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    Matches 1,201 to 1,250 of 3,963

          «Prev «1 ... 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 ... 80» Next»

     #   Notes   Linked to 
    1201 Did he move from London to Hertfordshire? Son?
    Name: Benjamin Lipscomb Dates: 1776-1800 Location: Barnet Hertfordshire Occupation: watch maker watch/clock making(m) Gender: Male Address: : Barnet, Hertfordshire Occupation(s): watch maker, watch/clock making(m) Source Date: 1784 Source Info: Listed in Bailey's British Directory [for 1784]; or, Merchant's and Trader's Useful Companion for the year 1784 ... in 4 Volumes ... Volume 1. London; Volume 2 The Western Directory; Volume 3 The Northern Directory; Volume 4 The Eastern Directory. The First Edition, 1784, BAILEY. London
    Lipscombe, Benjamin (I06881)
    1202 Did parents die early and she was raised by grandmother in Belton??

    Name: Peggy Larrett Rose Baptism Date: 4 Jan 1767 Parish: St Andrew, Holborn County: London Borough: Camden Parent(s): Richard Rose, Mary Rose Record Type: Christening Register Type: Parish Register from Gray Inn Lane.

    Check 1841 census:
    Listed with her son Sanderson Robins, Clergman at Shaftsbury
    wife Caroline 25 years
    Catherine 3 years
    Gertrude 2 years
    Francis 3 months
    Larratt 70 years
    Larrett Robins aged 70 not born in county
    Rose, Peggy Larratt (I02203)
    1203 Did Patrick marry a second time??

    Christening: 25 AUG 1728 Haddington, East Lothian, Scotland
    Father: PATRICK TURNER Family
    Turner, Patrick (I02352)
    1204 Did she marry a Shirton. See will of aunt Eleanor Axford. May have died 12th June, 1757 Devizes? Bayley, Elizabeth (I02488)
    1205 Did she marry an Edward Byrchill? Gray, Mary (I06493)
    1206 Did they have a son Henry eg father of William who married Sybil Richmond Webb??

    Check burial date.
    Wife Described as widow in 1579?

    Any connection. Son/Brother??
    P3/M/32 Will 1610 Maskelyne, George Gentleman Purton

    The Story of Purton
    ...As far as we know, West Marsh was the first Purton home of the family, and there George and Jane Maskelyne lived in the days of Queen Elizabeth. The touching story of Jane is told in the chapter about the Church, where allusions are made to her grandfather Richard Pulley, and to her aunt Isabel Joy (nee Pulley), who lived at that time at the Manor House, close to the Church and Great Tithe Barn. The endless quarrels arising from the length of the conventual leases given to the Pulley family, which overlapped Lord Chandos' purchase of the Manor, are also described in Chapter iv. After the dissolution of the Abbey, the church lands x originally given by pious benefactors for the maintenance of church light were let by the Church- wardens to George Maskelyne of West Marsh, for the benefit of the Church.

    After the death of George and Jane Maskelyne, their son Edmund, who was a member of the Inner Temple and a Feodary of the Duchy of Lancaster, added largely to the land belonging to the family He was lord of the Manors of Cricklade and Chelworth and of Slaughter (Co. Gloucester), and M.P. for Cricklade in 1625. As a lawyer he was greatly interested in the very early enclosure of Purton Common, agreed upon by Lord Chandos and his Purton neighbours in 1596-97.

    Will of Jane Maskelyne
    Jane Masklin

    In the name of God Amon the xxiyth daye of February in the year of our lord god 1600 I Jane Maskelyne of Pyrton in the county of Wilts widdowe being sicke in bodie but god be thanked of good and perfect memory doe make and ordayne my last will and testament in manner and forme followinge viz: first I bequeath my soule to almighty god by whose death and passion I hope to be saved and my bodie to be buried in the chancell of the parish church of Pyrton aforesaid where my grandfather Richard Pulley was interred And touching the disposition of my temporall goods which god hath lent me namelye of thirtie pounds of lawfull money of England to me ref…out of one deed or gift to be herein disposed by ….deed of gyft bearing the date of th…… I have already disposed the residue of my sayd goods unto Edmund Maskelyne my sonne as by the said deed of gyft appearth. First I give and bequeath to the bells of Pyrton xx d and the increase of fortie shillings towards the yearly maintenance of one to play upon the organs in the xj said church of Pyrton aforesaid …the said souls there shall and will provide and hire one to play uppon the same And the stocke to remaine in the hands of my sonne to be disposed by him to the use and purpose ………To ….of Lyddiard Mallicent iij b iijd , to ….of my daughter …ore ij apiece to be paid unto them at their age of xxj years to…. of my brother Wm. Webbe’s children and to the nephew Wm Webb the sone of John Webbe to each of them ijb ijd to my sister Ann Webb x b to Mr Prince Piskar of Pyrton xx b to his sone John Piskar xijb ijd to my sister Palmer xx b to my godson Anthony Elbronse xd to each of my other godchildren xjd a piece ..they shall remaine the same of my executor to the poore of Pyrton x d to be given att my funeral all to some poore widowes of Pyrton namely Widow Cooke, Widdow Bayley, Widow Kith…, Widow York, Widow Marshall, Widow Mu…… Widow Pryddye, Widow ….., Widow Sullam, Widow Lokkery and to each of them a pecke of barley. Item I give bequeath to my daughter Ann Archer xx b yearely to be paide unto her during her life towards her maintenance xx t to be paid unto …which and children of hers as shall at her decease shall give and bequeath the same unto Agnes Elbronse the wife of William Elbrowse a bushel of barly to ..Clerkewell halfe a bushel of barley to ….harbort my man and to his wife halfe a bushel of barley and to my daughter Anne to Jane Archer all my apparel to my cosin Jane Webb of Lyddiard one picke … Elizabeth my maide one heifer bullock to my servant Marie one heifer bullock to be delivered unto them at the daies of marrayage, to my sone in law Francis Archer a morning cloake to my daughter anne a morning gowne. All the rest of my goods not before given and bequeathed not disposed by my deeds of gifte aforesaid I give and bequeath to Edmond Maskelyne my sone whom I make my whole executor. I doe request my brother William Webb and Mr Pyrnce the ….ar of Pryton to be thereof And all other former wills I revoke by the ….pute. in witness whereof I have hereunto sett my hand and seale the day and yeare first above written.
    Memorandum that I have given to my brother Webbe one of my ..ers …yd before then …..thereof
    Sealed and delivered in the presence of
    Gyles Webbe, Christopher Gabbbett, William Webbe.
    Probate granted March 1602.

    May have a son George Maskelyne??
    P3/M/32 Will 1610 Maskelyne, George Gentleman Purton
    Maskelyne, George (I02671)
    1207 Died 1796 leaving one son and three daughters.
    Devizes MI's:

    "Here lyeth Anne, the wife of Charles Innes, citizen of Lon. Ob 19th September, 1796. Aged 32.

    Sarum Marriage Licence Bonds
    Day: 21 Month: Oct Year: 1789 Groom Forenames: Charles Groom Surname: INNES Groom's parish: London St Dunston in the West Groom's county: London, City of,England Groom's condition: Groom's occupation: Groom's age: Groom's notes:
    Bride Forenames: Ann Bride Surname: NEATE Bride's parish: Devizes St John Bride's county: Wiltshire,England Bride's condition: Bride's age: Bride's notes: Place of Marriage: Bondsman 1: HULCOMB John, Devizes St John Bondsman 2: Jurisdiction: The Bishop of Salisbury in Wiltshire and Berkshire
    Neate, Anne (I00482)
    1208 Died a bachelor Gresham, William (I09837)
    1209 Died at 137 Nelson Strret, Annadale, Sydney-home of her son Arthur Henderson, Julia Matilda (I02455)
    1210 Died at the Fleet Jail, London.

    Bundle 19. PRESTWOOD IN GREAT MISSENDEN - ref. D-MH/19
    FILE - Quitclaim - ref. D-MH/19/16 - date: 16 April 1458
    [from Scope and Content] Witnesses:- Thomas Hampden, esq., Nicholas Iwardby, Robert Brutenell, John Aulaff, and Henry Gery.

    Richard Fowler v John Iwardby: Fowler, granted the wardship of the lands of John, son and heir of Nicholas Iwardby, alleges that he has been disseseised by John Iwardby, the elder, esquire, under colour of an alleged enfeoffment to Bernard Missenden. Additional names: Thomas Rokes, esquire, William, lord Herbert and William Brocas. Covering dates 1465-1467 Availability Open Document, Open Description, Open on Transfer
    Iwardby, Nicholas (I04689)
    1211 Died before 1501

    Quoting the Gloucestershire Victoria History (volume 9, p.195)...

    "Catherine the daughter of John Solers inherited Shipton Solers manor, and her husband William Twyniho, described in 1470 as of Shipton Solers, held it by courtesy after her death in 1494. William (d. 1497) was succedded by his son Walter, who in 1508 settled the manor on his son Edward (d. 1526). Edward's son and heir, Anthony Twiniho died a minor in 1529 and left as his heirs his sisters Anne and Catherine. Anne married Henry Heydon (d. 1559) of Watford (Herts.) and at her death later in 1559 a moiety of the manor passed to her son Francis. catherine and her husband John Dauntesey held the other moiety in 1545. Their daughter Bridget and her husband Hugh Hyde held it in 1564 and Francis Heydon acquired it later, therby reuniting the two parts of the manor. Francis Heydon died in 1606 and his son and heir Edward was incorrectly described in 1608 as lord of Shipton Oliffe and Solers. After Edward heydon's death in 1617 Shipton Solers manor belonged in remaindership to his wife Mary (d. 1625)..."

    Will of William Twynyho 24 November 1497 PROB 11/11
    Will of John Twynyho 16 February 1486 PROB 11/7

    Bristol and Gloucestershire Archaeological Society Transactions - Bristol and Gloucestershire Archaeological Society (Volume 23)
    .....Nicholas Carewe and Margaret his wife. This Margaret was daughter of Edward Langford, and formerly wife of John (?) Carant, and after the death of Carewe, of John (?) Twynyhoo. This lady, after her triple experience of matrimony, retired from the world as a religious of the Cistercian nunnery of
    Tarant, Dorset ; and in her will, bearing date July 21st, 1500, and proved March 4th, 1501, after arranging for her own burial at the Grey Friars, Reading, near the tomb which she made there over her father and mother, and providing masses, etc., for all her husbands, makes mention of Nicholas Carewe, her son, and of Ann Tropenell, her daughter, to whom she bequeaths "my coler of goold with panyers and flowers, my grettest herneys of goold, and my next best primer." The arms of Carewe are : " Or, three lions passant in pale, sable, armed and langued, gules " ; and these are to be seen on the tomb, which may be thus shortly described. It is of smaller size than that of Thomas Tropenell, about 6 ft. long, but of the same character, and being in the angle of the building only two sides are visible. On the south or long side are three shields, namely: (1) Tropenell, (2) Tropenell impaling Carewe, (3) Carewe. At the west is the shield of Carewe alone.
    The identification of the tomb is further established from the following wills: - Christopher Tropenell, of Great Chalfield, etc., whose will is dated March 5th, 16 H. VII. (1501), but which is without probate certificate - he died soon after September 29th, 1503, - directed his body to be buried at Corsham, " in my father's chamber of our Lady in the north side of the chapel forth yenst 1 my father's tomb, in a tomb of marble, if that I die within 24 miles of Corsham, and of none infectious disease." There may be a little uncertainty as to whether he did die within the limits, and was buried here in the first instance. For in the will of " dame" Anne Tropenell, widow, late wife of Christopher Tropenell, Esq., deceased, dated December 19th, 6 H. VTII (1514), and proved October 23rd, 9 H. VIII. (1517), after providing for her own burial, " in the parish church of Corsham in the N. end of the altar in our Lady's chapel wherein the body of Thomas Tropenell father of the said Christopher lieth buried," towards the end she arranged for masses in the church, where the bones of her said husband " be or shall be buried, for his soul, my soul," etc. This clause, as also that giving directions for her own burial, may seem to indicate that the body of Christopher was not at Corsham when she made her will, and to contemplate a removal from some other church. However this may be, we can scarcely doubt that the remains of both Christopher and of dame Anne his widow were deposited under this second tomb.

    William TWYNYHO (ca.1445-1497)
    of Moore Critchell, Dorset.
    2nd son of William Twynyho of Keyford(q.v.). (H.P.pp.887-8)
    1 = Catherine, daughter of Solers of Shipton Solers, Gloucestershire. (ibid.)
    Son: Walter ( (ibid.)
    2 = Margaret. (ibid.)

    1472-5 M.P.Weymouth. (ibid.)
    11 Feb.1474 On a commission of the peace for Dorset. (C.P.R.1467-77 p.613)
    15 Jul. On a commission of the peace for Dorset. (ibid.p.613)
    1478 Dorset. (H.P.pp.887-8)
    16 Apr.1481 Granted custody of the lands and heir of Richard Gorges.
    (C.P.R.1476-85 p.279)
    26 Jun. 1483 On a commission of the peace for Dorset. (ibid.pp.558-9)
    1 Aug. On a commission for Dorset to assess certain subsides and appoint collectors of the same. (ibid.p.395)
    1484 Pardoned. (H.P.pp.887-8)
    1 May On a commission of array for Dorset. (ibid.p.397)
    8 Dec. On a commission of array for Dorset. (ibid.p.488)
    1486 Pardoned. (H.P.pp.887-8)
    1488 A subsidy commissioner for Dorset. (ibid.)
    17 Jan.1497 ied. (ibid.)

    The following entry in the Somerset Feet of Fines records the transaction:[4]
    “At Westminster in the quinzaine of St. Hillary between Cristofor Twynyho cleric, John Twynyho of Cirencestre esquire, William Twynyho of Shipton Solers esquire, John Tame of Fayreford esquire, Edmund Langeley of Sudyngton Langeley esquire, Thomas Delalynde of Clencheston esquire, John Walshe of Olveston esquire, William Lovell of Raffeston esquire, and Thomas Warner of Cirencestre esquire querents; and Walter Denys esquire and Agnes his wife deforciants ; for the manor of Northcheryton and the advowson of the free chapel of South- cheryton (and lands in Glouc. and Dors.). Walter and Agnes acknowledged the right of John Twynyho as by their gift and quit claimed for the heirs of Agnes, and they warranted against Richard abbot of the monastery of St Mary Cirencestre and his successors ; for this John Twynyho gave them six hundred pounds sterling.”

    Will of Roger Twynyho 21 November 1497 PROB 11/11
    25th May, A.D. 1497, I, Roger Twynho, make my will in this manner : I bequeath my body to be buried in the chapel of St. Nicholas in the church of Frome Selwood, co. Somerset, next my father. Item, I bequeath to the fabric of the church of Wells 3^. ^d. Item, to the maintenance and reparation of the chapel of St. Nicholas aforesaid, 2Os. Item, I give and bequeath to George Twynyho, my brother, all my lands and tenements which I have in fee simple in the town of Bristol and in the suburbs of the said town, and in co. Gloucester, to hold to him, his heirs and assigns for ever. Item, I bequeath to John, my godson, 20/2. for the exhibition of the said John at the schools ; and if he chance to die before the age of 20 years, then the said sum shall be disposed at the discretion of the said George Twynyho, my brother. The residue of all my goods not bequeathed I give and bequeath to the said George, whom I make my executor. These being witnesses : Lady Margery Twynyho, Abbess of Shafton ; Christopher Twynyho, clerk ; Sir Thomas Blacked, chaplain ; and many others. Proved 2ist November, 1497, by William Potkyn, proctor, &c., and administration committed to the executor named.
    Twynho, William (I09394)
    1212 Died before 1849? Daughter Mary listed as orphan.

    Griffiths Mayo:

    Jennings James King Street Kilmoremoy Mayo
    Jennings Mary Bohernasop Kilmoremoy Mayo
    Jennings Michael Bridge Street Kilmoremoy Mayo
    Jennings Patrick Gallagher's Lane Kilmoremoy Mayo
    Jennings Patrick King Street Kilmoremoy Mayo
    Jennings Thomas Conway's Lane Kilmoremoy Mayo
    Jennings William Cloontykillew Kilmoremoy Mayo

    Tithe Applotment
    Kilmoremoy Civil Parish 1834
    County Mayo
    Jennings Patt Cloonticillue, Old Village 146
    Jennings Thos Cloonticillue, Old Village 148
    Jennings widow Cloonticillue, Old Village 147
    Jennings Wm Cloonticillue, Old Village 149 
    Jennings, Elizabeth (I00749)
    1213 Died before 1853? Possibly early 1841 after birth of daughter Alexandrina as other children appear on 1841 census without her??


    Brett has her born 06.03.1802, Kilmanivair, Gairlock daughter of Thomas Cameron and Margaret Smart?? 
    Cameron, Hannah (I00058)
    1214 Died leaving 4 sons and 2 daughters. There is a death of a Catherine Halcomb in 1796 in Marlborough?
    Too many children in such a short time?

    Sarum Marriage Licence Bonds:
    Day: 6 Month: May Year: 1789 Groom Forenames: John Groom Surname: HALCOMB Groom's parish: Devizes StJohn Groom's county: Wiltshire,England Groom's condition: Groom's occupation: Groom's age: Groom's notes:
    Bride Forenames: Catharine Bride Surname: NEATE Bride's parish: Devizes St John Bride's county: Wiltshire,England Bride's condition: sp Bride's age: Bride's notes: Place of Marriage: Bondsman 1: HALCOMB William, Devizes St John Bondsman 2: Jurisdiction: The Bishop of Salisbury in Wiltshire and Berkshire

    Wiltshire Memorial Inscriptions:
    First name(s): Catherine Last name: HALCOMB Date of burial: 7 Apr 1796 Age at death: Calculated year of birth: Not known Place of burial: Marlborough Dedication: St Peter & St Paul County: Wiltshire

    On the south wall of the nave :

    St Peter and Paul marlborough

    " Sacred to the memory of a beloved and affectionate wife, Catharine HALCOMB, who died April l^t, 1796, aged 29 years. ey Daughter of Thomas Neate of Barton, gent. Also to the memory of Charles Henry, youngest son of John and Catharine Halcomb, and scholar of C. C. Coll. Oxford.
    He died the S^li day of August 1815, at the early age of 19 years.
    Neate, Catherine (I00484)
    1215 Died of blackwater fever. Robins, Gertrude (I06509)
    1216 Died of small pox Ayliffe, Anne (I03690)
    1217 Died of smallpox after returnng from York. Fought for the King. Lee, Baron of Ditchley Francis Henry (I01985)
    1218 Died of the Plague.
    Daughters Catherine, Mary and Dorothy. 
    Luttrell, John (I08382)
    1219 Died single Cooke, Elsie Mable Elizabeth (I00652)
    1220 Died single according to Anne Neate's pedigree.

    There is a marriage of a Daniel and Mary Neate at Salisbury 1698. Groom of Allington. Spouse of Devizes. Perhaps the Daniel who died in 1729 at Allington. 
    Neate, Daniel (I00283)
    1221 Died single according to Anne's pedigree.

    Wiltshire Memorial Index # 82677
    James Neate 12.08.1800. Preshute.

    Administration Bond James Neate Marlborough 1800
    Bond Adcon. To goods of James Neate late of Marlborough in the county of Wilts and diocese of Sarum. Interstate deceased.
    At Marlborough on ye 22nd November 1800 administration of the goods and chattels of the deceased and so forth was by the Rev. Bartholomew Buckerfiled clerk MA lawful surrogate of the Rev. worshipful the chancellor of the diocese of Sarum granted and committed unto William Cripps lawful nephew of the deceased(Elizabeth Neate spinster the lawful sister and next of kin having duly renounced her right of administration to the goods and chattels of the said James Neate) being first duly sworn well and faithfully to administer etc And to make a true inventory and render a just account when required saving the rights of all persons.
    William Boucher D. Reg.
    Neate, James (I00344)
    1222 Died single according to Anne's pedigree.
    Is this the Mary Neate, spinster who died in 1811 at Wotton Bassett?

    First name(s): Mary Last Name: NEATE Date of burial: 16 Sep 1811 Age at death: 37 Calculated year of birth: 1774 Place of burial: Wroughton Dedication: All Saints County: Wiltshire

    Will of Mary Neate Spinster Wootton, Wiltshire 28 June 1811 Proved 6 November 1811
    Sister Frances William, wife of Evan, sister Jane Walsh wife of Joseph, Aunt Jane? Hughes of Wooten Bassett, Mrs Eliz Neate of Purton, cousin Mary Maskelyne, sister Anne Gordon, wife of Alexander, sister Elizabeth Neate.
    Neate, Mary (I00309)
    1223 Died single according to Anne.
    On 1 May 1769 (born ) John NEAT s of Mr Thomas (occupation) and living at - was baptised at Marlborough; SS Peter & Paul, WIL Notes. 
    Neate, John (I00480)
    1224 Died single according to Anne. There is a Jane Neate buried Preshute 1724/25?
    Neate, Jane (I00282)
    1225 Died single according to Annes pedigree.

    1728 Neate Stephen son of Thomas, Cricklade [? in Ms 'Cirklet'], Wiltshire, farmer to Thomas Carpenter, 7 Feb 1727/8, Vintners' Company

    A Stephen Neate of St Michaels, London, vintner is a bondsmand for a marriage of Elizabeth Rudman and James Goodman, butcher in 1738 at Liddington, Wiltshire? Possibly the Stephen Neate of Cricklade, son of Thomas who was apprenticed as a vinter?

    Could this be Stephen of Aldbourne?

    1743 Stephen Neate of Highworth to John Savoy Tombs of do. £5/5
    Neate, Stephen (I00324)
    1226 Died single according to Annes pedigree. Spackman, Mary (I00514)
    1227 Died single according to Annes's pedigree.

    Devizes MI's
    "Also Martha Neate, daughter of William and Katherine Neate died 18th April, 1803. Aged 80 years.
    Neate, Martha (I00332)
    1228 Died single accordingt to Annes pedigree.

    A Sarah Savage buried Preshute 30.06.1801  
    Savage, Sarah (I00351)
    1229 Died single, aged 90 years, 1829.

    Wiltshire Memorial Index Ref # 82677
    Elizabeth Neate 24.02.1829, aged 88 years, Preshute

    Day: 15 Month: May Year: 1739 Forenames: Elizabeth Surname: NEAT Fathers forenames: James Occupation: Mothers forenames: Frances Birth day: Birth month: Birth year: Abode: Wick Place: Preshute Description: County: Wiltshire Country: England
    Neate, Elizabeth (I00342)
    1230 Died single.
    Mentined in mother Katherines will. 
    Neate, Elizabeth (I00333)
    1231 Died single.
    First name(s): Anna Maria Last name: WESTMACOTT Date of burial: 22 Sep 1796 Age at death: Calculated year of birth: Not known Place of burial: Marlborough Dedication: St Peter & St Paul County: Wiltshire
    Will of Anna Marie Westmacott Marlborough Spinter PRO 11/1282
    Mentions grandfather William Westmacott deceased, Anne Neate spinster of Ramsbury, illegimate daughter of my cousin William Neate now or late of Madras,
    Westmacote, Anna Marie (I00493)
    1232 Died single.
    Possibly the Jane Savage who is buried at Wroughton, 11th December, 1743. 
    Savage, Jane (I00352)
    1233 Died single.
    Seems too young for the following. Should be born about 1730??
    Apprenticeship Indexes: Origins
    50/190 1743 Wm Of Chicklade, Wilts to William Cooke of Pewsey do join £15
    Neate, William (I00347)
    1234 Died single. Neate, Lipyeatt (I00501)
    1235 Died single. Savage, Elizabeth (I00350)
    1236 Died unmarried in 1656. Lydiard and baronetcy passed to his uncle Walter St. John.
    Brother's deceased??

    Wiltshire Memorial Inscription Index:
    Year: 1656 Age: Forenames: John Surname: ST JOHN Place: Lydiard Tregoze County: Wiltshire Country: England Reference: 105656 Notes: b 1636 gson of Sir John
    St. John, John (I01315)
    1237 Died without issue.

    Died without issue.

    Daughter of Penning Alston

    1679 Date of marriage settlement.

    ALSTON v. COLE & others.
    Chancery Proceedings before 1714, Bridges 436/130.
    Bill 28 March 1670, by Judeth Alston of London, widow of Penning Alston, late citizen and grocer of London, v. Joseph Alston, William Cole and Richard Chandler.
    Oratrix's husband left an estate of inheritance in co. Suffolk to the value of L.300 a year, and personalty to the amount of about L.10,000, in which Oratrix is dowable. He left only one child, married since his death to Edmund Harrington Esq., though some evil disposed persons have circulated a report that she was married or at least contracted to one Edward Skinner, a person so disliked by Oratrix's husband, that he determined to invest his personal estate in the names of other persons, to settle as he chose by his last will. ...................
    The said testator's daughter Sarah has since freed herself from the said Skinner by definitive sentence in the Court of Arches of the diocese of Canterbury ...................
    Alstoniana Pg 178

    Further Inheritance Disputes not searched:
    TNA: ATTWOOD v WRIGHT 1683. C8/298/18. HARRINGTON v WRIGHT 1686. C7/181/71.

    Alston, Sarah (I07693)
    1238 Died young de Visscher, William (I03127)
    1239 Died young Neate, Thomas (I00472)
    1240 Died young according to Anne Neate's pedigree.

    Neate, Elizabeth (I00279)
    1241 Died young.
    Name: Anne Neate Gender: Female Birth Date: abt 1729 Christening Date: 27 May 1729 Christening Place: Trowbridge, Wiltshire, England Father's Name: Robert Neate Mother's Name: Mary
    Neate, Anne (I00287)
    1242 Died young.
    Name: Mary Neate Gender: Female Birth Date: abt 1725 Christening Date: 9 Mar 1725 Christening Place: Trowbridge, Wiltshire, England Father's Name: Robert Neate Mother's Name: Mary
    Neate, Mary (I00286)
    1243 Died young. Neate, Thomas (I00285)
    1244 Died young. St. John, Oliver (I01856)
    1245 Died young. There is a Joseph born at Holborn Lying in Hospital in 1790, son of John and Mary Neate? Neate, Joseph (I00473)
    1246 Died young. Birth on Pallots. Neate, Phillip (I00475)
    1247 DILLON-WATSON-Dec. 21, at St. Stephen's, Newtown, J. Maddock Dillon to Emily Louisa Watson. (Sydney Morning Herald)

    Wrexham, Denbighshire: 7 Nov 1851 bap/o John Maddock DILLON s/o Anthony (banker) & Rosa, Hope Street.

    1861 Census: Name: John M Dillon Age: 9 Estimated Birth Year: abt. 1852 Relation: Son Father's Name: Anthony Dillon Mother's Name: Rosa Dillon Gender: Male Where born: Wrexham, Denbighshire, Wales Civil Parish or Township: Wrexham Regis Town: Wrexham County/Island: Denbighshire Country: Wales

    Sydney Morning Herald September 24th 1930.
    ROSA DILLON and BLANCHE DILLON (probably married), Daughters of late JOHN MADDOCK DILLON and his Wife EMILY LOUISA (Daughter of late William Bourne Watson, M.L.A). Their AUNT, Mrs. HIRST, London, anxiously in- quires present address. Please write Mr. ROBSON, G.P.O., Box 1737JJ

    AN INSANE LICENSEE. - A wire from Parramatta, on Saturday, says :- An open inquiry was held here yesterday at the Royal Hotel, relative to the proprietor, John Maddock Dillon, licensee, being of unsound mind. The inquiry was held by the police magistrate. The evidence of Drs. Shand and Brady was taken, who both gave it as their opinion that Dillon was not of sound mind, and might at any time commit a breach of the law. After police evidence had also been taken, Dillon was sent in to the Parramatta Hospital for Insane. The Royal was only taken over by Mr. Dillon six months ago, and both he and his wife enjoyed good health, but within the last six weeks his child, aged 12 months, and his wife died, and this seems to have turned Dillon's mind. He has left two little girls, aged nine and 11, to be cared for. Dillon is in comfortable circumstances.
    Dillon, John Maddock (I00830)
    1248 Disappeared from Gympie, Queensland, November 1933.

    ? Stephen had a few years of formal education at the Koondai-i Creek State School
    ? on his enlistment papers ?Trade before joining Police Force? was cheese-maker
    ? in 1927 Stephen decided to join the Queensland Police Force and approached the officer stationed at Bell for a reference, who gave a positive view of both himself and his family.
    ? as at the 6th of June 1925 his Application for Appointment showed he that he was 5? 9½? (177cm) high, weighed 11 stone (69.8 kg), had blue eyes, brown hair and a fair complexion
    ? on the 15th of July 1927 was recruited into the Queensland Police Force and commenced training in Brisbane
    ? when completed his training he was sworn in on full pay from the 16th of September 1927, two months after joining. His first transfer was from the Depot to the Roma Street station
    ? his next transfer was from Roma Street to Maryborough on the 4th of October 1927 and left for his new Station on the 21st October, 1927
    ? his next transfer was from Maryborough to Cordalba where he took on a temporary appointment from the 17th of July 1928
    ? appointed as Temporally in Charge of Cordalba from the 8th of December 1928 to the 5th of January 1929
    ? transfer from Maryborough to Gympie was approved on the 9th of April 1929
    ? on the 3rd of December 1933 there was an ?Application Advertised Vacancy at Kajabbi? for which it appears that he applied for
    ? on the 5th of June 1933 the Office of Inspector of Police Maryborough, wrote, as part of his out-going duty, as follows: ?S. H. Rowland No 2968 has been good and his work as clerk at Gympie has been satisfactory. A good reliable man.?
    ? on the 19th of August 1933 a F J Nash, as Secretary of the Relief Workers Association branch at Gympie, forwarded a complaint against Constable Rowland for ?incivility?
    ? files show that in September 1933 a complaint against him was brought by the Relief Workers Organisation of Gympie. It stated that the ?hours of pay for married men in Gympie are from 9 to 12 o?clock, However very rarely Constable Rowlands (sic) start to pay before half past ten and very often later still.?
    ? on the 22nd of November 1933 at Gympie it is alleged that Stephen stole the amount of £548.6.6 being funds to pay relief workers in the Gympie area
    ? a warrant was issued for his arrest charging him with stealing
    ? he was ?Dismissed from 24/11/33 for absenting himself from duty and absconding with the sum of £548.6.6, property of the Queensland Government ..?
    ? he was described as ?31 years, 5?9½? high medium build, about 11 stone, blue eyes, fair complexion, fair or light brown curly hair, good voice, walks with slight stoop, good set of natural teeth, good appearance, dresses well, fond of golf, tennis and dancing. The arrest of this man is urgently desired. He is a member of the Police Force of the State (Queensland). He obtained a day?s leave on the 23rd and left his station ?Gympie? at 2am that date, and has not since returned.??
    ? not long after his disappearance there were allegations that Rowland had left for Sydney by aeroplane
    ? it was then alleged that he was touring with a theatrical company (apparently he had been involved in a few local amateur theatrical productions while in Gympie)
    ? later still it was alleged that he was heading to England by ship however when the vessel was in Melbourne it was searched, a man was questioned but the person did not match the photo held by the Victorian Police
    ? by January 1934 Hobart police advised that there was no trace of Rowland in Tasmania
    ? in February 1934 the Melbourne police advised that there was no trace of him in Victoria
    ? in March 1934, Adelaide police advised of no trace of him.
    ? on the 17th of May 1938 Stephen Henry Rowland was still wanted on a warrant at Gympie.

    The Mail: Saturday 25 November 1933
    Theft of £500 Alleged Against Police Officer
    BRISBANE. Saturday.- A warrant was issued today for the arrestof Constable Stephen Henry Rowland, on & charge of having stolen £548 6/ from the police station at Gympie. It was reported in a message from Gympie on Friday that the door of a safe in the police station had been jammed. Since Thursday morning the safe had contained about £3,000 in cash and cheques. Of this sum about £600 was in bank notes. The money had been lodged there to pay relief workers on Friday. This morning the safe was opened, and it was found that about £548 was missing. It is understood that Constable Rowland, who had been stationed at Gympie and other North Coast towns for a number of years, had applied on Thursday for leave to visit relatives at Palwoods. Enquiries revealed that he had not been there.

    Mr. Justice Hanger yesterday made an order presuming the death of a police constable who disappered from Gympie in 1933.
    His Honour was told that after the man's disappearance, certain public funds were missing from Gympie police station and a warrant was issued for his arrest. The missing man was Stephen Henry Rowland, aged 32, at the time of his disappearance.
    Mr Justice Hanger made the order on the man's sister, Mrs Blance Essie Mc Phee, 78, widow, of South Street, Toowoomba.
    Mrs Mc Phee, in her petition, said that she and her brother were the registered proprietors of a 131 acres dairy property near Bell, known as Dalmoora. She said her brother did not have any share in the income from the property, which was conducted in her name, nor did he have any interest in the stock and plant.
    Mrs. Mc Phee said she had not received any communication from Rowland since November 23, 1933, and had not received any concerning his whereabouts, she said.
    She had advertised for him, and in 1952, she had reported him as a missing person. The Police Commissioner(Mr. N.W.Bauer) said in an affidavit that Rowland was seen at Gympie railway station on November 23, 1933, shortly before the departure of the Rockhampton to Brisbane mail train. Following Rowland's absence, it was ascertained that certain public moneys were missing and a warrant was issued for his arrest, on a charge of stealing as a public servant, Bauer said. The warrant was still in existence, but all efforts to trace Rowland had failed. His Honour ordered that subject to the requirements of The Succession and Probate Duties Acts, 1892-1963, the Registrar of Titles register Mrs. Mc Phee as the sole proprietor of the land by survivorship. 
    Rowland, Stephen Henry (I00119)
    1249 Distant relative of Ann, first wife to William Brown.

    This marriage doesn't appear on the Neate Wiltshire marriage document? Only on the IGI?
    Jane Neate also marries Joseph Walsh in 1801-check which Jane marries which groom?

    Is there a relationship between Benjamin Chouls and Jane eg Anne Chouls marries Thomas Hulbert in 1838 at Chiseldon-relative of this Thomas

    1861 Census:
    Jane Brown abt 1771 Knighton, Berkshire, England Head Gentlewoman Chisledon Wiltshire
    Ann Chun abt 1811 Chisledon, Wiltshire, England Servant Chisledon Wiltshire
    Agnes Hulbert abt 1843 Hungerford, Berkshire, England Daughter Chisledon Wiltshire
    Alfred B Hulbert abt 1852 Fordington, Dorset, England Grandson Chisledon Wiltshire
    Ann Hulbert abt 1810 Hodson Chisledon, Wiltshire, England Daughter Widow Chisledon Wiltshire
    Arthur Hulbert abt 1851 Swindon, Wiltshire, England Grandson Chisledon Wiltshire

    Wiltshire Memorial Inscription Ref # 117037
    Jane Brown aged 94 years 5th January, 1865. Chiseldon.

    Will dated 1863. 
    Neate, Jane (I00382)
    1250 Divorce proceeings: The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954) Wednesday 18 May 1938 Charlotte Merle Perkins v Arthur John Perkins.

    May have remarried a Russell Dreverman?
    Watson, Charlotte Merle (I00880)

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