Abt 1510 - 1558 (~ 48 years)
Name |
Machell, John |
Born |
Abt 1510 |
Of Kendall, Yorkshire, England |
Gender |
Male |
Buried |
12 Aug 1558 |
St Mary Magdalen Milk Street, London, England |
Person ID |
I04814 |
My Genealogy |
Last Modified |
1 Jun 2015 |
Family |
Ludington, Joan, b. Abt 1526, Of London, England , d. 28 Apr 1565, Of Wiltshire, England (Age ~ 39 years) |
Married |
Abt 1545 |
England |
Children |
| 1. Machell, Margaret [Natural] |
| 2. Machell, Catherine, c. Jul 1540, St Peter Westcheap, London, England , bur. Aft 1559, Of London, England (Age ~ 19 years) |
| 3. Machell, John, c. 17 Apr 1542, St Peter Westcheap, London, England , d. Apr 1542, St Peter Westcheap, London, England  |
+ | 4. Machell, Matthew, b. Abt 1545, Of St Peters Westcheap, London, England , d. 23 Aug 1593, Of Hackney, Middlesex, England (Age ~ 48 years) |
| 5. Machell, John, b. Aug 1546, St Peters Westcheap, London, England  |
| 6. Machell, Elizabeth, c. 31 May 1551, St Peter Westcheap, London, England  |
| 7. Machell, Anne, c. 5 Oct 1553, St Peter Westcheap, London, England , d. Aft 1615 (Age ~ 62 years) |
Family ID |
F01082 |
Group Sheet | Family Chart |
Notes |
- May be of Kendall, Yorkshire.
Text: 1558 Machell, John, St. Peter Westcheape, etc., London; Cheshire; Dorset; Hants.; Westmerland 65 Noodes Book: 1383 to 1558. Collection: England: Canterbury - Wills Proved in The Prerogative Court of Canterbury, 1383-1558 (K-Z)
Ibid. Death of alderman Machell. John Machell, sheriff in 1556. Arms, Per pale argent and sable, three grey-hounds courant counterchanged, collared gules. (Wm. Smith, Rouge-dragon.) "He married Jone daughter of Harry Lodyngton, and she was remarried to sir Thomas Chamberlen knight, and she died 28. April 1565." (MS. Harl. 897, f. 24.)
Will of John Machell:
The xxvith daye of Julye in the yere of our lorde God a thousande five hundred fiftie and eight. And in the 5th and 6th yeres of the Reignes of our sovveraign lorde and ladye King Philipp and Quene Mary I John Machell Citizein and Alderman of the Cittie of London being sicke of bodye but in parfite memorye thankes be to God doo make and ordayne this my last wille and testament following and concerning as well the disposition of all my Mannors. landes tenementes and hereditaments as my Godes & ....
26 July, 1558. JOHN MACHELL, St Peter, Westcheape, citizen and alderman of London. Gives manor of Burneshed in countie of Westmorland to Johane wife for life, after to John son and heir, in default of issue to Matthew 2 d son, Thomas 3d son. Pr. 10 Oct., 1558 (Noodes, 65) .
From: 'Notes to the diary: 1558', The Diary of Henry Machyn: Citizen and Merchant-Taylor of London (1550-1563) (1848), pp. 362-369. URL: http://www.british-history.ac.uk/report.aspx?compid=45539 Date accessed: 10 February 2011.
Alderman Machin.
Alderman and Sheriff of London in the 1550's. Master of the cloth workers Company. 1547-1548. Same person?? Will and inquisition. MI destroyed.
Luddington may have been his second wife??
See "The Machells of Crackenthorpe" 1886.
Description Will of Henry Machin, Alderman of Blessed Trinity Gloucester, Gloucestershire
Date 09 May 1567 Catalogue reference PROB 11/49
.....As to crests, the camel's head erased, ppr. ducally gorged arg. was granted 15, Sept. 3 and 4 Ph.& Mary to John Machell, gent. Alderman of London," (Coll. Arms, 2nd. H. 5. 1296).
May have had children by Luddington, John, Matthew, Mary, Thomas, Katherine, Anna, Jane and Roland??
May also have had a first wife, Eleanor?
Matthew Machell was Bapt. 16 Dec. 1554 at St. Peter's, Westcheap, London,
son of the following:
JOHN MACHELL, of London., Born c. 1510. Master of the Clothworker's Guild, 1547. Auditor of the Clothworker's Guild, 1551-53. Alderman of the City of London, representing the Vintry Ward, 20 July 1553 to 26 Nov. 1556 & representing the Bassishaw Ward, 26 Nov. 1556 to 12 Aug. 1558. Sheriff of London, 1555-56. M Joan (who M 2nd Sir Thomas Chamberlain, Kt., M.P., Ambassador to Spain, 1560-62. She Died 28 April 1565), d. of Henry
Lodyngton, Citizen & Grocer of London, & his wife Joan (who M 2nd Sir William Laxton, Kt., Lord Mayor of London, 1544), d. of William Kyrby. Died 12 Aug. 1558 at London. Will Proved at P.C.C., 10 Oct. 1558.
Refs: Beaven, II, pp 34 & 170; Machyn, pp 170 & 364-5; HoP, 1558-1603, I, p
589; Burke's LG 1952, p 1626
John Machell.
Inquisition taken at the Guildhall, 21 October, 1 Elizabeth [1559], before ... who say that.....John Machell was seised of 12 messuages, 2 rooms, and 4 gardens in Warwyck Lane, in a place there called Warwyck Inne, in the parish of Christchurch within Newgate, in the City of London; ....So seised, the said John Machell made his will 6 February, 1558, whereby he bequeathed to Margaret, his wife, in full recompence of her dower, the messuage situate within the Great Gate of the late White Friars (fratru albor[z]), in the tenure of Michael Aleson, with the shop thereof, extending to the highway, in the tenure of the said John Machell, .... The residue of all his lands and tenements he bequeathed to the said Margaret until John, his son, should attain his age of 24 years: out of which lands testator willed that his said wife should give to his said son £10 yearly, to find for him an exhibition at one of the Universities, and to his daughter Alice £40 on her marriage day.
After the said legacies had been paid the said John Machell, senior, gave all the said premises to his said son John and his heirs; and for default, he gave to Thomas Machell, his brother, the premises lying at London Wall near Moore Gate, then of the yearly value of £5: to hold to him and his heirs male for ever. Testator willed the residue of all the premises, for default of issue of his said son John, to remain to the said Alice at her age of 24, and to her heirs; for default, then the same to remain to Margaret, his wife, for her life, with remainder after her decease to the said Thomas Machell, his brother, and his heirs male for ever. The said Margaret to be executrix.
...John Machell died 23 February last past; John Machell is his son and next heir, and is now aged 14 years and more. The said Margaret Machell still survives in Fleetstreet. Inq. p.m., 1 Elizabeth, p. 1, No. 79.
From: 'Inquisitions: 1 Elizabeth I (1558-9)', Abstracts of Inquisitiones Post Mortem for the City of London: Part 1 (1896), pp. 168-191. URL: http://www.british-history.ac.uk/report.aspx?compid=65878 Date accessed: 25 June 2011.
Will of John Mychell, Grocer of London 18 July 1559 PROB 11/42B
Will of John Machell, Alderman of Saint Peter Westcheap, City of London 10 October 1558 PROB 11/41
Sentence of John Machell, Alderman of London 10 July 1568 PROB 11/50
Will of John Machell, Grocer of London 08 January 1571 PROB 11/53