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     #   Notes   Linked to 
    1551 In the Ramsbury parish registers after Anne's baptism entry is (Andover parish). ie in Hampshire.

    May be the Anne Rowland who marries by licence in 1826??

    There is a burial of an Anne Rowland in 1847 aged 27 years? Who is this?? 
    Rowland, Anne (I00142)
    1552 In the registers as "Cladon" but probably correct family Clayton, Sarah (I01761)
    1553 In the same vault are interred,
    the remains of Mary Clara des Champs de Marcelly,
    Marchioness of Villette, and Viscountess Bolingbroke, of a noble family,
    bred in the court of Lewis 14th.
    She reflected a lustre on the former,
    by the superior accomplishments of her mind;
    She was an ornament to the latter,
    by the amiable dignity and grace of her behaviour.
    She lived,
    the honour of her own sex,
    the delight and admiration of ours
    : She dyed,
    an object of imitation to both:
    With all the firmness that reason,
    With all the resignation that religion,
    Can inspire.
    Aged 74 the 18th of March, 1750."

    From: 'Battersea', The Environs of London: volume 1: County of Surrey (1792), pp. 26-48. URL: Date accessed: 20 July 2007. 
    de Marsilly, Mary des Champs (I02002)
    1554 In this chapel, there are monuments to the memory of .... and also of William Rowe, of Highham-hill, died 29th June, 1596, aged 40.

    Sir John Roe the poet was the cousin, not the uncle, of the ambassador. He was the eldest son of William Rowe (or Roe) of Higham Hill, near Walthamstow, in the county of Essex. William Roe was the third son of the first Lord Mayor of the name Roe. He had two sons, John and William, the latter of whom is probably the person addressed in Jonson's Epigrammes, cxxviii. John was born, according to a statement in Morant's History of Essex (1768), on the fifth of May, 1581. This harmonizes with the fact that when the elder William Roe died in 1596 John was still a minor and thereby a cause of anxiety to his father, who in his will, proved in 1596, begs his wife and executors to "be suiters for his wardeshipp, that his utter spoyle (as much as in them is) maie be prevented." This probably refers to the chance of a courtier being made ward and despoiling the lad. The following year he matriculated at Queen's College, Oxford. How long he stayed there is not known, probably not long. The career he chose was that of a soldier, and his first service was in Ireland. If he went there with Essex in 1599 he is perhaps one of that general's many knights. But he may have gone thither later, for he evidently found a patron in Mountjoy. In 1605 that nobleman, then Earl of Devonshire, wrote to Sir Ralph Winwood, Ambassador to the United Provinces, first to recommend Roe to him as one wishing to follow the wars and therein to serve the States; and then to thank him for his readiness to befriend Sir John Roe. He adds that he will be ever ready to serve the States to requite any favour Roe shall receive. By 1608 he was dead, for a list of captains discharged in Ireland since 1603 gives the following: "Born in England and dead in 1608 - Sir John Roe."
    Rowe, William (I08754)
    1555 Indenture of Release dated 10th June 1679 between Henry Eve of Lynsted, in the county of Kent, Esquire, and Dorothy his wife, of the one part and Thomas Pierce of Sittingbourne, in the county of Kent, grocer of the other part of one messuage with its cellar, yard and garden in Sittingbourne Signed by Henry Eve and Dorothy Eve.
    Eve, Henry (I08675)
    1556 Indentures dated June 10, 1557, March 25, 1562,3 and May 5, 1562, shows Sir Thomas as living in the parish of St. Peter le Poor, and the early register of this parish adds to this. They record the christening of Nicholas Lodge on
    April 27, 1561, the christening of " Wyllyhelmus Lodge, Filius domini Thomas Lodge militis, et illius Anni Maioris " on April 18, 1563, and the burial of " Robert Lodge the sonne of Mr. Thomas Lodge Alderman " on May 18, 1561. The register begins in 1561, when the christening of Nicholas opens the roll of baptisms.

    Sir Thomas' will provides for the younger Benedict and Henry but no mention of Nicholas. Nicholas felt he had been badly treated and this is indicated by the fact that he apparently contested the validity of the will, and secured letters of administration of his father's estate since a Sentence is recorded (P.C.C., 26 Brudenell), promulgated May 22, 1585, in a suit between Gamaliel Woodford, executor named in the will of Sir Thomas Lodge . . . and Nicholas Lodge administrator . . pronouncing for the sanity of the said deceased and for the validity Nicholas Lodge .
    Litigation over the wills of Sir Thomas and Lady Lodge did not cease here.
    About 1596 William Lodge was attempting to extract from Gamaliel Woodford
    money due from the estate of Lady Lodge (P.R.O., Chancery Proceedings,
    03/244/101), and at intervals during his life Thomas attempted to secure what he regarded was due to him under his mother's will.
    Lodge, Nicholas (I08531)
    1557 Index West Lothian Census 1851: Isabella Potter's

    POTTER ISABEL 52 UPHALL (This Isabella wife of Lewis Potter, pauper and Ag Lab)

    There is an Isabella Potter aged 62 years on the 1861 census at Uphall, West Lothian.(672/00 001/11 027) Any connection. Born about 1800. (Probably the wife of Lewis Potter 
    Paris, Isabel (I03375)
    1558 Indexed as Martland
    1841 Census: Angus, Scotland:
    1841/312 Montrose-Angus
    Folio 11 Page 3
    Address: Academy Square
    Maitland James M 25 Shoemaker Angus
    Maitland Rebecca F 30 Angus
    Maitland Rebecca F 5 Angus
    Maitland Francis M 9months Angus

    Will: James Maitland Shoemaker, India Street, afterwards St Peter's Place, Montrose. d 07/07/1878 at Montrose, intestate
    Maitland, James (I03233)
    1559 Inheritated his fathers estates.
    M.P. for Ludgershall 1722-34.
    Died without issue 1738

    PRP ref C 104/210
    "WEBB v WEBB: Affidavits of Hester Richmond Webb, widow and executrix of Borlace Richmond Webb, plaintiff, and of Thomas Lloyd of Lincoln's Inn, Middx, her solicitor, with schedule of the following (marked 1-5) 1728`-`1742


    FILE [no title] - ref. 1461/2447 - date: Mich.6 Geo.II. [1732]
    \_ [from Scope and Content] Certified copy of a final concord between (1) Charles Baldwyn and (2) Borlace Richmond Webb and his wife Hester: properties as in WSRO 1461/2445.

    FILE [no title] - ref. 1461/2449 - date: Hil.7 Geo.II. [1734]
    \_ [from Scope and Content] Certified extract of a final concord between (1) Peter Delme esq. and (2) Borlace Richmond Webb esq., his wife Hester, Charles Baldwyn gent., Thornton Man esq., his wife Jane, Edward Rider and his wife Elizabeth: properties as in no. 1461/2443.

    FILE [no title] - ref. 1461/2463 - date: 16 July 1737
    \_ [from Scope and Content] Copy of a decree in a Chancery suit between (1) Edward Ryder, his wife Elizabeth and others and (2) Richmond Webb and others: matters arising from the estate of Thomas Webb sergeant-at-law.
    Webb, Borlase Richmond (I00641)
    1560 Inherited Lydiard Tregoze, Wiltshire
    Squire to the Margaret Beauforet
    Tomb at Fort Lincoln, Linconshire, England

    Will of Oliver Saint John 10 April 1497 PROB 11/11

    Will of Oliver St.John, copied from 'Testamenta
    Vetusta', Nicolas, London 1826.

    Oliver St.John, Esq.
    In the name of God Amen. This is the laste will of me Olyver Seynt John, Esquyer, sonne to the excellent Dutchesse of Somersett. First, I bequeath my sowle to Almighty God, and to our Lady Seynt Mary, and to the Saynts of Heven; and my body to be buried in the quier afore Saynt Andrew, in the parish Church of Stoke. Also I will, that my wife have, duryng her life, all my lands and tenements in Legeard Tregoes, and Polton, with the manor of Borwode and Whatfild-hall, which is myne by the resonne and gift of my Lady my modre, with a place which I purchased in the lordshippe of Hacksmore, called Hillisthing, in Dorsetshire; also I will, that my wife have all suche landes as be myne, by the reason and gift of the Kynge's grace, at Hatfield Peverall, with the ternyns and wayes south, with Depford and Depford Strond, otherwise called West Greenwich; also I will, that she have the lordeship of Garseynton; and that after her decease all the foresaid lordshippes, landes, and tenements, return unto my sonne John, and to his heirs; also I will, that my wife have the lordeship of Lollam, the which I purchased to give and sell, as in fee simple; moreover I will, that Rauf Rochford have all suche landes and tenements as I purchased within the lordeship of Sowth Stoke and North Stoke; also I will, that my wife have all my goodes for the helth of my sowle, as she thinks best. Thees being witnesses, Master Richard Bullok, John Writh, Henry Bigote, and Rauf Rochford, with other yeomen; and made the second daye of Marche, in the year of oure Lord God MCCCCLXXXXVI'

    In a footnote, the testator is described as 'Second son of Oliver St.John, of Lydiard Tregoze, by Margaret, daughter of Sir John de Beauchamp, and sister and sole heir of John Lord Beauchamp, of Bletsho; the said Margaret married, secondly, John Beaufort, Duke of Somerset, K.G. and her daughter by him was the mother of King Henry VII.; her third husband was Lionel Lord Welles.'

    II. Oliver St. John and his wife Elizabeth M.S. II V sto-r 1503
    London: "G" series 1
    Effigies of Master Oliver St. John, Esquire, in armor, son of the Duchess of Somerset, and his wife Dame Elizabeth Bygod, 1503, with five sons and three daughters, with two shields, symbol of St. Luke, and English inscription. Relaid on the floor of the chancel.
    On this brass commemorating Oliver St. John and his wife Elizabeth and laid on the death of the latter, the armored effigy of St. John, clean-shaven and with hair to the shoulders ...To the right, Elizabeth St. John wears the pedimental headdress, its stiff frontlet forming an inverted "V" over her forehead, its lappets falling below the shoulders, and its cap enclosing the hair at the back of the head. Her dress has a high neck, fitted bodice with turned-back cuffs faced with fur, and a full skirt. A wide belt is buckled in front, its loose end reaching almost to the ground.
    Below these effigies are small plates with figures of the couple's three daughters and five sons, probably relaid incorrectly....

    At the very bottom of the slab is a narrow rectangular plate inscribed in black letter with the following three lines. It, too, has been transposed in relaying and should be placed below the major effigies and above the plates with the children.

    "Pray for the soll of Mastyr Olyv' Sent John sqwier sonne un to ye Right excellent hye & myghty prynces duchess of Som'sete g'ndame un to our sovreyn lorde kynge herre the vijth and for the soll of dame Elizabeth Bygod his wiff who dep'tid frome this t'nsitere liffe ye xij day of June i ye jere of our lord M CCCCC and iij

    ... In the first quarter, St. John: A bend, on the chief two mullets (stars); in the second, Scrope (Elizabeth's family): Azure, a bend Or; in the third, an engrailed cross; and in the fourth Rochforth (?): a quartered field with a bordure of bezants or roundels.
    ... Oliver St. John married Elizabeth, the daughter of Henry, Lord Scrope of Bolton, described on the brass as Elizabeth Bygod. Actually, she was the widow of Sir John Bygod, a knight killed with his father at the battle of Townton in 1461. After his death, she married Henry Rochforth, Esquire, who died in 1470 and is buried in this church (q.v.). By his marriage to Elizabeth, St. John acquired the manor of Stoke. If the brass is correct, the couple had five sons and three daughters, one of whom, Sibil (d. 1 July 1493) is buried in this church. Actually, Elizabeth was to outlive her third husband, for Oliver St. John died at Fontarabia in Spain. He is, however, buried at Stoke Rocheford According to the inscription, Elizabeth died on 12 June 1503.

    Brooke-Little, J.P. Boutell's Heraldry. Rev. ed. London: Frederick Warne and Company, Ltd., 1973.
    Jeans, G.E. A List of the Existing Sepulchral Brasses in Lincolnshire. 1895. Part II is the Vol. 2 of Lincolnshire Notes and Queries.
    Norris, Malcolm. Monumental Brasses: The Memorials. 2 vols. London: Phillips and
    Page, 1977.

    National Archives:
    Chancery: Inquisitions Post Mortem, Series II, and... C 142/13/57 Oliver Seynt John (St. John), esquire: Wiltshire. . Oliver Seynt John (St. John), esquire: Wiltshire.

    St. John, Oliver (I00217)
    1561 Inherited Stewkley Grange, Bucks Webb, John Richmond (I01390)
    1562 Inquisition Post Mortem of John Kayleway, Esq. [of Cullompton, Devon] -Chancery Inq. p. m. Ser. II Vol. 52 (29), 23 Hen VIII (1531) Delivered into Court 23 Oct. by Thomas Sydenham of the Temple.

    Inquisition taken at Exeter 4 Oct 23 Hen VIII (1531) before John Hext, esq., escheator, after the death of John Kayleway, esq.,....WHO SAY that John Kayleway was seised of 2 messuages, 2 gardens ....By his deed dated 25 Jan 15 Hen. VIII [1523/4] John Kayleway granted the presmises to John Rawe, sergeant at law, John Whyting, Nicholas Aschford, Henry Walrond, Humfrey More, John Skuys, John Cruys, esq., John Drake, Robert Herone, Robert Cruys, Edward Cruys & William Tournour, to the use of the said John Kaylway & his heirs.
    John Whyting afterwards died....
    By his deed dated 10 Oct 21 Henr. VIII [1529] John Kaylway made his last will & therein desired that the said feoffees should hold the premises as aforesaid to his use during his life, & afterwards should hold all his lands in Cornwall, Devon, Hants & Dorset to the use of Joan his wife, for life, with remainders to George their son, the heirs of Joan, to Margaret Ascheford sister of Joan, wife of the said Nicholas Ascheford & her heirs & to the right heirs of Margaret Tregarthen late wife of Thomas Tregarthen, grandmother of said Joan, dau. & heir of Richard Hendor & Katherine his wife, dau. & heir of Robert Chamberlayne.
    After the death of John Kaylway, to wit, 28 March 22 Hen. VIII [1531] Joan, his widow, granted to the said feoffes (Simon Kayleway being substituted for John Whyting) all her late husband's lands in Devon, Cornwall, Dorset & the courty of the town of Southampton (except the moiety of Brannell & the moiety of the advowson of the church of St. Stephen there), to the uses aforesaid.
    By deed dated 26 May 23 Hen. VIII [1531] the said Joan granted those moieties to the said feoffees to the same uses.
    John Kayleway died 24 Feb 23 Hen. VIII [1531].
    George, son & heir, aged 6.

    Note: The lands mentioned in the deeds, in Cornwall, Devon, Hants & Dorset, were about the lands of the Tregarthen, Hendor & Chamberlayne families, to which Joan and her sister, Margaret Tregarthen (Tanner, Aschford) were heirs. They were daughters of John Tregarthen, who pre-deceased his father, Thomas Tregarthen; thus Joan and Margaret were heirs to their grandparents Thomas & Margaret Hendor Tregarthan. Margaret Hendor was d & h of Richard Hendor & w. Katherine Chamberlayne. The land referred to in CORNWALL, HANTS & DORSET belonged to these families.
    John Kayleway, esq. of Cullompton only held land in DEVON. There was no IPM in Dorset for him.

    Will of John Kayleway of Cullompton, Devon [P.C.C. Thower 3]
    In the name of god amen the thirteen day of February in the yere of our lord god a thousand fyve hundred and thirtie I John Kayleway in my hole and perfect mynde make and declare my testament and last will in mayner and forme following -
    First I bequeath my soule to almighty god my maker and my body to be buried in holy [_____] in any church or churchyd where it shall please almighty god and I bequeath to the highcross light our lady light Saint John’s light Saint Nicholas light Jesus light euriche [or each] of them in the parish church of Colompton and to the store of the same church of Colompton vjs. viid. [6 shillings 8 pence]. Item I bequeath to the store of St. George’s chapel at Peryholde xxd. Also I will and bequeath that if Jane my wife make assurance of all her manors messuages lands tente. rents, etc and of all other her inheritances in the counties of Cornwall, Devon, Southampton and Dors. to Sir Giles Strangewaies knight, John Rowe Serjeant at the Lawe, John Skewys and Simon Cayleway my feoffees or the the more part of them and to their heires to the use of the said Jane my wife during her life the remainder thereof to th’use of George Kaylway sonne and heire of the said John Kaylway and Jane and to the heires of the body of the said George lawfully begotten and for default of yssue of the bodye of the said George lawfully begotten to remain to the said Jane and to the heires of her bodie lawfully begotten in divers remainders over and according to an indenture bearing date the xxth day of October in the yere of our lord god a Thousand fyve hundred xxix And in the xxj yere of the Reyne of King Henrie the eighth wherein I have declared my will of all myne inheritances then I will my said wife have twoo hundred poundes in mony.
    Item I bequeath to the said Jane my wife all my household stuffe as hereafter folowithe that is to say all bedding hangings of house cuppes? condit? salters sponys carpetts cushions broches potts panes basons vessels dishes candlesticks wode horses and other bestes and chaines of goulde except such thinges thereof as I will hereafter give away to anie other p’sonne or p’sonnes provided always that the said Jane my wife shall thereof delyver a bedd p’formed with all man’r of stuffe p’teynning to a bedd and hanginges for a chamber to my sonne and heire to lye thereon during the tyme that he is at his larning.
    I bequeath to Marye thelder, Anne, Elizabeth, Mary the younger, Catherine, Florence and Agnes my daughters euriche [or each] of them not maryed before the tyme of my decease twoo hundred marks in lawfull money of England if they be ordered and ruled in their marriage by myne executors or the more p’te [part] of them to be payd to them at the day of their marriage And if it happens any of the said daughters to decease before she be maryed or else to be professed in Religion then my will that all such mony as she to be paid to her so deceased or professed shall go to my executors towards the p’formance of my last will. Item I bequeath to Symon Kayleway my cousin and servant xxx pounds in mony to helpe to be free and freman in the Staple of Calles [Calais]. Item I bequeath to William Tourner my servant x pounds. Item I bequeath to servants of my household therewith that shalbe in service at the tyme of my decease vjs. viijd. Item I bequeath to Robert Wellegh John Smythe Humfrey Eggebastian Henry Canford John Edmundes of Colompton eueriche [or each] of them vjs. viijd. Item I bequeath to Sir Thomas Steevin vjs. viijd. Item to Sir John Quicke vjs. viijd. Item to John Mannyng the younger vjs. viijd. Item to Agnes Gatour vjs. viijd. Item to Sir Willyam Smythe Xs. Item to John Wytton of London vjs. viijd. Item to his wife Margery vjs. viijd. Item to John Hill of London merchaunt of the Staple at Calles [Calais] Xs. Item to David Wodrow vjs. viijd. Item to Richard Petrike merchaunt of the Staple at Calles XXs. Item I bequeath to the parish churches of Kentisbere, Brodwode kelleigh and Yessleigh euriche [or each] of them vjs. viijd. tem I bequeath to heyre or heyres, that ought to be eight heyres of blood unto Thomas Moys sometime of Colehouse in the parish of Brodwode Kelleigh in the county of Devon to helpe his heires to purchase landes or other messuages to hym thereunto x poundes in mony. Item I bequeath to the store of John Tann’rs chauntrye in the parish church of Colompton toward the finding of the priest wages? iv pounds of mony upon consideration that Wyllyam Huntingdon and his executors may be discharged of and to and as that the said Wyllyam Hundingdon remaynethe for debt in the boke of accountes of the said John Tanner’s chauntry upon the said Wyllyam Hundtingdon and his executors and assigns. Item I bequeath to twoo houses of Friars Observant of Greenwich & Richmond and to their convents eueriche [or each] of the said houses XX pounds and to pray for the soule of one James Whiting. Item I bequeath to an honest priest to be named by myne executors X poundes And the said priest to pray for the soule of one John Gibbes --- all which legacies and bequests and bequeaths before written I wish that yt shalbe payed of any wooll and fells in the Staple of Calais and of all my goodes and chattels not given or bequeathed shall go and be unto John Row serjeant at lawe, Thomas Sydenham of Culmestoke, John Drake of Exmouth and Robert Hone of Oke Saint Mary to pay my debts and to dispense yt after then? desecesant? And the said John Rowe Thomas Sydenham John Drake and Robert Hone I make and ordain myne executors provided always that if said executors or any of them or my feoffees or any of them be troubled payed for that my will and testament or for defense of my lands or my will of my landes declared Then I will that their charges thereof be borne of my landes and goodes To these witnesses Sir Thomas Preston, clerke, Master Robert Wilcokes priest, Sir Thomas Stevens priest, Sir Willyam Smythe, William Tournour, Symon Keylway and others I doe under my signature and seale the day and yere above written per me - John Rowe Thomas Sydenham John Drake Robert Hone Probatum (in Latin). 19 April 1531 by John Wright proxy for the executors.

    1513-14, “John Kayleway, Joan his wife, and Margaret Tregarthen; lands of their inheritance from Thomas Tregarthen esquire: manor of Brannell, … ; Hendwr (Hendon) (M.): Cornwall, Devon, Dorset, Southampton, Merioneth.” (S) UKNA.

    1518-29, “Thomas Bennet of London, tailor, and Agnes, his wife, daughter of Richard, and granddaughter and heir of Robert Chamberleyne. v. John Kelway and Johane, his wife, granddaughter and co-heir of Margaret Tregarthen.: A tenement called `the Crown' with a garden in Southampton.: Hants.” (S) TNA.
    Kellaway, John (I04808)
    1563 Inquisition taken at Westminster 22 March 22 Eliz. before John Southcote one of the Justices of the Queen and others. The Jurors say that long before his death Thomas Gresham was seised in his demesne as of fee of the Manors of Heston Wike Osterley and Burston in the County of Middlesex and in forty messuages forty gardens 3000 acres of land 500 of meadow 2000 of pasture 500 of wood 4000 of furze and heath and £20 rent with the appurtenances in Osterley Heston Wike Norwood Isleworth Braynford Ashford Bedfont Laleham Ivene* Staynes and Howneslowe, and also of the Park of Osterley co. Midd. (Kecites an Indenture of 20 May 17 Eliz. whereby the above premises were conveyed to Trustees to the use of Sir Thomas Gresham and Anne his wife for the term of their lives with divers remainders over.) That Sir Thomas Gresham died on 21 Nov. 22 Eliz. without any issue by Anne his wife ; that at the time of his death Henry Nevell Junior was his kinsman and next heir as being son and heir of Elizabeth late the wife of Sir Henry Nevell Knight, the daughter and heir of Sir John Gresham Knight deceased late brother of Sir Thomas Gresham Knight. That the said Heniy Nevell was on the 21st March last past of the age of 16 years 11 months and 10 days and is now living. That Anne late wife of Thomas Gresham is still living and at Osterley. That the Manor of Heston is held of the Queen by the service of the 20*'' part of a Knight's fee and is worth £22 16s. 5d. yearly - that the Manors of Osterley Wike and Burston and the other premises are worth £87 5s. Id. yearly but of whom held they know not.

    He married Anne, daughter of Sir Henry Killigrew, and had five sons and six daughters.  
    Neville, Henry (I07705)
    1564 Inscription:

    Sacred to the memory of William Plumbe, Esquire, and Elizabeth his wife. William Plumbe, son and heir of John Plumbe of Eltham, Esquire, married two wives, the first, Margaret, daughter and sole heiress of Thomas Nevil, gentleman, whom Sir Robert Southwell, knight, left a widow, by whom he had no issue; the other, Elizabeth, by whom he had an only son, Francis Plumbe. Elizabeth was the only daughter and heiress of Edward Dormer of Fulham, Esquire, youngest son of
    Geoffrey Dormer of Thame, Esquire. She had for her first husband John Gresham, of Mayfield, in the County of Sussex, Esquire, and second son of Sir John Gresham (once Lord Mayor of London), to whom she bore three sons, Thomas, William and Edward Gresham. After his death, she married the above-mentioned William Plumbe. He died 9th day of February Anno Dom. 1593 and in the 60th year of his age. Elizabeth Plumbe died … day of … Anno Dom. … and in the … year of her age.
    All Saints Churchyard
    Greater London, England
    Plumbe, William (I09663)
    1565 Inscription:
    Syr Andrew Lutterell's child, and Richard Roger's wife, Heve Lutterel lys in tomb, exil'd from mortal lyfe, By mother's syde extract, from Wyndham's worthy lyne, Who at her wedlock day, had lived years tenne and nyne, Seven years no child she had, yet after daughters five, Sonnes three, which three she left, and daughters three alive, What tyme years twente twice and three she had outworne, Her corps, which was of yearth, to yearth again was born;Not so her godlie soule; hither bound is in reaste, Of such a godlie dame we may pronounce her blest. Who died the x daye of March, A'o 1566[/67].

    Note: Brass Plate on the South Wall of the Nave.

    Luttrell, Cecily (I08486)
    1566 IPM 1555.

    At Launcells was a cell of Austin canons, belonging to the abbey of Hartlandin Devonshire, which, in the year 1537, was leased, by King Henry VIII., to Sir John Chamond (fn. 1), and became the seat of that family. In the parish-church is the monument of John Chamond, the last of the family, who died in 1624.Sir John Chamond the elder had been "knighted at the Sepulchre (fn. 2): "his son, Sir John Chamond the younger, lived to a great age; Carew says, that he served in the office of a Justice of Peace almost sixty years, that he knew above fifty several judges of the Western Circuit, and that he was uncle and great uncle toat least 300 persons.
    From: 'Parishes: Launcells - Launceston', Magna Britannia: volume 3: Cornwall (1814), pp. 185-192. URL: Date accessed: 13 March 2012.

    An Inquisition Post Mortem held on 18th. April, 1545, at Helston, found that before his death, Sir John Chamond Knt., had conveyed by charter, dated at Treworgans Manor in Cubert, to Richard Grenfeld Knt., and others the Manor of Treworgans, including his lands in Porthcothan at St. Eval; this was a legal device for passing on Chamond’s estate to his second son and heir, Richard Chamond, and his wife Margaret; Porthcothan was held by them of the Bishop of Exeter as of Pawton Manor (St. Breock); we know that Pawton Manor in turn was held from the Bishop of Exeter by Sir Andrew Dudley Kt., for on lst July 1551 confirmation was given “by the Dean and Chapter of Exeter to Sir Andrew Dudley Kt., of the Manors of PAWTON (St.. Breock) IDE (St. Breock, St. Issey and St. Merryn) & TREFOS (St. Merryn) [Pawton Ide and Trevose] and 200 messuages 100 cottages ... 30 pounds rent in Pawton Ide ... Trevythvan [Padstow] Porghcothan [St. Eval] ... Trevythvyn [Padstow] ... Trewethen [St. Eval].” (Charles Henderson’s Calendars Vol.18, pp. 78-9.) This sub-infeudation of manorial holdings, where manors were held as sub-manors of head manors was quite the norm at the time,

    Chaumont : ....There is a Place near to Stretton," writes Leland, "caullid Ebbingford, but now commonly Efford, wher John Arundell of Trerice was borne, and hathe a fair Maner Place, in the which Syr John Chaumon now dwellith, that married the Mother yet lyving of John Arundale of Trerice." This Sir John was twice Sheriff of Cornwall during the reign of Henry VIII., and, according to Carew, a man learned in the common law, who had been knighted at the Sepulchre of Our Lord at Jerusalem. At the dissolution of Hartland Abbey, he received a grant of Lancells, which he made his principal residence, and long continued that of his posterity. "He had a park of fallow deer at this place, which Norden notices, as I suppose the Abbots of Hartland had before him. It seems to have been to Sir John Chamond a country seat and place of retirement."-Tonkin. His son Richard was again Sheriff 35 Hen. VIII., 2 Ed. VI., and 4 Eliz., and twice served as knight of the shire. "He received at God's Hand an extraordinary Favour of long Life; serving in the Office of Justice of the Peace almost sixty years. He knew above fifty several Judges of the Western Circuit; was uncle and Great-uncle to three hundred at least: wherin yet his Uncle and Neighbour, Master Greynville, Parson of Kilkhampton, did exceede him. He married one of the Daughters and Heirs of Trevenner, and by her saw five Sons and two Daughters, the youngest out-stepping forty Yeares."-Carew. He had an elder brother named Sir Thomas, whose two heiresses carried part of his lands into the families of Tripcony and Trevanion. Two others of the name appear on the Roll of Sheriffs: Deg. Chamond, 4 James I., and John Chamond, nine years afterwards: the latter, who died in 1624, lies buried under a highly decorated monument in Lancells Church. This John was a son of the venerable Justice extolled by Carew, and the family ended with him. "
    Chamond, John (I09998)
    1567 Ironmonger.

    Apprenticeship[ Indexes:
    1771 Hopkins Richard, son of Thomas, Chilton, Wiltshire, farmer (deceased), to Walter Hattam, 17 Jun 1771, Musicians' Company
    Dean and Chapter of Rochester : Treasurer's bills and vouchers 1552-1867 (DRc/FTv 1-231)
    Includes bill from Richard Hopkins, Three Keys, 3 Gracechurch Street, London, ironmonger (successor to Mr. Richard Townsend) for 198' of wire work to the cathedral windows, passed through Mr. Eason (Easton) Harrison, Rochester, cathedral carpenter, settled 10 October 1780 (DRc/FTv 139 Pt. I/9)

    A Richard Hopkins of West Hendred married a Sarah Hopkins at West Hendred 1779 by licence??

    Any conncetion?
    p47 Chilton [7m SE of Wantage], All Saints Church monuments to HEAD family ... on the arcade is a marble tablet to El. wife of Head PLOTT bur x, .. & Anne wife of Richard HOPKINS d 20.3.1807
    Mentioned in will of uncle John Skinner Surrey St, Middlesex as nephew Mr Richard Hopkins of Phillimore place, Kensington.

    The Gentleman's Magazine, 1822
    In Phillimore-place, Kensington, in his 67th year, Richard Hopkins, esq.
    National Archives:[no title] MS 11936/467/913834 15 January 1816 Contents: Insured: Richard Hopkins, 17 Upper Phillimore Place Kensington, Esq
    Other property or occupiers: Greyhound Lane Streatham Surrey (John Woolmore); Chilton Wiltshire (Binwell); 10 Great Charlotte Street St Georges Road; 24 Eaton Street Pimlico (Hutchinson); Stockwell Green (Ellington, Hibbs); 77 Fetter Lane (Fitch green grocer)

    [no title] MS 11936/526/1119755 2 February 1831 Contents:
    Insured: William Jones 125 Thames Street oilman, Richard Lever and Robert Cooper, executors of Richard Hopkins deceased
    Other property or occupiers: 17 Upper Phillimore Place Kensington; Greyhound Lane Streatham Surrey (Woolmore); Chiltern in Wilts (Benell); 10 Great Charlotte Street Blackfriars Road Stockwell Green

    Will of Richard Hopkins of Kensington , Middlesex 01 February 1822 PROB 11/1653
    Mentions messuage at Cholsey, Berkshire, sister Fettiplace Hopkins living there, daughter Mary Hopkins, his wife Elizabeth, children of two sister Martha Edmunds and Margaret Hewitt except christopher Edmonds, estate at Leverton, Wiltshire, two nieces Anne Hewett and Catherine Martin,(daughter of my sister margaret Hewitt) and to my niece Mary Davis,

    At the death of his grandmother Margaret Skinner?? Probably not unless first wife if Ann and second wife Elizabeth. Could account for young daughter Mary.
    The chantry lands were leased toRobert Thomas in 1571 (Pat. 13 x, m. 30) and thirteen years later toWilliam Blacknall sen., William Blacknalljun., and John son of the younger William,for their lives (ibid. 26 Eliz. pt. ii, m. 21).John Blacknall and John Hercy were inpossession in 1623 (Exch. Dep. East. 21Jas. I, no. 6) and the Hercy family seemsto have had a grant in fee. John Hercysettled the estate on himself and his sons in1625 (Feet of F. Berks. Mich. 1 Chas. I).It belonged in 1719 to a Mr. Yorke(Ashmole, op. cit. ii, 311). In 1777 it had come into the possession of RichardHopkins (Feet of F. Berks. Mich. 17.Geo. III), who was still in possession in1801 (Loc. and Personal Act, 41 Geo. III,cap. 48). Afterwards it passed to thefamily of Robinson (Clarke, op. cit. 131).

    From: 'Parishes: East Hendred ', A History of the County of Berkshire: Volume 4 (1924), pp. 294-302. URL: Date accessed: 19 July 2011. 
    Hopkins, Richard (I06670)
    1568 Is Elizabeth the illegimate daughter of Hannah Maitland and never married George Smart??
    Can't find on 1841 census. Did she die between birth of daughter and 1841?? 
    Maitland, Hannah (I00805)
    1569 Is he Colonel James Apsley?

    SP 89/6/27
    Description:Folio 59: Certificate by Colonel James Apsley clearing Major-General O'Brien of the allegations of treachery made by Colonel Molesworth, and stating that an English court-martial had tried and found guilty the latter.
    Date and place: 1663 Mar 21 Lisbon.
    Copy. Endorsed in Spanish and English by Fanshaw
    1663 Mar 21
    Held by:
    The National Archives, Kew
    Apsley, James (I04974)
    1570 Is he the "godson" Michael Blount mentioned in the will of his grandfather Michael Blount.
    Mentioned in the will of his grandmother Lady Jane Wriothesley, 1574.

    Son of Richard Lister and Mary Wriothesley?
    Lister, Michael (I09876)
    1571 Is he the grandson of William Capel?? Son of Giles?

    Will of Henry Capell of Little Hadham, Herts made 16 June 1588 proved 13
    July 1588

    Spouse: Mary Gray nee Browne
    BROTHER: Giles Capell
    SONS: Arthur; Edward 2nd; Gamialiell; Robert youngest
    Covenant with Sir Anthony Browne KG Vt Montague
    Property: Hadham Hall, Herts; Raynes Hall als Wells Hall, Essex; Barwick manor, Abbas Roding, Essex; Icklingham Barnes manor, Suffolk; Little & Grate Framsham manor, Necton, Norfolk; Stebbing manor, Essex; Wrington manor, Somerset

    Check St James Clerkenwell for a Gamidge Capell?

    Name: Frauncis Capell Gender: Female Spouse's Name: John Shorley Marriage Date: 14 Sep 1585 Marriage Place: Little Hadham, Hertfordshire, England

    Name: Ann Capell Gender: Female Spouse's Name: Robert Chester Marriage Date: 30 Jul 1587 Marriage Place: Little Hadham, Hertfordshire, England

    Name: Gamaliel Capel College: PEMBROKE Entered: Easter, 1577 More Information: Matric.;> pens. from PEMBROKE, Easter, 1577. Of London. B.A. 1580-1; M.A. from Queens', 1584. Fellow of Queens', 1582-5.

    Name: Humphrey Capel College: QUEENS' Born: 1589 More Information: Adm. at QUEENS', Oct. 28, 1605. 4th s. of Sir Arthur, of Little Hadham, Herts. B. 1589. at the Middle Temple, Apr. 1608. Buried at Hadham, Nov. 4, 1662. (Vis. of Herts., 1634.)
    Capell, Henry (I09063)
    1572 Is it Bowen or Bourn?
    There is a burial for a Sarah Russell widow in 1776
    Also Sarah wife of john Russell in 1779 
    Bourn, Sarah (I01807)
    1573 Is it the John Eyles od Devizes who lives a will in 1660?
    He does mention a son John Eyles. 
    Eyles, John (I10270)
    1574 Is Margaret connected to the Webb family?? Margaret (I10645)
    1575 Is she the daughter of a George ESTCOURT who was a churchwarden of Tetbury in 1594 according to Lee's "History of Tetbury" (p. 292, col. 2, George ESTCOURTE).

    Johan ESTCORTE, of Westport, Wilts. widow is named in a Chancery Suit answer of 12 Feb. 1594/5 and appears in "Richmond Family Records", vol. 2, p. 55 as Johan ESTCORTE, a widow, who by an earlier marriage to John MOODY, of Westport (d. 4 Mar. 1549/50, IPM 6 Feb. 1550/1; see Visitation of Wilts., 1623, pp. 136-137, MOODIE de Westport pedigree) had a daughter Elizabeth who married Anthony RICHMOND alias WEBB of Manningford Bohim, Wilts. (who happens to have been Ambrose R als W's uncle).

    After the death of MOODY, Johan married an ESTCOURT (ESTCORTE) and was widowed again by 12 Feb. 1594/5, which is just in time to make it possible for her to have been the wife of George ESTCOURT churchwarden of Tetbury in 1594.

    Moody, Elizabeth (I02688)
    1576 Is she the daughter of Edward Hope. Thomas Pierce, malster describes Edward Hope the younger as his brother in law??

    Day: 6 Month: Aug Year: 1666 Groom Forenames: Thomas Groom Surname: PEARCE Groom's parish: Devizes Groom's county: Wiltshire,England Groom's condition: Groom's occupation: gent Groom's age: Groom's notes:
    Bride Forenames: Frances Bride Surname: HOPE Bride's parish: Devizes Bride's county: Wiltshire,England Bride's condition: sp Bride's age: Bride's notes: Place of Marriage: Bondsman 1: COOKE Cornelius,gent,Devizes Bondsman 2: Jurisdiction: The Bishop of Salisbury in Wiltshire and Berkshire
    Hope, Frances (I06789)
    1577 Is the Nicholas and Joan who baptise children in the 1540's at St Olave Old Jewry the brother of Henry or his son??
    Will of Nicholas Loddington, Grocer of London 19 June 1595 PROB 11/86

    ......sold the whole manor to Nicholas and John Lodington or Luddington. (fn. 56) After the death of Nicholas, his wife Joan married Sir William Laxton, who held the manor jointly with his wife, and dying in 1556 left it by his will to Nicholas Luddington, his stepson,after the death of his wife Joan. (fn. 57) In the following year Sir William's heir Joan, wife of Thomas Wanton,daughter of his brother, John Laxton, confirmed the manor to Nicholas Luddington, (fn. 58) and in 1570 Nicholas assured to his mother Joan her life interest in the estate. (fn. 59) Nicholas sold the manor in 1583 to William Kindesley or Kingsley, (fn. 60) who died seised of it in 1611.

    From: 'Parishes: Sarratt', A History of the County of Hertford: volume 2 (1908), pp. 438-443. URL: Date accessed: 02 February 2012.

    Same Nicholas?
    National Archives:
    [no title] C 2489 29 April 1572
    Contents: Declaration of a Trading Debt.
    (1) Nicholas Luddington, deputy clerke for the Governor of the Company of Merchant Adventurers, now residing in Hambrunghe Makes known that Nicholas PIERSON, factor for Mr. William COKYN, merchant, citizen & skinner of London, swears on oath that between 13 April - 15 Aug. 1568 he sold merchandise on behalf of William Cokyn of £1236-13-2
    To Marselies vander Haydon, Merchant of Franckforde, for which Symon de Koeninck Burgher of Andwerpe stood surety.
    Also that Symon paid to Cokyn by exchange in London £100, & vander Haydon paid to Symon the whole value of the debt.
    And Symon now owes the debt to Cokyn.
    No Sig.
    Seal of the Merchant Adventurers.
    Pt. E.
    Luddington, Nicholas (I06558)
    1578 Is the the Thomas Viasey of Winterborne Monkton who married Ann Vaisey in 1805?? Bondsaman John Vaisey of Clatford Park, Wiltshire?? Vaisey, Thomas (I03929)
    1579 Is this a child of Stephen of Coleshill?
    There is a John Neate and Mary in Preshute with a son Henry baptised in 1779? Which John is this?
    Also a son Samuel baptised 1779 to John Neate and Mary but child born in 1760! Possible marriage of John Neate & Mary Smith by licence in Calne in 1760. Groom of Cherill?

    Possibility? Fairly old if so?
    DEVIZES etc.

    FILE [no title] - ref. 574/230 - date: 1829
    [from Scope and Content] Agreement to build a terrace of houses (Southbroom Terrace) in part of the garden of the Royal Oak, Devizes Green between Jn. Neate Sen., innholder and Bernoni White, carpenter and builder, with plan and elevation. 
    Neate, John (I00416)
    1580 Is this a child of Stephen of Coleshill?
    What about the marriage of Stephen Neate to Mary Greenman at Lea and Cleverton in 1772?

    Day: 26 Month: Dec Year: 1772 Groom Forenames: Stephen Groom Surname: NEATE Groom's parish: Devizes St John Groom's county: Wiltshire,England Groom's condition: Groom's occupation: grocer Groom's age: Groom's notes: Bride Forenames: Elizabeth Bride Surname: MATTOCK Bride's parish: Steeple Ashton Bride's county: Wiltshire,England Bride's condition: sp Bride's age: Bride's notes: Place of Marriage: Bondsman 1: BRITTAN Meshack,watchmkr, Devizes St John Bondsman 2: Jurisdiction: The Bishop of Salisbury in Wiltshire and Berkshire


    Day: 6 Month: Jul Year: 1774 Groom Forenames: Stephen Groom Surname: NEATE Groom's parish: Monkton Groom's county: Wiltshire,England Groom's condition: Groom's occupation: farmer Groom's age: Groom's notes:
    Bride Forenames: Elizabeth Bride Surname: HUMPHRIS Bride's parish: Monkton Bride's county: Wiltshire,England Bride's condition: wid Bride's age: Bride's notes: Place of Marriage: Bondsman 1: HAZELAND John,wheelwright,Wilcot Bondsman 2: Jurisdiction: The Bishop of Salisbury in Wiltshire and Berkshire

    Stephen NEAT Date 8 Apr 1777 Prison ? Parish Winterbourne Monkton Type G Age ? Destination ? Notes yeoman

    Probably the Stephen Neate of Winterbourne as bondsman to brother? Phillip in 1777 marraige??

    Day: 2 Month: Sep Year: 1836 Groom Forenames: Stephen Groom Surname: NEATE Groom's parish: Winterbourne Monkton Groom's county: Wiltshire,England Groom's condition: bac Groom's occupation: Groom's age: Groom's notes:
    Bride Forenames: Elizabeth Bride Surname: STRATTON Bride's parish: Winterbourne Bassett Bride's county: Wiltshire,England Bride's condition: sp Bride's age: 20 Bride's notes: dau of John,yeo Place of Marriage: Winterbourne Bassett Bondsman 1: Bondsman 2: Jurisdiction: The Bishop of Salisbury in Wiltshire and Berkshire
    Neate, Stephen (I00415)
    1581 Is this a daughter of Bartholemew Barnes? Not mentioned in his will of 1605. Deceased??

    London: - Marriage Licences, 1520-1610
    Marriage Licences Granted by the Bishop of London.
    County: London
    Country: England
    12 Apr 1595 John Heaton [? Henton], Mercer, & Jane Barnes, of St Swithin's, London, Spr, dau. of Bartholomew Barnes, of same, Mercer; Gen. Lic.
    Barnes, Jane (I05247)
    1582 Is this a daughter?? Check date is it 1674 or 75-Alresford about 40 miles from Wymering?? Walton, Mary (I09320)
    1583 Is this a sister of Mary Pierce who married Edward Hope?? Check for baptisms. and wills
    marriage of Henry Peirce and Elizabeth? at Poulshott in 1646??. Also recorded Devizes??
    Also Richard Pierce and Mary Kent, 1653.

    Day: 1 Month: Mar Year: 1680 Groom Forenames: Richard Groom Surname: HOPER Groom's parish: Devizes Groom's county: Wiltshire,England Groom's condition: Groom's occupation: gent Groom's age: 26 Groom's notes:
    Bride Forenames: Elizabeth Bride Surname: PIERCE Bride's parish: Devizes Bride's county: Wiltshire,England Bride's condition: sp Bride's age: 26 Bride's notes: Place of Marriage: Bondsman 1: PIERCE Edward jun,gent,Devizes Bondsman 2: PIERCE Robert,tailor,Devizes Jurisdiction: The Bishop of Salisbury in Wiltshire and Berkshire
    First name(s): Eliz Last name: HOPE Date of burial: 30 Nov 1727 Age at death: Calculated year of birth: Not known Place of burial: Devizes Dedication: St Mary County: Wiltshire
    Pierce, Elizabeth (I03021)
    1584 Is this John Brown of Adlbourne who leaves a will date 1856??
    Has a wife Catherine.
    No children mentioned. Mentions siblings Martha, Mary, Thomas, Sister married to George Brown, Ann and Sarah.

    1851 Census Aldbourne: HO107/1686/~F563
    Brown John [Wife: C] 53 Head Farmer Of 830 Acres Employing 33 Labourer Ashbury, Berkshire Upper Upham Farm, Aldbourne, Wiltshire Brown C 54 Wife Framer Wife Avebury, Wiltshire Upper Upham Farm, Aldbourne, Wiltshire Brown S 19 Niece Visitor Monkton, Wiltshire Upper Upham Farm, Aldbourne, Wiltshire

    John BROWN was born on 20 Dec 1797 at Ashbury, Berks. He was baptized on 27 Dec 1797 at Ashbury, Berks. He lived at Aldbourne, Wilts, on 29 May 1834 (bachelor). He married Catherine BROWN, daughter of John BROWN and Catherine CROOK, on 29 May 1834 at Berwick Bassett, Wilts (by licence). Prob this John Brown, Lower Upham - he was a member of the Ramsbury and Aldbourne General Association for the protection of property and the prosecution and punishment of felons and other offenders in 1835. He was living on 15 Dec 1835 (occupying Leigh and Woodsend Farm in Aldbourne). He leased Lower Upham Farm, Aldbourne (about 627 acres together with Blake's Farm) from John Stone at the time of the Aldbourne Tithe Apportionment circa 1838. He lived at Lower Upham, Aldbourne, Wilts, on 28 Sep 1839. He was living on 2 Sep 1840. He appeared on the census of 7 Jun 1841 at Lower Upham, Aldbourne, Wilts (farmer, with wife, and also her sister Martha Owen). He lived at Aldbourne, Wilts, on 16 Jan 1843 (yeoman). He was among the large number of people who signed their names inviting T H S Sotheron to stand in the election for a new MP for North Wiltshire on 8 Feb 1844. He lived at Aldbourne, Wilts, circa 1848 (farmer). He reported to the anniversary meeting of the Wiltshire Flax association in Feb 1848 that he had made a clear profit of £3 an acre on that crop compared to a loss the previous year. He appeared on the census of 31 Mar 1851 at Lower Upham Farm, Aldbourne, Wilts (farmer of 830 acres employing 33 labourers, with wife, also niece S[arah] visiting). He lived at Lower Upham, Wilts, on 6 Jun 1851. He lived at Lower Upham, Aldbourne, Wilts, on 19 Apr 1853 (He attended the presentation of a testimonial to George Brown of Avebury). He lived at Aldbourne, Wilts, circa 1855 (farmer). He was living on 22 Sep 1855. He left a will on 25 Mar 1856 at Aldbourne, Wilts (Gent). He was living (He owned land including a house and land at Aldbourne, recently bought from William Brown of the Warren Farm, a cottage and garden at Snap in the parish of Aldbourne, and Leigh Farm in Aldbourn). He died on 6 Jul 1856 at South View, Aldbourne, Wilts, aged 58 (of South View). He was buried on 11 Jul 1856 at Aldbourne, Wilts. His estate was proved on 2 Sep 1856. He gave the interest of £200 each towards the support of the Church of England schools in the parishes of Aldbourne and Little Hinton. The money bacame available after his wife died in 1871.
    Brown, John (I07368)
    1585 Is this John connected to Robert Hill of Talaton in Devon?? Hill, John (I08404)
    1586 Is this the correct "Richard Howe".
    Will of Richard Grobham Howe Knight And Baronett Great Wishford, Wiltshire 19 December 1701 August 1703
    Mentions son in law Richard Chandler Esq. brother Charles Howe Esq. Sir Augustine Palgrave and Dame Ann his wife, my daughter, son Richard Howe Esq.

    James Clayton III (born 1651) was Clayton's only son. He was matriculated at the University of Oxford from Merton College (where of course his father was Warden) at the age of 15 on 22 June 1666. He married Elizabeth Howe of Wiltshire, daughter of Sir Richard Howe. Their first daughter lived only a few hours: the Merton College baptismal register for 14 April 1680 reads: "Anne dau. of James Clayton Esqu. was bapt. as soon as 'twas borne, about one or two in the morn. Died the same day"; and the stone slab shown below in Merton College chapel reads: "Here lyeth the body of Anne Clayton daughter of James Clayton Esqr who dyed April ye 15th 1680."
    James's wife Elizabeth died in childbirth a year later, and was buried beside her first daughter Anne in the north part of the outer chapel. The white marble slab shown below in Merton College chapel reads: "Here lieth the body of Elizabeth Clayton ye wife of James Clayton esqr and daughter of Sr Richard Grobham Howe of Wishford in ye County of Wilts Baronet who died April 7th 1681".
    Howe, 2nd Bart of Compton Richard Grubham (I01996)
    1587 Is this the Edward Vaisey, Preshute who married Ann Vaisey of Monkton in 1797?

    Day: 25 Month: Feb Year: 1797 Groom Forenames: Edward Groom Surname: VAISEY Groom's parish: Preshute Groom's county: Wiltshire,England Groom's condition: Groom's occupation: Groom's age: Groom's notes: Bride Forenames: Mary Bride Surname: VAISEY Bride's parish: Winterbourne Monkton
    Bride's county: Wiltshire,England Bride's condition: Bride's age: Bride's notes: Place of Marriage: Bondsman 1: VAISEY Thomas, Winterbourne Monkton Bondsman 2: Jurisdiction: The Bishop of Salisbury in Wiltshire and Berkshire
    More probably his sister Ann who married another Edward Vaisey.
    eg Edward Vasiey yeo of Mildenhall(Grove Hall) married in 1805 to Emma Crook
    There is a burial of a Mr Edward Vaisey buried Winterbourne Monkton

    Day: 2 Month: Oct Year: 1768 Forenames: Edward Surname: VAISEY Fathers forenames: Robert Occupation: Mothers forenames: Johane Birth day: Birth month: Birth year: Abode: Place: Winterbourne Monkton Description: County: Wiltshire Country: England

    Day: 20 Month: May Year: 1801 Age: 32 Forenames: Edward Surname: VAISEY Place: Winterbourne Monkton County: Wiltshire Country: England Reference: 169248 Notes: husb of Mary

    First name(s): Edward Last name: VAYSEY Date of burial: 27 May 1801 Age at death: Calculated year of birth: Not known Place of burial: Winterbourne Monkton Dedication: St Mary Magdalene County: Wiltshire
    Vaisey, Edward (I03761)
    1588 Is this the right Jane Neate who marries Joseph. Also one born in 1771 in Compton Beauchamp?

    There is a Jane Walsh who died at Westminster in 1840?
    Of Wotton Bassett at the time of her marriage.

    Another daughter: Will of Elizabeth Neate Walsh, Spinster of Saint John's Worcester , Worcestershire 06 November 1852 PROB 11/2162 
    Neate, Jane (I00310)
    1589 Is this the same Thomas Jackson who marries Sarah Ives in Arkesden in 1747?? Jackson, Thomas (I05291)
    1590 Is this the Thomas who marries May Lancashire at St Pancras in 1798-same place as Esther and Penelope??
    Not mentioned in grandmothers will of 1795?? 
    Neate, Thomas (I01945)
    1591 Is this the Walter St John who died in Battersea in 1708? Had a school founded by him at Battersea?
    Succeeded to the barontency after the death of his nephew John St John in 1656.
    Had 13 chldren but many died young.

    Sir Walter St. John.
    Sir Walter St. John, the third baronet of the family, succeeded his nephew Sir John, who died before he came of age. Sir Walter married one of the daughters of lord chief justice St. John:?he was eminent for piety and moral virtues. The parish of Battersea is indebted to him for the foundation of a free-school, which he endowed in the year 1700 for twenty poor boys, and to which both he and his lady left farther sums towards apprenticing some of them. A portrait of Sir Walter is preserved in the school-room.
    "Henry, the son of Mr. Walter St. John, baptized Oct. 17, 1652."
    "The Right Honorable Henry Lord Viscount St. John, buried April 16, 1742."From: 'Battersea', The Environs of London: volume 1: County of Surrey (1792), pp. 26-48. URL: Date accessed: 20 July 2007.

    Wiltshire Memorial Inscription Index:
    Year: 1708 Age: Forenames: Walter Surname: ST JOHN Place: Lydiard Tregoze County: Wiltshire Country: England Reference: 105658 Notes: 3rd Bt
    St. John, Walter (I01983)
    1592 Is this the William Neate who is buried at Mildenhall 1744??

    There is a William Neat born in 1690 at Bishops Canning son of William and Elizabeth Neate?
    Birth: 25 NOV 1657 Bishops Cannings, Wiltshire, England

    Could this be the William Neate of Yatesbury witness at the marriage of Thomas Neate and Elizabeth Church? Also living at Yatesbury in 1695 when he witnessed the marriage of Thomas Nalder and Martha Nalder of Calne.

    Still living at Yatesbury in 1695 when bondsman to marriage of Thomas Nalder and Martha Nalder. Presumably Anne and Martha Nalder are sisters.

    Also William Neate mentioned as a churchwarden in Yatesbury in 1704.

    Also a William Neate jnr aged 30 yeoman from Yatesbury and Ann Nalder aged 24 of Calne by licence. Witness Thomas Neale(neate?) of Britford, 1688. See other brothers also from Britford.

    So the William who married Joanna Burness is probably a son of this couple.

    There is a marriage of a William and Mary Neat in 1696. At Etchilhampton? Groom of Allington, a few entries down the marriage of Daniel Neate of Allington to Mary Neate 1698? Brothers and son of William son of Robert? Neat? Possibly the William Neat born 1672 at Allington son of Richard Neate and Mary?
    Possible parent of Richard & Mary Neate born Purton 1712 & 1714.? Note marriage of Richard Neate in 1735 at St Martins in the Field also an Ann in 1735
    Is there another generation between this one and ? neate eg: another William.
    A William and Martha christen a Jane Neate at Bishops Canning in 1692?
    William and Elizabeth Neate christen a daughter Ruth at Bishops Canning in 1696? Is this the same Ruth Neate who marries William Willis in 1714 at Bishopas Canning?

    Is the other brother George-one marries in Highworth in 1756.

    Did this couple have two other children-Thomas and John, mentioned in the will of Thomas Neate, butcher of St James, Westminster in 1743?

    There is a burial entry in Yatesbury of an Elizabeth Neate 6th June, 1705. Daughter of William?

    Probably the William Neate and family mentioned in the will of Peter Nalder of Close, Salisbury in 1709.

    Could it be the William Neate of Wroughton whose will is dated 1755?
    Also William Neate of Highway, will dated 1749?

    Burial entry for a William Neat at Mildenhall.

    Name William NEAT Date 20 Aug 1744 Aged ? Place Mildenhall Description St John the Baptist Denomination Anglican County code WIL

    This William leaves will and mentions sons: Robert, Thomas, William, Stephen and John and daughters Ann and Martha. (Is this the father of Stephen Neate of Aldbourne?)

    Jane NEAT Date 13 Sep 1765 Aged ? Place Mildenhall Description St John the Baptist Denomination Anglican County code WIL

    Does William have a sister Sarah?? A William and Thomas Neate of Yatesbury are bondsman in the marrige of Sarah Strong Widow and John Bullock in 1686??
    (P3/S/663 Inventory, will 1684 Strong, Robert Yeoman Yatesbury)
    Neate, William (I00293)
    1593 Is this the: " Stephen Neat yeo residing at Highworth(Fresdon) Wilts who married Esther Young residing at Shrivenham(Watchfield) Berkshire, spinster. Bondsman Angel Young malster, Watchfield, Shrivenham. To be married at Shrivenham.: MLB Date Apr 3 1738.

    Could it be the Stephen Neate born at Chicklade in 1713?

    FRESDON, a tything, in the parish of Highworth, union of Highworth and Swindon, hundred of Highworth, Cricklade, and Staple, Swindon and N. divisions of Wilts; containing 43 inhabitants.
    From: 'Fremington - Fring', A Topographical Dictionary of England (1848), pp. 263-266. URL: Date accessed: 28 May 2009.

    Must be other children baptised between 1738 and those in Coleshill, Berkshire in 1743? Where?

    Children baptised at Coleshill, Berkshire. Family still there in the 19th century:
    FILE - William Neate, Coleshill - ref. COR/WT/1/18/15 - date: 15 Aug 1892

    I was wondering whether you have any records on past owners of the Red Lion at Avebury or any information of the occupants before it became a licensed premises.

    The 17th century building that is now the Red Lion was a farmhouse until 1822 when it was licensed as the Red Lion, probably taking over the licence from an earlier house nearby. I am afraid that we do not have any information on occupants during this time. However from local directories I have compiled a list of the innkeepers from the mid 19th century. It remained in the Neate family for about 50 years with Thomas Neate there in 1848. He seems to have died between 1859 and 1867 when Mrs Jane Neate is listed there. From 1875 to 1895 Peter Neate is the landlord, but the Neate connection had ended by 1899 when Richard Coole is listed. The landlord in 1903 was Stephen Coole but another long occupation had begun by 1907 with Henry Lawes, who remained there until 1927 or later. In 1931 the landlord was William Stagg and in 1935 and 1939 it was Frank Cullis.

    Jane NEATE born c1828 in Box father John. May have the right family in 1841 census John NEATE a publican Tunnel Inn age 68 Elizabeth age 56 Elizabeth age 20 Jane age 13 Richard age 15 a railway labourer. Anyone with connections or info on Tunnel Inn.

    Apprenticeship indexes:(Seems to late for this man??)
    1742 Stephen Neat of Highworth, Wilts to John Savory Tombs

    Possibly has a daughter Elizabeth. See marrriage below??
    Day: 22 Month: May Year: 1762 Groom Forenames: John Groom Surname: WELLS Groom's parish: Highworth (Broad Blunsdon) Groom's county: Wiltshire,England Groom's condition: Groom's occupation: baker Groom's age: Groom's notes:
    Bride Forenames: Elizabeth Bride Surname: NEATE Bride's parish: Highworth (Broad Blunsdon) Bride's county: Wiltshire,England Bride's condition: sp Bride's age: Bride's notes: Place of Marriage: Bondsman 1: NEAT Stephen,farmer,Broad Blunsdon Bondsman 2: Jurisdiction: The Dean of Sarum in Wiltshire, Berkshire, Dorset and Uffculme, Devon
    Neate, Stephen (I00413)
    1594 Is this Thomas the son of Thomas Nalder and Margaret Symonds who married in Preshute 1641??

    Administration WIL Source DLB Date 13 Jan 1695 Groom Thomas NALDER aged ? occupation yeo residing at Calne, WIL status ? notes ? Bride Martha NALDER aged ? residing at Calne, WIL status sp notes ? Bondsmen NEATE William,yeo,Yatesbury ? to be married at ?
    (Could be a second marriage for Thomas??)

    2. Name Thomas NALDER Date of death 17 Jun 1710 Age 56 Notes husb of Martha RefNum 82229 Place Winterbourne Monkton, WIL

    Any connection??
    THOMAS NALDER Pedigree
    Christening: 11 DEC 1650 Boxford, Berkshire, England
    Father: THOMAS NALDER Family
    Mother: ELIZABETH

    Could this family have been in Hampshire:
    There is a marriage of a John Nalder and Martha Hayes in 1679 in Hampshire?? Too early for this couple??

    Anne baptised 1693 at Vernham's Dean
    John 1683
    Mary 1684
    Thomas 1700
    Martha 1681
    Stephen 1695
    Edmund 1691

    In will of 1711 Thomas Nalder of Winterborne Monkton mentions five children(not named). His wife Mary records them as John, Thomas, Robert and two daughter one who marries Edward Vaisey and one who marries Thomas Brown(Anne and Martha)

    Could this Thomas be the "cousin Thomas Nalder of Manton" mentioned in the will of Peter Nalder of Salisbury in 1709? Is Thomas Nalder the one of Calne who marries Martha Nalder?

    The John Nalder who will is dated 1727 of Preshute mentions his good friend John Brown yeoman of Preshute but doesn't note him as his daughters father in law?

    Sarum marriage bonds:
    Thomas Nalder, yeoman residing at Calne, Bride Martha Nalder residing at Calne. Bondsman William Neate, yeo of Yatesbury. No place of marraige given.

    Did John have a brother Franics? One give birth to a John in 1706 with wife Mary in 1706.

    Wiltshire Memorial Inscriptions:
    Day: 17 Month: Jun Year: 1710 Age: 56 Forenames: Thomas Surname: NALDER Place: Winterbourne Monkton County: Wiltshire Country: England Reference: 82229 Notes: husb of Martha
    Forenames: Thomas Surname: NALDER Place: Avebury County: Wiltshire Country: England Reference: 82194 Notes: d Jun ----
    Parish records of Winterbourne missing from 1679-1709 so covers period of possibly baptisms.

    Richard BROWNJOHN yeoman of Winterslow and Elizabeth NALDER of Figheldean late Winterbourne Gunner 16 Apr 1740 bondsman Stephen NALDER of Winterbourne Gunner (no further information)
    Nalder, Thomas (I02070)
    Birth: 24 FEB 1867 Midmar, Aberdeen, Scotland
    Father: ALEXANDER WALKER Family
    Mother: JANE STEWART

    Source Citation: Parish: Midmar; ED: 5; Page: 5; Line: 23; Roll cssct1881_64; Year: 1881.
    Name: Helen Adams Age: 29 Estimated birth year: abt 1852 Relationship: Wife Spouse's name : John Gender: Female Where born: Midmar, Aberdeenshire Registration Number: 222A Registration district: Midmar Civil parish: Midmar County: Aberdeenshire Address: Woodsid Of Kebbaty Occupation: Crofters Wife ED: 5 Household schedule number: 24 Line: 19 Roll: cssct1881_64 Household Members:
    Name Age
    John Adams, quarrier & crofter, 6 acres, Drumoak, Aberdeen 50
    Helen Adams 29
    William Adams 3
    Mary Adams 1
    Jane Stewart, sister-in-law 33
    Mary MacKie , Kincardineshire, Banchory, neice 22
    Robert Stewart, midmar, aberdeen, nephew, scholar 13
    Isabella Walker 14
    Stewart, Jane (I03243)
    1596 Item
    Reference Code D/DYv/331
    Dates of Creation 18 December 1717
    Scope and Content Assignment of term in trust to attend the inheritance.

    (i) JAMES COLLIN of Henham (s. and h. of James C. of Henham, yeo., decd.); (ii) Thomas Turner of Newport, gent.; (iii) John Calverley of Great Hull in Braughing (co. Herts.), gent.; (iv) Richard Wilkins of London, Bookseller.

    Messuage and five closes (50a.) called Cow Pasture, Witchchurrs, Whiteland, Wrenns Park, and Woolstenes, all at Spring Gate in Chickney.

    Date From 1717
    Date To 1717
    Collin, James (I05361)
    1597 Item 6. Page 56. Entry 168
    Mary Josling ? Peter Burgess
    Married after Banns ? G. J. Brookes. Vicar Witnesses: William Josling
    17th April, 1836 Hannah Cole

    Possibler parents: George and Lydia Joslin?? eg: George Josslyn and Lydia Rumboll who married in 1810? Brother William baptised 1815??

    Birth: 08 JUN 1820
    Christening: 06 AUG 1820 Baddow Lane Old Chapel Or Old Meetinghouse-Indepenchel, Chelmsford, Essex, England
    Father: WILLIAM JOSLING Family
    Mother: ESTHER
    Other siblings:
    CHARLES ISAAC JOSLIN - International Genealogical Index
    Gender: Male Christening: 14 AUG 1836 Baddow Lane Old Chapel Or Old Meetinghouse-Indepenchel, Chelmsford, Essex, England

    1851 Census:
    Charles Burgess abt 1844 Clavering, Essex, England Son Clavering Essex
    Frederic Burgess abt 1847 Clavering, Essex, England Son Clavering Essex
    George Burgess abt 1850 Clavering, Essex, England Son Clavering Essex
    James Burgess abt 1837 Clavering, Essex, England Son Clavering Essex
    Mary Burgess abt 1818 Clavering, Essex, England Wife Clavering Essex
    Peter Burgess abt 1814 Clavering, Essex, England Head BricklayerClavering Essex
    William Burgess abt 1839 Clavering, Essex, England Son Clavering Essex

    1861 Census:
    Charles Burgess abt 1844 Clavering, Essex, England Son Clavering Essex
    Fred Burgess abt 1847 Clavering, Essex, England Son Clavering Ess
    George Burgess abt 1850 Clavering, Essex, England Son Clavering Essex
    Mary Burgess abt 1818 Clavering, Essex, England Wife Clavering Essex
    Peter Burgess abt 1813 Clavering, Essex, England Head Clavering Essex
    Peter Burgess abt 1852 Clavering, Essex, England Son Clavering Essex
    Sarah A Burgess abt 1858 Clavering, Essex, England Daughter Clavering Essex
    William Burgess abt 1838 Clavering, Essex, England Son Clavering Essex

    Name Age in 1871 Birthplace Relationship Civil Parish County/Island View Image
    Emma Burgess 8 Clavering, Essex, England Daughter Clavering Essex
    George Burgess 21 Clavering, Essex, England Son Clavering Essex
    Mary Burgess 53 Clavering, Essex, England Wife Clavering Essex
    Peter Burgess 57 Clavering, Essex, England Head Ag Lab Clavering Essex
    Peter Burgess 19 Clavering, Essex, England Son Clavering Essex
    Sarahann Burgess 12 Clavering, Essex, England Daughter Clavering Essex
    Edward Parker 7 Monewden, Essex, England Lodger Clavering Essex
    Josslyn, Mary (I05384)
    1598 Item 7. Page 11. Entry 22
    Emma Josling (m) ? Father: George Josling. Lab.
    John Chesham. Lab. Clavering.Father: Joseph Chesham. Lab.
    Married after Banns ? G. J. Brookes. Vicar.
    17th Nov. 1840 Witnesses: Thos. Chesham Caroline Chesham

    1841 Census:
    RG number:
    HO107 Piece:
    327 Book/Folio:
    11 Page:
    16 Registration District:
    Saffron Walden Sub District:
    Newport EnumerationDistrict:
    Ecclesiastical Parish:
    Civil Parish:
    Clavering Municipal Borough:
    Hill Green, Clavering County:
    CHESHAM, John M 25 1816 Essex
    CHESHAM, Emma F 20 1821 Essex

    1851 Census:
    RG number:
    HO107 Piece:
    1786 Folio:
    136 Page:
    24 Registration District:
    Saffron Walden Sub District:
    Newport EnumerationDistrict:
    6B Ecclesiastical Parish:
    Civil Parish:
    Clavering Municipal Borough:
    Hill Green, Clavering County:
    CHESHAM, John Head Married M 37 1814 Agricultural Labourer
    Wenden Essex
    CHESHAM, Emma Wife Married F 29 1822 Clavering Essex
    1861 Census
    RG number:
    RG09 Piece:
    1120 Folio:
    34 Page:
    4 Registration District:
    Saffron Walden Sub District:
    1 Newport EnumerationDistrict:
    3 Ecclesiastical Parish:
    Rochester Civil Parish:
    Clavering Municipal Borough:
    Parsonage, Starlings Green Road, Clavering County:
    CHESHAM, John Head Married M 47 1814 Agricultural Labourer
    Wendens Ambo Essex
    CHESHAM, Emma Wife Married F 39 1822 Clavering Essex
    Josslyn, Emma (I05385)
    1599 Item 7. Page 41. Entry 82.
    Charlotte Josling (m) Father: George Josling. Lab.
    John Smith. Full age. Lab. Arkesden Father: John Smith. Lab
    Married after Banns ? G. J. Brookes. Vicar. 12th June, 1848 Witnesses: Edward Buck Coressa ? Smith

    RG number:
    HO107 Piece:
    1786 Folio:
    149 Page:
    8 Registration District:
    Saffron Walden Sub District:
    Newport EnumerationDistrict:
    8B Ecclesiastical Parish:
    Rochester Civil Parish:
    Arkesden Municipal Borough:
    Wood Hall, Arkesden County:
    SMITH, John Head Married M 24 1827 Ag Lab Arkesden Essex
    SMITH, Charlotte Wife Married F 22 1829 Arkesden Essex
    SMITH, Emma Daughter F 2 1849 Arkesden Essex

    1851 census:
    RG number:
    RG09 Piece:
    1120 Folio:
    7 Page:
    8 Registration District:
    Saffron Walden Sub District:
    1 Newport EnumerationDistrict:
    1 Ecclesiastical Parish:
    Rochester Civil Parish:
    Arkesden Municipal Borough:
    Village, Arkesden County:
    SMITH, John Head Married M 35 1826 Agricultural Labourer Arkesden Essex
    SMITH, Charlette Wife Married F 33 1828 Agricultural Labourer
    Clavering Essex
    SMITH, Emma Daughter Unmarried F 12 1849 Scholar Clavering
    SMITH, William Son Unmarried M 9 1852 Scholar Arkesden Essex
    SMITH, Mary Daughter F 8 1853 Scholar Arkesden Essex

    1901 Census:
    RG number:
    RG13 Piece:
    1733 Folio:
    8 Page:
    7 Registration District:
    Saffron Walden Sub District:
    Newport EnumerationDistrict:
    1 Ecclesiastical Parish:
    St Mary's Arkesden Civil Parish:
    Arkesden Municipal Borough:
    Village, Arkesden County:
    SMITH, Alfred Head Single M 26 1875 Yardman On Farm London
    SMITH, Charlotte Boarder Widow F 73 1828 Clavering Essex
    Josslyn, Charlotte (I05387)
    1600 Item Reference Code D/ABW 136/1/31 Dates of Creation 26 April 1843 Extent 1 item Title [Will of Edmund Salmon of Thaxted, victualler] Date From 1843 Date To 1843

    Item Reference Code D/ABW 64/251 Dates of Creation 17 June 1667 Title [Will: Edmund Salmon; Ramsden Crays] Scope and Content Edmund Salmon; Ramsden Crays Date From 1667 Date To 1667
    Barbara (I06005)

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