News: Contact me by email: fortunatusfamilia(at)gmail(dot)com and I will try and answer short queries. However if an individual is not on the site or I don't have details in the notes section then I can't help. However I am always happy to compare research notes.
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     #   Notes   Linked to 
    1651 John Potter and Margaret Brown.
    Residing at Nettlehill daughter Elizabeth baptised 20.12.1835

    Name: John Potter
    Age: 39
    Estimated birth year: abt 1812
    Relationship: Head
    Spouse's name: Margaret
    Gender: Male
    Where born: Ecclesmachan, Linlithgow
    Parish Number: 672
    Civil parish: Uphall
    County: West Lothian
    Address: Houston
    Occupation: Carter
    ED: 2
    Page: 2 (click to see others on page)
    Household schedule number: 11
    Line: 19
    Roll: CSSCT1851_174
    Household Members: Name Age
    Elizabeth Potter 15
    Isabella Potter 5
    James Potter 13
    John Potter 39
    John Potter 1
    Margaret Potter 35
    William Potter 7

    Possibility at 11 Houston Street, Uphall, West Lothian on the 1851 census
    Potter, John, Head M 39, Carter, Uphall, Ecclesmachen
    Potter, Margaret, Wife 35 Carter's wife, Linlithgow, Linlithgowshire
    Potter, Elizabeth, Dau, 15.
    Potter, James, 13
    Potter, William. 7 All born uphall, Linlithgow,
    Potter, Isabella, 5
    Potter, John.1

    Possibly: John Potter on the 1861 census:
    19 Oswald Street, St George, Glasgow.
    Potter, John, Head, Wid, 50, Carter Uphall, Linlithgow
    Potter, James, Son, Unm, 22 Wright, Uphall, Linlithgow
    Potter, Isabella, Dau, 15, Unm Housekeeper, Uphall, Linlithgow
    Potter, Alex. Son Unm 2, Scholar Uphall, Linlithgow

    Also War Casulaties WW1.
    Potter, Thomas Gordn Highlanders 11 April 1918 aged 23 years. Son of Mary Potter of Rock View, Dechmont, Uphall, West Lothian, and the late James Potter. (Son of James 22 years above??)

    1881Census Ecclesmachen, Linlithgow:
    There is a John Potter listed on the 1881 census at Ecclesmachen, Linlithgow, Scotland
    Potter, John Head 70 Church Warden Widow Kirkliston, Linlithgow, Scotland
    Potter, George 28 Son Quarry Worker, Unm, Linlithgow, Linlithgow, Scotland
    Potter, Elizabeth, 20 Housekeeper, Unm, Grand, Linlithgow, Scotland
    Potter, Mary F., 15 Outdoor Worker, Unm, Grand, Ecclesmachen, Scotland
    Potter, Helen B. 9 Scholar, Unm, Grand, Ecclesmachen, Scotland

    1851 Census West Lothian John Potter:
    Potter, John (I03376)
    1652 JOHN SALMON Pedigree
    Birth: 23 MAR 1664/1665
    Christening: 18 APR 1665 Broxted, Essex, England
    Father: EDMUND SALMON Family
    Mother: BARBARA 
    Salmon, Edmund (I05975)
    1653 John Spainswick (1721) of Bishopstone, Wilts
    In The name of God Amen the second day of March Anno Dm 1721 I John Spainswick of Bishopstone in the County of Wilts yeoman being Weake in body but of sound and perfect mind and memory ...Immeadiately after my wive decease the use of which I Give unto to her during the term of her Life ... Item I Give to the poor of Bishopstone aforesaid two quarters of wheat And I do hereby nominate and Impower Christopher Edmonds and my brother George Spainswick of Bishopstone aforesaid yeoman Trustees and overseers of this my last will ....I Give and bequeath the same unto my wife Allice Spainswick whom I do hereby nominate Constitute make and ordain sole executrix of this my last Will and Testament....

    Spanswick, John (I05060)
    1654 John Stourton married, secondly, Alice Dennis or Peny, of Co. Kent,
    called Alice, daughter and heir of . . . Peny, by Hoare, and confirmed as to the name by Had, MS., 1074; and as daughter of . . . Dennis, of Kent, by Edmondson. By her he had issue a daughter and coheir : - -
    Jane Stourton, aged 21 years in 1439, wrongly called Alice in the
    Visitation for Co. Somerset, but corrected to Jane in the old pedigree of 1509, who married John Sydenham, Esquire, M.P. for Co. Somerset, and which marriage is confirmed subject to Alice for Jane, by the Visitation for Co. Somerset, as well as being confirmed by Hoare and Edmondson, and supported by legal records.
    John Sydenham predeceased his wife, on the 4th April, 1460, leaving Walter, his son and heir, aged 25, and in his Inquisition taken in 8 Edward IV., he was called John Sydenham, senior. Esquire, and Preston Manor was then said to be held of the Honor of Trowbridge. His son and heir, Walter Sydenham, also predeceased his mother, Jane Sydenham, on the 1st May, 1469, leaving John Sydenham, his son and next heir, who was the next heir of his grandmother, Mrs. Joan Sydenham, .... She died 21st April, 1472, and her Inquisition was taken after her death, 31st October following, at Crewkerne, before Thomas Phelipp, Escheator, when she was said to have been wife of John Sydenham, armiger, and it was found she had died seised of Brimpton Manor, with the Advowson of that Church, and the said Chantry of the blessed, Virgin Mary therein ; as well as of the Manors of Preston, Combe-Sydenham*, Stoke-Gomere, Bosington, Ronnyngton, and Ashbrittle, with considerable lands, tenements, and the Advowson of the Church at Ashbrittle, besides lands and tenements in Lukeyerd, Hoo, Timberscombe, Ketenor Quaram, Ketenor, Mouncez, Sydenham, Cobbehay, Smitheney, Mauworth, Ronington, Thorn St. Margaret, Rammesyate, Langford Buddeville, Chiltern Dunmere, and Mulverton; also two tenements, a fulling mill, and one carucate or ploughland in Streme, parish of St. Decumans ; i messuage, 60 acres of arable land, 70 acres of meadow, 100 acres of pasture, and 4 acres of wood, in East and West Chescombe, leaving her grandson, John Sydenham, (son and next heir of her then late son, Walter Sydenham, Esquire,) as her next heir, then aged 3 years...  
    Stourton, Jane (I08424)
    1655 John Strypes A Survey of the cities of London and Westminsteer.
    At the upper End of this Isle is erected a very noble Monument, raised from the Ground to some Heighth; where appear two Effigies in white Marble, lying along, being a Man in Armour, and a Woman by him. On the South Side of the Basis of this Monument is this Inscription:
    Domini RICHARDI ATKINS de Clapham in Com Surrey, Militis & Baronetti. Qui obiit 19 Aug. An. Chr. 1689. Et Dominæ REBECCÆ mistissimæ ejus Relictæ; Filiæ & Cohæredis EDMUNDI WRIGHT alias Bunckley, de Swarely

    Will of Rebecca Atkins PRO11/521
    Wright, Rebecca (I03527)
    1656 John supposidly the youngest but only survivor of 4 sons? So possibility:
    THOMAS SMITH Pedigree
    Christening: 30 JAN 1639 Saint Olave Old Jewry, London, London, England
    Father: JOHN SMITH
    Smith, Thomas (I04516)
    1657 John Tutt [gent., [of Chilboulton, Hants] signed a will on 30 Jan 1521 in Chilbolton, Hampshire, England. John's will was proved 1523 in the Prerogative Court of Canterbury. He died in 1523 in probably, Chilbolton, Hampshire, England.

    Film #91,911 - Prerogative Court of Canterbury, 10 Bodfelde
    In the name of god amen The xxxti day of Januariy The yere of our Lord god a thousande fyve hundred and xxij I John Tutt of the parishe of Chilbolton w'tin the dioces of wynchester hole of mynde and of parfete Remembranns make this my will & testament in maner and fourme folowing First I geve and bequeth my soule to almighty god to his blissed moder [= mother] saint mary and to all the holy company of hevyn
    And my body to be buried in the Church of our lady of Chilbolton aforsaid
    Also I bequeath to the Cathedrall Church of wynchester iiijd
    Also I bequeth to the parson of Chilbolton aforsaid for tithes and oblacions [sic] necligently forgotten vis viijd
    Also I bequeth to the rep'acion of the body of the said Church of Chilbolton xl shepe
    Also I bequeth towardes the pavyng of the body and fles of the said Church xls
    Also I bequeth to the foure orders of Freres at wynchester to haue at my burying iiij trentalles saide xs.
    Also I bequeth to the Freres obser___ces of hampton for a Trentall to be saide xs.
    Also I bequeth to every of my godchildern iiijd
    Also I bequeth to Johane my wyfe xxL in money
    Also I bequeth to John Tutt my sonne ___ of my best shepe called wethers shepe to be chosyn by him /
    Also I will that myn executours fynde a prest synging for my soule in the said Church of Chilbolton by the space of two yeres.
    Also I bequeth to every of the Children of Alice Salmon my daughter x shepe
    Also I bequeth to Johane Rabigge and Isabell my doughters towardes their mariage and to either of theym vjL xiijs iiijd And that Johane my wife haue the custodye therof during the tyme she is sole widowe to be deliuered when they or any of theym come to conuenient mariage. And yf the said Johane my wife happen to marry or decesse before tyme they come to suche mariage that then I will my executours haue the custody therof And yf any of my said doughters happen to decesse before tyme they be of lawfull age or before they come to convenient mariage Then I will the porcions of hir or of them so decessed be equally deuided betwene theym which ouerlyveth.
    And yf they all decesse before such tendre of payment be made then I will that the one half therof be distributed for the wealth of my soule and all xpen [?Christian] soules to pour people by myn executours And the other half to goo to the vse of the Chyldren of Willim Cowper to be equally deuided betwene theym.
    Also I will that my said wife be dend'ant[?] vpon the Ferme [= farm] of Chilbolton during her widowed by the licence of James Tutt and John Tutt ten'ts of the same and to haue mete and drynke convenient her Chamb'r with necessary apparell for the same Chamb'r and two beddys with thapparell necessary for the same and fyve Toddys of wolle yerely deluded[?] by him which hath the occupacion of the said Ferme And she to haue no farder occupacion no medling vpon the said Ferme
    Also I geve and bequeth to John Tutt my sonne all my purchased landes and tenementes in Newton Andover and Farley in the Countie of South't and Wiltes To have and to holde to the said John Tutt and to his heires foreuermore
    The Residue of all my goodes and Catalles not bequest my dettes fully paide I geve and bequeth to Jamys Tutt and John Tutte my sonnes whom I ordeyn and make myn executours
    And Robert Tutt and John Salmon Ouerseers of this my present testament and Last wille And I geve and bequeth to euery of them for his or their labour xls
    In witnesse wherof to this my present last wille and testament I haue called to these witnesse will'm Suffugan to the Bisshop of wynchester and parson of Chilbolton Robert Tutt John Salmon John Batt the elder Richard Strong with many other
    [Will proved 1 Jul 1523]

    ARMS: Quarterly, Argent and Gules in the first quarter a crescent of the second
    CREST: A talbot sejant Or collared and lined Argent.
    Tutt, John (I09116)
    1658 John Vilett, gent buried 21/03/1700/1701

    Possible children as per Swindon Parish Registers:(Perhaps two marriages?
    Thomas 1657
    John 1659
    Katherine 1661
    Rebecca 1663
    Anne 1664
    Henry 1667-1685
    Grace 1669-1672
    Elizabeth 1671
    Mary 1675
    Oliver 1677

    no title] 348/I/7 1681
    Convenant to Levy a fine, property in Swindon.
    Parties: John Villett of Swindon and Thomas his son (to levy), Edmund Webb of Fifield, Edward Sadler of Bremhill.
    [no title] 348/I/8 1684/85

    Contents: Agreement, to charge certain property (in 348/I/7 above), with the payment of a sum of money.
    Parties: John Vilett of Swindon, Edmund Webb of Fifield, Edward Sadler of Bremhill.

    This man or son?
    [no title] 348/I/11 1692
    Related information: 348/II/18 and 23 W.S.R.O
    Mortgage, lease for 1 year (Vilett to Brind and Read), land in Swindon.
    Parties: John Vilett of Swindon and Elizabeth his wife, Thomas Brind of Wanborough, Henry Read of Stratton St. Margaret.

    Alt Ref No P3/UV/45 Title
    Administration bonds (three), inventories (two), letters (two), renunciation, will Date
    1701-1705 Person Vilett, John Occupation Gentleman
    Place Key /Swindon/Wiltshire

    London Apprenticeship Abstracts 1442-1850
    1674 Vilett Thomas son of John, Swindon, Wiltshire, gentleman to Thomas Morgan, jnr. 3 Jun 1674, Grocers' Company
    1677 Vilett John son of John, Swindon, Wiltshire, gentleman to Richard Blisse, 1 Sep 1677, Fishmongers' Company

    Jefferies' land, a history of Swindon and its environs. Edited with notes by Grace Toplis"
    ...At the east end, beneath the window, is the following inscription upon a stone let in even
    with the pavement : " Here lieth the body of Anne Vilett, wife of Thomas Vilett, gent, and daughter of Edmund Webb, of Rodbourne, Esqure, who departed this life December 6,
    1643. Her age 54. She had living of eight children only one." The arrangement of the inscription upon this stone, as well as upon the two following. Is peculiar, and at first sight hardly intelligible; the graver would seem to have been at a loss how to cut out what he was required without crowding, The stone close by has the following inscription : " Here lieth the body of Thomas Vilett, gent. Hee departed this life the 6th day of November
    1667 ; also Captn. John, son of ye Sd. Ths. Vilett, who died March ye 17, 1700, aged 70 years." The first part of this inscription is the same as that which Aubrey saw and copied when he visited this place two centuries since ; that relating to the son, Captain John, has been added since his time. The third stone is in memory of Thomas Vilett's second wife, whose memory is preserved in these words : *'Aug, 24, 1650, was buried Martha, second wife of Thomas Vilett, gent., and daughter of Thomas Goddard Esqure. She had three children livinge." All three of these stones, besides the inscriptions, have devices graven
    upon them.

    Name: Mary Vilatt
    Gender: Female
    Christening Date: 15 Oct 1675
    Christening Place: Swindon, Wiltshire, England
    Father's Name: John Vilatt

    Name: William Vilatt
    Gender: Male
    Christening Date: 21 Oct 1673
    Christening Place: Swindon, Wiltshire, England
    Father's Name: John Vilatt

    Name: Hennery Villat
    Gender: Male
    Christening Date: 20 Aug 1667
    Christening Place: Swindon, Wiltshire, England
    Father's Name: John Villat

    Name: Oliverre Villat
    Gender: Male
    Christening Date: 2 Jan 1677
    Christening Place: Swindon, Wiltshire, England
    Father's Name: John Villat

    Day: 15 Month: Apr Year: 1660 Forenames: William Surname: VILETT Fathers forenames: John Occupation: Mothers forenames: Birth day: Birth month: Birth year: Abode: Place: Wroughton Description: County: Wiltshire Country: England

    Day: 17 Month: Mar Year: 1706 Age: 70 Forenames: John Surname: VILETT Place: Swindon; Holy Rood County: Wiltshire Country: England Reference: 169667 Notes: Capt son of Thos

    Sarum Marriage Licence Bonds:
    Day: 9 Month: Oct Year: 1740 Groom Forenames: John Groom Surname: VILETT Groom's parish: Swindon Groom's county: Wiltshire,England Groom's condition: wid Groom's occupation: wine merchant Groom's age: Groom's notes:
    Bride Forenames: Elizabeth Louisa Bride Surname: YOUNG Bride's parish: Swindon Bride's county: Wiltshire,England Bride's condition: sp Bride's age: Bride's notes: Place of Marriage: Rodbourne Cheney Bondsman 1: HUMPHRIS Thos,gent,Rodbourne Cheney Bondsman 2: Jurisdiction: The Bishop of Salisbury in Wiltshire and Berkshire
    Vilett, John (I04020)
    1659 JOHN WALL Pedigree
    Christening: 27 JUL 1693 Lambourn, Berkshire, England
    Father: JOHN WALL Family
    Mother: FRANCES
    Wall, John (I05699)
    1660 JOHN WARREN Pedigree
    Spouse: ELZABITH HILLS Family
    Marriage: 06 AUG 1713 Clavering, Essex, England
    Hills, Elizabeth (I10371)
    1661 JOHN WILSON
    Birth: 12 OCT 1826 Cambuslang, Lanark, Scotland
    Father: WILLIAM WILSON Family

    1851 Census:
    Name: John Wilson
    Age: 23
    Estimated birth year: abt 1828
    Relationship: Son
    Father's name: William
    Mother's name: Margaret
    Gender: Male
    Where born: Cambuslang, Lanarkshire
    Parish Number: 644/2
    Civil parish: Gorbals
    County: Lanarkshire
    Address: 88 South Wellington St
    Occupation: Boolmaker Employing 1 Man
    ED: 29
    Page: 8 (click to see others on page)
    Household schedule number: 33
    Line: 13
    Roll: CSSCT1851_164
    Household Members: Name Age
    Ann Wilson 17
    Fergus Wilson 20
    Isabella Wilson 25
    John Wilson 23
    Margaret Wilson 50
    William Wilson 49

    1861 Census:
    Name: John Wilson
    Age: 32
    Estimated birth year: abt 1829
    Relationship: Head
    Spouse's name : Janet
    Gender: Male
    Where born: Cambuslang, Lanarkshire
    Registration Number: 644/7
    Registration district: Milton
    Civil parish: Glasgow Barony
    County: Lanarkshire
    Address: 45 Muse Lane
    Occupation: Carter
    ED: 17
    Page: 1 (click to see others on page)
    Household schedule number: 6
    Line: 19
    Roll: CSSCT1861_106
    Household Members: Name Age
    Janet Wilson 37
    John Wilson 32
    John Wilson 1
    Robert Wilson 4
    Thomas Wilson 6

    Cannot find on later census. Did they immigrate??
    Wilson, John (I03948)
    1662 John Wood alias Leach
    Born about 1788 in London, England?
    Possibly married about 1806 to Elizabeth Toms

    Old Bailey Session Papers, 2nd December, 1812.(Mitchell Library. Ref. FM4 5846 pg 64)

    On Reel 6002, Colonial Secretary Papers there is a list of 45 convicts sent to Windsor to William Cor Esq., Magistrate from the Earl Spencer, 14.10.1813. Convict number 22 is one James Wood, alias Leach, shopman.( Also in the same group , convict number 13 is James Graham, sailor. Possibly second partner of Elizabeth Leach, wife of John Wood)

    "The Convict Ships 1787-1868"
    "Earl Spencer" arrived on 09.10.1813, was a 672 ton ship, built at Thames in 1803. Her master was Wm. Mitchell, Surgeon D.Mackenzie. She sailed from England on 02.06.1813 via Maderia and took 129 days to reach Sydney. There were 200 male convicts on board and 4 died en route to Sydney.

    According to a petition Elizabeth wrote to Govenore Bourke John Wood received a ticket of Leave in 1813?(Actual date 19.12.1814.) Then employed for 11 years by Mr McQueen a merchant in Sydney.

    Elizabeth Leach is listed on the 1822 census. Came free to the colony on the Kangaroo. Two children also listed. John Leach born colony aged 11/2 and Jane Leach born colony aged 2 months.

    At some stage(1820's) a child, perhaps his son John is drowned. From this point on he is frequently intoxicated eg: on 14.04.1831 spent three days on the treadmill for drunkeness and at some stage is sentenced to time at a penal colony. Moreton Bay? His ticket-of leave is suspended. Probably the offence that occured and was sentenced on 28th July, 1831.
    He remained away 19 months and then returned about March 1833 to a Richard Page, settler at Portland Head, on the Hawkesbury River. He was there in October 1834. Elizabeth writes her petition on 20.09.1834 but it is rejected on 29.12.1834.

    What date was No. 177/809 issued? The one in 1814 as stated by Elizabeth in her letter to the Govenor?

    Information re Ticket-of-Leave
    No.475/1949 in lieu of No.177/809 returned mutilated and cancelled
    Name John Wood
    Vessel Earl Spencer
    Year arrived 1813
    Where convicted Middlesex (Gd)
    When convicted 02.12.1812
    Term Life
    Native place London
    Calling Jeweller Tinker
    Year of Birth 1798
    Height 5 feet 1 inch
    Complexion Dark Sallow
    Hair Dark brown
    Eyes Black
    Date of Ticket 06.10.1825
    District Sydney

    No.30/83 In lieu of No. 475/1949 dated 06.10.1825 now returned mutilated and cancelled.
    Name John Wood
    ShipEarl Spencer
    Master Mitchell
    Native PlaceLondon
    Trade or Calling Jeweller and Tinker
    Place of TrialMiddlesex G.D.
    Date of Trial 02.12.1812
    Sentence Life
    Year of Birth 1798
    Height5 feet 1 inch
    ComplexionDark Sallow
    HairDark Brown

    Allowed to remain in the District of Sydney.

    Ticket of Leave No.37/675, 26.04.1837
    NameJohn Wood
    ShipEarl Spencer
    Master Mitchell
    Year 1813
    Place of TrialMiddlesex
    Date of Trial 02.12.1812

    Allowed to remain in the district of Windsor on the recommendation of the Windsor Bench, Dated January, 1837
    Written across above ... to Bathurst per ....dated ...October, 1837.
    Cancelled per Col Secrys. Letter No.40/348 dated 18th J...1840 for drunkeness and Wood directed to be placed in the probationary gang.
    Restored Vide.../224.

    Ticket of Leave No. 41/234 22nd Jany, 1841
    Name John Wood
    Ship Earl Spencer
    Master Mitchell
    Year 1813
    Place of Trial Middlesex G.D.
    Date of Trial 02.12.1812
    Sentence Life
    Allowed to remain in the district of Windsor.
    In lieu of 37/175 26th April 1837 Cancelled.
    Written across document "Per the govenors Minute or a return by the officer in charge of the Parramatta Stockade R...

    Ticket-of-Leave No.887, 6th March 1843
    Name John Wood
    Ship Earl Spencer
    Master Mitchell
    Place of trial Middlesex G.D.
    Date of Trial 02.12.1812
    Sentence Life
    Allowed to remain in the District of Patrick Plains on recommendation of the Windsor Bench, dated 11 February, 1843....
    In lieu of No. 41/234 returned mutilated and cancelled
    Written across document...... ........ Pardon No.47/368 Dated 10 April, 1847.

    Conditional pardon granted 1847.

    "arriving in Sydney on the "Earl Spencer" a ship of 672 tons, 56 crew and 16 guns on Oct 9, 1813. The Earl Spencer carried 200 male prisoners leaving England on 2 June 1813, 4 dying on the voyage and the rest disembarking in the new Colony of New South Wales. The ship was under the command of Master William Mitchell and Surgeon D. Mackenzi sailed under the escort of HMS Kangaroo and brought the first steam engine to Australia. The journey via Madeira took 129 days. The "Earl Spencer" was built on the Thames in 1803, registered in London.

    The Sydney Gazette of 9 Oct 1813 announced her arrival:

    "This day arrived from England, which she left the 2d of June last, the ship Earl Spencer, Captain MITCHELL, with 197 [sic] male prisoners, having taken on board 200, three of whom died on the passage; during which she made a stay of ten days at Madeira, but touched no where else...

    Captain Mitchell reports having seen an account of the loss of the ship Isabella, Captain HIGTON, at the Falkland Islands, on the 2d of February last; at the same time subjoining the very gratifying information of all the persons on board being saved. By the 21st of the same month a small bark of about 17 feet keel was built and perfected from different parts of the wreck and in about 30 days afterwards they were all landed safely at Buenos Ayres."

    Also from the Sydney Gazette on 16 Oct 1813:

    "By the Earl Spencer His Majesty's 73d Regiment has received an addition of an Ensign (BICKNELL), 2 sergeants, 2 corporals, and 32 privates.

    By the above ship also have arrived the following passengers; viz. - Mr. and Mrs. Young, Mr John Dixon, Mr. I. N. Nicholas, Mr. D Miller, and four servants; Mr. and Mrs. Pear and family, Mr. and Mrs Kendall, and family; Mr and Mrs. Belvin and son and Mr. and Mrs. Hovel and family.

    The persons who died on the passage were, John Robson, a youth, belonging to the ship; and John Hogg, William McLeod, Edward Whitford, and Jarvis Copely, prisoners.

    The prisoners brought by the Earl Spencer were landed on Thursday, and mustered in presence of HIS EXCELLENCY the GOVERNOR and COMMANDER in CHIEF, previous to their distribution. They are a healthy set of men; and appear thoroughly sensible of the kind treatment they experienced from Captain Mitchell and his Officers during the passage.

    Mr. Dixon, we are informed, has introduced a steam engine into the Colony; which, it is to be hoped, will be found of very essential utility in various branches of laborious employment."

    Among the passenger list mentioned in the Sydney Gazette article above were the family of Captain William Hilton Hovell, later to become a noted Australian explorer in the company of Hamilton Hume, and a Mr John Dickson [Dixon] bringing the first steam engine to the colony of NSW.

    Some other families associations with the Earl Spencer: She was accompanied by HMS Kangaroo on her departure from England.

    Too many possibilities on the IGI:
    eg John Leach born St Giles Cripplegate 1785
    John Wood born St Martins in the Field 1784
    John Wood born Whitechapel 1788

    The Sydney Gazette and... Tuesday 9 August 1831, page 1
    THE Tickets-of-Leave granted to the
    following Persons have been cancelled, for the reasons set against their respective names,
    Atlas (3), Joseph Hunt, for an assault.
    Earl Spencer, John. Wood, for stealing.

    Surname Firstname Alias Vessel Year No Date RecordType Citation Remarks Order WOOD John - Earl Spencer 1813 45/0937 14 Oct 1845 Ticket of Leave Passport [4/4259; Reel 974] Ticket of Leave 43/0887; On the recommendation of Singleton Bench WOOD John - Earl Spencer 1813 47/0513 9 Aug 1847 Ticket of Leave Passport [4/4266; Reel 976] Ticket of Leave 43/0887; On the recommendation of the Singleton Bench WOOD John - Earl Spencer 1813 47/368 10 Apr 1847 Pardon: CP [4/4451; Reel 783 page 235-236] - WOOD John Earl Spencer 1813 25/475 Ticket of Leave [4/4060; Reel 890] District: Sydney; Born: London 1798; Trade: Jeweller/tinker; Tried: MGD 1802 WOOD John Earl Spencer 1813 37/675 Ticket of Leave [4/4111; Reel 927] District: Windsor; Tried: M'sex WOOD John Earl Spencer 1813 41/234 Ticket of Leave [4/4147; Reel 939] District: Windsor; Tried: MGD WOOD John Earl Spencer 1813 43/887 Ticket of Leave [4/4175; Reel 948] District: Patricks Plains; Tried: MGD WOOD John Earl Spencer 1813 30/83 Ticket of Leave [4/4074; Reel 913] District: Sydney; Born: London; Trade: Jeweller/Tinker; Tried: MGD Spent 6 months in goal, hulks between December 1812 and June 1813 when departed for NSW.

    Name: John Wood Birth Place: London, England Immigration Date: 1813 Vessel Arrived In: Earl Spencer Date of Admission/Photo: 24 Jun 1840 Gaol: Sydney Gaol Location: Sydney, New South Wales Record Type: Entrance Book

    Posible deaths: Sydney
    Name: John Wood Death Date: 1847 Death Place: New South Wales Registration Year: 1847 Registration Place: Sydney, New South Wales Volume Number: V1847145 32B
    Name: John Wood Death Date: 1860 Death Place: New South Wales Father's Name: James Mother's Name: Sarah Registration Year: 1860 Registration Place: Sydney, New South Wales Registration number: 1506
    Name: John Wood Death Date: 1867 Death Place: New South Wales Registration Year: 1867 Registration Place: Sydney, New South Wales Registration number:1638
    Name: John Wood Death Date: 1869 Death Place: New South Wales Registration Year: 1869 Registration Place: Sydney, New South Wales Registration number:1193
    Leach, John Wood alias (I00922)
    1663 John, a clerk,- In 1504 he was presented by the abbey and convent of Ramsey to the church of Shillingdon in Bedford. Canon of Windsor in 1509, founded the Oxenbridge Chantry in the St. George Chapel. Prebendary of Hampstead 1499-1522 was M. John Oxenbrigge B.H.L (Fasti Ecclesiae Anglicanae 1300-1541, Vol. 7). In 1505 John had a commission with the earl of Surrey and others to collect the money granted to the King by Parliament. He died on 25 July 1522.

    Research Article
    The Antiquaries Journal September 2001 81 : pp 337-350 Copyright © The Society of Antiquaries of London 2001 DOI: 10.1017/S000358150007222X "The Chantry Chapel of John Oxenbridge in St George's Chapel, Windsor Castle" by Peter J Begent
    Oxenbridge, John (I07107)
    1664 July 6.- Humphrey MONOUX, of Wootton, Beds, Esq., Bachr., 22 & upwards, & Mrs. Alice COTTON, Spr., abt. 17, dau. of Sir Thomas Cotton, late of Cunnington, co. Huntingdon, Bart., deed., & her mother also dead ; consent of her guardians Sir Thomas Probee, Bart., & [blank'] Pedley, Esq.; at St. Mar- garet's, Westminster, or Bigglesworih or Sutton, CO. Beds.
    Monoux, Humphrey (I09098)
    1665 June 3. 1699 Jane, daughter of James Travers, Merchante.
    Travers, Jane (I09632)
    1666 Kent Wills: Rutland Francis Canterbury 1534 PRC32/16/66

    RUTLAND [ROUTHLAND] of Mitcham.
    Arms: Gules and inescutcheon Or all within a bordure of the second.
    Crest: A horse head Or, erased and maned Gules. *
    As borne by Nicholas Rutland, son of Nicholas Rutland, son of Francis Rutland, son of Nicholas Rutland of Mitcham, (d.1582), Clerk of the Catry, son of Francis Rutland, son of William Rutland of Canterbury, Kent, son of .. Rutland, alias Routhland of Essex. (Harl. Ms 1561, fo 54b)
    * Burke gives for Rutland, or Roushland, of Mitcham:
    Arms: Gules an orle engrailed on the inner side Or a bordure also engrailed of the last.
    Crest: A nag's head Or erased per fess Gules maned of the last. (BGA)
    Family (F03398)
    1667 Killed in a duel. Townshend, John (I08134)
    1668 Killed while chasing a French Revenue cutter. Russell, Bourne (I00941)
    1669 Knighed 09.07.1603
    The Baronteage of England containg a Geneological and History.. by Thomas Wotton and ... 1771.

    STANFORD CHURCH contains several monuments erected to the memory of the CAVE family. Under a canopy of white marble, against the north wall of the chancel, is the effigy of a man ; also a Latin inscription, commemorative of Richard CAVE, eldest son of Sir Thomas and Lady Eleanor CAVE, who died on the Continent, in the nineteenth year of his age, July 26. 1606. Adjoining the above, within the communion rails, is a magnificent monument over an altar-tomb, on which are the effigies of a knight and his lady, and a Latin inscription indicates that this memorial was raised by an affectionate and disconsolate widow, to perpetuate the name of Sir Thomas CAVE, son of Roger CAVE and Margaret Cecil. He died Sept. 6, 1613. An epicedium, in elegiac verse, indecorously puns upon
    the name of Cave.

    There are still recumbent effigies of Sir Thomas Cave and his wife; see the epitaph in Bridges's Northamptonshire, vol. i. p. 582; and in Nichols's Leicestershire, vol. iv. pl. liii. fig. 1. is an engraving of the monument From: 'Notes to the diary: 1558', The Diary of Henry Machyn: Citizen and Merchant-Taylor of London (1550-1563) (1848), pp. 362-69. URL: Date accessed: 29 March 2007.

    Cave, Thomas (I01991)
    1670 Knight supposedly killed at the Battle of Towton. Apparentely both Father, Ralph and son John killed.

    Too old. Son of Ralph??
    At all events, upon a division of the estate, the Castle and Lordship of Mulgrave fell to Bigod, and the Castle and Lordship of Doncaster to Salvin. Sir Ralph Bigod, of Mulgrave , the on of Constance, in all probability the identical person who, as we have above seen, (vide the preceding Will,) was in the service of Lady Beatrix de Roos in 1414, lost his life in the battle of Towton in 1461.

    Constance Bigod:
    Wife of Sir John Bigod of Settrington. She survived her husband, and made her will on January 1, 1449-50, in which she directs herself to be buried in the chancel of All Saints at Settrington . Her best animal (averium) for her mortuary to the rector of Birdsall . Another to the rector of Settrington. She leaves twenty pounds of wax to be burnt around her body. To the vicar of Grimston 20s. To the fabric of the Blessed Mary "in Charnell de Maltone " one zone worked (stipatam) with silver gilt . Another zone worked (stipatam) with silver and gilt to the fabric of the Blessed Mary at Doncaster. To Matilda Holand her maid 20s. For trentals to be celebrated for her soul by the brothers of the several orders 46s . 8d . To the fabric of Saint John at Bridlington 20s . The rest to Ralph Bigod her son x

    Is John her grandson?? 
    Bigod, John (I01986)
    1671 Knight.
    1622 Perient, George Kt Of Ayott St Peter, Herts. Will [18 Saville] proved 7 Feb 1622 by Sir Nicholas Trott, Marton Trott and daughter Elizabeth Perient. Execs. son Philip and widow Dame Elizabeth. [109 Saville

    Sentence of Sir George Peryents of Ayott, Hertfordshire 03 December 1622 PROB 11/140
    Will of George Peryents 07 February 1622 PROB 11/139

    History of Parliament Online:
    Family and Education
    1st s. of Edward Trott of Yorks. by his w. Elizabeth Parke. educ. Peterhouse, Camb. 1567; BA Clare 1571; G. Inn 1573, called 1584. m. 1602, Mary, da. of Sir George Perient of Ayot St. Peter, Herts., 3da. Kntd. 1619...He made his will in October 1634 and it was proved by his widow and executrix on 3 Feb. 1637.4
    MARTIN2 TROTT (MARTYN1) was born March 31, 1586 in England. He married (1) ELIZABETH BLINCOE, daughter of GEORGE BLINCOE. He married (2) ANNE PERIENT 1604, daughter of SIR GEORGE PERIENT. She was born November 23, 1586 in Ayot, Hertford, and died February 10, 1623/24 in Ayot, Hertford.

    Notes for MARTIN TROTT:
    Martin Trott baptized March 31, 1586 was the oldest son of Martin and Joane Bowyer Trott. He matriculated pensioner from St. Joh's University of Cambridge, Easter Term 1603. He entered his pedigree and arms at the Herald's Visitation of Essez, in 1634. He was of Langridge, Nasing, co. Essex and also of Whethampstead, Hertfordshire. Will: April 03, 1617

    Bond DE/Gd/26992 7 Jas I 1609 April 10
    Philip Perient, son and heir apparent of Sir George Perient of Lamer, Herts, kt, to Sir John Garrard, kt and alderman of London: in £6,000 to perform the covenants in a pair of indentures of even date concerning the capital messuage of said Sir George Perient in Little Ayott, Herts
    Bond in Statute Staple DE/Gd/26993 7 Jas I May 24 (1601)
    George Peryent of Lamer, Herts to Sir John Garrard, kt and alderman of London: in £7,000
    Quitclaim DE/Gd/26994 1609 October 2
    Robert Boteler, of Watton at Stone, Herts, kt, Dame Jane Boteler, widow, late wife of Sir Phillip Boteler, kt, deceased, and Nicholas Trott, Esq, executors of the will of said Sir Phillip Boteler, to Sir John Garrard and Sir George Perient, kts: of statute staple whereby Sir George Perient became bound to Sir Phillip Boteler in sum of £1,000

    Grant DE/Gd/26997 7 Jas I (1609) October 16
    Sir Ralph Hare of Stowbardolfe, Norfolk, kt, Sir John Luke of Harpeden, Herts, kt, Sir George Peryent of Lamer in the parish of Whethamsted, Herts, kt, and Edward Barnes, citizen and mercer of London, to Sir John Garrard, kt, citizen and alderman of London: land, etc, in parish of Whethamsted

    Little Ayot or Ayot Montfichet, Aiete (xi cent.); Yate, Hayate (xiii cent.); Ayete (xv cent.); Eyott (xvi cent.).
    The parish of Ayot St. Peter has an area of 1,093 acres, of which 666 acres are under cultivation, 140¾ are grass and 2¾ wood. (fn. 1) The elevation of the parish above the ordnance datum is from 300 ft. to 400 ft., rising to just over 400 ft. about the centre, where the church and rectory are situated. The lowest point is on the north, where the little River Mimram. forms the boundary for some distance. The subsoil is chalk and gravel and the surface soil chalk; there are several chalk-pits in the parish. The manor-house, church of St. Peter and the rectory are situated on a branch road, half a mile north-west of the village, which is on the main road at Ayot Green. Ayot Place, now a farm-house, was probably built by Sir George Perient, lord of the manor, as it bears his arms and the date 1615. It is a 17th-century house of timber and plaster (now partly cased with brick) with a tiled roof and is of the L plan, though much repaired in the 19th century. The wing facing north contains the entrance with staircase and living rooms, the wing facing east comprises the hall with a gallery now used as the kitchen. On a frieze in the hall are five shields bearing the arms of Perient, Brockett and Boteler quartering Kilpee and the date 1615 in the middle.....
    Thomas's son George Fish held Ayot jointly with his mother Elizabeth, (fn. 28) who married secondly William Perient, whence it came to her son George Perient, (fn. 29) who was holding it in 1614. (fn. 30) George Perient's daughter Mary married Nicholas Trott, who in 1623 conveyed the halfmanor to William Hale (fn. 31) of King's Walden, (fn. 32) and in 1624 they both granted it to Michael Grigge, (fn. 33) who in 1632 conveyed it to Rowland Hale, son of William. (fn. 34) From him it passed to his son William Hale, whose widow Elizabeth was the holder in 1700. (fn. 35) It remained in the Hale family until 1832, (fn. 36) when it is said to have been sold to Viscount Melbourne, the holder of the Westington moiety (q.v.).

    From: 'Parishes: Ayot St. Peter', A History of the County of Hertford: volume 3 (1912), pp. 63-65. URL: Date accessed: 03 November 2010.
    Perient, George (I05406)
    1672 Ladie Gresham late the Wyfe of Sir Thomas Gresham of London, Knight, whose name was Anne the daughter of William ffearnley of Weste Creetinge in the County of Suffo^ Gentilman : This ladie was woorshipfullie buried with a hearse the xiiij daye of December An® D'ni 1596, in the Parrish Churche of Seint Ellens in Bishops gate within the Cittie of London and there interred with her saide husband Sir Thomas Gresham. A true Extract from Begbter marked I 6 Funeral Certificates folio 49 now remaining in the College of Arms London & examined therewith thifl first day of June 1870 by me Geo. Habbiboit Windsor Herald.

    Inquis. p.m. of Akite Lady Gresham, 1597. [Chancery Inquis. p.m. 39 Eliz., Ist PS No. 57.]
    Writ directed to Michael Stanhope Esq. Richard Candler Esq. & William Necton Esq. to inquire what land Anne Lady Gresham widow late wife of Sir Thomas Gresham Kn deceased held in the County of Middlesex, what day she died, and who was her next heir. Dated at Westminster 1 May 39 Eliz. Inquisition taken at Westminster 9 May 39 Eliz. before Michael Stanhopp Richard Candler and William Necton upon the death of Ann Lady Gresham late wife of Sir Thomas Gresham Kn deceased. The Jurors say that long before her death the said Anne Gresham was seised in her demesne as of fee of and in the Manors of Osterley Burston and Heston with the appurtenances co. Midd. and in 40 messuages 40 gardens 2000 acres of land 500 of meadow 2000 of pasture 500 of wood 2000 of furze and heath 200 of marsh and of £2 rent in Osterley Heston Wyke Norwoodde Isleworth Brayneford Ashford Bedfounte Laleham Iveney Stanes and Houneslowe co. Midd. and in the park of Osterley, and in the Manors of Great Massingham Massingham Detforde and of the advowson of the Church of Great Massingham co. Norff., and in the Manors of Great and Little Walsingham Bvnham in WaLsingham Botts ColHnghams Fennes Marshes Hatchewood graunges Wells Boroughall in Holkham alias Holcombe Estwalton with the advowson of the Church L^enham with the advowson of the Church Narford Herryngeshall and Dickwoodde co. Norff. And in the Rectory of Swyne with all lands tenements and Tithes thereto belonging, and in a moiety of the Manor and of the Rectory and advowson of Nunkelynge co. Ebor. and of the Manor of Erlestonham co. Suff. Recites an indenture of 7 March 29 Eliz. between Dame Anne Gresham widow Sir Thomas Cecill of Burghley K^ and Mildred Cecill his second daughter and William Reade Esq. son and heir apparent of said Dame Anne and Thomas Reade his son and heir apparent being a settlement on the marriage of the said Thomas Reade and Mildred Cecill upon him of the Rectory of Swyne the moiety of the Manor of Nunkelyng with all lands in the said Parishes thereto belon^g, the Manor of Erlestonham, the Manor of Heston, the capital and great dwelhng house called Osterley and Osterley Park, and all her lands tenements and hereditaments in Norfolk except the Manor of Estwalton, and except the Manors of Thirling and Upwell co. Cambridge. The Jurors further say that the said Anne Gresham was seised in demesne as of fee of a messuage in the Parish of Great Saint Helen's in Bishopsgate Street lately bought of John Ellyott mercer and of another messuage in Broad Street in the Parish of St. Peter le poor formerly called the Foxtail and now the Rose, and of the Manors of Great Over Little Over and Fyndeme co. Derby, and of the Manor of Wedmore co. Somerset, and of the Manor of Thirling co. Cantab., and of the Manors of CantrecelUe Brentleys and Brentleys Castle, and of the Forest or Wood called Coydyforth, and of the advowson of the Church of Llanveneche co. Brecon, and of 14 acres 8 roods of marsh in Erith co. Kent. That the said Anne Gresham died at Osterley on 23 Nov. 39 Eliz. That the Manor of Heston was of the jrearly value of 16Z. OsAd., the tenements in Wyke 6/. 17*. 4d,, Osterley together with all the other lands in Middlesex 77/. 5*. Id., Estwalton 11/. 9*. 2d., Lakenham 32/. 16*. 8(^., Walsingham and other lands in Norfolk 64/.,Bynham 3/. 10*. 9^^?., Narford 6/. 0*. 2^^/., Massing- [ 143 ]- ham 35/., Boroughall 24/., Herringshall 16/., lands in Intwood Swardeston and else- where 40«.,the messnage in Bishopgate Street 60s., the messnage in Broadstreet 3/., Qreat and Little Over and Fyndeme 63/., Nunkelvng 21/. 9s. M, Rectory of Nnn- keljmg 10/., Rectory of Swyne 26/. 18s. 8d., Manor of Wedmore 10/., Manor of Thirling 5/., the lands in Brecon 20/., the 14 acres of Marsh in Erith Ids, 4J. That William Reade is son and heir of said Anne Gresham widow of Sir Thomas Oresham E^ and formerly wife of William Reade of London Esq. deceased father of the said William Reade and that he was of the age of 58 years and upwards at the time of the taking of this Inquisition. (William Fletcher King . Miscellanea genealogica et heraldica : (Volume 3) . (page 26 of 41
    Ferneley, Ann (I04856)
    1673 Lady Grant Smith, Anne (I05043)
    1674 Lambourn, Berkshire Parish Registers:
    1720/1 Joanna, illegitimate d/o Amy Wall, Lambourn 
    Wall, Joanna (I05657)
    1675 Land mentioned in sons will: Wakefelde, Wrenthorpe, Stanley and Ells where in the Countie of Yorke, Calendar of documents relating to Scotland, preserved in Her Majesty's Public Record Office, London (Volume 5) 1437 4798 April 26

    John Lyster, merchant of York, alias John Littester of Wakefield in Yorkshire, merchant, with John, duke of Norfolk, keeper of the town and castle of Berwick and of the marches, defending and victualling that town and castle; Easter [C 71/88, m. 2l [Occupation only in Rot. Scot., ii, 30ll.

    1492-3-HILARY TERM, 8 HENRY VII.
    Plaintiffs. Deforciants. Nature and Situation of the Property
    Alan Jepson Thomas Lyster and Elizabeth his wife 2 messuages with lands in Wakefeld.
    From: 'Yorkshire Fines: 1486-99', Feet of Fines of the Tudor period [Yorks]: part 1: 1486-1571 (1887), pp. 1-14. URL: Date accessed: 05 May 2011.

    Richard Lyster William Wodde and Alice his wife, daughter and heir of John Lyster Messuage with lands in Wrenthorpe and Stanley.
    From: 'Yorkshire Fines: 1516-20', Feet of Fines of the Tudor period [Yorks]: part 1: 1486-1571 (1887), pp. 30-37. URL: Date accessed: 14 February 2012.

    Thomas Lyster, or Lister, who is stated to have been of Wakefield in 1426, and to have had a son, Michael, of Brockden, who, by Mary his wife, was father of John, father of Lord Chief Justice Sir Richard Lyster. He, or his son Thomas, may be the Thomas Lyster who was a trustee of Thurston Banastre (of Brockden) for the foundation of the Roger Nowell Chauntry in Wakefield Church, 25 Sept. 1478. The Banastre and Nowell connection tends to confirm the alleged relationship of the Wakefield Lysters. However, in Flower's "Visitation of Yorks.", 1563-4, Thomas Lyster is stated to have m. . . . Wayte. [H.L.L. Denny, "Memorials of an Ancient House" (1913) - p. 7]

    Lawrence Lyster, or Lister, of Midhope, &c., 4 Hen. VI., 1426 . At the Michaelmas Sessions at Lancaster 9 Hen. VI., 1431, "Lawrence, son of John Lyster de Berlewyck," appeared. In Jan. 1442 Edmund Parker of Colne granted Lawrence Lyster of Midhope land in Merelysden. "Lawrence Lyster" was plaintiff in a case at York, 33 Hen. VI., 1454/5, against William, son of Richard Wilkynson, and William, son of Thomas Wilkynson, both of Newsom in Craven, and Richard and Henry Dogeson of the same. In 1466/7 Richard Banastre of Brokden granted Lawrence Lyster and Christopher his son lands in Todbarges in Rimington. In 1463 Lawrence Lyster rented the fisheries of Colne. He granted 20 Sept. 1467, to Christopher his son, and Joane his wife, dau. William Calverley, Esq., lands in Pontefract Houghton, Castleford, Whitwoodmere, and Hoogill in Craven. According to most pedigrees, Lawrence Lyster m. a dau. of Richard Banastre of Brockden, but in an ancient MS. pedigree at Browsholme, which gives proof of each link in the Lyster descents, so far as it goes, it is stated that he m. Ellen Banastre, dau. Christopher Banastre, "as appeareth by a deed bearing date ye 12 Henry VI.," and that he was son of John "as appears by a deed of Intayle of 4 Hen. VI." (1425/6), which deed is entered in the Dodsworth MSS. "P" agrees as to the marriage, giving "Ellena fil. Chris. Banastre de Brockden, per quam Manorium de Swinden, et tenementa apud Brockden ed Tedber." [H.L.L. Denny, "Memorials of an Ancient House" (1913) - pp. 8-9]

    CP 25/1/281/166, number 15. Link: Image of document at AALT County: Yorkshire. Place: Westminster. Date: The day after St John the Baptist, 2 Richard III [25 June 1485]. Parties: Thomas Lyster and William Mason, chaplain, querents, and John Clerk, son of Alice, the wife of James Halywell', deforciant. Property: 2 messuages, 1 garden, 12 acres of land and 3 acres of meadow inMetheley. Action: Plea of covenant. Agreement: John has acknowledged the tenements to be the right of Thomas, as those which Thomas and William have of his gift, and has remised and quitclaimed them from himself and his heirs to Thomas and William and the heirs of Thomas for ever. Warranty: Warranty. For this: Thomas and William have given him 20 pounds sterling.
    Lyster, John (I05170)
    1676 Later of Chippenham, Wiltshire Brunsdon, David (I02686)
    1677 Later of Salthrop, Wiltshire

    Sarum Marriage Licence Bonds:
    Day: 19 Month: Jun Year: 1805 Groom Forenames: Robert Groom Surname: HUGHES Groom's parish: Wroughton Groom's county: Wiltshire,England Groom's condition: Groom's occupation: Groom's age: Groom's notes:
    Bride Forenames: Sarah Bride Surname: CRIPPS Bride's parish: Wootton Bassett Bride's county: Wiltshire,England Bride's condition: Bride's age: Bride's notes: Place of Marriage: Bondsman 1: FARMER William, Swindon,Wilts Bondsman 2: Jurisdiction: The Bishop of Salisbury in Wiltshire and Berkshire
    Hughes, Robert (I03442)
    1678 Later of Teffont Evias, Wiltshire. Clerk. possibly died here. Webb, William Richmond (I03996)
    1679 LATTON John. William LATTON esq, alleges marriage of his son, John LATTON, bachelor, 24 and Katherine HAMON, of Brasted, Kent, spinster, 22, daughter of Sir Thomas HAMON, knight, who consents - at St Bennet, Gracechurch, London. 17 May 1621.
    Hamon, Katherine (I09671)
    1680 Law Stationer, the Temple, London.
    Later an accountant in Bath.
    Had a large family.

    Possbily daughter Elisabeth Neate Walsh, spinster who died abt. 1852 St. John's Worcester. PRO Will 11/2162

    Trying to trace any decendants of my g.g.g.g. grandfather, Francis Walsh. His sons were Joseph, Benjamin, and Francis. Joseph and Benjamin were Christened in Holborn and all three worked as Law stationers. Francis senior was married to Ann ?, possibly Dann. Joseph married to Eliza Neate and Benjamin to Mary Bidwell Clarke. My g.g.g.grandfather, Benjamin, had at least ten Children. Most of them moved to Worcester. Other places where family members lived include Bath, Bagborough, Putney, Stoke Abbott, Netherbury, and Illinois. Jerry ( your email address does not work. Please contact me.

    1841 Census:
    RG number:
    HO107 Piece:
    970 Book/Folio:
    10/6 Page:
    4 Registration District:
    Bath Sub District:
    Lansdown EnumerationDistrict:
    Ecclesiastical Parish:
    Civil Parish:
    Walcot Municipal Borough:
    Bath Address:
    New King Street, Walcot, Bath County:
    WALSH, Joseph M Ind 60 1781
    WALSH, Eliza F 40 1801
    STARKIN, Ann F 70 Ind. 1771
    MARTIN, Ann F 30 1811
    Walsh, Joseph (I00520)
    1681 LDS Film 01472110
    Clavering. St. Mary & St. Clement's
    Item 3. Page 18. Entry 72
    Mary Joselyn and James Ward
    Married after Banns. James Penn Witnesses: Sarah Jordan
    22nd Aug. 1799 E. J. Hayden
    Josslyn, Mary (I05383)
    1682 LDS has baptised 30 Jul 1579, St. Mary le Bow, London, Middlesex, England??

    Husband marriedly secondly Anne Pryatt St Bartholomew Exchange, London in 1606.

    There is a Mary Barnes daughter of Bartholomew baptised at Barking, Essex in 1581. Same family?? 
    Barnes, Marie (I07008)
    1683 LDS-1127 Film 186,694 #147
    Jone Tutt, widow, of Chilbolton; will dated 14 Apr 1556; inventory 3 Jul 1556
    son Robert Tutt, executor
    son Henry Tutt
    son Richard Tutt
    son Thoms. Tutt
    daughter Winifride Poynter (has children)
    daughter Elizabeth Nicholas (has children)
    cousin William Dowce of Andover
    his son Thomas
    aunt Waterman
    James Waterman
    brother Christopher Waterman (has children)
    daughter Alice Tutt
    daughter Anne
    daughter Margerye Tutt
    deceased husband James Tutt
    John Tutt
    son John Tutt, executor
    appraiser: Thoms. Poynter of Whitchurch
    witnesses: Robert Williams of Enford, Wilts, yeoman; Thomas Tutt, yeoman; Henry Braban, gent
    Waterman, Joan (I09115)
    1684 Lease for one year BRA513/14 20th Mar., 1658/9
    These documents are held at London Metropolitan Archives
    1 Joyce Blount of the City of London sister of Peter Apsley Esq. and widow of Lyster Blount
    2 William Williamson of London St. Giles in the Fields parish; by Partridge Alley
    Apsley, Joyce (I09584)
    1685 Leather seller Birchenshawe, Edward (I10675)
    1686 Left a will but now lost Webb, Christopher Richmond (I01098)
    1687 Left money in his will of his step brother the Bishop of Carlisle, Richard Scope. Cressoner, Ralph (I08913)
    1688 Left property in the will of his grandfather William Ruddle. Browne, John (I07595)
    1689 Left will dated 1579.
    Can not be this old at time of death? Talks about his mother in law and unmarried children in his will?? Second marriage?? 
    Younger, Richard Richmond the (I01090)
    1690 Letter from Francis Alexander, Prebendary of Winchester to Sir John Oglander of Nunwell, the cousin of his wife, Ann OG/CC/102 5 June 1654
    Administrative history: Ann Alexander was the daughter of Sir John's maternal uncle, Tristrim Dillington of Knighton, I.W.

    Text: 1663 Anne, wid. of Dr. Alexander bur. Collection: Hampshire: - Register of Marriages, 1576-1812 (Marriage)
    Dyllington, Ann (I10610)
    1691 Letter from Judith Morley, Chichester, to her daughter-in-law Anne Gresham [daughter of Sir Robert More]. She thanks her for finding her a house in Godalming, and hopes to be able to move there when the household has fully recovered; she laments she has no company in Chichester. 6729/3/130 17 Oct 1641

    Letter from Thomas Gresham, London, to his 'sister' Mrs Judith Garrard, Dorney. He has been busy about the business of their marriage, but has heard nothing from 'cousin Smyth, without whom nothing can be done'. He has urged his mother to join with him in giving a bond to Garrard's friends for 'the performance of your jointure' but she refuses 'unless she may be first satisfied for your portion'. He will tell her all on Saturday and urges her not to fret: 'I will bear all the burden, and will always prove as true to you, as you are to yourself'. He will meet her at Tilstonegate. Mr Roberts sends his greetings, particularly to Gresham's cousin Ann. 'I wish I were where I left my heart'. [Thomas and Judith Gresham were parents of James Gresham who married Ann More, sister of Poynings More, in c.1644] 6729/12/36 1 Oct 1605

    Statement of the estate of the late Thomas Gresham, esq, who died in 1620. Two thirds of Tetney Grange, close called Skern Holme and tithes thereof, all in Lincs, (purchased from Thomas Morrison) and messuage and land in Fulham, Middx, devised to Judith his wife for life LM/1083/34 nd [post 1620]

    Copy of grant of wardship 1) The King 2) Judith Gresham of Fulham, Middx, widow. Wardship and marriage of John Gresham, son and heir of the late Thomas Gresham. LM/1083/35 23 Jun 1621
    Recognizance of statute staple 1) Judith Gresham of Fulham, Middx, widow 2) Sir John Fynnett of St Martin in the Fields. £200 payable at Pentecost next [9 Jun 1622] LM/1083/36 21 May 1622
    Bond in £100 (cancelled by cuts) 1) Judith Gresham of Fulham, Middx, widow, William Baber of Woodbury, Cambs, esq, and John Platt of London, gent 2) Walter Vaughan of London, gent. For repayment of £52. LM/1083/49 23 Nov 1632

    ? sister? Remarriage of mother?
    Discharge of actions 1) John Gresham of Fulham, Middx, esq 2) Judith Morley of Chichester, Sussex, widow. All actions concerning his wardship. LM/1083/58 19 Jul 1642

    Holograph will, dated 17 Jan 1659, of 'Judith Gresham allias Morley', endorsed with a further legacy dated 6 Sep 1660 LM/1083/83 17 Jan 1659

    Letters of administration of John Gresham's goods (granted to his mother Judith Morley) LM/1083/64/1 17 May 1643
    Garrard, Judith (I09839)
    1692 Lieutenant with the East India Company Service.

    Sarum Marriage Licence Bonds:
    Day: 17 Month: Jan Year: 1791 Groom Forenames: William Groom Surname: NEATE Groom's parish: Devizes Groom's county: Wiltshire,England Groom's condition: Groom's occupation: Groom's age: Groom's notes:
    Bride Forenames: Mary Bride Surname: WESTMACOTT Bride's parish: Marlborough St Peter Bride's county: Wiltshire,England Bride's condition: Bride's age: Bride's notes: Place of Marriage: Bondsman 1: HALCOMB John, Preshute Bondsman 2: Jurisdiction: The Bishop of Salisbury in Wiltshire and Berkshire
    Neate, Lieutenant William (I00477)
    1693 Lieutenant-Colonel in the regiment commanded by the Earl of Rothes(25th). His will (PCC195) describes him as of Welwyn, Hertfordshire. He leaves money and goods to Mrs Elizabeth Bewley, living with him. Brother in law Edmund Studwick of St Pauls Covent Garden. Will contested.

    Will and Sentences:
    Edmund Devisscher Esquire And Colonel St James Westminster, Middlesex 29 July 1725 25 February 1737 Sentence
    Edmund Devisscher Gentleman Wellwyn, Hertfordshire 29 July 1725 26 February 1737
    Edmund Devisscher Esquire And Colonel St James Westminster, Middlesex 29 July 1725 27 April 1737 Sentence
    de Visscher, Edmund (I03125)
    1694 Like Gresham Dutton lived mostly abroad during Anne’s childhood, but he did have a house at Isleworth, on or near Gresham’s estate at Osterley
    Anthony Walthall marr Joan (Jone) Bristow 8 Jun 1563 St Olave Old Jewry london She marr 2nd Thomas Dutton of Isleworth and he died 1593.

    Copy of court roll: manor of Isleworth Syon. Surrender at court held 16 February [1588] by Thomas Dutton, gent. and wife Winifred, to use of said Thomas and Winifred for life with remainder to Edward Worrall, to which he was admitted. ACC/0191/002 1588
    These documents are held at London Metropolitan Archives
    Contents: Premises: part of messuage in Isleworth, in which Henry... lerdeler lived.
    Deputy steward: John Cookes.

    Will of Thomas Dutton, Gentleman of Isleworth, Middlesex 28 January 1594 PROB 11/83
    Dutton, Thomas (I09527)
    1695 Listed as a teacher at the time of his marriage in 1856

    1861 Census: Perth, Scotland:
    Name: George Stewart
    Age: 30
    Estimated birth year: abt 1831
    Relationship: Head
    Spouse's name : Elizabeth
    Gender: Male
    Where born: Midmar, Aberdeenshire
    Registration Number: 387/1
    Registration district: Perth Burgh
    Civil parish: Perth Burgh
    County: Perthshire
    Address: 49 51 53 Pomarium
    Occupation: Railway Pointsman
    ED: 28
    Page: 28 (click to see others on page)
    Household schedule number: 192
    Line: 2
    Roll: CSSCT1861_51
    Household Members: Name Age
    Ann Stewart 2
    Elizabeth Stewart 28
    George Stewart 30
    William Stewart 8 Mo

    Occupation: Station Master
    Name: Elizabeth Stewart
    Age: 28
    Estimated birth year: abt 1833
    Relationship: Wife
    Spouse's name : George
    Gender: Female
    Where born: Tough, Aberdeenshire
    Registration Number: 387/1
    Registration district: Perth Burgh
    Civil parish: Perth Burgh
    County: Perthshire
    Address: 49 51 53 Pomarium
    Occupation: Railway Pointsman
    ED: 28
    Page: 28 (click to see others on page)
    Household schedule number: 192
    Line: 3
    Roll: CSSCT1861_51
    Household Members: Name Age
    Ann Stewart 2
    Elizabeth Stewart 28
    George Stewart 30
    William Stewart 8 Mo

    Probably left Scotland between 1861-1871. Not on 1871 census? Arrived from Scotland to Ipswich, Australia some time before 1874. About 1865 according to Eliz's death certificate

    Southern and Western Queensland Railway employee appointments, 1866-1876: Stewart, G. 13 May 1868 page 678

    Official Appointment The Brisbane Courier March 1st 1875
    ...George Stewart, .Inn., to be operator, Oakey Creek railway station ....

    Worked for the Railway Department for 25 years retiring as Station Master in Dalby in 1902. See newspaper article. The Brisbane Courier, Thursday November 20, 1902

    Our Dalby correspondent, writing on 17th instant, says :-Mr. Geo. Stewart, Stationmaster, who Is leaving Dalby, and has.'also retired from the railway service' after a perlpd of a quarter of a century (the last fifteen years as 'stationmaster in Dalby);' was tendered a suppér and smoke concert' at the Grand Hotel'on Saturday night. Mr. J. T. Bell, M.L.A., was present and there was a very, representative gathering. Mr. Bell, on behalf of Mr.Stewart's Dalby friends, presented him with a handsome and costly tantalus spirit stand; . inscribed as follows: "Presented to Mr. George Stewart, Station master, by his Dalby friends, as a mark of their esteem and respect on his retiring from the public' service, Dalby, 15th November, 1902. In making the presentation Mr. Bell spoke in very eulogistic terms of Mr. Stewart's good qualities, both as a citizen and public servant. Mr. Stewart feelingly responded. An adjournment was afterwards made to the balconies, where the remainder of the evening was spent in songs and social intercourse. Mr. Stewart has built for himself a comfortable home at Wilston, near Brisbane, and will shortly take up his residence there.

    The Brisbane Courier 1919
    By PUBLIC AUCTION, THIS DAY (Wednesday), 16th April, at 11 a.m.
    On the Premises "ATHOL," Mars street, Wilston. On account of Mr. George Stewart, we having sold his property, Valuable Furniture, comprising:
    Two Tester Double Bedsteads, One Tester Single Bedstead, with Kapok, Fibre, and Wire Mattresses, HAND SOME BEDROOM SUITE, Toilet Ware, Fine Cane Rocking Chair, Occasional Tables, Whatnot, Ornaments, Splendid Rattan Ware, CARPETS, Window Curtains aid Blinds, LINOS., A.B. Chairs, Pictures, Tapestry Table Cloth, SIDE- BOARD, Couch. Perfection Heater, Bevelled Mirror, DUCHESSES, Marble Top WASHSTAND, Dining Table, Glass Ware, SILVER WARE, Kitchen Table. DRESSER, Large quantity Kitchen Utensils, Bread Crock. Mincing Machine, Meat Safe, ICE CHEST, Lawn Mower, Garden Tools, Crosscut Saw, Filter, Tubs, splendid LAMPS," Veranda Chairs, Fine Cane Veranda LOUNGE, quantity Bed Linen, Sundries.
    J. DOWN. & CO., AUCTIONEERS, &c,

    Several Ships arrive Brisbane from Glascow 1864-1868
    "Naval Reserve" April 1865
    "Samarang" July 1865 and November 1865
    "Maryborough" August 1866
    However may have left from a London port?? 
    Stewart, George (I00798)
    1696 Listed as a widow at time of marriage: Husband was John Spainwick buried Bishopstone, 1722. Possible daughter buried Bishopstone 1721.

    Sarum Marriage Licence:
    Day: 25 Month: Dec Year: 1723 Groom Forenames: Christopher Groom Surname: EDMONDS Groom's parish: Bishopstone Groom's county: Wiltshire,England Groom's condition: Groom's occupation: Groom's age: Groom's notes:
    Bride Forenames: Alice Bride Surname: SPANSWICK Bride's parish: Bishopstone Bride's county: Wiltshire,England Bride's condition: Bride's age: Bride's notes: Place of Marriage: Bishopstone Bondsman 1: SPACKMAN George, Bishopstone Bondsman 2: Jurisdiction: The Bishop of Salisbury in Wiltshire and Berkshire

    First name(s): Alice Last name: EDMUNDS Date of burial: 12 Jul 1728 Age at death: Calculated year of birth: Not known Place of burial: Bishopstone [nr Swindon] Dedication: St Mary County: Wiltshire
    Alice (I02404)
    1697 Listed as Gown Maker at time of wedding in 1783.

    Name: Elizabeth Noakes Gender: Female Baptism/Christening Date: 29 Aug 1762 Baptism/Christening Place: Winchelsea, Sussex, England Birth Date: Birthplace: Death Date: Name Note: Race: Father's Name: Thos. Noakes Father's Birthplace: Father's Age: Mother's Name: Mary Mother's Birthplace: Mother's Age: Indexing Project (Batch) Number: C14813-1

    Name: Elizabeth Noakes Gender: Female Baptism/Christening Date: 19 Dec 1757 Baptism/Christening Place: IDEN,SUSSEX,ENGLAND Birth Date: Birthplace: Death Date: Name Note: Race: Father's Name: George Noakes Father's Birthplace: Father's Age: Mother's Name: Jane Mother's Birthplace: Mother's Age: Indexing Project (Batch) Number: K14818-1

    Age at burial in 1837 given as 76 years eg birth date of 1761??
    Most Noakes born in Iden at this time the children of a William and Mary Noakes. 
    Noakes, Elizabeth (I03491)
    1698 Listed as Labourer at children baptisms.

    First name(s): Samuel Last name: HARRADINE Date of burial: 28 Sep 1817 Age at death: 26 Calculated year of birth: 1791 Place of burial: Ashwell Dedication: St Mary the Virgin County: Hertfordshire
    Harradine, Samuel (I00093)
    1699 Listed in Oxford University Alumni Matriculated March 1694/95 aged 17. Rector at Botley, Hampshire.

    Name Joseph Walton buried 11 Jun 1733 age - Parish Botley
    There is a Mrs Abigail Walton buried the same month?
    WALTON 22 Aug 1733 Mrs Abigail Walton

    Church of England Clergy Database
    Surname Walton
    Forename Josephus
    Qualification BA
    Event Type Type ordination
    Date 24/9/1699
    Place Farnham
    Church chapel
    Clerical Status not given
    Letters Dimissory No

    Person: Walton, Joseph (1699 - 1726)
    CCEd Person ID: 96503 for Walton , Joseph
    Entries for John are in error.

    Education Events
    hide details BA
    Type Name Date Qualification University Full Record
    Ord Walton, Josephus 24/09/1699 BA View
    Ord Walton, Josephus 22/09/1700 BA View

    Ordination Events
    hide details deacon : 24/09/1699 (Mew(s), Peter/Winchester 1684-1706)
    Type Name Date Status Event Full Record
    Ord Walton, Johes 24/09/1699 deacon ordination View
    Ord Walton, Josephus 24/09/1699 deacon ordination View

    hide detailspriest : 22/09/1700 (Mew(s), Peter/Winchester 1684-1706)
    Type Name Date Status Event Full Record
    Ord Walton, Johes 22/09/1700 priest ordination View
    Ord Walton, Josephus 22/09/1700 priest ordination View

    Appointment Events
    Deacon : Widley (24/09/1699 )
    Type Name Date Office Event Location Full Record
    Sub Walton, Joseph 24/09/1699 Deacon Widley/ View

    Curate : Botley (26/09/1700 - 24/08/1708 )
    Type Name Date Office Event Location Full Record
    Appt Walton, Johes 26/09/1700 Curate Licensing Botley/ View
    Sub Walton, Joseph 26/09/1700 Curate Botley Hants/ View
    Libc Walton, Johes 24/08/1708 Curate Botley/ View

    Rector : Botley (08/02/1715 - 23/08/1725 )
    Type Name Date Office Event Location Full Record
    Appt Walton, Josephus 08/02/1715 Rector Institution Botley/ View
    Libc Walton, Johannes 00/00/1717 Rector Botley/ View
    Libc Walton, Josephus 23/08/1725 Rector Botley/ View
    Libc Walton, Josephus 23/08/1725 Rector Botley/ View

    Vicar : Botley (05/09/1726 - 05/09/1726 )
    Type Name Date Office Event Location Full Record
    Libc Walton, Josephus 05/09/1726 Vicar Botley/ View

    No mention of Joseph Walton in Cambridge University Alumn, Alumni Oxonienses, or Fastii Ecclesiae Anglicanae.
    He does appear as father of John in the latter's entry in Alumni Oxonienses
    It gives John born c1704 as he entered Magdalen Hall, Oxford, 11th November 1723 aged 19. He got his BA in 1727.
    His father is given as Joseph Walton, Cler., Botley.

    1. ABIGAIL WALTON - International Genealogical Index
    Gender: Female Christening: 12 NOV 1682 Wymering With Widley, Hampshire, England

    2. JOHN WALTON - International Genealogical Index
    Gender: Male Christening: 14 NOV 1680 Wymering With Widley, Hampshire, England

    3. JOSEPH WALTON - International Genealogical Index
    Gender: Male Christening: 10 MAR 1675 Wymering With Widley, Hampshire, England

    4. JOSEPH WALTON - International Genealogical Index
    Gender: Male Christening: 10 MAR 1677 Wymering With Widley, Hampshire, England

    5. SAMUEL WALTON - International Genealogical Index
    Gender: Male Christening: 18 MAY 1684 Wymering With Widley, Hampshire, England

    6. SAMUEL WALTON - International Genealogical Index
    Gender: Male Christening: 18 JUL 1686 Wymering With Widley, Hampshire, England

    First child??
    Christening: 30 MAY 1700 Tewkesbury, Gloucester, England
    Father: JOSEPH WALTON Family
    Mother: SUSANNA

    Parish Registers Botley, Hampshire:
    WALTON 13 Oct 1702 John son of Mr Joseph & Susanna Walton curate of Botly WALTON 13 Sep 1709 Mary daughter of Mr J Walton curate of Botly (born 20 Aug) WALTON 19 Dec 1704 Joseph son of Mr Joseph & Susannah Walton curate of Botly WALTON 24 Jan 1711 Sarah daughter of Mr Joseph Walton curate of Botly (born 31 Dec)
    WALTON 5 Aug 1707 Anne daughter of Mr Joseph Walton curate of Botly (born 2 Jul)
    Walton, Jospeh (I02547)
    1700 Listed in parish records under mother's name only. Ilegimate. Was Richard her father or another man? No information to date. Married as Mansell so probably not the daughter of Richard Moulton

    Checked Court Session Records for Norfolk 1828-1833. Many bastardry bonds but none for a Mary Mansell.

    Crimplesham St Mary, Norfolk
    150 12/12/1830 Phoebe MANSEL Mary MANSEL

    1841 Census: Fincham, Norfolk, England:
    RG number:
    HO107 Piece:
    754 Book/Folio:
    21 Page:
    11 Registration District:
    Downham Sub District:
    Fincham EnumerationDistrict:
    Ecclesiastical Parish:
    Civil Parish: Fincham Municipal Borough:
    Address: Fincham, Fincham County: Norfolk
    MOULTON, Richd M Blacksmith 28 1813 Norfolk
    MOULTON, Mary F 28 1813 Norfolk
    MOULTON, Pheba F 10 1831 Norfolk
    MOULTON, Sarah F 7 1834 Norfolk
    MOULTON, Robert M 5 1836 Norfolk
    MOULTON, Ann F 4 1837 Norfolk
    MOULTON, Pleasante F 0 (3 months) 1841 Norfolk
    MANSEL, Ann F 55 1786 Norfolk
    Mansell, Phobe Elizabeth (I00077)

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