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     #   Notes   Linked to 
    1251 Divorced her first husbane in 1472 due to policitcal support of her brothers enemies.
    Grant by Henry VII. to James Ormond, knight for the King's body, of the manor of Ardmulghum, the patronage of the church of Ardmulghum, and the lordships of Belgard, Fovre, Demor, and Derver, in co. Meath; of lands in Callan, Loghmeran, Ratheston, and other places in co. Kilkenny; and of the lands and tenements called the Earl's Grove, Kilmorarussyn, and the Old Mill, near Clomell, with all the King's lands in co. Tipperary; the premises being parcel of the possessions of the Earl of March, of which the King is seized in right of his consort, Queen Elizabeth, to hold in tail male. Canterbury, 10 Sept., 10 Hen. VII. By authority of Parliament. MS 613, f. 28b [n.d.]

    "A note of such lands as Peers Butler, Earl of Osserie, and James Lord Butler his son, took by lease for term of years from Dame Anne St. Ledger, widow, and Dame Margaret Bullen, widow, (daughters and co-heirs unto Thomas Butler, late Earl of Ormond,) Thomas Lord Rochford, son and heir to Dame Margaret Bulleyne, and Sir George St. Ledger, knight, son and heir to Dame Anne St. Ledger; which said lands were then in the possession of the said ladies and their sons aforesaid in anno 20, regni Regis Henrici Octavi, viz.;"--the castle and manor of Kilkenny (rent, 200 marks Irish); the royalties of cos. Kilkenny, Tipperary, and Ormond; the manor and castle of Knoctopher (rent, 200 marks Irish); the manor and castle of Ballygarren (ditto); manor of Thorles (rent, 200 kine); the manor and castle of Dunmore; the manors of Puberafe, Portlerafe, and Killinalle, in co. Kilkenny; the country of Woney Mubrian; the manor and castle of Carrigne-Griffin, and "the two Ormonds" in co. Tipperary; and the manor and castle of Grenagh in co. Waterford. MS 613, f. 29b [n.d.] 
    Plantagent, Anne (I05929)
    1252 Divorced in 1905 Horst, Anna (I10067)
    1253 Document 2
    Ne D 1903: Copy of an agreement made prior to the marriage of Henry Stanhope and Jane Rochford (28 Sep. 1476, English)
    Henry and Jane’s marriage settlement is a good example of the bride and groom each bringing something tangible to the bargain. Aristocratic marriages were ideally between two people of similar social status, whose resources could be pooled to increase the wealth of future generations.
    As shown in this deed, Henry’s father John Stanhope, of Haughton, Nottinghamshire, promised to give him an estate worth £20 a year. Jane would have the right to this estate during her widowhood as her dower, and it was then to pass to their children, whether male or female. Henry would also inherit other estates worth £46 13s 4d per year, after the death of his parents, to pass to his male heirs.
    In return Jane, the daughter of Henry Rochford of Stoke Rochford, Lincolnshire, brought a dowry consisting of a cash sum of 300 marks (£200), plus 50 marks worth of plate and household goods, to be paid on her behalf by Dame Jane Thurland, who was possibly her guardian.
    A fact missed out from the deed was that Jane also brought the estate at Stoke Rochford, as sole heiress of her late father. Women’s property automatically became the property of their husbands on marriage. The Stoke Rochford estate passed to Henry, then to his son Edmund Stanhope of West Markham, and then to Edmund’s daughter Margaret, who took it, thanks to her own marriage, into the Skeffington family’s ownership. (The Gentleman's magazine , Volume 76 (1794), p.1185)

    "Thys Indenture mayde att Nottingham the xxviij day of September the xvj yere of kynge Edward the iiijth Betwene dame Jane Thyrlande apon the one partye and John Stanhope Esquyer apon the other partye agreed for a maryage betwyx
    Henry Stanhope Son of the seyd John Stanhope and Jane Recheford latte doughtur to Herry Rechfort Esquyer for wyche maryage the seyd John Stanhope grauntes to the seyd Jane Thyrlande be thes presents that he afor the maryage solempnised shall make to the seyd Henry Stanhope and Jane Rechford a suffycyante and lauffull Estatte of landes and tenementes to ye yerly valow of xx pounds ouer all charges to haue to them and to the heyres off theyr bodyes lawfully begoten and for defaut of such Ishue to ye heyres of ye body of the seid Henry Stanhop lawfully begoten and for defaute of suche heyres to the Ryght heyres of ye seyd John Stanhope and hys heyres and also the seid John Stanhope grauntes be thes presentes that he wythin a yer after the datte herof shall
    cause to be mayd to hym and to dame Kateryn hys wyffe by dedes endented suffycyant and lawfull estates and other landes and tenementes in Wylloughby Wallesby Kyrton Hoghton and Bughton in the countye of Nottingham.......
    Rochford, Jane (I07564)
    1254 DocumentRef Ne D 1913 RefNo Title Award made by Anthony Fitzherbert and others relating to various lands in Nottinghamshire; 27 Nov. 1514 Dates Of Creation 27.11.1514 Extent Content Description First Party: Robert Brudenell and Humfrey Coningsby, two of the king's justices.

    Second Party: Sir Edward Dar[r]ell, knight, his wife and her daughter, Margaret Stanhope.

    Third Party: Richard Stanhope.

    Notes that the two parties are bound to each other to abide by the decision of the arbiters; awards that (3) is to be 'made sure' of all those lands, tenements, rents and reversions in Treswell, Egmanton, South Leverton, Willoughby, Walesby and Elkesley [note that names have been modernised for reasons of consistency] which used to belong to Henry Stanhope; (3) is also to have the Dene Court rent and the lands called Cromwell Lands in Tuxford, Markham Clinton and Milton; awards that (2) is to have an annual rent charge of £20 issuing out of the lands; orders that the agreement between the two parties made before the Queen's Counsel relating to lands in Wellow, Grimston, East Retford, Allerton [Ollerton] and Boughton should be adhered to.

    Awards that all of Henry's other property in Nottinghamshire, with the exception of Haughton Manor are to be assured to Margaret Stanhope; agreement that (3) will pay to Sir Edward all the rents that were due until the date of this present; agreement by Sir Edward that he will produce all the relevant deeds. Language English Term disputes, personal, Stanhope v Stanhope 1514
    Flye, Alice (I07567)
    1255 Does she Marry a William Newton at Wantage, Berkshire in 1832?? Brown, Ann (I07722)
    1256 Does the Davis family have a connection to Couldson or Waddon?

    "Neate, Stephen, from Aldboure m Anne Davis, from Croydon, Surrey, April 4 1737 at St Lawerance, Reading. Witness: John Smith, St Lawerance, Berkshire.

    The Aldbourne Parish Registers records the following burials:
    Ann Goodwin alias Neat, widow buried October, 1758.
    Ann Neat buried 13th May, 1764.
    If the burial in 1764 is Ann, wife of Stephen is it unusual that "widow" is not recorded in the registers?
    Could it be the burial of her daughter Ann?

    Any connection to Waddon Court Farm:
    CROYDON, Waddon manor alias Waddon Court Farm TA 79/1-111 1661-1858
    Including conveyance of tithe rent charge, under the Tithe Redemption Act.

    Davis, Anne (I00159)
    1257 Does this Catherine marry a Long in 1621?? aged 21 years.

    Also Thomas Broderick in 1622 London.
    A Mrs Katherine Nicholas buried All Canning 1618?

    May also have had a daughter Catherine. One marries Sir Thomas Broderick 1595-1641. Children named Oliver, St John, Alan, Thomas and William. Thomas and Katherine buried Wandsworth. She in 1678.
    At the east end of the north aisle is the monument of Sir Thomas Broderick, who died in 1641, and his wife Katherine, who died in 1678. It is adorned with busts, well executed, in white marble.

    From: 'Wandsworth', The Environs of London: volume 1: County of Surrey (1792), pp. 502-518. URL: Date accessed: 07 July

    Katherine Nicholas, dau. of Robert Nicholas of Manningford Bruce, co. Wilts, by Jane his wife, dau. of Nicholas St John of Lydiard Trego^ co. Wilts; died, aged 80, in 1678, bur. at Wandsworth. M.I.
    Nicholas, Katherine (I04348)
    1258 Dorothy? grandaughter?

    John Wrightson [parents] of St James, Clarkenwell, & Ampthill, Bedford, born c 1628, died between 1683..1686
    Family 1 : Dorothy Thynn(e) of Ampthill, Bedford born c1632 died 19th Jan 1687/8
    MARRIAGE: 28th July 1662 at St Saviour, Southwark
    Notes : Information from John's Will dated 10th March 1683/4 parish of St Martins-in-the-field, Middlesex
    No children mentioned in either John's or Dorothy's will.

    The Thynne Pedigree shows that Dorothy Wrightson was niece to one of the Maids of Honour of Queen Elizabeth I, and was also first cousin to the grandfather of the Mr Thynne murdered close to Suffolk Street, 12th Feb 1682.
    Thynne, Dorothye (I05036)
    1259 Dr Herbert Vivian HORDERN
    Sex: M
    AKA: Ranji
    Individual Information
    Birth: 10 Feb 1883 - North Sydney Colony of New South Wales
    Death: 17 Jun 1938 - Darlinghurst Sydney NSW Australia
    Father: Edward HORDERN (1838-1883)
    Mother: Christina Matilda STACK (1845-1904)
    Spouses and Children
    1. *Norah Ebsworth WHITE (1892 - 1938)
    Marriage: 1913
    1. Herbert Ernest HORDERN (1914-2002)
    2. Henry Malcolm Lothrop HORDERN (1915- )
    2. Minnie Sarah HORDERN (1882 - 1931)
    Marriage: 1930
    Hordern, Herbert Vivian (I06916)
    1260 DR. W. C. WATSON'S DEATH.
    Dr. Walter Carter Watson, of Fairlight street. Manly, was found dead in his con- sultlng-room at 78 Hunter-street, Sydney, on the 7th instant under suspicious clrcum- stances. An inquiry held at the City Coroner's Court yesterday failed to clear up the matter.
    Dr. Statford Sheldon, who performed a post- mortem examination of the body, said that when he entered the surgery on the 7th he saw a medicine glass in the room, stained with some brownish liquid, and evidently used recently. There seemed to be a smell of prusslc acid about it, and the body when opened the next day at the morgue presented several characteristics of prusslc acid poison- ing, which was, in witness's opinion, the cause of death. This poison was sometimes taken medicinally, though not usually kept by doctors, and witness had known accidents occur through its being taken in mistake or in an overdose.
    Alicia Watson, wife of deceased, said that her husband had seemed in fairly bright spirits during the week in which he died, though he had been ill for the last 12 months, and appeared to he growing steadily weaker. He suffered from rheumatism, and for about nine months had to be helped on with his clothes. He never said anything about taking his own life. He kept a stock of medicines, and used to dispense them himself.
    The coroner returned a verdict to the effectthat deceased died from prusslc acid poison- ilng, self administered, but whether accidentally or intentionally the evidence adduced did not enable him to say.(Sydney Morning Herald)

    Person Details Mr Walter Carter Watson (Alumni) Credentials: M.D.
    Graduated: Bellevue Hospital Medical College, 1888; Born: Place unknown Died: Last Known Location: Sidney, New South Wales, Australia (1907) Education 1888 M.D. Bellevue Hospital Medical College ( New York, NY )
    Watson, Doctor Walter Carter (I00812)
    1261 Draper at Devizes.
    "William Neate of Devizes, Wilts and Katherine Carter at Andover 24th August 1719. Robert Carter of Andover, bondsman" Marriage Licences, Bishop of Winchester, 1689-1837.

    Also the church warden at Devizes St John through the 1730's

    Devizes MI's:
    On the flat stones in the Nave
    "Underneath are deposited the remains of William Neate, who died Oct 17th, 1769, aged 74 years. Also underneath are deposited the remains of Robert, son of William and Katherine Neate, who died July ye 22nd, 1777 aged 51 years. Underneath also are deposited the remains of Katherine the wife of William Neate. She died Aug 2, 1778 aged.....years. And also of Thomas Neate, who died the 3rd Jan, 1804 aged 74 years.

    William NEATE Date of death 14 Oct 1769 Age 74 Notes husb of Katherine RefNum 82701 Place Devizes, WIL
    ( Four in RefNum))

    FILE [no title] - ref. 212B/2575 - date: 1743 Sept.29
    [from Scope and Content] (2) Neate, William, mercer.

    Will of William Neate, Mercer of Devizes 1769

    "This is the last will and testament of me William Neate of the borough of Devizes in the county of Wilts mercer as follows ( that is to say) first I give to each of my daughters Martha Neate and Elizabeth Neate the sum of one thousand pounds a piece of lawful British money to be paid to them respectively at the end of twelve months next after my decease Also I give to my son Thomas Neate the sum of six hundred pounds of like money to be paid to him at the end of one year after my decease. Also I give to my daughter Katherine wife of John Baverstock of Marlborough the sum of five hundred pounds of like money to be paid to her at the end of two years next after my decease. Also I give unto my son in law Edmond Richmond Nicholas of the borough of Devizes aforesaid Bachelor of Physic the sum of five hundred pounds of like lawful money to be paid to him at the end of two years after my decease. Also I give and devise to my son Robert Neate the messuage or dwelling house in Devizes aforesaid wherein I know live with the shop outhouses buildings and offices thereto belonging and that part of my said messuage or dwelling house which I have left to George Willy Esquire being all leasehold together with that other part of my said messuage or dwelling house that is freehold and was lately left to and occupied by Thomas Twinney wife All and singular the appurtenants unto my said son Robert Neate His executators, Administrators and assigns for all the terms Estates and intersets I have to ....therein and to have and to hold the said other part of my said messuages or dwelling house which is freehold and was lately in the occupation of the said Thomas Twinney with the appurtenancies to my said son Robert Neate and his heirs for ever. Also I give to my dear wife Katherine Neate and to my said son Robert Neate equally share and share alike All the residue of my monies and all my securities for money and all my goods stock in trade and furniture plate and effects and all other my personal estate of what nature or kind so ever(after payment of my just debts and funeral expences) and I do make constitue and appoint my said wife and son Robert Neate joint executors of this my last will and testament hereby revolking all former wills by me at anytime heretofore made. And lastly it is my will and desire and I herby do direct that my said daughters Martha and Elizabeth may live and reside in my said now dwelling house in Devizes with my said wife and son Robert my said executor and be with and out of the residence of my personal estate found accomadated and provided with board lodging and all other living necessary after my decease until the legacy whereby before me given and bequeathed to them reapectively shall become due and payable in ... whereof I the said William Neate have to this my last will and testament set my hand and seal this third day of June in the year of our lord one thousand seven hundred and sixty nine. Will Neate signed sealed published and declared by the executor William Neate as and for his last will and testament in the presence of us who at his request and in his sight and preserve and of each other have set our names as witnesses hereunto. Stephen Gaby, William Holloway, Jo Hughes.

    This will was proved at London the fourteenth day of December in the year of our lord one thousand seven hundred and sixty nine before the right worshipful..George isay Partor laws Master Keeper oo commissionary of the Perogative Court of Canterbury lawfully constituted by the oaths of Katherine Neate, widow, the relict and Robert Neate the son of the deceased and executors named in the said will to whom administration was granted of all and singular goods chattles and credits of the said deceased they having been commission duly to administer.
    Neate, William (I00274)
    1262 Drowned at sea.

    Henry Holland, 3rd Duke of Exeter (June 27, 1430 - September 1475) was a Lancastrian leader during the English Wars of the Roses . He was the only son of John Holland, 2nd Duke of Exeter and his first wife Lady Anne Stafford. His maternal grandparents were Edmund Stafford, 5th Earl of Stafford and Anne of Gloucester.
    ...In 1447, he married Anne of York. His wife was the second child and eldest surviving daughter of Richard Plantagenet, 3rd Duke of York and Cecily Neville ...In the Wars of the Roses , however, he remained an enemy of the House of York . He was a commander at the great Lancastrian victories at Wakefield and St Albans . He was imprisoned at Wallingford Castle in 1455.
    He was also a commander at the Lancastrian defeat at the Battle of Towton . He fled to Scotland after the battle, and then joined Queen Margaret in her exile in France. He was attainted in 1461, and his estates were given to his wife, who separated from him in 1464. ...At the Battle of Barnet Exeter commanded the Lancastrian left flank. He was badly wounded and left for dead, but survived. Afterwards he was imprisoned, and Anne divorced him in 1474. He "volunteered" to serve on Edward's 1475 expedition to France. On the return voyage he fell overboard and drowned. He had two legitimate children[2]:
    Anne Holland (c. 1455 - 1475), married Thomas Grey, 1st Marquess of Dorset 1st_Marquess_of_Dorset
    Thomas Holland (1461)
    Holland, Henry (I05937)
    1263 Drowned in a well at Sydney n the 1820s

    The second incident?? The Sydney Gazette Thursday 10th Feb. 1825.
    On Friday afternoon last, a fine child, bordering upon two years, the son of one Solomons, in King Streel, was unfortunately drowned in a well. The poor little creature had been seen by the mother only a moment prior to the disaster, and upon being missed, she ran to the well, where was seen a bubbling of the water. Assistance was immediately pro- cured, and the sweet babe soon raised, though the well is about 36 feet deep, with 5 feet of water. Every effort was resorted to, to restore animation, but it was unavailing, as the neck had been dislo- cated in the fall. The Verdict of a Coroner's In- quest was, we understand, Accidental Death.
    Notwithstanding we have had repeatedly to observe upon the extreme criminality of individuals leaving wells exposed to the danger of travellers, and espe- cially of poor little infants, yet it would seem that the mind is callous to every appeal-to every afflic- tive visitation ! Only a few weeks ago we noticed a similar doleful event that took place in Hyde Park, where, by the bye, the well was not directly in the way of danger; in this instance, however, the well was not only at the corner of a populous street, but within two yards of the very door of the distracted parents' dwelling !
    Leach, John (I00924)
    1264 Drowned in the River Thames. See Gentleman's Magazine, 1845.
    "Accidently drowned Mr Matthew Robins of the Accountant General's Office, Court of Chancery and Elm Grove, Peckham.

    1841 Census: Possibility??
    RG number:
    HO107 Piece:
    469 Book/Folio:
    5/7 Page:
    6 Registration District:
    Isle of Thanet Sub District:
    Ramsgate EnumerationDistrict:
    Ecclesiastical Parish:
    Civil Parish:
    Ramsgate Municipal Borough:
    Farley Place, Ramsgate County:
    SEWELL, Mary F 60 1781 Kent
    SEWELL, Edward M 25 1816 Kent
    SEWELL, Catherine F 20 1821 Kent
    SEWELL, George M 15 1826 Kent
    SEWELL, Elizabeth F 15 1826
    ROBINS, Matthew M 35 1806 Ind. Not born in county
    ROBINS, Mary F 30 1811
    ROBINS, Frederick M 4 1837
    ROBINS, Henry M 2 1839
    STUART, Martha F 30 1811
    SNELLING, Sarah F 15 1826
    BROAD, William M 49 1792 Kent
    BROAD, Catharine F 49 1792 Kent
    Robins, Matthew (I02211)
    1265 dsp Thynne, John (I08182)
    1266 dsp.

    Name: Edward Harrington Baptism Date: 10 Oct 1639 Parish: St Peter Le Poer County: London Borough: City of London Parent(s): Sir James Harrington and the Lady his wife. Record Type: Baptism
    Harrington, Edward (I02708)
    1267 dsp.
    Will of Henrietta Richmond-Webb
    Henrietta Richmond Webb- otherwise Webb of Thorpe Lee, near Eghan, Surrey, sp. to be buried in the family vault of the church of Ludgershall, Wilts. Whereas John Rd. Als. Webb Esq. my late bro-in-law(step brother) died lately without issue male 1/6 of certain est. left by my father Lt. Gen. John Rd. Webb in Wilts., and Hants in trust to the use of my niece Bridget the wife of John Butler of Kilrush, Ire, Esq. If niece Bridget dies sp. said estate in trust to my sister-in -law Frances, now wife of Thos. Humphreys. If both Bridget and Frances d.s.p. my property to right heirs of my late father Gen. Webb. Daniel Fox ex'tor 19 February, 1766.
    Proved 28 May 1768 by sole ex'tor named in will. (223 Secker)

    Any connection??
    Name: Henrietta Maria Webb
    Gender: Female
    Birth Date: 24 Apr 1693
    Christening Date: 25 Apr 1693
    Christening Place: Westminster, London, England
    Age at Christening: 0
    Father's Name: John Webb
    Mother's Name: Elizabeth
    Webb, Henrietta Richmond (I01441)
    1268 Duke of Someret
    Perhaps committed suicide after disgrace in France. 
    Beaufort, John (I01196)
    1269 Earl of Dalhousie
    Graham, James (I09587)
    1270 Earl of Rochester Wilmot, Earl of Rochester Henry (I01995)
    1271 Ebay-1859

    1851 Census: Chiseldon, Wiltshire, England
    Frances Susan Brown abt 1822 Minety, Wiltshire, England Wife Chisledon Wiltshire
    Jno Brown abt 1799 Aldbourn, Wiltshire, England Uncle Chisledon Wiltshire
    Thos P Brown abt 1818 Aldbourne, Wiltshire, England Head Chisledon Wiltshire
    Wm Crook abt 1831 Blewberry, Berkshire, England Servant Chisledon Wiltshire
    John Fisher abt 1832 Wanbro, Wiltshire, England Servant Chisledon Wiltshire
    Betsey Grubb abt 1827 Wanbro, Wiltshire, England Servant Chisledon Wiltshire
    Robert Reeves abt 1834 Chisledon, Wiltshire, England Servant Chisledon Wiltshire
    Dinah Bradfield abt 1836 Broad Town, Wiltshire, England Servant Chisledon Wiltshire

    1861 Census: Chiseldon, Wiltshire, England:
    Burderop Farm
    Frances Susan Brown abt 1823 Minety, Wiltshire, England Wife Chisledon Wiltshire
    Reginald Pearce Brown abt 1854 Chisledon, Wiltshire, England Son Chisledon Wiltshire
    Thomas Pearce Brown abt 1819 Aldbourne, Wiltshire, England Head Chisledon Wiltshire
    William Pearce Brown abt 1852 Chisledon, Wiltshire, England Son Chisledon Wiltshire

    1881 Census: Chiseldon, Wiltshire, England:
    Burderop Farm
    Thos. Pearce Brown abt 1818 Aldbourne, Wiltshire, England Head Married Farmer Burderop Farm, Chisledon, Wiltshire, England
    Mary Seymons abt 1856 East Garston, Berkshire, England Servant Burderop Farm, Chisledon, Wiltshire, England
    Alice Stagg abt 1863 Lambourne, Berkshire, England Servant Burderop Farm, Chisledon, Wiltshire, England

    1891 Census: Baydon, Wiltshire, England:
    Brown, Thomas P 73 Aldbourne, Wiltshire Head Baydon Wiltshire
    Everett, Francis 56 Aldbourne, Wiltshire Head Baydon Wiltshire

    Manuscript] Indenture, dated 29 January 1858, between George Barnes, of Newbury, gentleman, of the one part, and Henry Nathan Atherton, of Ramsbury, co. Wilts., miller, and Thomas Pearce Brown, of Chisledon, co. Wilts., gentleman, of the other part; re property, including 4 messuages etc., at Ashbury, and 3 messuages etc. in Kingston Winslow, p. Ashbury. Other people mentioned include John Mullock, William Hazell, Jane Hazell, William Reason, Stephen Hambling, Benjamin Stead, William Partridge, William Langford, Robert Holloday, William Johnstone. A single large sheet on vellum, folding, bearing 3 seals and one blue revenue stamp; signatures of witnesses; very good condition. £20.00

    Died Swindon District aged 84 years Free BDM
    Day: 13 Month: Oct Year: 1900 Age: 83 Forenames: Thomas Pearce Surname: BROWN Place: Chisledon County: Wiltshire Country: England Reference: 117055 Notes: of Baydon husb of Frances Susan

    Thomas Pearce BROWN was born circa 1817 at Aldbourne, Wilts. He was baptized on 23 Jul 1817 at Aldbourne, Wilts. He married Frances Susan KEENE, daughter of Thomas KEENE and Mary (--?--), on 18 Oct 1850 at Minety, Wiltshire.
    He died on 13 Oct 1900 at Coate, Swindon, Wilts (of Baydon). He was buried on 16 Oct 1900 at Chisledon, Wilts.
    Brown, Thomas Pearce (I02094)
    1272 Edmund's daughter and heir, by Alice his wife, was Margaret Stanhope, obit. 1/1/1539, who married Thomas Skeffington, of Skeffington, Leicestershire. Their son and heir was William Skeffington, 1518-22/9/1571, who married Mary Cave, obit. 7/9/1558. On the decease of Margaret Stanhope, Thomas Skeffington inherited part of the manor of West Markham, and lands in Little Darlington, Ryton, and Stoke Rochford.
    Stanhope, Margaret (I07568)
    1273 Educated Koondai State School
    Bell State School
    Toowoomba Grammar School
    McPhee, Kevin (I07668)
    1274 Edward Dormer, citizen and haberdasher of London. Will dated 21 January 1538, proved 12 January 1539.  Dormer, Edward (I08143)
    1275 Edward Hyde (first earl of Clarendon) was an English statesman and historian. He was born in 1609 at Dinton, Wiltshire and died in 1674. After studying at Oxford and at the Middle Temple he married, in 1629, the daughter of Sir George Ayliffe, and, in 1632, Frances, daughter of Sir Thomas Aylesbury. He entered the Short Parliament in 1640 as member for Wootton-Basset, and was again returned to the Long Parliament in November, 1640 by the borough of Saltash, at first acting with the more moderate of the popular party, but gradually separating himself from the democratic movement until, by the autumn of 1641, he was recognized as the real leader of the king's party in the house. He supported the King's authority, but opposed violence and assisted in the impeachment of Stafford in 1641.

    In 1642 he became the King's adviser with Colepepper and Falkland. ...In September, 1649, he rejoined Charles at the Hague, and was sent by him on an embassy to Madrid. Soon after his return he resumed the business of the exiled court, first at Paris, and afterwards at the Hague, where, in 1657, Charles II appointed him lord-chancellor. After Oliver Cromwell's death he contributed more than any other man to promote the Restoration, when he was placed at the head of the English administration.
    Wiltshire Windows:
    In 1660 he was elected Chancellor of the University of Oxford, and in 1661 was created Baron Hyde, Viscount Cornbury, and Earl of Clarendon. The marriage of the Duke of York with his daughter, Anne Hyde, confirmed for a time his power, but in 1663 Lord Bristol made an unsuccessful attempt to impeach him, his influence with the king declined, and his station as primeminister made the nation regard him as answerable for the ill success of the war against Holland, the sale of Dunkirk, etc.

    The king's displeasure deepened when his plan of repudiating his wife and marrying the beautiful Lady Stuart was defeated by Edward Hyde, who effected a marriage between this lady and the Duke of Richmond. The king deprived him of his offices, an impeachment for high treason was commenced against him, and he was compelled to seek refuge in Calais. He lived six years at Montpellier, Moulins, and Rouen, where he died in 1674. His remains were afterwards removed to Westminster Abbey.

    During his second exile he completed his History of the Rebellion in autobiographical form, wrote a biographical Continuation in defence of his administration, and sought to vindicate Lord Ormonde by a History of the Rebellion in Ireland.

    "Here lyes the body of Ann the wife of Edward Hyde of ye Midle Temple London Esqr & daughter of Sr George Ayliffe of Grittenham on the County of Wilts knt who dyed on the 2d day of Iul in ye yeare 1632 aged 20.
    Vale anima candissima vale mariti tui quem dolore et luctu conficis aeturnum desiderium
    vale faeminorum decus et saeculi ornamentum."
    Translation - Farewell thou soul most fair, farewell thou eternal desire of thy husband whom thou killest with sorrow and grief, farewell of woman the glory and the age's ornament. 
    Hyde, Barron Hyde, Lord Claredon Edward (I04152)
    1276 Edward LANGFORD (d.1474)
    of Bradfield, Berkshire.
    Son of Robert Langford. (H.P.p.553)
    Had a son, Thomas(q.v.). (C.F.R.1471-85 p.95)

    1446 A feoffee in Berkshire. (H.P.p.553)
    4 Nov. Sheriff of Berkshire and Oxfordshire. (C.F.R.1445-52 p.57)
    1448 feoffee in Rutland. (H.P.p.553)
    26 Jun.1449 a commission to enquire into the building of a mill on the Lambourne. (C.P.R.1446-52 p.271)
    25 Sep. On a commission to raise a war loan in Berkshire. (ibid.p.297)
    1449-50 M.P.Berkshire. (H.P.p.553)
    22 Jul.1450 On a commission to arrest all goods, jewels and sums of money of the late William, Bishop of Salisbury. (C.P.R.1446-52 p.387)
    1450-1 M.P.Berkshire. (H.P.p.553)
    22 Mar.1452 On commissions of the peace for Berkshire and Oxfordshire.
    (C.P.R.1446-52 pp.586 & 593)
    16 Apr. On a commission de kidellis for the Thames in Berkshire, Oxfordshire and Buckinghamshire. (ibid.p.578)
    1 May On commissions of the peace for Berkshire and Buckinghamshire. (ibid.pp.586 & 593)
    14 Jul. On a commission of the peace for Berkshire. (ibid.p.586)
    20 Mar.1453 On a commission of the peace for Berkshire. (C.P.R.1452-61 p.660)
    Apr.Pardoned, as King?s esquire. (H.P.p.553)
    8 May On a commission of the peace for Oxfordshire. (C.P.R.1452-61p.674)
    13 Dec. On a commission of the peace for Berkshire. (ibid.p.660)
    9 Jan.1454 On a commission of the peace for Berkshire. (ibid.p.660)
    15 Apr. On a commission of the peace for Berkshire. (ibid.p.660)
    4 Jun. On a commission of the peace for Oxfordshire. (ibid.p.674)
    21 Mar.1455 a commission of the peace for Oxfordshire. (ibid.p.674)
    Apr. Summoned to the Great Council for Berkshire. (H.P.p.553)
    13 Oct. Pardoned. (ibid.)
    5 Mar.1456 On a commission of the peace for Berkshire. (C.P.R.1452-61p.660)
    17 Nov.Sheriff of Devon. (C.F.R.1452-61 p.175)
    17 Dec.1457 On a commission to assign how many archers each part of Berkshire should supply. (C.P.R.1452-61 p.408)
    5 Sep.1458 On a commission of array for Berkshire. (ibid.p.490)
    1459M.P.Berkshire. (H.P.p.553)
    21 Dec. On a commission of array for Berkshire. (C.P.R.1452-61p.557)
    10 Jan.1460 Appointed Steward of all of Salisbury?s lands in Devon and Cornwall for life. (ibid.p.530)
    4 Feb. Appointed Escheator and Attorney of Denbigh for life, for good service. (ibid.p.544)
    4 Jun. On a commission of oyer and terminer for Oxfordshire, Berkshire, Hampshire and Wiltshire. (ibid.p.613)
    22 Jun. On a commission to call together all the lieges of Surrey, Sussex, Kent, Middlesex and Hertfordshire against York, Warwick, Salisbury and others. (ibid.p.614)
    15 Feb.1462 Pardoned, with other Lancastrian officials. (H.P.p.553)
    1 Jul.1463 Assessor of a tax in Berkshire. (C.F.R.1461-71 p.100)
    14 Jan.1464 He and John Bethan were appointed approvers of the subsidy and alnage of cloths for sale in Oxfordshire, Berkshire, Wiltshire and Salisbury. (ibid.p.140)
    18 Dec. Appointed collector of customs in Southampton. (ibid.p.129)
    22 Feb.1465 A mainpernor for John Colyngrigge. (C.F.R.1461-71 p.141)
    9 Jul. Involved in the gift of the manor of Welle, Hampshire, by Roger Ivye. (C.C.R.1461-62 pp.311-2)
    1467 An Elector for Berkshire. (H.P.p.553)
    5 Nov.1468 Pardoned. (ibid.)
    11 Apr.1471 Sheriff of Oxfordshire and Berkshire. (C.F.R.1471-85 p.19)
    12 Jun. On a commission of the peace for Berkshire. (C.P.R.1467-77 p.608)
    31 Jan.1472 Involved in the gift of the goods and chattels of Robert Bedforde of Wantage. (C.C.R.1468-76 p.216)
    12 Dec. Appointed a feoffee of Robert Jenkins of Wendover. (ibid.p.275)
    30 May 1473 On a commission of the peace for Berkshire. (C.P.R.1467-77 p.608)
    18 Aug. On a commission to enquire into money due to the Crown in Berkshire which had not been fully paid for a long time. (ibid. p.406)
    10 Nov. Involved in the demise and quitclaim of the manor of Sheldburne, Berkshire, by Maud, Lady Willoughby. (C.C.R.1468-76)
    8 Dec. On a commission of the peace for Berkshire. (C.P.R.1467-77 p.608)
    18 Aug.1474 Died. (H.P.p.553)
    11 Oct . Writs of diem clausit extremum to the Escheators of Berkshire, Hampshire, Devon, Wiltshire and Hertfordshire. (C.F.R.1471-85 p.82)
    Langford, Edward (I04666)
    1277 Edward Nicholas' mentions wife Margaret. Had Elizabeth died or second marriage.

    Incorrect Esward Nicholas?

    Will proved 19 May 1552 = James Tutt, yeoman, of Chilbolton; will dated 21 Apr in the sixth year of King Edward the Sixth, PCC.
    wife Johanne Tutt
    son Thomas Tutt [3rd son], residual heir & executor
    every of my unmarried daughters, viz Alice, Agnes, and Margery Tutt
    eldest son John Tutt
    son Robert Tutt [2nd son]
    son Henry Tutt [4th son]
    son Richard Tutt [5th son]
    [can't read a lot]
    four children of my daughter Winifred Poynter
    daughter Elizabeth Nicholas.
    her daughter Agnes
    [difficult to read]

    C-1127 Film 186,694 #147
    Jone Tutt, widow, of Chilbolton; will dated 14 Apr 1556; inventory 3 Jul 1556
    son Robert Tutt, executor
    son Henry Tutt
    son Richard Tutt
    son Thoms. Tutt
    daughter Winifride Poynter (has children)
    daughter Elizabeth Nicholas (has children)
    cousin William Dowce of Andover
    his son Thomas
    aunt Waterman
    James Waterman
    brother Christopher Waterman (has children)
    daughter Alice Tutt
    daughter Anne
    daughter Margerye Tutt
    deceased husband James Tutt
    John Tutt
    son John Tutt, executor
    appraiser: Thoms. Poynter of Whitchurch
    witnesses: Robert Williams of Enford, Wilts, yeoman; Thomas Tutt, yeoman; Henry Braban, gent.

    Visitation of Wiltshire 1565
    ...James Tutt of Chilboulton, Gent., eldest son and heir of John, mar. Jone, da. of . . . Watermann of Andover, co. South'ton, and by her had issue, - John, his eldest son and heir; Robert, second son ; Thomas, third son ; Henry, fourth son ; Richard, fifth son ; Wenefryd, mar. to Thomas Pointer of Whitchurche, co. South'ton; Elizabeth, mar. to Edward Nicholas of Brokenborough, co. Wilts, Gent. ; Ann, mar. to William Poore of Longstoke, co. Southampton ; Margery, unmar.

    John Tutt of Oxenwood, co. Wilts., Gent., eldest son and heir of James, mar. Eleanor, widow of Thomas Hall and da. of William
    Poynter of Whitchurche, and by her had issue, - Alexander, his eldest son and heir apparent ; Ann, and Margery.
    Tutt, Elizabeth (I04392)
    1278 Edward Wadham of Mere, Somerset, nephew to John Wadham of Meryfield, married, 1st, Margaret d. of John Young; 2ndly, Alice d. of .... Carew, county of Devon. Hutchins' Dor- set, 2nd edit. vol. i. p. 523.
    (son of Giles or Andrew?)

    Will of Edward Wadham of Meere, Somerset, 27 January 1614, PROB 11/1
    Wadham, Giles (I04881)
    1279 Edward Wadham of Mere, Somerset, nephew to John Wadham of Meryfield, married, 1st, Margaret d. of John Young; 2ndly, Alice d. of .... Carew, county of Devon. Hutchins' Dorset, 2nd edit. vol. i. p. 523.
    (son of Giles or Andrew?)

    Will of Edward Wadham of Meere, Somerset, 27 January 1614, PROB 11/1

    "Certificate of musters in the county of Somerset. Temp. Eliz. A. D. 1569 . (page 15 of 19) -
    Edward Wadham, gent, two corslets furnished, and a gelding for a light horseman furnished."

    The rectory, appropriated to Glastonbury in 1332 (fn. 131) andcharged with a vicarage in 1351, (fn. 132) was said to havebelonged to the warden of the anniversary of AbbotWalter Monington (d. 1375). (fn. 133) It was retained by theCrown and let during the 16th century to tenants including Edward Wadham who was resident in the 1580s. (fn. 134
    From: 'Parishes: Meare', A History of the County of Somerset: Volume 9: Glastonbury and Street (2006), pp. 120-142. URL: Date accessed: 02 January 2012.
    Wadham, Edward (I08407)
    1280 Effigy in the St Mary the Virgin Church Isle of Wright.
    Name Lady Margaret Wadham c1520
    Date 1520 - 1520
    Gender Female
    Lady Margaret Wadham was wife of Sir Nicholas Wadham, Captain of the Isle of Wight from 1509 to 1520. She founded a hospital for the infirm, six of whom are depicted with her on her monument, which is dated circa 1520.
    Farrow, G (1992) A history of Carisbrooke Church
    Pevsner, N & Lloyd, D (1967) The buildings of England: Hampshire and the Isle of Wight, London: Penguin, 737
    Good, M (2004) The Buildings of England Database, Oxford: Oxford University Press
    National Monuments Record (English Heritage), Images of England, (

    May be his second wife 
    Seymour, Margaret (I04885)
    1281 Either parents or grandparents of Richard Candeler?

    History and Antiquities of The Parish of Tottenham, In the County of Middlesex BY WILLIAM ROBINSON, LL.D.. F.S.A
    ....In the south aisle is a monument to the memory of Richard Candeler, Esq. 1602. Eliza his wife, daughter and sole heiress of Matthew Lock, second son of Sir William Lock, 1622. Sir Ferdinando Heyboume, gentleman of the Privy Chamber to Queen Elizabeth and King James I, 1618; and Anne his wife, daughter and heiress of Richard Candeler, 1615. This monument is of veined marble and has two arches under which are the effigies of the deceased in kneeling attitudes: Candeler is habited in a gown, Sir Ferdinando Heybourne is in armour; on each side and between the arches are obleisks, and, over the arches, a rich ornamented cornice: all above which is hid by the gallery. On the base, on three panels, are the following inscriptions: On the right side. "Here resteth in peace the body of Richard Candeler, Esq. Justice of peace within the countye of Middel. borne at Walsingham in the countye of Norf. he married to wife Eliza Lock, daughter and sole heir of Matthew Lock, second son to Sr. Will. Lock, Knig. they lived together in holie wedlock 26 yeares, they had issue one son and one daughter. Edward died in his infancie, and Ann the first wife of Sr. Ferdinando Heyboum, Knight. he ended this life the 24 of October, Ao. Doni. 602, aged 61 years, and the said ELiza deceased the second day of January, 1622, hereunder buried."

    On the l side, 'Here also resteth in peace the body of Sr. Ferdinano Heybome, Knig. justice of peace & coram in the coun. of Midd. he wayted at the feete of Q. Elizabeth of famous memorye, and our Soveraigne Lo. King James in ther privie chamber. He was a careful majes- trate without respect of persons, and a true friend of the cause of the poore. He married dame Ann the daughter and heir of Richard Candeler, Edq. They lived together in holie wedlock 23 yeeres : he ended this lyfe the 4th of June, A.D. 1618, aged 60 yeares ; and dame Ann ended this life the 24th of June, A.D. 1619, aged 44 yeares Arms. - Ar on a bend voided^ 6. between two ogresses, three ogresses, impaling per fess O. and Az. three eagles O. In the middle, between the tuto former, ELIZABETH CANDELER, Li testimonye of her love, erected this monument at her one charges. 16. .. The other figures of the date are defaced. On a black marble slab at the foot of the monucnent is this inscription in roman capitals, on a brass plate : Hie jacet dna Anna uxor charissima Ferdinando Heybom, militis, filia et hseres Ric : Chandeler, armigeri, et Eliz uxoris ejus qiue obiit 24° Junii, 1615. On the same plate, in Italics, Proie carens Christi vice prolis amavit amanUs ; Ckarus ei ante omneSf ager egensq ; fuU. On the same slab are inlaid these arms : A chevron charged with two lions rampant combatant, in the dexter chief an annulet; impaling quarterly first and fourth on a bend voided G. between two ogresses three ogresses ; second and third, per fess O. and Az. three eagles O, between a crescent for difference.

    Will of Elizabeth Candeler or Candler, Widow of Tottenham, Middlesex 14 January 1623 PROB 11/141

    See Henry F. (Henry Fitz-Gilbert) Waters. Genealogical gleanings in England. [Parts I-xxiii,xxv] (Volume 2). (page 57 and 58 of 137 for both wills)

    Will of Richard Candler or Candeler, Mercer of London 20 March 1615 PROB 11/125
    Richard Candler, citizen and mercer of London, 12 December 1614, proved 20 March 1614. Goods to be divided into three equal parts, one part whereof to my wife, another to my son Ferdmaudo and the third reserved to myself for legacies &c. My loving aunt Mrs. Elizabeth Gaudier. My loving kinswoman the Lady Anne Heyborne. Brother in law Richard Rygdale. Brother in law Richard Pulford. Wife's mother Mrs. Anne Smythe. To my mother in law that was my father's wife twenty pounds. My half sister Margaret Candler. My other half sister Sara Candler. The poor of Little Walsingham, Norfolk, where I was born.
    My worshipful good friend Sir Ferdinando Heyborne of Tottenham knight.
    If my son die before coming to the age of one and twenty then his portion
    to be divided into four equal parts whereof one part to mv wife, another
    to my Lady Heyborne, another to my brother in law Richard Rydgedale and Susan his wife and another to my brother in' law Richard Pulforde and
    Anne his wife. Rudd, 24.

    Candelar, William (I06627)
    1282 Eldest son of Sir Henry Orlando Robert Chamberlain, 3rd Bart., by Marion, who d. 1871, dau. of the late John Wilson, Esq., of Dundyvan, Lanarkshire ; b. 1857; s. 1870; m. 1887 Mary Gwendolen, only dau.of the late John Inglis Jones, Esq., R. Horse Guards, of Derry Ormond, Cardiganshire. Sir Henry Chamberlain, who was educated at Harrow and at Trinity Hall, Cambridge, was formerly Lieut. 1st Statford Militia.
    Wilson, Marion (I06910)
    1283 Eleanor Burbage, at St Bartholomew the Less, 10 July 1567; a daughter of Thomas Burbage, of Hayes, Middlesex. He was her third husband; and an Anthony Burbage, probably her uncle, was a witness to his will. By Oliver St John Eleanor had a daughter Susan St John; possibly the Susan St John who was buried at St Margaret's, Westminster, 26 February 1621.
    Eleanor married first her cousin Henry Windsor, of Harting, Sussex, gentleman, at St Margaret's, Westminster, 20 January 1543, where he was buried 25
    September 1553; secondly Hugh Partridge; and fourthly Bonetti Rocco (or Rocke). Bonetti Rocco is said to have been an Italian gentleman; a fencing master; a servant in the household of Robert, Earl of Leicester; and later a courier to the French agent in Scotland. Eleanor Rocco was recently
    dead in 1574, and buried at St Mary's, Lambeth.

    Related to Margaret Burbage, wife of Lawrence Carlile and Robert Jenkinson. Aunt of Margaret?

    Memorandum of a settlement of the manor of Exceat, shown by Mr St John SAS/G5/21 nd [c1560]
    Contents: William Wyndsor, kt, Edmund Wyndsor, esq, Robert Burbage and Anthony Burbage, gents and John Ede, yeoman, against Anthony Wyndsor, kt of a moiety of the manor of Exceat (among other manors) to the use of Henry Wyndsor and his wife Eleanor, then the wife of Mr St John, in pursuance of a deed dated 20 Jun 1542
    Burbage, Eleanor (I08234)
    1284 Eleanor Hoo was born circa 1449 (CP VI:565, age 6 in father's IPM)
    Hoo, Elianore (I00212)
    1285 Eleanor made her will on February 11,1500. Will of Elenor Strangware of Stinford, Dorset 15 April 1501 PROB 11/13

    Web site give her date of death as 02.01.1502 at Abbotsbury?

    Any connection?? Brother of Alice??
    16 Nov., 1494. SIR ROBERT TAYLBOYS, knight, Lord of Kyme and Redysdale . Legacies to Priory of Bolington, nuns of Bolington, the monks of Croyland, Spalding, Kirkstede , the colleges of Tatteshall, Catley, Haverholme, Stykkeswolde, * Burlinges, Tupholme, Bardeney and Stamfylde, Sic. Sons George, John, Robert and William . Debts from Sir William Gascoigne ; marriage between my son George and Elizabeth, sister to the said Sir William. Manors in co . Lincoln; manors of Newton Kyme, Hornington and Oxton, co . York. Pr. 19 June, 1495 (Vox, 24)

    ...In the 15th century the estate was known as the manor of KINGSDON or KINGSDON CARY. (fn. 140) ...the manor evidently passed in turn to Humphrey (d. 1461), son of Sir John Stafford, and to Humphrey (cr. earl of Devon, 1469, d. 1469), son of William Stafford. (fn. 143) The earl was succeeded by his cousin and coheir Eleanor, wife of Thomas Strangways of Stinsford (Dors.) (d. 1484). (fn. 144) Their grandson Sir Giles Strangways (d. 1547) was owner in 1543, (fn. 145) and his grandson Sir Giles held Kingsdon Cary at his death in 1562. (fn. 146) The manor then passed successively to John (d. 1593), Sir John (d. 1666), Giles (d. 1675), and Thomas (d. 1713). (fn. 147) Thomas Strangways, son of the last, died without issue in 1726 and the manor descended to his surviving daughter Susanna, wife of Thomas Horner of Mells (subsequently known as Thomas Strangways Horner). (fn. 148) ....
    From: 'Parishes: Kingsdon', A History of the County of Somerset: Volume 3 (1974), pp. 111-120. URL: Date accessed: 08 January 2011.
    Talboys, Alienor (I08287)
    1286 ELEANOR POLE (c.1463-1520+)
    Eleanor Pole was the daughter of Geoffrey Pole (1431-1474) and Edith St. John. She married Sir Ralph Verney (c. 1452-1528) in 1477 and, as Lady Verney, was a waiting gentlewoman to both Elizabeth of York and Catherine of Aragon. She was was the daughter of one of Margaret Beaufort’s half sisters, a cousin to Henry VII and his children. She and her husband accompanied Mary Tudor to Scotland in 1503. She had a son, John (1488-1540) by Verney. She was granted an annuity of £20 by Henry VIII and was still receiving it in 1520.
    Pole, Eleanor (I05124)
    1287 Eleanor, mentioned in her aunt Margaret's will.
    Oxenbridge, Eleanor (I07103)
    1288 Eleanor, the eldest daughter and co-heir of Lionel, Lord Welles, married, as his third wife, Thomas, Lord Hoo and Hastings, and left three daughters: Eleanor, married to Sir James Carew of Bedington, whose great-grandson Francis Carew had a tenth (fn. 41) of the manor in 1555 (fn. 42) and still held in 1575; (fn. 43) Anne, married to Sir Roger Copley; and Elizabeth, married to Sir John Devenish. (fn. 44) After the death of Thomas, Lord Hoo and Hastings, his widow Eleanor married James Lawrence, (fn. 45) who was the father of Sir Thomas Lawrence, mentioned in the Act. The son of Elizabeth and of Sir John Devenish (of Hellingly in Sussex) was Richard Devenish, who with his son and heir Thomas (fn. 46) was dealing with a third part of a third part of the manor of Faxton in 1532. (fn. 47) In 1534 one whole third was in the hands of Sir Roger Copley (husband of Eleanor's daughter Anne), who settled it on himself and his wife Elizabeth and their heirs male, with remainder to his daughters Mary Shurley, widow, Brigit and Catherine Copley. (fn. 48)

    From: 'Parishes: Faxton', A History of the County of Northampton: Volume 4 (1937), pp. 167-172. URL: Date accessed: 03 January 2011. 
    Welles, Elianor (I04645)
    1289 Elected official at Calne
    Name: Oriel Baily Gender: Male Baptism/Christening Date: 04 Jun 1756 Baptism/Christening Place: Calne, Wiltshire, England Birth Date: Birthplace: Death Date: Name Note: Race: Father's Name: John Baily Father's Birthplace: Father's Age: Mother's Name: Mother's Birthplace: Mother's Age: Indexing Project (Batch) Number: C39062-5

    Name: Oriel Baily Gender: Male Baptism/Christening Date: 21 Aug 1761 Baptism/Christening Place: Calne, Wiltshire, England Birth Date: Birthplace: Death Date: Name Note: Race: Father's Name: Jno. Baily Father's Birthplace: Father's Age: Mother's Name: Elizabeth Mother's Birthplace: Mother's Age: Indexing Project (Batch) Number: C39062-5
    Bailey, John Oriel (I07235)
    1290 Elianor Frowd, of Bratton, spinster, gives to the trustees for the time being, a house erected in Bratton, on " Brown's Plot," for religious worship ; ;^5o, to be paid to them, the majority of them being present, a year after her decease, out of her leasehold called "Ballards", lately purchased of Lord Weymouth for the lives of Anne and Wm. Ballard and John Frowd, and she charges the said trustees to put the ^50 to interest on good securities, or purchase land with it. Her mother the use of such part of the house standing on the said leasehold as is necessar}'^ during her life, and her linen and clothes, and firewood, for her life ; William, Anne, and Elianor, son and daughters of her late sister, Anne Ballard, all the said leasehold estate during their lives, charged as above- said; and to the said Anne and Elianor Ballard, her goods, beds, table linen, and wearing apparel, equally divided ; Anne Ballard her best diamond ring; Elianor her other diamond ring and silver teaspoons and tea-tongs. All the rest of her moneys and securities to her brother, Edward Frowd, whom she appoints her executor. [Signed 13 December 1756.] [Proved at Brixton Deverill 2 March 1776.]
    Froud, Eleanor (I09331)
    1291 ELISABETH SHEIL - International Genealogical Index
    Gender: Female Birth: 02 AUG 1791 Bowden, Roxburgh, Scotland

    Elspeth SHIELS - International Genealogical Index
    Gender: Female Christening: 29 MAY 1798 Oxnam, Roxburgh, Scotland
    Shiel, Elizabeth (I01632)
    1292 Elizabeth BROWN (eldest daughter) was born circa 1790 at Avebury, Wilts. She was baptized on 16 Jan 1790 at Avebury, Wilts.  Brown, Elizabeth (I07266)
    1293 Elizabeth BROWN (third daughter) was born on 9 Jul 1848 at Aldbourne, Wiltshire. She was baptized on 12 Sep 1848 at Aldbourne, Wiltshire.  Brown, Elizabeth (I02620)
    1294 Elizabeth BROWN was born circa 1769. She was baptized on 22 Aug 1769 at Avebury, Wilts. She died on 17 Nov 1835. (unmarried) Brown, Elizabeth (I06330)
    1295 Elizabeth BROWN was born on 7 Oct 1810 at Bishopstone, Wilts. She was baptized on 15 Nov 1810 at Bishopstone, Wilts (also recorded in Aldbourne register). She died on 5 May 1892 aged 81 (of Aldbourne, spinster - will index say 5 June). She was buried circa 9 May 1892 at Aldbourne, Wiltshire.

    1851 Census: Aldbourn, wiltshire, England:
    Elizabeth Brown abt 1774 Elcomb Wroughton, Wiltshire, England Head Aldbourn Wiltshire
    Elizabeth Brown abt 1810 Bishopstone, Wiltshire, England Daughter Aldbourn Wiltshire
    Susanna Bathe abt 1776 Elcomb Wroughton, Wiltshire, England Visitor Aldbourn Wiltshire
    Susanna Brown abt 1806 Aldbourn, Wiltshire, England Daughter Aldbourn Wiltshire
    Elizabeth Holmes abt 1825 Thendred, Berkshire, England Servant Aldbourn Wiltshire

    1881 Census: Aldbourn, Wiltshire, England:
    Name: Elizabeth Brown
    Age: 70
    Estimated birth year: abt 1811
    Relation: Sister
    Gender: Female
    Where born: Bishopstone, Wiltshire, England
    Civil parish: Aldbourn
    County/Island: Wiltshire
    Country: England
    Registration district: Hungerford
    Sub-registration district: Lambourn
    ED, institution, or vessel: 1
    Neighbors: View others on page
    Household Members: Name Age
    Elizabeth Brown 70
    Susanna Brown 75
    Mary Gardner 34
    Martha Holloway 21

    Possibility? Day: 5 Month: Jun Year: 1892 Age: 81 Forenames: Elizabeth Surname: BROWN Place: Aldbourne County: Wiltshire Country: England Reference: 117864 Notes: dau of William & Elizabeth

    Buried :"Elizabeth BROWN of West St, Aldbourne, aged 82" 
    Brown, Elizabeth (I02585)
    1296 ELIZABETH CRAIG - International Genealogical Index
    Gender: Female Marriage: 23 DEC 1804 Haddington, East Lothian, Scotland -David Cree

    2. ELIZABETH CRAIG - International Genealogical Index
    Gender: Female Marriage: 13 OCT 1809 Haddington, East Lothian, Scotland -Gerge Irven

    3. ELIZABETH CRAIG - International Genealogical Index
    Gender: Female Marriage: 02 JUL 1813 Haddington, East Lothian, Scotland -John Galatley
    Craig, Elspeth (I04095)
    1297 Elizabeth daughter of Sir - Philipps of Picton, Pembroke Bt. Arms and widow of - Meddop
    Signs away execuotrship of will of her husband John Richmnd Webb in 1641??

    John Phillips( Parliamentary History Online)
    ...Philipps made his will on 10 Jan. and died 27 Mar. 1629. He was buried at Slebech as he had requested. The Clog y fran lands with the ‘growing grain, oxen, kine, bulls and pigs’ were left to the widow, while the Pembrokeshire properties passed to the eldest son and executor, Richard, who proved the will 11 June 1629. Two unmarried daughters received £500 each and provision for their wedding clothes, and another daughter, Elizabeth, who was already married ‘and I am given to understand in Ireland’-in fact she was married to Edward Medhope, clerk of the House of Commons in Ireland-received £250.
    Phillipps, Elizabeth (I01384)
    1298 Elizabeth Gascoigne Elizabeth Gascoigne was born in Gawthorpe, Yorkshire . She was the daughter of Sir William Gascoigne and Alice Frognall. Elizabeth Gascoigne married Robert Ryther son of Sir Ralph Ryther and Catherine Constable, before 1509. His contracted wife Elizabeth, the daughter of Sir William Gascoigne of Gawthorpe, afterwards married Richard Redman who was Lord of Harewood from 1530. Elizabeth Gascoigne married Robert Redman as her second husband, circa 1510.
    Gascoigne, Elizabeth (I09748)
    1299 Elizabeth Geesham 6 Edw. VI. In Dei nomine Amen. Enquiry by William Cooke Commissary as to the Will of Elizabeth Gresham defunct on the suit of Thomas Gresham her brother and the Lady ChristianThinne her sister.
    In the name of God Amen. The xxii daye of ffebruary in the Sixte yeare of the Reygne of oure soueraigne Lorde Edwarde the Sixte by the grace of god Kinge of Englande fPraunce and Irelande dcfendor of the faithe and of the Churche of England and also of Irelande Supreme hedd Elizabeth Gresham mayde being of pfytt mynde and Remembraunce made hir testament and last will in maner folowing flirst she com'endyd her soule to the mercy of god and her body to be buryed in Christian buryall Scundaryly she being moved to dispose her goods and substance sayd I shall no great adoo in that behalf for as understand my father hath teyd my lands after my death in suche sorte that J can noofchiiige dispose of yt And as for the Rest of my goodes I will give them to my brother S[ir] John Thynn and my syster his wief who hath been very good unto me this foure yeres. And I will that they give to Besse my mayde Tenne pounds to her manage and Reward ' my man John leigh for his syvice unto me at their discretion Wytnes Thomas Ennes and Katheryn Ratclyf. [26 March, 1522, 6 Ed. VI. Sentence was pronounced by the Court that the said Elizabeth Gresham died intestate and administration of her goods and effects was granted to her brother Thomas Gresham. Powell 5.
    Gresham, Elizabeth (I04589)
    1300 Elizabeth Jane BROWN was born in 1808 at Bishops Cannings, Wilts. She was baptized on 19 Feb 1808 at Bishop's Cannings, Wilts.

    On the 1861 and 1871 census with sister Anne at Clifton, Gloucestshire, England:

    1891 Census, Clifton, Gloucestershire, England:
    RG number:
    RG12 Piece:
    1969 Folio:
    37 Page:
    1 Registration District:
    Barton Regis Sub District:
    Clifton EnumerationDistrict:
    27 Ecclesiastical Parish:
    Emmanuel Civil Parish:
    Clifton Municipal Borough:
    Bristol Address: 3, Pembroke Villas, Pembroke Road, Clifton, Bristol County: Gloucestershire
    BROWN, Elizabeth J Head Single F 83 1808 Living On Her Own Means Horton Wiltshire W Devizes
    WATTS, Hester Servant Single F 28 1863 Cook Berkley
    GAY, Martha A Servant Single F 23 1868 Parlour Maid Warmley

    Day: 28 Month: Oct Year: 1899 Age: 91 Forenames: Elizabeth Jane Surname: BROWN Place: Bishops Cannings County: Wiltshire Country: England Reference: 117315 Notes: d at Clifton dau of Thomas & Jane

    Day: 28 Month: Oct Year: 1899 Age: 91 Forenames: Elizabeth Jane Surname: BROWN Place: Bishops Cannings County: Wiltshire Country: England Reference: 117110 Notes: sister of William & Ann

    Brown, Elizabeth Jane (I03086)

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