Abt 1526 - 1572 (~ 46 years)
Name |
Wyndham, John |
Born |
Abt 1526 |
Of Felbrig, Norfolk, England |
Gender |
Male |
Buried |
25 Aug 1572 |
St Decumans, Watchet, Somerset, England |
Person ID |
I04872 |
My Genealogy |
Last Modified |
28 May 2015 |
Family |
Wadham, Florentina, b. Abt 1538, Of Merrifield, Somerset, England , bur. 26 Feb 1596, Watchet, Somerset, England (Age ~ 58 years) |
Married |
Abt 1556 |
England |
Children |
| 1. Wyndham, John, b. Abt 1560, Of Orchard Wyndham, Somerset, England , bur. 1 Apr 1645, Watchet, Somerset, England (Age ~ 85 years) |
Family ID |
F01194 |
Group Sheet | Family Chart |
Notes |
- Will of Sir John Wyndham or Windham of Saint Decumans, Somerset 28 April 1575 PROB 11/57
Will of John Windham or Wyndham of Saint Decumans, Somerset 24 October 1572 PROB 11/54
SIR THOMAS WYNDHAM, KNT. Thomas Wyndham, Knt.*at my manor of Felbrigge, 22d October, 1521. First, for the recommendacion of my soule into the moost mercifull hands of him that redemed me and made it, I make and say this my accustomed prayer. Do" mine Ihu Creste, qui me ex Nichelle Creasti, Fecisti, Redimisti, et PriBdestinasti ad hoc quod sum, Tu scis, quod de me facere vis. Face de me secundum Voluntatem tuam cum Miseracordia. Therfor do of me thy wylle, with grace, petie, and mercy, humbly and intirely I beseche the ; and into thy moost mercifull hands my soule [ commytte. And howe be it, as synfull creature^ in synns conceyved, and in synne have lyved; kn o win ge perfectly that of my merits I cannot atteyn to the lyfe everlastyng, but only by the merits of thy blissid passid, and passion, and of thyne infinite mercy and grace. Nevertheless my mercifull Redemer, Maker, and Savyour, I trust that by the speciall grace and mercy of thy blessyd mother, ever virgyn, our' Lady Mary, in whom, after the in this mortall lyfe, hath ben my moost singular trust and confidence, to whom in all my necessities I have made my contynuall refuge, and by whom I have hitherto ever had my speciall comfort and releef ; will in my moost extreme nede, of her infinite pitye, take my soule into her hands, and hit present unto her moost dere sonne ; whereof^ swete Lady of mercy, very mother and virgyn, well of petie, and surest refuge of all nedefull, moost humbly, most intirely, and roost hartely I beseche the, and for my comfort in this behalfe I trust. Also to the singular mediacions, and prayers of all the holy company of hevyn, aungells, arch- aungells, patriarches, prophets, apostells, evangelists, mar- tyres, confessoures, and virgynes ; and specially to myn accustomeed advourrys *, I call andcrye, Saint John Evan- gelist, Saint George, Saint Thomas of Canterbury, Saiut Margaret, Saint Kateryn, and Saint Barbara, humbly be- .«eche you, that not onlye at the houre of deth, soo too ayde, socour, and defend me ; that the auncyent and goostly enemy, nor noon other yll or dampnabell spirite, have power to invade me, nor with his tereablenes to anoye me ; but also with your holy prayers, to be intercessorice, and mediatrice, unto my Maker and Redemer, for the remyssion of my synnes, and salvacion of my soule ; and for as moche as J intende and purpose, to the honor of God, and our blessed Lady Saint Mary the Virgyn, to adowrne and vawghte a chapell, called our Lady Chapell, set and buylded at the estende of the quere, within sight of the mo- nastery of the Holy Trinitie, at the citie of Norwiche; and also to have in the same monastery, for the comforte of my soule, and remission of my synnes, a yerely memorial of my obyte, in perpetuum, I will and bequethe that whenso> ever it shall please my Savyer J'hu Crist, to call me owyte of this transitorye lyfe, my body be buryed in the mydst of the same Chapell of our blissed Lady, after my poor es- tate and substaunce that God hath gevyn me, without dampnable pomp, or superfluities. Where, uppon my body I woU have a tombe, as shall be thought convenient to myn executors, sufficiently large for me and my two wyfs, yf my wife Elizabeth woll be there buried. And as touching the funerall interment of my body, and charges of my sepulture, Iremitt it to the discrecion of my executors, desyring theym that it may be convenient after my littell substance. And in any wyse, I woll have a sermon made by a doctor of divinitie, at the mass of requiem. Also I will have immediatelie after my decesse, as shortly as may be possible a m masses to be said within the citie of Norwich, and other places, within the shire of Norfolk ; whereof I will have, in the honor of the blissed Trinitie, one hun- dreth; in honor of the five wounds of our Savyoar J'hu Crist, one hundreth ; in honour of the five joys of our blissed Lady, one hundrelh ; in the honor of the nine orders of Aungells, one hundreth ; in the honor of the Patriarchs, one hundreth ; in the honor of the twelve Apostells, one hun- dreth; in the honor of all Saints, one hundreth; of Re- quiem, one hundreth; in the honour of St. John the Evan-' gelist, thirty; in the honor of St. George, forty; in the ho- nor of St. Thomas of Canterbury, thirty ; in the honor of St. Margaret, forty ; in the honor of St. Kateryn, thirty ; and of St. Barbara thirty, which maketh the whole nombr of M masses. Also I will that all my debts, first and before all other charges, be paid by the handes of myne executors ; wherewith I charge theym as they will aunswere before God, and discharge my conscience. Also [ will yf any man or woman cause or complayne of any injuries, or wrongs doen by me, and so duely proved before myn exe- cutors, or supervisors, that they be restored to the uttermost. Also I will that myn executors, as sone as it may be boom out of my goodes, doo cause the said Chapel of our blissed Lady to be wawtyd ' with free stone after the workmanship and wawtyng ' of the Church there, as well in stars and co- lours, as in gilding with sterrys,as shall bedevysed by myn executors ; and with myn arms, badgys, and devyses. Also I will have a priest^ secular or religioaS} to synge for me, Qiy said wyffs and frends, in the said Chapel in perpetuum, with an yerely obite, to be kept with a solemne dirige and masse of requiem, by the prior and convent and their suc- cessors; every such a daye as it shall happen me to die ^pon, or as near as it may be conveniently ; and the said prior and convent, and their successors, shall distribute yerely as they think convenient, in perpetuum. Proved 4th March 1522, by Elizabeth his relict and Thomas Earl of Surrey
As to his manors, lands, &c. he made the following dis- position ; I, Sir Thomas Wyndham, Knyght^ sonne and heire of Sir John Wyndham, Knyght, this I2th October, 13 Henry VIII. As to the disposition of all my manors, lands, tene- ments, rents, services, and reversions, hereditaments, with their appurtenances. And also of all my wards and mar- riages now bowght by me, with all advowsons by any means belonging to me, or to any other to my use» in the counties. of Norfolk and Yorkshire, or ells where within the realme of Englond. First, I will that my co-feoffees suffre Dame Elizabeth my wife to occupie my manors of Bentley and Hamelthwayte in Yorkshire, and all purchased lands within the same manors ; and my o»anor of Melton Constable, in the county of Norfolk, for term of hir lyfe, according to the purport of indentures the same shall descend; remainder to my Sonne Edmond and to the heires of his body ; and in de- faulte to the right heires of me the, said Sir Thomas Wynd* ham. And yf it forEune my next heir to be not of full age at the death of my said wyfe, that then my executors shall receive and take the profitts of the manors of Bentley and Hamelthwayte, in Yorkshire, during the nonage of my said next heire, toward the performaunce of my last will and testament. I will that my son Edmonde, my heir apparent, shall have all my manors of Crownthorpp, Wybjlwode, and Hackforth^ immediately after my decease, to hym and to Susanne • his wyfe, and to the longer ly ver of them, and to the heires of his body lawfully begotten. And for defawte of issue, to the right heires of me the said Sir Thomas, in fee simple. And yf it fortune the saide Ed- monde, and Susanne his wyfe, to dye without yssue within vii yeres next after my decesse, and yf my next heire be then of full age, I wille that he shall have the said manors to him and his heires. And I will that his executors shallreceive, towards the performance of my will, all the proffitts of the manors of Felbrigge, Aylmerton, and Kunton, with the ad- ?owsons and presentations to the same ; and of the manors of Todyngion, Barnyngham, Yngworth, and Colby, with the like advowsons and presentations ; and of the manors of Briston and Wolterton, and of the manor of Whighton, in Yorkshire, with all purchased lands within any of the said manors ; excepted suche purchased lands as I have graunted to Peter Nobis, D. D. for terme of his life. To holde the said manorsfor term of vii yeres fully complete after my decesse, to be imployed to the use of my wille. Also I will that my wyfe shall have the manor place of Felbrigge, the manors of Aylmerton and Runton, for terme of her lyfe, being a widowe, sole and unmaryed. Andyf she will dwell io the said place, to pay to my executors for the performance of my will, yerely xl L out of the said manors. And I will that Doctor Peter Nobys shall havethe proffitsof two parts of the manors of Lystens in Metton, and of all the lands called TyK locks, and Sadclers, lying in Colby and Suffeld; and also of the manor of Yves in Bryston, by me purchased, for terme of his lyfe; as I have graunted unto him by my dedes. I will that my sonne £dmonde, or who shall fortune to be my next heire, shall have the manors of Felbrigge, Aylmerton, and RuntoD^ after the seven yeres exspyred. And after the de- cesse of my wyfe, to him and to the heires of his body ; and for defaulte of the heires of my sonne Edmonde^ to re* mayne to the right heires of me the said Sir Thomas, ac- cording to an intaile thereof made by my grauntfader John Wyndham, Esquier. I will that my sonne Edmonde, or any other that shall fortune to be my next heire, shall have ont of the said manors of Felbrigge, Aylmerton, and Runton^ yerely after the vii yeres exspyred, the which I have ap- poynted for the perfourmance of my wylle, xl /. to be paid by my wyfe, Dame Elizabeth Wyndham, yf she will dwell in it. Also I woll that my sonne Edmond, or any other that shall fortune to be my next heire, shall have the manors of Todyngton, Bamyngham, Yngworth, and Colby, imediatly after the seven yeres exspyred next after my deth, and to his heirs of his body lawfully begotton. And for defawte of issue of him, the said manors to remayn to the right heirs of me the said Sir Thomas, according to an intayle thereof, made by my grauntfader John Wyndham, Esquier. Also I woll that immediatly after the seven yeres exspyred, for the performaunce of my will, the said Edmoude, my sonne, or any other that shall be myn next heire, shall have the manor of Bryston to him and to his heires, in fee sim- ple. Also I woll that my executors shall take and recey ve the profits of the manor of Susted, called Danys, and of all other londes thereto belonging, the which I lately pur. chased of Robert Danne, for terme of seven yeres after my decesse; and after the seven yeres exspyred^ and the deth of my wyfe, to my next heire, upon suche condicion as before expressed. I will that my sonne, John Wyndham, shall have my parte of the manor of Wulterton after seven yeres exspyred for the performance of my wille, and also the manor of Melton Constable, after the decesse of my wyfe, to hold the said manors to him and his heires, and for de> faute of yssue of him, to the right heires of me the said Sir Thomas. I will that my sonne Thomas Wyndham, shall have my manor of Whighton, in Yorkshire, when he comyth to the age of twenty-one yeres ; to hold to him and to the heires of his body ; and for defaale of suche issue, to tke right heires of me the said Sir Thomas. I will that my said son, Thomas, shall have the moytie of the manors of Bowkingy called Dorwarde ; and also of the moytie of the manor of Alseford, of the which manors I lately bought the reversion. I woll that Erasmus Paston, sonne and heire of William Paston, Knyght, shall marry, and take to wife, Mary Wyndham, my daughter : but yf the said mar- riage happen not to take effect ' for lack of agreement, ca- sualtie of deth or otherwise, then I will that myn executor shall receive all suche sumes of money comprysed in certain indentures. I will that my sonne Edmonde, or any other of my sonnes and their heires, that shall happen to be myn heire, whensoever it shall happen them to have my purchased londsy with the profits of my manors of Felbryge, Aylmer- ton, and Metton, Runton, and Snsted, with their appurte- nances, and all my purchased lands within the same; and my manors of Todyngton, Barnyngham, Yngwoith, and Colby; that he or they shall fynde an honest preest to synge in the Chnrche of Felbrige^ for my soule, for my wyfs soule, my fader, and mcder soules, and all my frends soules. And that he shall have x marks by yere, without mete and drynk. And yf he will have mete and drynk with them at the place, then he to have v marks for his stypende ; and this to be contynued as long as it shall please God, that any of my blood shall contynue, and to kepe myne obeite. In recompense whereof, I have purchased certeyn lands in Aylmerton, Suffeld, Colby, Albye, Melton, Briston, Crown- thorpp, Wykylwood, Sustede, and Bentley, in Yorkshire, and in other places, to the yerely value of xlvi/. by the yjre and above. I will that myn executors shall take the proffits of all such londs, as 1 now have in my hands, by the reason of the nonage of Edmond Knevet, or of his next heire; or by reason of any bargain made with Edmond Knevet, by the will of Sir William Knevet; and of suche lands as shall happen to fall in revetsion* by any graunt made by the King, of the said Edmond or of his next heires. Also I wyll that Anthony Wyngfield shall buy the marriage of the said Edmondy yf he will pay cccc /. at the lest^ for he cost me D /• And I will that he shall have to kepe him xx L by the yere at the moost. And wher I have putt certem ma- nors in feoffment, and declared my last will of them, to- warde the helping of my two younger sonnes, I think it very reasonable, and that my next heire shuld in noo wyse grudge at it; for I have redemyd all my lands out of King Henry the Seventh's hands who had of me in money, for the same mmdcgcl marks, over and above my costs of sute for the same. Also I have paid to Mary, Jane, and Kate- ryn Scrope, my first wyfs susters, m L in redy mony, the whych was owyng for the purchas of Bentley, and Hemel- thwayte, in Yorkshire, purchased by my fader Sir John Wyndham. And also I have left in possession ane rever- sion, as much lands to my next heire, of myn own'purcheas, as I have gevyn to my two younger sonnys, the which lyeth more necessarye for him, than the other dyd. In wit- nesse, &c. Proved 4th March 1522.