), pp. 62-83. URL: Date accessed: 30 December 2011. 
    Chamberlayne, Edward (I07978)
    50 1752 Skinner John, son of Thomas, Little Hinton, Wiltshire, farmer, to Jonathan Leigh, 9 Jan 1752, Tallow Chandlers' Company (Apprenticeship Index)

    Name: John Skinner Dates: 1776-1800 Location: London Occupation: tallow factor soap/candles/glue etc(s) Gender: Male Address:
    Address(Es): 20, Surry Street, Strand, London
    Occupation: Occupation(s): tallow factor, soap/candles/glue etc(s)
    Source Date: 1786 Source Info: Listed in Kent's Directory, 1786 ... 54th Edition, 1786, KENT, Henry. London Printed and Sold by Richard and Henry Causton (Successors to the late Mr. Henry Kent) at the Printing Office, No. 21 in Finch-lane near the Royal-Exchange

    Name: John Skinner Dates: 1776-1800 Location: London Occupation: tallow merchant soap/candles/glue etc(s) Gender: Male Address: Address(Es): 20, Surry Street, Strand, London Occupation: Occupation(s): tallow merchant, soap/candles/glue etc(s)
    Source Date: 1790 Source Info: Listed in Wakefield's Merchant and Tradesman's General Directory for London, [1790], WAKEFIELD. London

    National Archives:
    [no title] MS 11936/445/819635 20 July 1808
    Contents: Insured: John Skinner, Surry Street, Strand, gent
    Other property or occupiers: 19 and 20 Surry Street (West and others)
    Skinner, John (I06745)

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