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    Matches 2,701 to 2,750 of 3,963

          «Prev «1 ... 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 ... 80» Next»

     #   Notes   Linked to 
    2701 Possibility??
    Will of JAMES PITTY of Great Chishall
    Item Reference Code D/ACW 30/5/3 Dates of Creation 13 January 1752/53
    May be the James Pitty of Upper Chishall who married Elizabeth Reader on 7.11.1717 at Rickling?
    Also a James Pitty buried Great Chishall 21 May 1729.
    Pitty, James (I09354)
    2702 Possibility??
    Will of JAMES PITTY of Great Chishall, yeoman
    Item Reference Code D/ACW 26/7/23 Dates of Creation 2 May 1728
    Pitty, James (I09350)
    2703 Possibility??
    Will of John Pierce, Gentleman of Devizes, Wiltshire 11 April 1671 PROB 11/335
    Mentions Brother Thomas, no children or wife, cousin Richard Pierce, cousin Margaret Flower, Property "Sign of the White Swan", Cousin Elizabeth Flower, cousin Robert Richards, 
    Pierce, John (I06752)
    2704 Possibility??
    Will of Roger Heley, Merchant Tailor of London 10 June 1616 PROB 11/127
    Mentions wife Ann only who is executor and leaves all goods to her.

    Text: 1616 Hely, Heley, Roger, citizen and merchant taylor of London, [P.A.B. All Hallows, Honey Lane] 60 Cope Book: Wills Proved in the Prerogative Court of Canterbury, and now Preserved in the Principal Probate Registry. 1605 to 1619. Collection: England: Canterbury - Wills Proved in The Prerogative Court of Canterbury, 1605-1619
    May have married a second time. An Anne Healy leaves a will in 1617?

    All Hallows Honey Lane Parish Registers:
    May 6 1616 Mr Roger Helie, bur. in the chancell at y going up into the pulpitte.

    These properties occupied the N.W. corner of the block bounded by Cheapside, Ironmonger Lane, Old Jewry, and the lane, now known as St. Olave's Court, which runs E./W. between the last two streets. It seems probable that the lane evolved as a public right of way through the two adjacent churchyards of St. Martin Pomary and St. Olave Old Jewry. In the 13th century the properties were acquired by the hospital of St. Thomas of Acre, and their eastern ends appear to have been incorporated within the hospital precinct. The remaining parts, which fronted on to Ironmonger Lane, were let by the hospital as private houses....Roger Francke, tailor, who was described as Starkey's assign. The lease would have terminated in 1574. Francke then continued to hold as a tenant at will. He was too poor to pay a fine for a new lease and in 1581- 2 paid an increased rent of £2. 8s. 4d., further raised to £2. 13s. 4d. in the following year. He held at this rent until his death in 1589. The tenement was then granted on lease at the same rent to Roger Healey, mercer, who was to pay a fine of £13. 6s. 8d. and spend £30 on repairs within 2 years. In 1592 Healey was allowed £6. 13s. 4d. of his fine in consideration of his expenditure, and in 1594 he was allowed to sub-let. Healey's assigns paid the rent from 1598 onwards and William Rumney, described as Sir William Rumney, knight, from 1603, paid it as Healey's assign between 1600 and 1619. (fn. 18) Rumney presumably used the property in connection with his warehouse (13A) which adjoined it to the E Date accessed: 19 February 2009.

    From: 'St. Martin Pomary 95/13-15', Historical gazetteer of London before the Great Fire: Cheapside; parishes of All Hallows Honey Lane, St Martin Pomary, St Mary le Bow, St Mary Colechurch and St Pancras Soper Lane (1987), pp. 169-179. URL: Date accessed: 19 February 2009. 
    Heley, Roger (I05522)
    2705 Possibility??
    Will of Sophia Lewis, Widow of Saint George Hanover Square, Middlesex Date 13 April 1757 Catalogue reference PROB 11/829 -son Charles Lewis, daughter Sophia Phillips, son in law Robert Dashwood, son in law Samuel Phillips, grandaughter Elizabeth Dashwood, brother George sisters Seabright, Medley, Crawley and Phillips,

    In memory of Francis Lewis of Stanford Esq who by a peculiar Vivacity and agreeable Turn of Thought, with a sound Judgement, strict Honour, inflexible Justice & a beneficient Disposition improve’d and perfected by a clear Knowkedge & serious Practice of Religion, highly adorned all the Offices of Life. As a Pledge of her tender and affectionate Regard this Monument was erected by Sophia Lewis, his Widow and Executrix, He departed this life March ye 3d 1743 in the 52nd Year of his Age Here also lies Thomas Lewis Esq Son of the above Francis and Sophia his wife.who died the 9th day of June 1747 in the 27th Year of his Age. Here also lies Sophia Relict of ye above F Lewis Esq and Daughter of Sir Samuel Dashwood.A Lady whose life was truly useful and endearing by an Amicable Display of the Social and a sincere practice of all the Christian Virtues. Obt 1st April 1757 Aet 66
    Dashwood, Sophia (I01676)
    2706 Possibility??
    Will of Thomas Rowe, Alderman of London 31 October 1570 PROB 11/52
    Full text of "The Antiquarian repertory : a miscellaneous assemblage of topography, history, biography, customs, and manners. Intended to illustrate and preserve several valuable remains of old times. Chiefly compiled by, or under the direction of, Francis Grose, Thomas Astle and other eminent antiquaries "
    THE Will of Sir Thomas Rowe, Knight, Citizen and Alderman of London, dated 2d May, 1569, to be buried (if I die in London or Hackney) in the chapel on the fouth-fide of the quire of the church of Hackney, where I have commonly fytt. If I am buried at Hackney, then a convenient tomb to be laid over my fepulture, and to be graven on the stone or stones of the said tomb my name, title, and the tyme of my deceafe in English words; on which tomb I will there be beltowed 13 1 6' 8* - to the church of Hackney, for breaking the ground and placing my tomb 3 1 6" 8 d - to be expended for the opening, fearing and coffenyng of my body, and for the fhete to wynde the body in, and bearing the fame to the church, and on other things to be ufed for that purpofe 3 1 6 s 8 11 (but this seems to be if he was buried elfewhere than at Hackney) and for that my mynde and desier is, that my body shuld be reverently and devoutly brought to the ground, I will that there be 20 prefts, minifrers or clerks, to sing psalms and other accustomed service all the way that my corps is had to the burial, and in the church during the time of the communion and burial, and I give to either of them a', and I will there be given to two heralds for their fervice in attending at the time of the interment of the body, and for miniftering ceremonies commonly used, 2 black gowns, value in both 4', and to the said heralds in money 41, and I will there be bestowed in banners, squitsions, and on the herse and hanging the church, according to the nowe used manner io 1, and I will there be given to 40 pore men, 40 black gowns redy made, every gown with the making to be worth 20*, which pore men to accompany my corps to the ground.- To a godly learned learned man for making a sermon at my burial to the edifying of the people, a black gown worth 26' 8 d , or so much in money. And for the more reverend bringing my corple to the ground, my mynde and desier is (if my body be buried at Hackney) that the Lord Mayor and Aldermen, the company of merchant taylors my free rids, such as I give black cloth unto morners and parishioners, they would pleaie to accompany my corpse to the burial, and for their further ease I will my body go to burial at 8 o'clock in the morning, of such day as my executor shall think fitt, and be buried by 11 o'clock in the same forenoon, and that there be a communion at the time of my burial, and also that there be a dynner provyded and prepared at my house in Shacklewell the day of my burial for the said Lord-Mayor, Aldermen, company, freends, morners, preists, ministers, clerks, pore men, parishioners, and such other persons as shall accompany the corse to the ground - and for the same dynner and the provisfion thereof, I bequeth 66 1 13 s 4 d . Item, I will that there be prepared spyce bread to be given to the said mayor, aldermen, freends, company, and to my parishioners at London, and such other persons as well pore as ryche, for the provifion whereof I bequeth 10 1. To all my men children black gowns, coots, hose and cappes. To all my women children black gowns and kyntells, for which I bequeath 20 1 , Mary Kendall being counted as one of them. To every of my men servants dwelling with me at the time of my decease, a black cote value 13 3 4d to every of my maid servants similiter, a black gown value ao s , (more in gowns 53' 4 d , i. e. to pore Fynche my old servant a black gown value 25 s - to mother Titham a black gown value 15 s -to Dixson, of Shacklewell, a black coote value 1 mark all which I will shall be accompted for my fuuerals, and the amount taken out of my hole substaunce according to the law heretofore used. I will that within three months after my burial, my executors pay all suche debts as I owe (the money in my hands to the execution of Sir John Gresham's will only excepted) and I will my executors pay within fix months after my decease to John and Edmund Gresham, executors of the testator of Sir John Gresham, all such money as remayneth in my hands to the accomplishment of his laft will and teftament, that they may dispose the fame according to the trull to them committed by their father, which sum of money in my hands may appear by an indenture, a booke lying in my compting-house, and is the sum of 223 1 6 5 2 d j for the payment whereof I would myn executors should take a receipt of the said Edmund.. I will that my moveable goods be praysed and valued, and my debts collected, and with the redy money which I shall have at my decease be brought into one sum, which, my debts being deducted thereout, I will to be divided into three parts, whereof one to my well-beloved wife Mary Rowe, one to my children unmarried and unadvanced, i.e. to Henry, William and Robert Rowe equally, according to the laudable custom of the city of London tyme out of mynde used ; and if my said children happen to dye before their lawful! age or marriage, then their third part to come to the children of my daughter Mary Randal, and the children of my sister Ann Goodwyne, and the children of my sister Avys Lodington equally; the other third part I reserve to myself and myn executors, to be disposed in manner following: To the children of Thomas North, late of London, cloth-worker, 6 1 13 s 4/ - to Francis Yeman 10 1 , and to him and his wife black gowns, value both 4' - I forgive to Chriftopher Townsend, late of London, clothworker, what he oweth me. To Mr. William Goodwyn, mercer, a black gown, value 3 1.To my brother-in-law, Edmund Gresham, similiter.To my son-in-law Thomas Randal, and my daughter his wife, eche a black gown, value both 5' 6 s 8 d - to my said son in-law and his wife eche a gold ring, value 40 s. To either of their children which I have not afore gratified in my life 6 1 13 s 4 d , and black cootes for all the boyes, and gownes for the wenches, value in all 8 1 , and God's blessing and mine. To John Randal a black gown, value 4 marks. To my brother-in-law Thomas Eton, and my loving sister his wife, eche a black gown, value both 5' 6' 8" 1. To my said sister one ring, value 40 s. To my brother-in-law John Goodwyn, and my sister his wife, eche a black gown, value both 5 1. To the children of my said sister Ann 10'. To my brother-in-law Mr. Nicholas Lodington, and my sister Avys his wife, eche a black gown, value both 5' - to the children of my said sister Avys, being chriftened by me or my wife 10 1. To the executors of Sir Philip Paris, late of Rynton com. Cambridge, Knight, 6 1. To Mr. Philipps, my landsteward, a black gown, value 4 marks. To Henry Young and his wife eche a black gown, value both 4' - and a ring of gold, value 40 s , to the pore householders of the company of merchant-taylors 30' - to to every householder 3 s 4 d , by the advice of the clerk of the company. To the pore householders of the company of clothworker similiter 13 1 6 s 8 d - To the company of merchant-taylors to make them a dynner 10'- to the said company towards the advancement ofth; free-school that they have well begun, and to the intent they shall free the scolars and their parents from paying any thing for sweeping the scole 6' 13 3 4 d - to the pore people inhabiting in alleys and other places in the wards of Bishopgate, Portsoken, Aldgate, Aldersgate, Creplegate, Faringdon Without, Faringdon Within, Castle Baynard, Vyntre and Queen Hythe, to either of the said wards 51 - and to every householder I2 d. To the prisoners of Newgate, the Convicce House in Westminster, the Marshallea, and the King's-Bench 20 1.To the Marshalsea and King's-Bench 5 1 eche, to redeem prisoners lying for their fees - to the prisoners in the Compters 20 1 - of Ludgate 20 1 - to either of the five Lazaretts next adjoining to London 20 s - to pore maids mariage 20 1 i.e. 20' a-pece- to pore scholars in Oxford io 1 by 20 s a-pece - to pore people of Hackney 5 1 by 2' a-pece - to pore householders of Lee next Tun- bridge 40 s iimiliter - to every of my household servants 40 s - to William White a black gown, value 40 s - to Michael Boyle a black gown, value 50* to Mr. Caryll a black gown, value 4 marks - to Leonard Fitzgeffry a black gown, value 40 and in money 5 1 - to my brother John Gresham 10 1 - to Chrift Church where the pore children be 10 1 - to John Huchenson and his wife eche a black gown, value both 5' - to him alfo 6 1 13 s 4d as well for the good-will I bear him, as for satisfaction of such writings as he hath made for me unpaid for - to my godfon, and my wife's godfon, his children 3 1 19 s 8 d a-pece - to my Lord-Mayor a black gown, value 40 s - to the sword-bearer a black gown, value 30 s - to my old Lady Gresham, my wife's mother-in-law, a gown of black, value 50 s - to Mr. Albanye, a crown of black, value 4 marks - to Elizabeth Rowe, alias Garratt, my daughter, above what I have already given her at her marriage ioo 1 - to George Leaton a black gown, value 40 s - Executors, Mary, my well- beloved wife, Mr. Thomas Randall, my son-in-Jaw, and Nicholas Spenser, merchant-taylor. And I give to the said Mary, for her pains, a ring of gold, value 5 mark, and a black gown and a kyrtill, value 5 1 - to Thomas Randall, for his pains, 20' - and a ring of 3 1 to my brother-in-law Mr. John Grefham, and to him and his wife, and to eche of them a black gown, value both 6 1 - to Nicholas Spencer, for his pains, 20 1 - and to him and his wife a black gown, value both 5 1 - Overfeers, my well-beloved brother-in-law Mr. Thomas Eaton and Mr. Nicholas Lodington, and for their pains to eche a ring of gold, value 40 s - Residue of my third part to my wife and children, i.e. one moiety to her, th'other to them, fc. to Henry, William, and Robert Rowe, Mary Randal and Elizabeth Rowe.
    Funeral Certificate:
    The Right Worehyppfull Sir Thomae Rowe, Knyght Alderman & late Maio' of London Depted this Worlde at his howsse in London on Saturdaie the second of Septembre and was buryed in Hackney Churche on Mondaie the xviii* of September 1670, and in the xij'** yere of the Quenes Ma^» reigne : The saide Sir Thomas Rowe, Knyght maryed Mary dowghter to Sir John Gresham, Knyght, Alderman & Maio' of London & by her had yssue John his eldest son & heyre, Henry, second son, Will'm thyrd son, Robert iiij*^ son, Mary his eldest dowghter w** was maryed to Thomas Randal cytizin & Mercer of London & Elyzabeth who was maryed to Will'm Garrard son & heyre to Sir Will'm Garrard, Knyght. The Executonrs were Dame Mary Rowe his Wyff & Thomas Randall Mercer & Nicholas Spencer Marchant taylo' & the Oversears were Thomas Eton Mercer & Nicholas Luddyngton Grocer: The Offycers of Armes that syrved at the saide ffunerall were Robert Cooke al's Clarentyeulx King of Armes & John Cock al's Lancaster & Richard Turpyn al's Windso' heraulds of Armes.
    A true Extract from Register marked " Funeral Certificates *' I 5 folio 180 now remaining in the College of Arms London & Examined therewith this first day of June 1870 by me
    Rowe, Thomas (I08138)
    2707 Possibility??
    Will of Thomas Smith of Tidworth, Hampshire 16 August 1728 PROB 11/624
    Smith, Thomas (I07966)
    2708 Possibility??
    WILLIAM PUZEY Pedigree
    Christening: 15 JAN 1727 Lambourn, Berkshire, England
    Father: ROGER PUZEY Family
    Mother: ELIZ

    1. MARY PUSY - International Genealogical Index
    Gender: Female Christening: 15 MAY 1768 East Lockinge, Berkshire, England

    2. AMY PUSY - International Genealogical Index
    Gender: Female Christening: 23 JAN 1763 East Lockinge, Berkshire, England

    3. SARAH PUSY - International Genealogical Index
    Gender: Female Christening: 25 DEC 1764 East Lockinge, Berkshire, England

    4. FRANCES PUZEY - International Genealogical Index
    Gender: Female Christening: 01 NOV 1775 East Lockinge, Berkshire, England

    5. ANN PUSY - International Genealogical Index
    Gender: Female Christening: 08 AUG 1773 East Lockinge, Berkshire, England

    6. JOSEPH PUSY - International Genealogical Index
    Gender: Male Christening: 28 DEC 1766 East Lockinge, Berkshire, England

    7. MARGARET PUSY - International Genealogical Index
    Gender: Female Christening: 10 DEC 1777 East Lockinge, Berkshire, England

    8. JOSEPH PUSY - International Genealogical Index
    Gender: Male Christening: 14 OCT 1770 East Lockinge, Berkshire, England

    Sarum Marraige Licence Bonds:
    Day: 21 Month: Jan Year: 1760 Groom Forenames: William Groom Surname: PUZEY Groom's parish: Lockinge Groom's county: Berkshire,England Groom's condition: Groom's occupation: lab Groom's age: Groom's notes: Bride Forenames: Frances Bride Surname: CHILD Bride's parish: Lambourn Bride's county: Berkshire,England
    Bride's condition: sp Bride's age: Bride's notes: Place of Marriage: Bondsman 1: STIFF William,weaver,Lambourn Bondsman 2: Jurisdiction: The Bishop of Salisbury in Wiltshire and Berkshire
    Puzey, William (I05646)
    2709 Possibility??
    Year: 1643 Age: 27 Forenames: John Surname: ST JOHN Place: Lydiard Tregoze County: Wiltshire Country: England Reference: 105652 Notes: Lt Col killed bur at Newark 15 Dec 1643
    St. John, John (I01854)
    2710 Possibility??

    Commission, will
    Waters, John
    Charlton, near Malmesbury

    Commission, will
    Waters, Jane
    Charlton, near

    MI "John Waters gent. who departed this life 9th December in the 65th year of his age"

    Day: 9 Month: Dec Year: 1676 Age: Forenames: John Surname: WATERS Place: Charlton nr Malmesbury County: Wiltshire Country: England Reference: 172740 Notes: gent
    Waters, John (I05080)
    2711 Possibility??
    1558. JOHN LUTTERELL. [SS Noodes.] May 23rd, 1558. John Lutterell of Dunster, Esquier. My body to be buried in Our Ladye Chapell in the churche of Dunster. I will that Elisabeth my wife shall distribute among the poor £4. To the cathedral church of Wells 20*/. To my son George Lutterell the elder £40, 2 kyne and 20 shepe and to my son John Lutterell I do forgeve £40, 2 kyne and 20 sheepe. To George Lutterell the younger my son the same. My said sons to have the said £120 of my detts whereof the obligations lie in the hands of my cousen Hugh Stewkeley. Further, 1 will that my forsaid sons shall have between them the obligations that I have upon Sir Thomas Arundell, deceased. To my son Hugh Lutterell my best apparel, 6 oxen, 6 kyen, 50 wethers, 50 ewes, 2 fetherbeds and all my plate after the decease of Elisabeth my wife, on condition that he marry with Margaret Loghore my wife's daughter ; if he refuse, the said Margaret shall have half my said plate to her preferment in marriage and my said wife the other half. But if my said son Hugh be pleased to marry the said Margaret Loghore and she refuse to marry with him, the said Hugh shall have all my plate and she shall have none. To my forsaid wife the lease that I have upon the Rectories of Dunster, Kilton and parcel] of Mynehead and the scite of the Priorye of Dunster with all houses and edifices thereunto belonging during the terme that I have yet to come. To William Cooke a mare and a cow. The residue to Elizabeth my wife (executrix). Witnesses : Sir John Rice, clerk, William Everat, Alexander Veysy, Robert Gooche and Richard Gethin. I will my wife shall discharge John Giles and John William Bassett, gentilman, concerning a Bond of 1000 marks that they stand bound in with me and for me to Sir George Mathue, knight. To the fabric of Dunster church 20s. Proved October 13th, 1558.
    Luttrell, John (I06148)
    2712 Possibility??
    1841 Census: Aberdeenshire, Scotland:
    Isabella Smith abt 1781 Aberdour, Aberdeenshire, Scotland
    Willm Smith abt 1781 Aberdour, Aberdeenshire, Scotland

    1851 Census: Fraserburgh, Scotland:
    Name: Isabella Smtih
    Age: 73
    Estimated birth year: abt 1778
    Relationship: Wife
    Spouse's name: William
    Gender: Female
    Where born: Aberdour, Aberdeen
    Parish Number: 196
    Civil parish: Fraserburgh
    Town: Fraserburgh
    County: Aberdeenshire
    Address: Barrack Lane
    ED: 2
    Page: 21 (click to see others on page)
    Household schedule number: 74
    Line: 4
    Roll: CSSCT1851_45
    Household Members: Name Age
    William Smith 74
    Isabella Smtih 73

    Only two on the IGI between 1775-1795
    ISABEL KINNAIRD - International Genealogical Index / BI
    Gender: Female Christening: 31 AUG 1791 Ardclach, Nairn, Scotland (James and Isabol McIntosch)
    3. ISABEL KINNAIRD - International Genealogical Index / BI
    Gender: Female Christening: 21 SEP 1794 South Leith, Midlothian, Scotland (William and Isabel Auchenleach)
    Kinnaird, Isabella (I03427)
    2713 Possibility??
    1841 Census: Hinxworth, England:
    RG number:
    HO107 Piece:
    446 Book/Folio:
    7/4 Page:
    2 Registration District:
    Royston & Buntingford Sub District:
    Royston EnumerationDistrict:
    Ecclesiastical Parish:
    Civil Parish: Hinxworth Municipal Borough:
    Address: Thomas Lane, Hinxworth County: Hertfordshire
    HARRADINE, Thomas M 35 1806 Hertfordshire
    HARRADINE, Rebecca F 35 1806 Hertfordshire
    HARRADINE, William M 13 1828 Hertfordshire
    HARRADINE, George M 11 1830 Hertfordshire
    HARRADINE, Eliza F 8 1833 Hertfordshire
    HARRADINE, Edward M 6 1835 Hertfordshire
    HARRADINE, Fredrick M 3 1838 Hertfordshire
    HARRADINE, Emily F 0 (8 months) 1841 Hertfordshire
    HALLSEY, James M 20 1821
    Harradine, Thomas (I01046)
    2714 Possibility??
    1861 Census: Garvock, Kincardinshire, Scotland:
    Source Citation: Parish: Garvock; ED: 4; Page: 1; Line: 13; Roll CSSCT1861_35; Year: 1861.
    Name: John Stewart Age: 33 Estimated birth year: abt 1828 Relationship: Head Spouse's name : Rebecca Gender: Male Where born: Gartly, Banffshire Registration Number: 260 Registration district: Garvock Civil parish: Garvock County: Kincardineshire Address: Sootywells Occupation: (farmer Of 104 Acres Arablean 200 Ac Pasturey Employing 16 Cale ED: 4 Household schedule number: 4 Line: 13 Roll: CSSCT1861_35 Household Members:

    John Stewart Head Gartly, Banffshire, Farmer of 104 acres 33
    Rebecca Stewart 33
    Jane Stewart Banchory Ternan, Kincardineshire 1
    William Stewart brother Midmar, Aberdeen 26
    Robert Stewart brother Midmar, Aberdeen 11
    Margaret Mearns 17
    Charles Grant 19

    1871 Census: Benholm, Kincardinshire, Scotland:
    Name: John Stewart Age: 43 Estimated birth year: abt 1828 Relationship: Head Spouse's name : Rebecca Gender: Male Where born: Eastley, Banffshire Registration Number: 253 Registration district: Benholm Civil parish: Benholm County: Kincardineshire Address: East Wynd Occupation: Agri Labourer ED: 3 Household schedule number: 28 Line: 21 Roll: CSSCT1871_45 Household Members:
    John Stewart Ag Lab 43
    Rebecca Stewart Banchory, Kincardineshire 44
    Jane Stewart Garvock, Kincardineshire 11
    Catherine Stewart, Garvock, Kincardineshire 2

    1881 Census: Benoolm, Kincardineshire, Scotland
    Name: John Stewart Age: 52 Estimated birth year: abt 1829 Relationship: Head Spouse's name : Rebecca Gender: Male Where born: Gartly, Aberdeenshire Registration Number: 253 Registration district: Benholm Civil parish: Benholm County: Kincardineshire Address: Milne'S Wynd Occupation: General Labourer ED: 3 Household schedule number: 57 Line: 11 Roll: cssct1881_71 Household Members:
    John Stewart 52
    Rebecca Stewart 53
    Catharine Stewart 19

    1901 Census: Benholm, Kinecardineshire, Scotland:
    Name: John Stewart Age: 72 Estimated birth year: abt 1829 Relationship: Head Gender: Male Where born: Gartly, Aberdeenshire Registration Number: 253 Registration district: Benholm Civil parish: Benholm County: Kincardineshire Address: Milnes Wynd Occupation: Estate Labourer ED: 3 Household schedule number: 67 Line: 20 Roll: CSSCT1901_81 Household Members:
    John Stewart, Gartly, Aberdeenshire estate worker 72
    Jane Stewart, Garook, Kincardineshire, daughter 40
    Catherine Stewart, Benholm, Kincardineshire granddaughter 18
    Elizabeth Stewart, Benholm, Kincardineshire, granddaughter 4
    Stewart, John (I03679)
    2715 Possibility??
    A Martha Pinnegar of Coombe Bissett marries Frederick Sidford in 1859 in Coombe Bissett.

    Day: 3 Month: May Year: 1925 Age: 92 Forenames: Martha Surname: SIDFORD Place: Bishopstone nr Salisbury County: Wiltshire Country: England Reference: 161215 Notes: wife of Frederick

    Census: Bishopston, Wiltshire, England:
    RG number:
    RG09 Piece:
    1319 Folio:
    82 Page:
    17 Registration District:
    Wilton Sub District:
    2 Bishopstone EnumerationDistrict:
    6 Ecclesiastical Parish:
    Civil Parish:
    Bishopston Municipal Borough:
    Address: Faulston, Bishopston County: Wiltshire
    SIDFORD, Frederick Head Married M 32 1829 Farmer Of 300 Acres Employing 15 Men And Boys Bishopston Wiltshire
    SIDFORD, Martha Wife Married F 28 1833 Coombe Wiltshire
    SWATTEN, Anna Servant Unmarried F 25 1836 Cook Bulford
    CHANT, Eliza Servant Unmarried F 15 1846 House Maid Homington
    Pinniger, Martha (I05808)
    2716 Possibility??
    ANN HUMPHREYS Pedigree
    Spouse: WILLIAM ANDREWS Family
    Marriage: 24 SEP 1759 St James, Clerkenwell, London, England. Married by licence. Both of this parish.

    The Gentelamns Magazine:
    At Bath, aged 74, Mrs. Goldwyer, wife of John G. esq.; who himself died on the 5th Dec. see p.96.

    Humphreys, Ann (I00616)
    2717 Possibility??
    Day: 25 Month: Jul Year: 1742 Groom Forenames: Thomas Groom Surname: HOPKINS Groom's parish: Steventon Groom's county: Berkshire,England Groom's condition: Groom's occupation: husb Groom's age: Groom's notes: Bride Forenames: Mary Bride Surname: BROWN Bride's parish: Sutton Courtney Bride's county: Berkshire,England Bride's condition: Bride's age: Bride's notes: Place of Marriage: Abingdon St Helen Bondsman 1: WELLS Thomas, malster Bondsman 2: Jurisdiction: The Bishop of Salisbury in Wiltshire and Berkshire

    Probably not as a Thomas and Mary have many children baptised in Steventon in the 1740 and 1750's. Is this the Thomas born Steventon in 1720....but Martha mentions brother in law Joseph Hopkins??

    Will of Mary Hopkins, Widow of Chilton Foliat , Wiltshire Date 06 February 1786 Catalogue reference PROB 11/1138.

    Forenames: Mary Surname: HOPKINS Place: Chilton Foliat County: Wiltshire Country: England Reference: 128532 Notes: wife of Thomas dau of Margaret SKINNER

    Text: Hopkins, Thomas, of Cholsey, co. Berks, farmer, & Mary Phelps, of Alverstoke, w., at A., 06 Jul 1747. Collection: Hampshire: - Marriage License allegations, Bishop of Winchester, 1689-1837 (Marriage)

    A Francis Fettiplace and Margaret Trewlock marry at Steventon on 22.03.1690. This Margaret baptised 08.02.1664 at Steventon daughter of John and Margaret Trulock. Siblings John 1670 and Alice 1665.

    County of Wilts. For the Parish of Hungerford in the said County, and the Tything of Charnham Street.
    An Assessment made in Pursuance of an Act of Parliament, passed in the Twentieth Year of His Majesty’s Reign, for grantingan Aid to his Majesty by a Land Tax, to be raised in Great Britain, for the Service of the Year One Thousand Seven Hundred and Eighty.
    Names of Proprietors Names of Occupiers Sums Assessed
    Mr Hopkins for Meadow George Holloway 1 7 9½

    County of Wilts. For part of the Parish of Hungerford in the said County.
    An Assessment made in Pursuance of an Act of Parliament, passed in the Twenty first Year of His Majesty’s Reign, for granting an Aid to his Majesty by a Land Tax, to be raised in Great Britain, for the Service of the Year One Thousand Seven Hundred and Eighty one.
    Names of Proprietors Names of Occupiers Sums Assessed
    ……. Hopkins, for the Lamas Leaze George Holloway 1 7 9½

    Tithing of Charnham Street.
    Land Tax Assessment for the Year 1815 -Thomas Reeves, Assessor
    Proprietors Description of Property Occupiers Sums Assessed Redeemed
    -do- Hopkins Lammas Leaze George Holloway 1 11 5½ 
    Skinner, Mary (I06669)
    2718 Possibility??
    Forenames: George Surname: BROWN Place: Winterbourne Monkton County: Wiltshire Country: England Reference: 117592 Notes: husb of Martha son of George & Eleanor(Wiltshire Memorial Trnscription Index)

    1871 Census:
    98 South St,1,
    George Brown, Head, W 76 Farmer Of 370ac Emp 31 Labr, Avebury
    Mary A Flood, Hsekpr, U 50 House Keeper, Witney Oxfordshire
    Ann Lay, Servnt, U 22 Cook (Dom Servnt),Bakers Wood
    Mary A Carter Servnt U 20 House Maid,Grove Wantage Berkshire,,
    Brown, George (I06437)
    2719 Possibility??
    Groom's Name: Rob Turner
    Bride's Name: Margerat Hope
    Marriage Date: 02 Jun 1713
    Marriage Place: Devizes, Wiltshire, England
    Indexing Project (Batch) Number: I05561-3
    System Origin: England-EASy
    Source Film Number: 1279447
    Reference Number:
    Collection: England Marriages, 1538-1973 
    Hope, Margaret (I04460)
    2720 Possibility??
    ANN ROBINSONN Pedigree
    Spouse: THOMAS KYCHIN Family
    Marriage: 31 JUL 1576 Saint Clement Danes, Westminster, London, England

    Kychen, Thomas (I05543)
    2721 Possibility??
    MARY KEFFORD Pedigree
    Christening: 11 OCT 1792 All Saints, Fulbourn, Cambridge, England
    Father: WILLIAM KEFFORD Family
    Mother: MARY

    1861 census Ashwell, Hertfordshire, Engalnd:
    Back Street, Ashwell
    Tailors Widow aged 67 years. Born Royston, Hertfordshire.

    1871 Census Royston, Hertfordshire, England:
    RG number:
    RG10 Piece:
    1360 Folio:
    94 Page:
    9 Registration District:
    Royston Sub District:
    Royston EnumerationDistrict:
    19 Ecclesiastical Parish:
    Civil Parish:
    Royston Municipal Borough:
    Address: Back Street Norman's Hill, Royston County: Hertfordshire
    BONNETT, Maria Head F 77 1794 Hertfordshire
    BONNETT, George Son M 49 1822 Hertfordshire
    BONNETT, Alfred Son M 31 1840 Hertfordshire
    Kefford, Maria (I05718)
    2722 Possibility??
    Sarah Rogers Pedigree
    Christening: 18 JUN 1734 St Mary's, Devizes, Wiltshire, England
    Father: John Rogers Family Mother: Mary

    Day: 29 Month: Jun Year: 1751 Groom Forenames: Henry Groom Surname: AXFORD Groom's parish: Devizes Groom's county: Wiltshire,England Groom's condition: Groom's occupation: Groom's age: Groom's notes: Bride Forenames: Sarah Bride Surname: ROGERS Bride's parish: Devizes Bride's county: Wiltshire,England Bride's condition: Bride's age: Bride's notes: Place of Marriage: Devizes St John Bondsman 1: NEWTON Richard, Devizes Bondsman 2: Jurisdiction: The Bishop of Salisbury in Wiltshire and Berkshire

    Possibly buried 22.11. aged 63, 1797 Great Cheverell
    First name(s): Sarah Last name: AXFORD Date of burial: 22 Oct 1797 Age at death: 63 Calculated year of birth: 1734 Place of burial: Great Cheverell Dedication: St Peter County: Wiltshire(wiltshire Memorial Transcription Index)
    Rogers, Sarah (I02421)
    2723 Possibility??
    THOMAS GERING Pedigree
    Christening: 1644 Highworth, Wiltshire, England
    Father: THOMAS GERING Family
    Mother: ANNE

    106 Thomas Gerring filius Thome Gerring de High worth in Com wilts agr. po: se appren Thome Finch de Angell Alley extra Bippsgate pro 7 ann a die dat etc.
    4° Maij 1669 Annoque RR Caroli scdi &c xxj°

    From: 'Book 1: 1669', Records of the Worshipful Company of Carpenters: Volume I: Apprentices' Entry Books 1654-1694 (1913), pp. 112-125. URL: Date accessed: 25 June 2011.212A/38/49/4a

    Bargain and sale for a year and release: two houses and lands in HAYDON tith. Wilts. 1. John Saunders of Wollston and Anthony Saunders of Haydon Weeke HAYDON WEEKE & RODBOURNE tith. Wilts. 2. Gregory and Thomas Geering of Denchworth Berks CHENEY par. Wilts.

    Lease for 80 years: 1. Anthony and Anne Saunders, George Stevens and Francis Dancaster. 2. Gregory and Thomas Geering Three messuages and lands in HAYDON tith. Wilts. HAYDON WEEKE tith. Wilts. MOREDON tith. Wilts. PURTON AND RODBOURNE par. Wilts. CHENEY par. Wilts.

    Bargain and sale for a year and Release: two messuages and lands in HAYDON tith. Wilts. and HAYDON WEEKE tith. Wilts. 1. Gregory Geering and Thomas Geering 2. William Matthews of Stanford (Berks) and John Cooke of Lanny or Lanney[?] (Berks)

    Assignment: tithes of the above property 1. Thomas Geering 2. Gregory Geering

    Geering, Thomas (I02710)
    2724 Possibility?? Joseph Garthwaite in one witness. Groom a batchelor or St Saviours Southwark.
    Name: Benjamin Lipscomb Spouse Name: Elizabeth Parsons Record Type: Marriage Event Date: 1 Apr 1759 Parish: St James, Clerkenwell County: Middlesex Borough: Lambeth
    Groom of St Saviour, Southwark.
    Elizabeth Lipscomb England Births and Christenings, 1538-197511 August 1765 St Sepulchre, Holborn, London daughter of Benjamin and Elizabeth.
    William Luckie, b., & Elizabeth Lipscomb, s., by S. J. Wit.: Benjamin Lipscomb, Ann Garthwaite
    Lipscombe, Benjamin (I06880)
    2725 Possibility?? Perhaps an Uncle??
    William Axford Pedigree
    Christening: 05 FEB 1699 Erlestoke, Wiltshire, England
    Father: Isaac Axford Family
    Mother: Joyce Brothers

    Sarum marriage licences:
    Day: 3 Month: Jun Year: 1714 Groom Forenames: William Groom Surname: AXFORD Groom's parish: Erlestoke Groom's county: Wiltshire,England Groom's condition: bac Groom's occupation: Groom's age: 28 Groom's notes: Mr
    Bride Forenames: Susanna Bride Surname: EXSTON Bride's parish: Heytesbury Bride's county: Wiltshire,England Bride's condition: sp Bride's age: 22 Bride's notes: Mrs Place of Marriage: Bondsman 1: ALDRIDGE Isaac, Erlestoke Bondsman 2: Jurisdiction: The Bishop of Salisbury in Wiltshire and Berkshire

    First name(s): William Last name: AXFORD Date of burial: 28 Apr 1761 Age at death: Calculated year of birth: Not known Place of burial: Erlestoke Dedication: St Saviour County: Wiltshire
    Axford, William (I05843)
    2726 Possibility?? Possibly a daughter

    Francis wife of Edward Hope was buried ye 2nd october, 1665. Devizes St John
    First name(s): Francis Last name: HOPE Date of burial: 7 Jul 1689 Age at death: Calculated year of birth: Not known Place of burial: Devizes Dedication: St Mary County: Wiltshire
    May be daughter of a Christopher??

    Will of William Clarke, Yeoman of Devizes, Wiltshire 19 April 1621 PROB 11/137
    Will of Christopher Clarke, Linen Draper of Devizes, Wiltshire 08 June 1654 PROB 11/233
    Clarke, Francis (I05353)
    2727 Possibility?? Probably too young to be a widow.
    Day: 29 Month: Apr Year: 1811 Groom Forenames: John Groom Surname: VAISEY Groom's parish: Devizes St John Groom's county: Wiltshire,England Groom's condition: wid Groom's occupation: coachmaker Groom's age: Groom's notes:
    Bride Forenames: Ann Bride Surname: CAMNER Bride's parish: Ramsbury Bride's county: Wiltshire,England Bride's condition: wid Bride's age: Bride's notes: Place of Marriage: Bondsman 1: LAVELL John,gent,Ramsbury Bondsman 2: Jurisdiction: The Dean of Sarum in Wiltshire, Berkshire, Dorset and Uffculme, Devon
    Vaisey, John (I03930)
    2728 Possibility?? London Apprenticehsip Abstracts
    1739 Lipscomb, Joseph son of Edmund, St Sepulchre, London, citizen and clothworker to Richard Brightridge 7 Jan 1739. 
    Lipscombe, Joseph (I06877)
    2729 Possibility?? or nephew?
    In will of Nephew John St John as my Uncle of Hatfield, Essex
    May have married a Phillipa Thoresby

    Esssex Record Office:
    Item Reference Code D/ACW 7/218 Dates of Creation January 1616/17 Title [Will: John St John, esquire of Hatfield Peveral] Scope and Content John St John, esquire of Hatfield Peveral Date From 1616 Date To 1617
    Essex Record Office Level: Category Miscellaneous Level: Fonds DEEDS OF LINDSELL, LITTLE BARDFIELD AND HATFIELD PEVEREL Level: Item Agreement
    Item Reference Code D/DU 52/24 Dates of Creation 7 July 1656 Extent 1 Title [Agreement] Scope and Content Sir Walter St John of Battersea, Surrey, baronet, and Oliver St John, Lord Chief Justice of the court of Common Pleas.

    Recites indenture 12 January 1633 between (i) Sir John St John of Lydiard, Wiltshire, knight and baronet; (ii) Rt. Hon. Horace Lord Vere, Baron of Tilbury, Sir Edward Hungerford, K.B., and Sir George Ayliffe, knight; (iii) Oliver St John, esquire (son and heir of said Sir John St John), and Katherine, daughter of said Lord Vere, whereby provision is made for:

    Manors of Hatfield Peverel alias Hatfield Berrey and Termitts and other properties [not named] to be enjoyed for the term of the life of Sir Walter St John with remainder to his eldest son and his heirs, but after the death of Katherine Vere it provides for Oliver St John or any other person to whom any use of the property was limited to make it part of the jointure of any woman whom they shall marry, and that it is determined that the said Sir Walter St John is seized of the above manors.

    Recites marriage between Sir Walter St John and Dame Joan when he received £2,500, and the property is to form the jointure of the said Dame Joan. Access Fragile: not to be produced. [Confirmed by inspection, February 2011.] Date From 1656 Date To 1656
    St. John, John (I01887)
    2730 Possibille will:
    Will of Richard Cobb, Girdler of London 24 February 1617 PROB 11/129
    Cobbe, Richard (I05236)
    2731 Possibillity??
    Day: 5 Month: Oct Year: 1723 Groom Forenames: John junr Groom Surname: AXFORD Groom's parish: Erlestoke Groom's county: Wiltshire,England Groom's condition: bac Groom's occupation: yeo Groom's age: 22 Groom's notes:
    Bride Forenames: Eliz Bride Surname: TAYLOR Bride's parish: Erlestoke Bride's county: Wiltshire,England Bride's condition: sp Bride's age: 19 Bride's notes: Place of Marriage: Erlestoke Bondsman 1: MINTY Henry,carpenter,Erlestoke Bondsman 2: Jurisdiction: The Bishop of Salisbury in Wiltshire and Berkshire
    Axford, John (I07447)
    2732 Possibillity?? No obvious connextion.
    Will of Edmund Pearson, Pattern Maker of London 20 January 1729 PROB 11/627 soster Ann Miner and her husband Daniel, Aunt Ann Day, uncle Thomas Gunter, wife Ann
    Pierson, Edmund (I06938)
    2733 Possibilty:
    Southbroom St James daughter of Richard 1706.?

    Any connection??
    Text: Robert Brown & Sarah Flower 13 Apr 1725 Book:  
    Flower, Anne (I01267)
    2734 Possible Alexander McPhee baptism from Kilmaillie records:

    14.02.1775 Alexander McPhee son of John McPhee(this one?)and Janet McKinvan, Drimnsallie?
    19.12.1781 Alexander McPhee son of Donald McPhee and Janet McPhee, Kinockannaken?
    14.07.1785 Alexander McPhee son of Donald McPhee and Isabel McPhee, in town?
    18.04.1786 Alexander McPhee son of Donald McPhee and Isabella McPhee

    Ewen McPhee also in Muirshearlich at the same time. Brother of Alexander?

    Muirshearlich McPhee Records
    20.09.1799 Ewan McVicar son of Donald McVicar and Flora McPhee
    25.01.1810 Mary McPhee daughter of Alexander McPhee
    03.06.1811 Duncan McPhee son of Alexander McPhee and Anne McPhee
    13.12.1812 Ewen McPhee son of Alexander McPhee and Anne McPhee
    08.12.1813 Margaret McPhee married Ewen McPhee
    1817 John son of Alexander and Catherine McPhee
    1819 Angus son of Alexander and Catherine McPhee
    1822 Anne McPhee daughter of Alexander and Kate McMillan
    1824 Anne McPhee daughter of Alexander and Catherine McPhee
    07.01.1828 Archibald McPhee married Vere McPhee of Muirshearlich
    09.02.1828 Euphania daughter of Alexander and Catherine McPhee
    15.12.1838 Archibald Mc Phee married Catherine McPhee
    28.06.1841 Donald Cameron married Janet McPhee
    21.06.1844 John McPhee of Muirshearlich married Janet Stewart
    09.11.1845 James Grant married Mary McPhee daughter of Alex McPhee of Muirshearlich

    1841 Census Mall Parish, Muirshearlich, Inverness, Scotland
    Alexander MacPhee M. 60 Ag. Lab. Yes.Born in county
    Catherine MacPhee F. 60 No.
    Donald MacPhee M. 30 Ag. Lab. Yes.
    John MacPhee M. 20 Ag. Lab. Yes.
    Angus MacPhee M. 15 Ag.Lab. Yes
    Mary MacPhee F. 20 Servant Yes
    Effy MacPhee F. 12 Yes
    Ann MacPhee F. 14 Yes

    1851 Census
    Name: Alexander McPhee
    Age: 74
    Estimated birth year: abt 1777
    Relationship: Head
    Spouse's name: Catharine
    Gender: Male
    Where born: Kilmalie, Argyle Sh
    Parish Number: 520
    Civil parish: Kilmallie
    County: Argyll
    Address: Muirshcorlich
    Occupation: Farmer (of 3 Acres)
    ED: 1
    Page: 23 (click to see others on page)
    Household schedule number: 79
    Line: 1
    Roll: CSSCT1851_111
    Household Members: Name Age
    Ann Cameron 24
    Duncan Cameron 29
    John Cameron 2 Mo
    Alexander McPhee 74
    Angus McPhee 27
    Catharine McPhee 72
    Catharine McPhee 5
    Donald McPhee 20
    (Catherine aged 5 is listed as a granddaughter and on some transcribing as a daughter of Angus)

    1851 Census Muirshearlich, County of Argyle, District of Lochaber, Parish of KiImallie
    No. 79.
    Alexander MacPhee HeadMarried74Farmer 1 AcreArgylshire, Kilmallie
    Catherine MacPhee Wife Married 72 Argylshire, Kilmallie
    Angus MacPhee Son Unmarr 27 Agricul Lab
    Catherine MacPhee Grand Unmar r5 Argyll, Dura
    Duncan Cameron Lodger Married 29 Ag.Lab Argyll, Dura
    Ann Cameron Wife Married 24Ag. Lab wife Argyle, Kilmallie
    John Cameron Son Unmarr 2mths
    Donald MacPhee Visitor Unmarr 20 not known

    Census Muirshearlich,1861. Inverness, Scotland
    Catherine MacPhee Head Widow 80 Crofter Kilmalie
    Ann Cameron Daughter 34 Grocer Kilmalie
    Flora Cameron Grand-daughter 8Scholar Kilmalie
    John Cameron Grand-son 10Scholar Kilmalie
    Catherine MacPhee Grand-daughter 15 Scholar Kilmalie
    (possibly the Catherine McPhee who marries William McCleod in Kilmallie in 1875-living at Old Inverlochy, Kilmonvaig in the 1881 census-seems five years too young?Check death)

    Neighbouring Homes 1851 Census, Muirshealich
    No. 77
    Duncan MacPheeHeadMarried36Farmer 4 AcreArgyleshire, Kilmallie
    Mary MacPheeWifeMarried36""
    Ann MacPheeDauunmarr6""
    John MacPheeVisitorunmarr84Invernesshire, Glendy(
    (Listed in the 1861 census at Banavie)

    Ann MacPheeHeadWidow60Farmer 1 AcreInverness, Kilmallie
    Duncan MacPheeBrotherUnmarr62Ag.Lab" "
    Donald MacPheeSonUnmarr31Ag. Lab" "
    Margaret MacPheeDaugUnmarr18Ag. LabArgyle, Kilmallie

    No. 80
    John KennedyHeadMarr65Farmer 1 AcreArgyle, Kilmallie
    Catherine KennedyWifeMarr60Argyle, Kilmallie
    Anne MacPheeDauUnmarr22General Serv.Argyle, Kilmallie
    Catherine MacPheeDauUnmarr20General Serv.Argyle, Kilmallie

    There is a Donald MacPhee born 1807, Kilmallie, Argyle to Alexander MacPhee and Peggy Cameron?
    Was Alexander married twice?

    1861 Census
    John MacPheeHeadMarr40LabourerKilmallie
    Janet MacPheeWifeMarr36Appin
    (above John, son of Alexander see 1841 census?)

    Possible other children to Alexander & (and Anne-all at Muirshearlich)
    Mary 1810
    Duncan 1811
    Ewan 1812
    Catherine married 15.12.1838 Muirshearlich to James McIntosch, soldier(check death certificate)
    and Janet married 28.01.1841, Muirshearlich, to Donald Cameron-listed 1881 at Kilmonvaig born 1811, Kilmonvaig-check death?)

    Did Alexander marry twice? Once to Peggy Cameron. Children born Alexander at Kilmallie in 1796, Donald 1807,

    1841 Census: Inverness, Scotland (Living next door to Alex and Cathe)
    Relative??: Muirshearlich
    McVicar Mary (widow) F 65 years Outside census county
    McPhee Ann (widow) F60 Inverness shire
    McPhee Angus M 30 Ag Lab Inverness Shire
    McPhee Duncan M 25 Ag Lab Inverness Shire
    McPhee John M 20 Ag Lab Inverness Shire
    McPhee Flora F 20 FS Inverness Shire
    McDonald Jannet F 20 FS Outside census county

    Rootsweb Argyll List
    The two changes in the boundaries of Argyll were as follows:
    a) The islands of Canna, Sanday, Rum, Muck, Oigh-sgeir and Eilan nan Ea
    (the last two very small), until 1889 in Argyll, were transferred to the
    county of Inverness.
    b) The following places around Fort William and lying to the north of Loch
    Eil, which up to 1889 were in Argyll, were also transferred to the county of
    (In alphabetical order and 19th century spelling) Achadalieu, Annat, Badabry,
    Banavie, Camaghael, Caol, Corpach, Corribeg, Craigag, Drimnaha, Drimsallie,
    Fassifern, Glensuilaig, Invervakaig, Kinlocheil, Kilmallie, Lochyside,
    Muirshearlich and Torcastle.

    Muirshearlich part of Locheil Esate in late 18th Century 
    McPhee, Alexander (I00049)
    2735 Possible baptism?
    Name: Charles Hogsflesh Gender: Male Baptism/Christening Date: 12 Oct 1800 Baptism/Christening Place: Otford, Kent, England Birth Date: Birthplace: Death Date: Name Note: Race: Father's Name: William Hogsflesh Father's Birthplace: Father's Age: Mother's Name: Sarah Hogsflesh

    1841 Census Hasting, Sussex, England:
    Listed with an assisstant.

    1851 Census: Abergavenny, Wales
    Charles Hogsflesh abt 1801 Widower Otford, Kent, England Head Retired Linen draper Abergavenny Monmouthshire
    Sarah Daniel abt 1828 Abergavenny, Monmouthshire, Wales Servant Abergavenny Monmouthshire

    Free BDM
    There is a burial of a Charles Hogsflesh at Guilford in 1855?
    Hogsflesh, Charles (I02484)
    2736 Possible baptism?
    Name: Fraunces Buttler Gender: Male Baptism/Christening Date: 06 Apr 1595 Baptism/Christening Place: SAINT AUGUSTINE THE LESS,BRISTOL,GLOUCESTER,ENGLAND Birth Date: Birthplace: Death Date: Name Note: Race: Father's Name: Nicholas Buttler

    Possibile Burial?
    Name: Mres. Franncis Botiler Gender: Unknown Burial Date: 30 Jul 1615 Burial Place: Devizes, Wiltshire, England
    Boteler, Frances (I09887)
    2737 Possible baptism?
    Name: Hester Pye Gender: Female Baptism/Christening Date: 13 May 1694 Baptism/Christening Place: SAINT JAMES,CLERKENWELL,LONDON,ENGLAND Birth Date: Birthplace: Death Date: Name Note: Race: Father's Name: Matthew Pye Father's Birthplace: Father's Age: Mother's Name: Jane Mother's Birthplace: Mother's Age: Indexing Project (Batch) Number: P00141-1 System Origin: England-ODM Source Film Number: 845229

    Also 1702 St Bride Fleet Street daughter of Edward Pye and Mary?
    Also 1705 St Pauls Covent Garden daughter of William Pye and Jane?


    Year: 1723 Supplied Surname : PIE Surname : PIE Full First name: Esther Supplied First Name: Esther Spouse Surname: LIPSCOMB Spouse Full First name: Benjamin Spouse First Name: Ben Place: LONDON (ALL HALLOWS LOMBARD ST) County: London
    Pye, Esther (I06867)
    2738 Possible baptism?
    Name: James Gilman Gender: Male Baptism/Christening Date: 24 Sep 1786 Baptism/Christening Place: St. Margaret's, Canterbury, Kent, England Birth Date: Birthplace: Death Date: Name Note: Race: Father's Name: John Gilman Father's Birthplace: Father's Age: Mother's Name: Ann Mother's Birthplace: Mother's Age: Indexing Project (Batch) Number: C01363-4

    1841 Census Kent

    1861 Census: Kent
    Name: James Gillman
    Age: 74
    Estimated birth year: abt 1787
    Relation: Head
    Spouse's name: Ann
    Gender: Male
    Where born: Canterbury, Kent, England
    Civil parish: Canterbury St George The Martyr
    Ecclesiastical parish: Canterbury
    oCCUPATION: grocer
    County/Island: Kent
    Country: England
    Registration district: Canterbury
    Sub-registration district: Canterbury
    ED, institution, or vessel: 27
    Neighbors: View others on page
    Household schedule number: 83
    Household Members: Name Age
    Ann Gillman 70
    James Gillman 74

    A few possible deaths in Kent on Free BDM including one in Maidstone in 1865.
    Gillman, James (I02482)
    2739 Possible baptism?
    Name: Jessie Broadbent Gender: Unknown Event Type: Christening Birth Date: Christening Date: 18 Jun 1871 Marriage Date: Banns Date: Death Date: Burial Date: Event Date: Birthplace: Christening Place: Old St. George, Staleybridge, Cheshire, England Marriage Place: Banns Place: Death Place: Burial Place: Event Place: Father's Name: James Broadbent Mother's Name: Eliza

    1871 Census Cannock, Staffordshire
    Name: Jessie Broadbent Age: 10 Gender: Female Birth Year: 1871 Birthplace: Stafford, Staffordshire, England Relationship to Head of Household: Daughter Marital Condition: Single Profession/Occupation: Scholar Address: Manchester & Liverpool Bank Census Place: Cannock, Staffordshire, England Disability: Record Type: Household Family History Library Film: 1341666 The National Archives Reference: RG11 Piece/Folio: 2783 / 19 Page Number: 30 Father James 38 and mother Eliza 37 years. 
    Broadbent, Jessie (I09130)
    2740 Possible baptism?
    Name: Jno Greenway Baptism Date: 17 Jul 1725 Parish: St Saviour, Denmark Park County: Surrey Borough: Southwark Parent(s): Jno Greenway,
    Ann Greenway Record Type: Christening Register Type: Parish Register

    Name: John Greenway from St Mary Newington, Burial Date: 17 Oct 1807 Parish: St George the Martyr County: Surrey Borough: Southwark Record Type: Burial Register Type: Parish Register
    Greenway, John (I02215)
    2741 Possible baptism?
    Name: Joane Buttler Gender: Female Baptism/Christening Date: 17 Dec 1592 Baptism/Christening Place: SAINT AUGUSTINE THE LESS,BRISTOL,GLOUCESTER,ENGLAND Birth Date: Birthplace: Death Date: Name Note: Race: Father's Name: Nicholas Buttler
    Boteler, Joan (I09886)
    2742 Possible baptisms?
    Name: Elizabeth Backhouse Baptism Date: 18 May 1644 Parish: St Helen Bishopgate County: London Borough: City of London Parent(s): Nicholas Backhouse, Christian Backhouse Record Type: Baptism

    Name: Willm Backhouse Baptism Date: 16 Feb 1642 Parish: St Helen Bishopgate County: London Borough: City of London Parent(s): Nicholas Backhouse, Elizabeth Backhouse Record Type: Baptism
    Backhouse, Nicholas (I04763)
    2743 Possible birth:?

    Name: George Alexander Gender: Male Birth Date: 5 Jul 1807 Baptism Date: 10 May 1808 Baptism Place: Uphall, West Lothian, Scotland Mother: Agnes Alexander FHL Film Number: 1066638 Reference ID: 2:1815BWN

    Marriage: Name: George Alexander Gender: Male Marriage Date: 3 Dec 1827 Marriage Place: Uphall, West Lothian, Scotland Spouse: Helen Paris FHL Film Number: 1066639, 0102996

    1851 Census: Uphall, West Lothian, Scotland:
    Z/09/12/CANAL BANK/
    Alexander, George (I10352)
    2744 Possible burial?
    Name: John Backhause Burial Date: 22 Nov 1648 Parish: St Helen Bishopgate County: London Borough: City of London Record Type: Burial(buried in the vault on the north side of the church)
    Backhouse, John (I08626)
    2745 Possible connection?
    Essex Record Office
    Level: Category Estate and Family records
    Reference Code D/DYv/254
    Dates of Creation 18 October 1737
    Scope and Content Admission of Mary CHIPPERFIELD, upon death of her grandfather William Salmon.
    [Property as in D/DYv 238.]
    Date From 1737
    Date To 1737
    Salmon, Jane (I01597)
    2746 Possible connection?
    John W., described in his mar. license as " of St. James, Clerkenwell, gent., bachelor of about 34," - in the Thynne pedigrees as " of Ampthill, co. Bed- ford," - and in his will as " of Suffolk Street, in the parish of St. Martins in the Fields, co. Middlesex, gent." ; born about 1628 ; bur. at St. Martin's in the Fields 8 Jan. 1684-5 5 ^^^ will, dated 10 Mar. 1683-4, was proved in London 27 Jan. 1684-5 = Dorothy, dau. of Wm. Thynne, and grand-daughter of Sir John Thynne ^ of Longleate, co. Wilts ; born about 1632; mar. by license at St. Saviour's, South- wark, 28 July 1662; bur. beside her husband 19 Jan. 1686-7; her will, dated 8 Jan. 1686-7, proved in London 21 Jan. 1686-7.

    " Wrightson, John, of St. James, Clerkenwell, gent., bachelor, about 34, and Dorothy Thynn, of the same, spinster, about 30, at her own disposal, at St. Saviour, Southwark, 28 July 1662."

    WILL OF DOROTHY WRIGHTSON, dated 8 Jan. 1686-7, proved in London 2i Jan. 1686-7. " I, Dorothy Wrightson of the parish of St. Martins-in-the-Fields . . . widow. . . ." " to John Clarke^ Baker, Tenne pounds for mourning and to his Wife five pounds and to his children five pounds apiece. . . ." [No doubt the London executor of her late husband.] " to Mr. Richard Person, Minister. . . ." " to Robina, the daughter of Richard Person, Minister the sum of one hundred pounds. . . ." " to my kinswoman Frances Howard of Norfolk my sister's daughter. . . ." [There is no sister mentioned in the Thynne pedigrees.] .... to my kinsman Richard Farrow. . . ." .... to the Lady Selinger. . . ." [i.e. St. Leger.] " to the Lady Isabella Bruce. . . ." " to Charles Richards, the sonne of Charles Richards of the parish of Ampthill in Bedfordshire. . . ." " to Mary Crouth of Bedfordshire. . . ." " to my goddaughter, the child of Ann Palmer of Bedfordshire. . . ."

    WILL OF JOHN WRIGHTSON OF LONDON, dated lo Mar. 1683-4, proved in London 27 Jan. 1684-5. " I, John Wrightson of the parish of St. Martins- in-the-Fields, in the county of Middlesex, Gent. . . ." " my houses situate in Suffolk Street in the said parish .... which I now live in. . . ." " my wel beloved and deare wife Dorothy. . . ," " unto my \o\\n^brother Thomas Wrightson the sume of two hundred pounds, and to my loving brother Anthony Wrightson the sum of one hundred pounds by them respectively to be divided amongst their children. . . ." [As Thomas is three times mentioned before Anthony it is clear he was the elder of the two.] " to my niece Mary Watsonne and her children. " unto my nephew Benjamin Clarke. . . ." *' to my niece, his sister, Isabella Clarke. . . ." " to my godsonne John Clarke. . . ." " to my goddaughter Mary Bowstred. . . ." " my worthy friend and kinsman Mr. Richard Pearson Re6lor of St. Michaels Crooked Lane, London. . . ." " my kinsman Joseph Bowstred of Shefford in the county of Bedford, gent. And John Clarke of the parish of St. Martin-in-the-Fields .... my Executors .... to whom, for Appendices, 169 the benefit of their children to be distributed as they shall think fit, I devise all the rest of my Estate. . . ."

    William Thynne, Esq. who wedded Alicia, daughter of Talbot, and by her was father of one son, William, who married Mary, daughter of Anthony Weoly, of Hampden, in Gloucestershire. And a daughter, Dorothy, the wife of Wrightson, of Ampthill, in Bedfordshire. And, Catharine, maid of honour to Queen Elizabeth.

    (seems like a generation missing or Williams birth date much later than 1570)? Possibly a son William and Dorothy is his child?

    Thynne, William (I04831)
    2747 Possible connections?
    Note in The Times-A Rueben Neat charged and imprisioned for two years for stealing and embezzlement.

    Stonier Susan Marylebone MDX 14 Dec 1850 marr Reuben Neat, compositor, at St. Mary's. (witnesses: Wm Jackson and Catherine Almond. Fathers both James, Susan's a farmer, Reuben's a gatekeeper)

    There is a Reuban Neate on the IRS tax assessment list in 1864 in Jamestown, USA. Another in 1866 in NY.?? 
    Neate, Reuban (I02080)
    2748 Possible death
    Gibbs Anne 79 Barton R. 6a 112 (1893,1,1,'6a','112',1)
    Canning, Anne Brown (I03177)
    2749 Possible death registered Free BDM at Royston, Hertfordshire 1883 aged 80 years. Fitzjohn, Mary (I02731)
    2750 Possible decendant?
    Name Year Quarter Record Type District County Volume Page
    Neate, James Lipyeatt 1848 June Marriages Bath Avon Somerset 
    Neate, Lippyat (I02122)

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