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     #   Notes   Linked to 
    2451 Of Cricklade at time of Mary Stephana birth.
    The Buildings of Kingsclere from Margaret Ingrams book, Kingsclere, Place and its People published in 1987. Swan Street, Kingsclere. ...In 1867 Mary and Anna Neate used the house as a Ladies Day and Boarding School....

    Mary NEATE Head W Female 70 Devizes, Wiltshire, England None
    Mary S. NEATE Daur U Female 38 Cricklade, Wiltshire, England Teacher (Sch)
    Frank E.J. HEANLEY Son In Law M Male 34 Henfield, Sussex, England Artist
    Annie M. HEANLEY Daur M Female 33 Cricklade, Wiltshire, England
    Cyril D. HEANLEY Grand Son Male 8 Surbiton, Surrey, England Scholar
    Percy W. HEANLEY Grand Son Male 6 Surbiton, Surrey, England Scholar
    Wilfred N. HEANLEY Grand Son Male 5 Kingsclere, Hampshire, England Scholar
    Mildred M. HEANLEY Grand Daughter Female 3 Kingsclere, Hampshire, England
    Elizabeth H. MILES Servt U Female 22 Bishopstone, Wiltshire, England Domestic
    Source Information:
    Dwelling Swan Street
    Census Place Kingsclere, Hampshire, England
    Family History Library Film 1341309
    Public Records Office Reference RG11
    Piece / Folio 1266 / 63
    Page Number 19

    The Letters of
    Mary Neate - Kingsclere


    Susan Walter contacted me from Australia as follows:

    "My husband's great-great grandmother Mary Neate was living in Swan Street Kingsclere at the time of the 1881 census with her spinster daughter Mary Stephana Neate and her married daughter Anna Maria Heanly and her husband and family. The Tombstone transcriptions list Mary Neate's death in 1885 along with a mention of her husband Stephen who was interred at Mortaise in France in 1855. Unfortunately Mortiase does not exist and we have yet to locate where exactly Stephen died and why he was in France in the first place. A pity the headstone no longer exists as we would love to have another look at the word "Mortaise" to see if it was misread. Another Neate Headstone at Kingsclere is for Stephen Richmond Neate (1884) and his wife Helen (nee Drake) (1883) formerly of Hong Kong. This is another child of Stephen and Mary Neate. Stephen and Mary's youngest surviving child, Charles John Humphries Neate immigrated to New Zealand in 1875 with his new wife, had 6 children in New Zealand and then moved on to Victoria Australia. At the time of the birth of his first son, Percy, in 1878, Mary Neate and Mary Stephana Neate were writing letters to Charles from Kingsclere, of which some survive and are in our possession. Mary Stephana was learning to play the new organ in the church (St Mary's) and was also a teacher. The letters contain the names of various other residents of Kingsclere.

    If transcripts of these letters would be of any interest to you please let us know. The original handwriting is hard to read as the paper was written on twice, once in normal fashion and then secondly at 90 degrees to the first writing, but we have trancribed them to our best ability some 120+ years down the track."

    Susan kindly sent me the transcripts which are reproduced here ( using cut & paste) together with her notes regarding each letter.

    Letter dated 25/2/1878:
    I assume Bussell St is in Kingsclere. Can you confirm this? (I think this is in fact Russell Street in Reading, due to the mention of the Great Western Hotel within the letter, other readers comments welcome-Ed)
    Charley is C.J.H. Neate, Eva is his wife Evaline (nee Jaques)
    Arthur is another of Mary?s sons; Arthur Webb Neate
    Aunt Frank is Ann Neate (nee Maskell) widow of Mary?s brother Francis Webb Neate
    Mr Meeks is Alex Meeks a family friend and solicitor who seemed to be involved in most legal family documents (wills etc.)
    The Johnsons refers to a married niece of Mary?s via, her brother Stephen Richmond Neate.
    I think Mrs White is the married sister of Stephen Richmond Neate?s (above) second wife
    Charles Bayly is the husband of Mary?s sister, Stephana Bayly (nee Neate).
    Stephen and Helen are Mary?s son Stephen Richmond Neate and his wife Helen nee Drake (from Kingsclere we believe).
    Emily Toms is the daughter of Mary?s late husband?s sister, Johanna Toms (nee Neate). Emily later married Mary?s son Francis William Neate.
    Frank Rowland is the son of Mary?s sister Rachel Rowland (nee Neate)
    Mary Benjamin is another daughter of Mary?s brother Stephen Richmond Neate
    Mary (in reference to the organ) is Mary?s unmarried daughter Mary Stephana Neate who lived with her mother ca 1878-81
    Anna is Anna Maria Heanly (nee Neate) another of Mary?s daughters who married Frank E. J. Heanly and lived at Kingsclere also.

    40 Bussell Street
    Febry 25th 1878

    My dear Charley & Eva

    I begin my letter by wishing you both a happy new year. We are very anxious to get a letter from you to tell us some good news I do sincerely hope all has gone on well you have my good wishes. I fear you must think me very negligent not to have written before, in Oct. I went to Anvilles to get Arthurs house in order then I went on to Bishopstone stayed a fortnight there on to Mrs Hammons ten days as I had to come thro Reading on my way I came here to see aunt Frank and I have been here ever since last June. Aunt had a letter from Mr Meeks to say she was not able to manage her own affairs.
    In Decr notice was sent that two Lunacy Commissioners would come down to the Great Western Hotel & hold a meeting before they assembled they both came here to see aunt and asked her a few questions she answered foolishly Maurice & May took their certificates. Mr Meeks wrote to say he was coming before xmas. We have waited ever since to hear their decision. The suspense I expect will make her mad. Soon after the Johnsons returned from America. Last week Martha came up as Mr Meeks was too ill he is gone to Torquay for two months and on Friday Mrs J wrote to say Mr Meeks wishes hers & Mr J to be with aunt while he is away. Kind Mrs White who has been here ever since March had notice to leave in a month. I only hope aunt will worry them as much as she has us. This house is to be advertised to be sold, & Mr Meeks will not give any more rent so there will be another alteration in June. Jany 3 aunt took up the Devizes papers read Charles Bayly of Baths death. It was a week afterwards no one was .written to nor any cards sent, it was a great shock to aunt Bayly he died by her side in bed. She keeps upstairs in her drawing room.
    Sad news will have to be sent to Stephen & Helen in Hong Kong. Mr J Drake died on Friday after only a few days illness. Do you know Stephen has built a house and they went into it in September. I heard from Helen she had not been well, liver out of order. Stephen was well he had so many presents at Christmas joints of mutton & beef 6 hams 13 fowls 2 geese oranges potted meats & preserved fruits a wash stand set of ware tea sherry 2 doz a silk umbrella 20 yards of light brushed silk a dress for Helen given them by those Stephen is over, it shows how much he is respected. Do you know Mr Edmond ??? Corser New Brighton Christchurch. The new vicar that is at Bishopstone is related to him, he sent them a photo of a new church built since he went out there. How are the Stockers. Do you know the remedy for sore throat a lump of salt put into a bit of muslin or linen just wetted & push on. Have you sold your house in Ceylon. I want to know how busines is getting on & if you have been successful. Emily Toms intends coming home in the spring. I have had only one letter from her since she went out. She seems disgusted - not to have more ??? society. How are your knees. Frank Rowland is at Shrivenham. Dr Parker professed to cure rheumatism by fireing with a hot iron the knee. Mary Benjamin had a very severe illness in the autumn inflamation of the lung & pleuresy. She is still only allowed to go out when very fine. Dr She ??? went down from Reading he considers her very delicate. I believe they sent for the Johnsons to return & are going to undertake the responsibility of Aunt to have a home as Martha said whoever was here was to come from a pure motive of kindness. They want a home I am got quite tired of it I think aunt gets worse. She does not sit still two minutes unless she has work. She sleeps badly wakes early & no rest for Annie who sleeps in her room. I think she has taken a dislike to me because I will speak & have plenty to eat. Aunt Toms has been very poorly Uncle went up to Hungerford he is agent for some wine company fortunately he did not go to see Arthur or to Kingsclere.
    The new organ is part up Mary will have enough to do now. The Carter Holdings are come to Elm Grove they are all musical and disposed to be friendly with us. I do hope soon to hear from you on the 20th a mail is due. I am anxious to go home as Anna is expecting another baby this month, I hope it will be a girl. Hoping you are both well. With kindest love, Believe me dear Charley & Eva

    Your Affecte

    Aunt.Frank?s kindest love to you & she hope the little stranger is arrived. Who is it like. & was she born on time.
    Letter dated 26th Feb 1878

    In reference to Arthur?s wedding (Arthur Webb Neate), Ellen is his new wife, nee Whistler (I believe there were other Whistlers buried at Kingsclere)
    Gussie Deane is Sarah August Toms (Mary?s husband?s niece) who married Henry Augustus Dean in 1871
    MS Neate is Mary Stephan Neate, (as above)

    Kingsclere February 26th 1878

    My dear Charley & Eva,

    I hope by this time there has been an arrival & that all has gone well. We shall soon begin to look out for tidings & I hope they will be good ones. Miss Barnes asked me the other day if we had heard as she is most interested, of course you had a paper from Arthur announcing his marriage on Sepr 29th. I fear I have not written to you since then and yet I am sure I must have done so, however in case I have not I will say a little about it, I went & am glad I did though I was only asked a few days before. Dick, Alfred, Walter & Albert her brothers were there. C V Steven?s was best man Emily Taylor & ?Little Mary? were the bridesmaids they wore white with blue trimmings & Arthur gave them silver lockets, Ellen wore a fawn coloured silk & white bonnet. They went to Hastings for a few days then back to town for a few more & while there A took ?his Bride? to spend a day with the Hulberts at Watford by invitation. Mama went to Anvilles to put it a little in order to receive them, she spent a little time there as Arthur was very busy with sales and thought Ellen would find it dull and then went on to stay at Bishopstone & Garford & has since been at Reading. A & E called to see Aunt Frank on their way home and she gave them the drawing room clock they had a nice bundle of other presents. I went to stay with them just after xmas and accompanied them and Walter to a very pleasant dance at the Hungerford Corn Exchange. A waltzes very nicely can you fancy it. My next visit was to Miss Brooks. She & her mother live at ?......... Villas? which no doubt you remember hearing was going to be built. It is a very comfortable little house. Katie ????? spent an evening there, both she and Annie asked for you, The latter is going to be married soon to a Brewer named Foster aged 36 but remarkably stout living at Berkhamsted where they went last year as her younger brother was there for a few months as lay reader. While at Marston I & Annie walked over to Cricklade, our old house is a private Lunatic Asylum in a small way, I called on Mr Brooks the doctor & Miss Rew? where I used to go to school. My next visit was to Bishopstone, while there we had the concert followed by a dance in the village school room & a dance in honour of Arthur Dore?s coming of age, when about 40 assembled we went to a very nice concert at Shrivenham, when several titled people performed amongst others the Honrble A Yorke now in attendance on Prince Leopold. Mrs Dore was not at all well when I was there but when I went down a fortnight afterwards for the Bachelors Ball at Swindon she was much better. Arthur Bayly the ??????? was one of the Bachelors & he invited me when he was at A Dore?s party, Willie Dore said he would give me my ticket but when he found there were none to be sold he went in with the others in sharing the expenses, 193 invitations were accepted & we spent a very pleasant night from 8 till 6 the next morning, I went to Mr Alfred Plummers at Swindon & the Bishoptone party joined me there, after going hunting the next day I went home with them & back home the next day. I wore my old white silk done up with coral coloured Tarlatan & bunches of dark ivy leaves, silver oak leaves & coral. Mary Bennett that W. Dore used to be engaged to was there, they had one dance together but I thought that a gentleman who came up with her & her sister & brother from Herefordshire was very attentive to her. She looked very well in a cream coloured silk, the prettiest dress there was a pale pink silk trimmed with swans down. During my holidays I also spent a few days with Joan & James Hammans, the latter has a bad knee something like yours used to be. Also I spent a day on my lot at Reading, Aunt was better while I was there as she always is when anybody else is present, but she is at times most provoking. It is quite amusing as well as annoying to find how Mr Benjamin & Martha Johnson have succeeded in their little plot which they evidently made, in a letter from Martha last Autumn to Mary & which she sent for us to read were the words ?What will be my responsibility if I have the care of Aunt Frank? so it was evident Mary had said something about their coming home & going to Reading as in the letter before that they said they had decided to stay the 2 years so as to get Mr J?s official papers signed, and they did not come when Mary was ill but waited till some weeks afterwards. Martha says a relation is not to be paid but I should say if she is placed there & allowed to have Mr J living there too that is equal to one being paid as if she does not get it in money she does in board & lodgings for him & what they want is a house not money. Aunt wrote to say she wished Ma to be appointed and Ma wrote to say she wished to be, neither of which letters Mr Meek took any notice of, so no doubt Mary asked him to wait for Martha?s return as before deciding anything. Mr Maurice?s wife I think you know ran away with a Mr Pain & then left him and went off with another man. Mr M has just got divorced from her I mean the doctor at Reading. Annie Booker has the drawing she did from the one you borrowed for her hanging up and says she promised you she would never give it away, she has done some more pictures but a different style, the Holy Family & a head of our Saviour. She had been to see the ship & had packed one lot towards going back to Africa with Mr Jackson when Mr Foster asked her to remain in England. Poor Mr John Drake was buried today, he died last Friday, he was out walking the Saturday before, he has had a cold & cough ever since Xmas but at the last it seemed like fading away more than any illness, he sat up to supper & walked up to bed at 9 o? clock & died very quietly at 3 o? clock. Charlotte was with him at the time as Mary Anne was going to lie down Fred Emma & Jabez were sleeping at the Brewery they had no idea he was so near his end. F Heanly attended the funeral & made a cross of snowdrops & violets for Helen he also made up one of some flowers Lavinia wished sent she could not come as her pupils have had scarlet fever. Poor Nellie it will be sad news for her but she will be partly prepared for it as they have written to say he was very ill. Charlotte will feel it most having lived with him most. Gussie Deane lost her 5th baby in Decr about 3 months old and Uncle Bayly died almost suddenly early in February, they did not write to Ma or Aunt Frank for ???? of alarming the latter but left her to find it out from the paper!!. The organ was opened on Sunday 17th & we like it very much its cost is nearly £200 Mr Barnes was very pleased that my brothers all contributed towards it tell Mr Stocker about it, it has 492 pipes 10 stops with room to add 6 more a swell 3 combination pedals by using which one can make it soft louder or very loud according to which is pressed down 2 octaves of wooden pedals which I am going to get some lessons from Mr Godding of Newbury on, I shared the duty with the Builder (Mr Smith) from Bevingtons the first Sunday & last Sunday had it all to do myself. I get on better than I expected but of course I have to practise as much as I can. I go for an hour or two every evening that I can it is really a pleasure to play it after the other old thing, & I long to be able to manage the pedals properly as they give it more bass & make it sound so much fuller. Miss Barnes nearly lived in the Church the week it was being built & the Vicar spent a good deal of time there they were so interested in the ?Organization of it? Mr Barnes? pun. I have been scribbling on & now find it is just post time so I hope there are no mistakes as I have not time to read it through. Anna & Frank join me in kindest love to you both & hoping very soon to hear good news of & from you. I am dear Charley & Eva your very Affcte sister MS Neate
    Your nephews send love & kisses to Uncle Charley & Auntie Eva remember me kindly to Mr & Mrs Stocker when you see them hope they are well.
    Letter dated 26th March from Mary Stephana Neate (sister)

    Stephen and Frank are her brothers Stephen R Neate and Francis William Neate
    Mrs Jaques would be Ann Jaques, mother of Evaline who married Charles J .H. Neate
    Wilfred is Wilfred Neate Heanly, son of Anna and Frank, as are Cyril and Percy

    March 26th 1878

    My dear Charley
    I was very pleased to receive your letter & must congratulate you on being Papa also do offer Eva my best wishes for her recovery and that her dear baby may grow to be a comfort to you both. I expect you will indeed be proud of him. I am sure your anxiety must have been very great and much cause for alarm. We are hoping soon to have a good account & that Eva is getting strong. I am delighted to tell you that dear Anna had a daughter at 10 to 10 Sunday night & both are going on extremely well baby is a contented plump little dear & promises to thrive. Anna sends her love to you both and hopes all will go on well with Eva & baby. I am sorry to say Frank H is very poorly indeed a very violent cold & a bad cough I fear a slight attack of bronchitis he has had five linseed poultices on his chest with mustard. He is to have a constant fire in his room. He has Mary?s room & we go into his room. The children have all been very poorly with colds & bad coughs.
    We have plenty to do at present the children are very good they are to see their little sister this evening. Sunday & yesterday we have had snow showers it is very cold, the trees were forward in leaf, this will check them.
    Old Collins has been very ill, bronchitis and delirious at times, he asked for you and desired his respects when I wrote he was better the last account four old people ill with bronchitis now. Mrs Benjamin went to 40 B S and she took Aunt into Castle St in lodgings for a week as they were obliged to leave the house the well of the W.C. overflowed. Aunt was quite sorry to return home, the change has done Mary B good, she remains there until Mr & Mrs Johnson go & take up their abode. They seem to be doing just as they like. I trust you continue well and business is flourishing.

    With very kind love to both
    Believe me dear Charley
    Ever your Affecte

    on same piece of paper we have

    March 26th

    My dear Charley

    We were very glad indeed to hear of the arrival of your little son but very sorry that Eva was so very ill. We are anxiously looking out for your next letter & hope it will bring much better news of Eva. Please congratulate her on being a mother & accept my best wishes for the future of your son & heir. I had an announcement put into the Devizes paper as I thought many of Eva?s old friends would see it who might not otherwise know of the arrival. I send you a paper by this mail thinking you may like to keep it and also going to send Stephen & Frank each one and asked Mary Benjamin to send hers to Mrs Jaques as I dont know her address. I enclose a letter and the ?Bill of Lading? from Arthur, it was very remiss of him not to have sent it last Autumn, but I suppose the omission is excusable under the circumstances. I hope you got the things at last but it was very tiresome not to have had them by the time you wanted them. Wilfred did not seem jealous of his little sister when he saw her, I dont know how it will be when he sees Anna nursing her. He says ?I am not the baby now? he is a regular boy & often tries to be master over his brothers in their games that he quite enters into with them.
    Mr John Drake died about a month ago. Charlotte is still going to live here and keep on her school. He was ailing for some little time a sort of break up, but he did not keep his bed a day & was out walking a few days before he died. Stephen & Helen tell us they expect an arrival in July, they have sent for Mrs Hollick to send out lots of things. I hope you will tell us what name you give your little boy, who he is like & who you choose for sponsors. Frank & Anna?s daughter was born on Mamas birthday. Cyril & Percy send their love & they would like to see their little cousin. Charlotte?s love & is glad you have a son & hopes to hear a better account of Eva soon. I am delighted with the new organ & spend hours practising on it & am glad to be able to say I get on better than I expected though can?t play much with my feet yet. With kindest love to you both & hope Eva will be quite strong again before you get this. I am dear Charley your Affecte sister Mary.
    Letter dated 17th June 1878 from Mary S Neate (sister)

    ?Percival Jaques? is Percival Jaques Neate, first child of Charles and Evaline
    Addie Jaques is Evaline?s sister
    Frank (re Franks choice) is Mary?s brother Francis William
    ? The Browns? are a related family from around Aldbourne WIL, much intertwined with the Neates.
    SYN is Stephen Young Neate, son of Mary?s uncle Stephen Richmond Neate

    Kingsclere June 17th 1878

    My dear Charley,

    I was so very glad to hear such an improved account of Eva & hope we shall hear that after she began getting about she steadily gained strength & is now quite well. Also that Percival Jaques is flourishing. What made you choose his first name. Mary Benjamin sent us a letter from Addie Jaques to read in which she said she was to be Godmother, who are the Godfathers to him & was he christened & did Mr Stocker baptize him. I was very glad you got all the things safely at last it was very tiresome indeed that you hadn?t them sooner also very glad you liked the things & that the hooded cape and shoes suit the baby?s ?style of beauty?. Very many thanks for sending the stones, I have not asked the jeweller yet, but I am almost afraid neither piece will be large enough to cut into a triangle the size of the two stones already in the ring. What do you think of Franks choice. We were very much surprised as we had heard something about a Mr Rolls, who when in England some time ago went to see the Dean?s with a letter of introduction from Tommy. It is odd after all her chances that she should choose to settle down quitely in Ceylon which she has always said she disliked but she seems very happy indeed at the prospect & Uncle & Aunt are also very pleased at the match, first cousins are very near, but they are the only ones likely to worry so I daresay the family won?t become quite like some of the Browns, the only thing I fear is the Toms propensity for spending money but be sure you don?t allude to my having said so when you write back. I expect if you want to write to him you had better direct or enclose it to us as if he comes in 4 months time from the date of his letter April 30th he will be in England in September. I send you a paper with SYN?s announcement, is it not carefully worded, when we heard Mrs MacKinlay had obtained her divorce I remarked a chance for SYN. now, she had to go to Texas to get it, and as they were married at Niagara I suppose he went to meet her, he wrote for his sisters opinion, but I think did not intend to let it bias him as the paper was the next intimation they had of the event. I am going to break up this week & start off on my round of visits. I think I am going to see Arthur Dore?s, Hammans, Aunt Frank in her new home and a Miss Baldwin whom I met at the Dores & who lives near Bath. It is post time so I must only add kindest love to you both & kisses to my nephew from your very afftce sister Mary.
    Letter dated 18th June 1878 from Mary (mother)
    Stephen Y Neate married Fanny Alice Dudley in 1878, Martha and Mary are his sisters Martha Johnson and Mary Benjamin
    Mildred Mary is the daughter of Anna & Frank Heanly born 1878

    June 18th 78
    My dear Charley & Eva
    I was very pleased to have your second letter to give us a better account of Eva. You must have had great anxiety. I am glad to hear your bonny boy is progressing nicely. We are again looking for a letter. We have had many losses in our family the last few years still the name of Neate bids ...... to continue here and to be transported into other quarters of the globe. We are expecting soon to have news from China. I hope theirs will be a son. I send you the marriage of SY Neate he seems determined to have a Dudley. Martha & Mary first intimation was the paper. They do not approve of divorcee people but feel some family will keep him happy and a good wife. She had more influence over him than any one else. He left off whisky after his last illness and they hope and pray this is the turning point in his life.
    Now I must tell you that Mr Meek has appointed Mr & Mrs Johnson to take charge of Aunt Frank & said certainly not take another house in Reading so they have decided on one at Keynesham 4 1/2 miles from Bristol. They have taken it on their own responsibility in the village low windows small garden & little greenhouse we invited aunt to come and see us but on Saturday I had a letter from her saying she could not come so I went up to Reading with Anna & baby to see her. When we got there Arthur and his wife had come up. Mr Meeks could not find the inventory Arthur made so Mr J wished him to make another so they were very busy. Today Mr J and Mary Benjamin take her by train in a first class carriage to stay a few days at Devizes at Mr B?s. The plate is to go as her luggage. Mr J returns this evening to help Martha pack and the furniture goes in two vans on Friday. ?Kill or cure I think?. Mr W Bavant & Arthur are to manage her money and of course Mr & Mrs Johnson are only delighted to get a home & furniture. Martha told me I was the only one that objected to their arrangement. She asked me to go to see them & I said I did not know. I feel it is a cruel thing to break up her home and for her to be under them at her age. I should not be surprised what may happen to her, she still threatens destruction.
    Now I must tell you how very much surprised I was to have a letter from Frank from Ceylon in May saying ?Emily Toms left for England by the Sultan on the 25th of April. I am sure you will be surprised and I hope glad to hear that I am engaged to her. I intend coming home for her in about four months time to be married?. Of course Mr & Mrs Toms are delighted, I am glad he has chosen a favourite of mine tho? he might have done better. The deEsteres have not behaved well to either of them they say. I have heard from Aunt Toms they are in Birmgham at present but are moving. Emily says Mrs Dean is to decide on a house - I suppose suitable for the event to take place. Dear Franks visit to us will be very short I fear. Emily will come here I expect at the same time.
    I am glad to give a good account of Frank & Anna & the children, Mildred Mary is a fat dear little child, very lively, sleeps for three hours at a time, a great pet with us all. In April old Dr Humble died at Ramsgate, now this house comes to the first Mrs Humbles nieces. Mr Barnes of Winchester married one of the Miss Bishops, he has written to me today. He intends coming to see the property, I have not had much done, since I have been here 10 years - I have very heavy expenses.
    The weather is thundery with heavy rain & the farmers complain sadly about the hay & corn being injured by so much wet it will make every thing dearer.
    I saw old Collins last evening he is tolerable. I never see him but he asks for you, and he always says give my respects to him. Arthur got me a mowing machine it cost £6 but I got it for 5 shillings Wallace has repaired it & it makes the grass look very nice when mown it requires two to use it. I have had a man to do up the garden very few gooseberries the marrows will not be like they were when you attended to them. I expect your garden is perfection I hope business goes on satisfactorily & that you enjoy good health and getting rich.
    Only a few changes in Kingsclere. The house Mr Taplin lives in is to be sold it is doubtful about their remainin
    Neate, Mary (I00152)
    2452 Of Dottesham, Sussex according to will of John St John his nephew.
    Dedisham, Sussex.

    "Overseer my uncle Richard Blunt esq of Deadsene in Sussex and my cosen Anthony Sherly esq of Preston in Sussex. No probate".(Thomas Shirley will 1606)

    History of Parliament Online: Son/ Grandson/
    ......Blount apparently played no further part in national affairs, though he remained active in Sussex and was called a ‘good justice’ in the 1587 reports on the justices of the peace. In 1611 he was granted protection for a year to enable him to sell land to pay his creditors. He still retained Dedisham at his death on 30 Apr. 1628, but his son had predeceased him, and his daughters and coheirs sold the property on their mother’s death in 1630.3

    Great grandson?
    From 1547 the Blounts held Dedisham; Sir Richard Blount’s grandson, dying 1628, left four daughters his co-heiress - Mary (widow of Sir Lewis Lewknor), Martha (wife of Sir George Ayliff), Elizabeth (wife of Reginald Mohun), and Ann (wife of William Duke); By them it was sold in 1637 to Sir Richard Onslow.

    1606 PCC Will of Thomas Sherly of West Grinstead, Sussex, esquire - 12 May 1606 - to be buried in my chancell in the church of West Grinstead next unto the place where my father hath. I give and bequeath unto Cisily Sherly my daughter. bequeath unto Barbary Sherly my youngest daughter my farme unto of late in the occupation of John Spatchurk. Unto my aunt Blanche Newman 40 shillings per year. My cousin Elizabeth Baker. Two daughters executors. Overseer my uncle Richard Blunt esq of Deadsene in Sussex and my cosen Anthony Sherly esq of Preston in Sussex. No probate.

    Horsham, Sussex?
    Here lieth Katharine Blount, youngest daughter of Richard Blount, esq., of Dedisham, (descended from Sir Walter Blount knt. Lord Mountjoy) and Mary wife to the said Richard, daughter to Sir William Weste, knt., Lord de J. A. War, which Katharine deceased March 1, 1617, in her 27th year of her age. She left her estate to her 4 sisters, viz. Elizabeth, Ann, Martha, and Jane, to whose pious memory they erected this monument.

    The remaining monument is to the memory of mistress Jane Blount, ob. 1614.
    Conveyance (bargain and sale inrolled) in consideration of £440 Add Mss 41,016 20 October 1621
    Archival history:
    Numbered in pencil 1052
    From (a) Richard Blount of Dedisham, esq., and William Blount, his son and heir apparent, to
    (b) Lawrence Peirs of Hastings, esq
    Two messuages and 150a. land called Winstrowdeswood als Winstrelleswood als Winstrowd als Winstrells in Billingshurst, parcel of the Manor of Dedisham, in occ. of William Wakeham and Joshua Turner
    Quit-claim SAS-H/585 1 Jun 1611
    These documents are held at West Sussex Record Office
    By Richard Blount of Dedisham, co. Sussex, esq., to John Waller of Spellhurste, co. Kent, yeoman, and Richard Tichborne, citizen and skinner of London, of and in all that messuage, farm, and lands called the Violett farm in Slyndfolde, co. Sussex, and parcel of the manor of Dedisham, which premises the said Richard Blount bargained and sold to the said John Waller and Richard Tichborne by deed of 10 Jan., 5 Jas. I Witnesses: James Smythe, John Ryxon, Gabriel Beckingham

    Full text of "Notes of post mortem inquisitions taken in Sussex. 1 Henry VII, to 1649 and after. Abstracted and translated by F.W.T. Attree
    RICHARD BLOUNT, esq. Vol. 550, No. 85. Petworth, 7 Sept. 13 Chas. Died last April 1628. Heir, "William Blount, son and heir apparent of R. B., living 7 March 20 James, apparently died. Daughters and coheirs, Lady Mary Lewknor, widow of Sir Lewes Lewknor, knt., Elizabeth, wife " of Reginald Mohune, Anne, wife of William Ducke, gent., Martha, wife of George Ayliff, knt., all aged 21 and more. Lands. Wife Mary seized of manor of Dedisham. Sold Lodge Farm 7 July 21 James to Reginald Mohun and Elizabeth his wife

    Jane, not mentined above but in 1617

    Memorial: Mrs Jane Blount died 29 Jan 1621, and her monument was executed by her sister Martha Blount.

    Will of Jane Blount 30 January 1622 PROB 11/139
    Will of William Blunt 04 April 1626 PROB 11/148
    Will of Mary Lewknor, Gentleman of Trotton, Sussex Date 21 November 1617 Catalogue reference PROB 11/130

    West Grinstead alias West Grinsted (Advowson of Church). Richard Blunt, esq., plaintiff, and Thomas Sherley, esq., deforciant Advowsou of church of WESTGRENSTED quitclaimed to plaintiff and heirs (Trin., 44 Eliz. [1602]).
    Blount, Richard (I04219)
    2453 Of Dunmow in Nathanial Chipperfield's will.

    Will of John Guyver of Great Dunmow, wheelwright Essex Record Office D/AMW/20/13/11 20th September 1805
    Gyver, Joseph (I05597)
    2454 Of East Garston when will of her sister Mary Beckingham written in 1807.
    Two possible marriages: (or second marriage?)
    George Wall and Mary Stiff, Lambourn 1750
    George Wall and Hannah Knapp 1783 
    Wall, George (I09153)
    2455 Of Grays Inn Lane, Holborn for birth of some children.
    Is he related to Matthew Rose butcher etc?

    ? Apprenticeship Indexes:
    1737 Rose Richard, son of Richard, Henley, Oxfordshire, victualler, to Thomas Skinner, 7 Jun 1737, Coachmakers' and Coach Harness Makers' Company

    Description Will of Richard Rose, Gentleman, Lieutenant in His Majesty's Ninety Sixth Regiment of Foot
    Date 08 October 1770
    Catalogue reference PROB 11/961 No not this one

    Name: Richard Rose Spouse Name: Mary Larratt Record Type: Banns Marriage Bann Date: 07 Nov 1758 Parish: St George the Martyr, Queen Square County: Middlesex Borough: Camden. Both sign.

    Name: Richard Rose from flower de luce (lace?) court Burial Date: 3 Mar 1788 Parish: St Andrew, Holborn County: London Borough: Camden Record Type: Burial Register Type: Parish Register

    Name: Richard Rose from Gray Inn Workshouse Burial Date: 28 Jan 1793 Parish: St Andrew, Holborn County: London Borough: Camden Record Type: Burial Register Type: Parish Register
    Name: Richard Rose aged 59 Burial Date: 15 Dec 1799 Parish: St Mary Magdalen, Bermondsey County: Surrey Borough: Southwark Record Type: Burial Register Type: Parish Register
    Rose, Richard (I02206)
    2456 Of Lydiard Tregoze at time of marriage.

    second marriage??

    Sarum Marriage Licence Bonds:
    Day: 25 Month: Apr Year: 1734 Groom Forenames: Thomas Groom Surname: NEAT Groom's parish: Lydiard Tregoze Groom's county: Wiltshire,England Groom's condition: Groom's occupation: Groom's age: Groom's notes:
    Bride Forenames: Frances Bride Surname: MELSOM Bride's parish: Pinkney Bride's county: Wiltshire,England Bride's condition: Bride's age: Bride's notes: Place of Marriage: Lydiard Tregoze Bondsman 1: BEWLY Brian,Lydiard Millicent,Wilts Bondsman 2: Jurisdiction: The Bishop of Salisbury in Wiltshire and Berkshire

    Acording to burial entry 80 years old- seems to old and before marriage of his parents. Wrong Thomas marrying. Second marriage for him. Could it be 60 years?

    Day: 18 Month: May Year: 1763 Age: 81 Forenames: Thomas Surname: NEATE Place: Lydiard Tregoze County: Wiltshire Country: England Reference: 82734 Notes: husb of Frances

    Is this the Thomas of Mildenhall???
    Neate, Thomas (I00359)
    2457 Of Peasmarsh at time of marriage in 1783.
    Aged 72 years at time of burial in 1830 eg birth about 1758.
    Check Peasmarsh. One born 1760 at Petworth, Sussex? Too far?

    There is a marriage of a Mary Watson and George Nye at Iden in 1786-sister of Robert?

    1. ROBERT WATSON - International Genealogical Index
    Gender: Male Christening: 19 FEB 1755 Petworth, Sussex, England son of Robert Watson and Martha

    2. Robert Watson - International Genealogical Index
    Gender: Male Christening: 05 NOV 1759 Rye, Sussex, England son of Nicholas and Mary

    3. ROBERT WATSON - International Genealogical Index
    Gender: Male Birth: 09 APR 1760Petworth, Sussex, England son of Robert and Martha
    Watson, Robert (I03490)
    2458 Of Purton at time of marriage.

    Wiltshire Memorial inscriptions:
    First name(s): Mary Ann Last name: BROWN Date of burial: 9 Oct 1829 Age at death: 38 Calculated year of birth: 1791 Place of burial: Chiseldon Dedication: Holy Cross County: Wiltshire
    Neate, Mary Ann (I00317)
    2459 Of Purton at time of marriage.

    1861 Census Ramsbury, Wiltshire, England:
    Elizabeth Large 1789 Salthorpe, Wiltshire, England Head Retired Ramsbury Wiltshire
    Henry Large abt 1817 Bath, Somerset, England Son Ramsbury Wiltshire
    Martha Large abt 1824 Ramsbury, Wiltshire, England Daughter Ramsbury Wiltshire
    Robert Kate Large abt 1814 Bath, Somerset, England Son Grocer and Linen Draper Ramsbury Wiltshire
    Eunice Radbourne abt 1842 Baydon, Wiltshire, England Servant Ramsbury Wiltshire

    Wiltshire Memorial Inscription Index:
    Day: 8 Month: Dec Year: 1869 Age: 81 Forenames: Elizabeth Surname: LARGE Place: Ramsbury County: Wiltshire Country: England Reference: 68273 Notes: wife of John
    Neate, Elizabeth (I00316)
    2460 Of Shalbourne, Wiltshire. Also of Stewkley Grange, Overton, Bushton.
    William was a large landowner. Also guardian of his brother Christophers children on the second marriage of their mother to John Beck. Many law suits filed between the various parties.

    Bibliographical Details
    Born about 1497
    1523-7 Pays Subs at OverWroughton with his bro. Chris who probably then moved to Lydiard Milliscent(Wilts Lay Subs. 259/17 15 Item 8)
    1540/41 Wilts. Wm. Ryeham, 32 Hen.8, Overwroughton Manor, Site Messuage, etc. parcil of Twekesbury, Glouc.(Pat. Roll 32 Henry V111, part7)
    1544 Fine levied in the octave of Michamelas 36 Henry V111(No.48) between Wm. Richeman alias Webb querant and Edward Baynton, Knt., deforuant of a messuage, a garden, an orchard, 200 acres of land, 30acres of meadow, and 200 acres furze and heath in Overwroughton and Chesylden, warrenty against all men, for this Wm. gave him 162li.(Wilts Feet of Fines)
    1544 Recoveries Trin 36 Henry V111, Roll 500 William R. als. Webb pet. VS Edward Baynton, Knt., a messuage and lands in Overwroughton and Chesildon
    June 15 15436 There was an award of arbitration made by John Harris and Bennet Joye, gent, between Wm Webb and John Beke and his wife Jane(Chanc. Proc. Ser2, 188/24)
    Feb20 1549/50 Wm entailed Overwroughton Manor to his eldest son Thomas and his heirs forever.
    1552 Rents one messuage and two yard lands in Bushton Manor to John Cooles and his son Richard and the longest liver of them.(Proc. Court of Requests 29/19)
    Feb 24 1552/53 Grant to Wm. Webb Esq. of the manor of Bushton which he entailed to his son Edmund with G. Curtis and T. Freeman trustees.(Orig. 7 Edward 6, part3. mem8)
    Feb 12 1565/66 Writ of exchequer to Wm Webb "to remove Queen's hand from the manor of Stukeley Grange, Bucks. and to make livery of the manor to Wm. Webb to have to him and his heirs forever>"
    June 6 1566 The Sheriff took into Queens Hands said manor of Stewkely Grange(Memo Roll Mich. 8 Eliz. m110)
    July3 1566 Writ that Wm. Webbe Esq.hould do homage to the Queen on the 8th of St. Michael this term for Bushton.(Memo Roll Mich. 8 Eliz. m110)
    Nov 8 1566 Queen granted license to Wm. Webb to alienate Steweley Grange etc. to John Lovett and Thos. Stevens etc. to the use of Wm. Webb and Margery his wife after their deaths to John Webb one of the sons of Wm. and Margery and heirs male etc.(Mem. Roll Mich. 21 Eliz. m 62)
    1558-79 Sometime in this ers Wm. sued by the children of his bro. Christopher re Studly Grange, Wiltshire. who say their mother Jane transferred said manor and other property to Wm. as overseer or guardian as by the terms of their father's will and afterwards Wm. transferred said manor to Edward Baynton by which the children lost said manor. William denies he has done anything contrary to his trust.
    May9 1576 Wm. and his second son Edmund sued by Richard, son of John Coles re the renewal to the son of a lease made to the father in 1553 of a mess. and 2 yard lands in Bushton Manor. Wm. said he had nothing to do with it as he had conveyed said manor to his son.
    Oct 18 1576 In the same suit Wm. speaks of himself as follows: "This deft. being a man weak and of very great age".(Proc. of the Court of Requests 29/19)
    March 3 1577/78 Died
    Feb 1577/78 Wm. summoned to do fealty to the Queen for the Manor of Stewkely Grange, Bucks but was found to be dead(before the writ was served) and a new writ issued to his son John(Mem. Roll Mich. 21 Eliz. m 62)

    "1552 Grant to Wm. Webb Esqre. for 6 li that he may have licence of all that of the manor of Bussheton alias Bushton and 30 messuages, 10 cottages, 20 tofts, 20 gardens, 2 dove cotes, 20 orchards, 1000 acres land, 200 acres ferze and health, 10s next in Busheton, Vastorre and Wotton Bassett, Wilts. which are held of us in chief, to grant and sell etc. to Griffin Curtis and Thomas Freeman to have and to hold to Griffin and Thomas and the heirs of Griffin forever of the King and his heirs by the services due and customary to the use of the sd. Wm. Webbe for his life and after his death the manor etc. will remain to Edmund Webbe. Gent 2nd son of sd. Wm. and the heirs male of sd. Edmund to hold as aforesaid with remainder sould Edmund die without heir male of his body to the aforesaid Wm. Webb and his heirs forever to hold as aforesaid. And licence to the said Griffin and Thomas to receive the Manor etc. from Wm. and to hold the same for the uses aforesaid forever. Dated 20 March 1552/53.(Originalia 7 Edw. V1, Part 3 Mem. 8 1552)

    "To remove the Queen's hand from the manor of Stewkely Grange and to make livery of the manor to William Webb to have to him and his heirs forever.
    Memorandum whereas it was lately fou8nd in a roll of estreats of fines and issues of the bench for MIch. 7 and 8 Eliz. that Wm. Webbe. Esq. made a fine with the Queen for license to agree with John Duncombe, Esq. and Mary his wife in a pleas of covenant concerning the site of the manor of Stewkeley Grange which site is held of the Queen in chief and that he alianated the sd. site without license of the Queen therefore it was agree between the barons (of Exchequer) that Wm. Webbe be ordered to appear before the barons to explain matters and show why the site whd. not be taken into the Queen's hands. Whereupon the sheriff was commanded by writ of the exchequer 12 Feb last 1565/66 that by lawful men of his baleywich he shd. cause Wm. Webbe to know that he must be before the barons on morrow of the close of Easter to explain etc., in form aforesaid,etc.
    On 6th June 8 Elizabeth(1566) the Sheriff, Sir Henry Cheyne, Knight, took into the Queen's hand the said site of the manor, etc., said manor being worth 10li yearly.
    Memorandum also that the sheriff was commanded by writ dated 3 July last to distrayne sd. Wm. Webbe Esq. by his lands so that he shd. do homage to the Queen on the 8th of St. Michael this term for the Manor of Bussehton which of the Queen are held in Chief and which Griffin Curtys and Thomas Freeman lately had to them and the heirs of Griffin forever to the use of Wm. Webbe Esq. for his life with remainder to Edmund Webbe and his heirs of his body and for default of such to right heirs of sd. Wm. Webbe. License for such enfoetment having been had by said Wm. as is contained in 3rd part of Originalia of 7th of Edward 6th Roll 8. (Memorand Ro.. Mich. 8 Eliz. Membrane 110)

    Jones Index
    "Demanibus Reginae amnovendis de Manerio de Stewkeley Grange, et aliia, in Comitatbus Bucks et Wilts ac William Webb. Arm Liberandis, Michaelis Recorda, 8 Eliz. Rotulo 110.(1566)

    knight's fee in OVERWROUGHTON was granted early in the 12th century to Tewkesbury Abbey by Adelize, wife of Robert de Dunstanville, and probably heir of Humphrey Lisle. (fn. 210) It was confirmed to the abbey by Walter de Dunstanville, probably him who died in 1195. (fn. 211) Tewkesbury retained a manor in Overwroughton until the Dissolution. (fn. 212)
    In 1540 the site of the abbey's manor and lands called Turneys and Uffcott were granted to William Richmond alias Webb (d. 1579). (fn. 213) In 1546 William conveyed the same estate to Sir George Baynham. (fn. 214)....That conveyance, however, does not seem to have included all the estate that had been granted to William Richmond alias Webb at the Dissolution. In 1631 Oliver Richmond Webb (d. 1635), William's great-grandson, sold 172 a., said to be parcel of the farm, to Sir William Calley.

    From: 'Parishes: Wroughton', A History of the County of Wiltshire: Volume 11: Downton hundred; Elstub and Everleigh hundred (1980), pp. 235-252. URL: Date accessed: 05 July 2011.
    : 05 July 2011. 
    Webb, William Richmond alias (I00199)
    2461 Of St Martins in the Field, london at time of marriage Hildesley, John (I03132)
    2462 Of the Inner Temple?

    Sold the manor to Hugh Browker (d. 1608) of Southwark, whose son Thomas Browker, with his wife Mary, sold it in 1627 to Sir Edward Yate (d. 1645) of Buckland (then Berks.).
    From: 'Kencot: Manor and estates', A History of the County of Oxford: Volume 15: Bampton Hundred (Part Three) (2006), pp. 151-155. URL: Date accessed: 06 January 2012.

    ...In December, 1601, he sold the manor to Hugh Browker and Thomas, his son.....The demesnes of the manor remained in the hands of the Browkers until 1655 when Thomas Browker and Mary, his wife, sold them to William Angell, the younger, citizen and grocer of London, for £500.
    From: 'Paris Garden Manor', Survey of London: volume 22: Bankside (the parishes of St. Saviour and Christchurch Southwark) (1950), pp. 94-100. URL: Date accessed: 22 January 2012.

    Littleton Osboldiston of this pish gent sonne of Jo: Osboldeston of Chadlington Esq"", and Mrs. Katharine Browker of the same singlewoman daughter of Tho. Browker of Vpp Pever Esq^ publishs 3 seuall Lords daves in ye Church vizt. Oct: 28, Nov: 4, 11, 1655

    Corporate Author England and Wales. Title An act for the settling and establishing of the manor of Sundrish, alias Sundridge, [electronic resource] : with the appurtenances in the countie of Kent, vpon Thomas Browker esquire and his heires, against a patent of concealement lately made an granted to George Fouch and Nicholas Streete and their heires. Published [London : s.n., 1629]

    Feoffment HB/C/199 1655

    These documents are held at London Metropolitan Archives
    1. Thomas Browker of Bittorley and Mary his wife.
    2. Richard Taverner of the parish of St. Andrew in the Wardrobe, Haberdasher.
    Manor of Parys Garden. Certain Leases excepted.
    Witnesses--Tho. Taverner, Geo. Peryer, John Taverner, Tho. Massam, John Blunden
    Browker, Thomas (I09674)
    2463 Of Wotton Bassett at time of marriage

    1841 Census, Wootton Bassett, Wiltshire, England:
    RG number:
    HO107 Piece:
    1179 Book/Folio:
    13/23 Page:
    39 Registration District:
    Cricklade & Wootton Bassett Union Sub District:
    Wootton Bassett EnumerationDistrict:
    Ecclesiastical Parish:
    Civil Parish:
    Wootton Bassett Municipal Borough:
    Wootton Bassett Address: High Street, Wootton Bassett County: Wiltshire
    HOOPER, Richd M 60 Surgeon 1781
    HOOPER, Elizh F 60 1781 Wiltshire
    HOOPER, George M 30 Surgeon 1811
    WALSH, Eliz N F 25 1816
    STREET, George C M 20 1821
    LAWRENCE, Jno M 36 1805 Wiltshire
    HUNT, Jane F 25 1816 Wiltshire

    Wiltshire Memorial Inscriptions:
    Day: 5 Month: Nov Year: 1842 Age: 62 Forenames: Elizabeth Surname: HOOPER Place: Wootton Bassett County: Wiltshire Country: England Reference: 128416 Notes: wife of Richard
    Neate, Elizabeth (I00312)
    2464 On 10 Jan 1695/6 (born ? ? ?) Edward NICOLAS s of Mr Robert (occupation ?) and Joane living at ?
    (Wiltshire Baptsims pre 1837)
    A deed of 1597 conveys Roundway Farm from Robert Nicholas to his son John. There is a death of a Robert Nicholas in 1592 and one in 1597 at All Cannings? Mrs Katheryn Nicholas Died 1616. Mr Edward Nicholas 1623. Elizabeth Nicholas Widow 1678. John Nicholas esq. died 1737.

    "Thomas Nicholas gent of Rundway, 1641" 212B/232

    Edward NICHOLAS Date of death 28 Feb 1730/1 Age ? Notes b 6 Jan 1695 RefNum 84090 Place Southbroom; St James, WIL

    Wiltshire Memorial Inscriptions:
    1.Name Henry BRIGHT Date of death ? Age ? Notes ? RefNum 84090 Place Southbroom; St James, WIL
    2. Name John CHILD Date of death ? Age ? Notes ? RefNum 84090 Place Southbroom; St James, WIL
    3. Name Ann NICHOLAS Date of death 7 Sep 1690 Age 2 Notes b 5 Jun 1688 RefNum 84090 Place Southbroom; St James, WIL
    4. Name Edward NICHOLAS Date of death 28 Feb 1730/1 Age ? Notes b 6 Jan 1695 RefNum 84090 Place Southbroom; St James, WIL
    5. Name Jane NICHOLAS Date of death 2 Sep 1765 Age 64 Notes b 24 Feb 1701 RefNum 84090 Place Southbroom; St James, WIL
    6. Name Jane NICHOLAS Date of death 22 Sep 1725 Age ? Notes 2nd wife of Robert dau of John CHILD RefNum 84090 Place Southbroom; St James, WIL
    7. Name John NICHOLAS Date of death 31 Aug 1746 Age 55 Notes b 1 Jul 1691 RefNum 84090 Place Southbroom; St James, WIL
    8. Name John Child NICHOLAS Date of death 28 Oct 1694 Age ? Notes b 7 Sep ---- RefNum 84090 Place Southbroom; St James, WIL
    9. Name Martha NICHOLAS Date of death 26 Aug 1692 Age ? Notes wife of Robert dau of Henry BRIGHT RefNum 84090 Place Southbroom; St James, WIL
    10. Name Robert NICHOLAS Date of death 27 Apr 1722 Age 35 Notes b 7 May 1686 RefNum 84090
    11. Name Robert NICHOLAS Date of death 7 Jan 1725 Age 65 Notes husb of Martha RefNum 84090
    12. Name Thomas NICHOLAS Date of death 9 Mar 1702 Age 6 Notes b 19 Jan 1696 RefNum 84090 Place Southbroom; St James, WIL

    Day: 8 Month: Nov Year: 1725 Groom Forenames: Edward Groom Surname: NICHOLAS Groom's parish: Devizes St Mary Groom's county: Wiltshire,England Groom's condition: Groom's occupation: gent Groom's age: Groom's notes:
    Bride Forenames: Bridget Bride Surname: RICHMOND Bride's parish: Ashton Keynes Bride's county: Wiltshire,England Bride's condition: sp Bride's age: Bride's notes: Mrs Place of Marriage: Ashton Keynes/Leigh Bondsman 1: HULBERT Thomas,gent,Wootton Bassett,Wilts Bondsman 2: Jurisdiction: The Bishop of Salisbury in Wiltshire and Berkshire
    Nicholas, Edward (I01948)
    2465 On 10 Jul 1837 (born ? ? ?) Stephana Frances NEATE d of Stephen Richmond (occupation yeo) and Elizabeth Susanna living at ? was baptised at Marden, WIL Notes ?

    Wiltshire Memorial Inscriptions Index:
    Day: 17 Month: Jan Year: 1843 Age: 6 Forenames: Stephana Frances Surname: NEATE Place: Marden County: Wiltshire Country: England Reference: 82680 Notes: 4th dau of Stephen Richmond & Elizabeth Susanna

    Day: 17 Month: Jan Year: 1843 Age: 6 Forenames: Stephana Frances Surname: NEATE Place: Marden County: Wiltshire Country: England Reference: 82768 Notes: youngest dau of Stephen Richmond & Elizabeth Susanna
    Neate, Stephana Frances (I00454)
    2466 On 26 Jan 1685/6 (born ? ? ?) Edward HOPE s of Mr Edw (occupation ?) and Margaret living at ? was baptised at Devizes; St Mary, WIL Notes ?

    Oxford Alumni
    Hope, Edward son of Edward of Devizes, Wilts Gent Harts Hall. subs 26th April 1704 aged 17 years.

    Is this the Edward who leaves a will in 1706??

    Who is this??
    Day: 31 Month: Mar Year: 1725 Groom Forenames: Edward senr Groom Surname: HOPE Groom's parish: Bishops Cannings (New Park) Groom's county: Wiltshire,England Groom's condition: Groom's occupation: gent Groom's age: Groom's notes: father of bondsman Bride Forenames: Hannah Bride Surname: STEPHENS Bride's parish: Rowde Bride's county: Wiltshire,England Bride's condition: wid Bride's age: Bride's notes: Place of Marriage: Potterne/Bromham/Devizes Bondsman 1: HOPE Edward, jun,gent,Potterne,Wilts Bondsman 2: Jurisdiction: The Bishop of Salisbury in Wiltshire and Berkshire

    Day: 23 Month: May Year: 1724 Groom Forenames: Edward Groom Surname: HOPE Groom's parish: Potterne Groom's county: Wiltshire,England Groom's condition: Groom's occupation: gent Groom's age: Groom's notes: Bride Forenames: Elizabeth Bride Surname: SMITH Bride's parish: Potterne Bride's county: Wiltshire,England Bride's condition: wid Bride's age: Bride's notes: Place of Marriage: Heddington/Calstone/St John Devizes Bondsman 1: WELLS Joseph,shoemkr,St John Devizes,Wilts Bondsman 2: Jurisdiction: The Bishop of Salisbury in Wiltshire and Berkshire

    Name: Mary
    Gender: Female
    Burial Date: 26 Apr 1717
    Burial Place: Devizes, Wiltshire, England
    Spouse's Name: M. Ed Hope
    Indexing Project (Batch) Number: I05561-4
    System Origin: England-EASy
    Source Film Number: 1279447
    Reference Number:
    Collection: England Deaths and Burials, 1538-1991

    Probably the Edward Hope, woolen draper of London??
    Hope, Edward (I04458)
    2467 On 27 Sep 1640 (born ? ? ?) Edward HOPE s of Edward (occupation ?) and ? living at ? was baptised at Devizes; St Mary, WIL Notes ?

    Sarum Marriage Licence Bonds:
    Day: 16 Month: Dec Year: 1664 Groom Forenames: Edward junr Groom Surname: HOPE Groom's parish: Devizes St John Groom's county: Wiltshire,England Groom's condition: Groom's occupation: grocer Groom's age: Groom's notes: Bride Forenames: Mary Bride Surname: PEIRCE Bride's parish: Devizes St John Bride's county: Wiltshire,England Bride's condition: sp Bride's age: 21 Bride's notes: Place of Marriage: Bondsman 1: MARTIN Robert,apparitor,Devizes St John Bondsman 2: Jurisdiction: The Bishop of Salisbury in Wiltshire and Berkshire

    FILE [no title] - ref. 212B/3885 - date: 1677 April 23
    [from Scope and Content] (2) Hope, Edward, the younger, grocer.

    FILE [no title] - ref. 212B/3886 - date: 1679 Aug. 11, 12
    [from Scope and Content] (2) Hope, Richard, gent.

    Administration WIL Source MLB Date 28 Oct 1678 Groom Edward HOPE aged ? occupation grocer residing at Devizes, WIL status wid notes ? Bride Margery FOREMAN aged ? residing at Bromham, WIL status wid notes ? Bondsmen HILLMAN Hugh, innholder, Devizes ? to be married at ?

    Administration WIL Source ELB Date 13 Mar 1694 Groom Edward HOPE aged 65 occupation ? residing at Bishops Cannings, WIL status ? notes ? Bride Margaret LAWRENCE aged 60 residing at Bishops Cannings, WIL status ? notes ? Bondsmen SEALY William, clerk, Wishford HOPE Benjamin,clerk,Stapleford to be married at Bishops Cannings

    Hope, Edward (I04442)
    2468 On 31 Oct 1604 (born ? ? ?) Edmond HOPPE s of Richard (occupation ?) and ? living at ? was baptised at Devizes; St Mary, WIL Notes ?

    Hope, Richard (I05355)
    2469 On 9 Sep 1687 (born ? ? ?) Francis HOPE d of Mr Edward (occupation ?) and Margaret living at ? was baptised at Devizes; St Mary, WIL Notes ?
    Hope, Frances (I04459)
    2470 On a stone in the Jesus Chapel (Blomefield, 'History of Norfolk," vi.12), now gone :
    "Hie Conditur Domina Anna Gresham Vidua qusB obijt vicessimo sexto die Februarii, a.d. mdcxxxiv. Ex Momenti hujus yitse pendet temitas Memorare novissima."
    Wynne, Agnes (I06802)
    2471 On an escutcheon of pretence is, Az. a bend between two lions rampant Or.Atye.... Sir William Roberts married Eleanor, daughter and heir of Robert Atye, Esq. From: 'Willesden', The Environs of London: volume 3: County of Middlesex (1795), pp. 611-24. URL: Date accessed: 17 April 2007. Attye, Eleanor (I04133)
    2472 On the 22nd September, 1680, there is a marriage license in the Vicar-General's Office for his widow Mary, then described as of St. Martin Orgars, London, widow, about 30(?), to marry Peter Vincke, of St. Peter-the- Poor, London, clerk, widower, about 40, at St. Dunstan's in the East.

    Sep. 22 Peter Vincke, of S* Peter the Poor, London, Clerk, Wid r , ab* 40, & Mary Michelborne, of S* Martin Orgars, London, Widow, ab* 30 ; alleged by Thomas Mercer, of S* Miles, Cornhill, London, Book- seller ; at S* Dunstan's in the East, London, or [blank].

    The Parish Church of St. Michael's Cornhill
    in the City of London - Rectors
    1642/3-1645 Thomas Holl
    1645-1646 Anthony Harford
    1646-1652 John Wall
    1652-1660 Peter Vincke

    Description Will of Peter Vinke, Batchelor in Divinity of Hackney, Middlesex Date 15 September 1702 PROB 11/466
    mentions: wife Mary, son Issac, land in Norfolk and Essex, brother Issac, daughter Mary, daughter in law Mary Ord, widow, and her daughter Mary, Richard Michelborne my wife's son.
    Vincke, Peter (I08684)
    2473 On the 31st of March 1514, Sir
    Hugh Luttrell of Dunster entered into an agreement with Sir Thomas Wyndham of Felbrigg in Norfolk, the first provision of which runs as follows :

    " Andrew Luttrell, sonn and heire apparant of the saied Sir Hugh, by the grace of God, shall mary and take to his wiefe Margaret one of the doughters of the saied Sir Thomas, or any other of the doughters of the said Sir Thomas ..."
    There were only four weeks between the date of the agreement and the last day allowed for the solemnization of the marriage. It was nevertheless stipulated that if Andrew Luttrell should die during that brief interval, his next brother, John, should, in his stead, marry one of the daughters of Sir Thomas Wyndham before Whitsuntide. Another clause runs:

    "The said Sir Hugh, at his proper costes and charges, shall apparell the said Androwe or John that shall happen to mary with one of the doughters.
    Sir Thomas Wyndham on his side undertook to "apparell" his daughter for the wedding, and to pay one half of the charges of the dinner and other expenses connected therewith.
    The bride's portion, seven hundred marks, was to be paid to Sir Hugh Luttrell in instalments. As both the parties to the intended marriage were minors, the bride's father was to have "the rule and governance" of them and their property until the husband should come of age.

    A legal settlement in pursuance of this agreement was made in May, shortly after the marriage of Andrew and Margaret on the 22nd of April. The bride belonged to a family which afterwards acquired considerable property near Dunster. ...

    Will of Andrew Luttrell 14th April, 1538.
    Mentions Hugh and Margaret Luttrell his parents, son John, Margaret my wife, brother in law John Wyndham, younger children (not named)

    Luttrell, Andrew (I06147)
    2474 On the birth of a son Samuel in 21 Sept 1735 the name is given as Charles Harradine alias Bartlett.
    Possibly the Charles Harradine died in 1789

    May have a daughter Rose or a sister as one marries a Edward Clarke in 1752 at Ashwell? 
    Harradine, Charles (I01634)
    2475 On the east wall of the north aisle is the monument of Francis Holbourn, Esq. Admiral of the White, and Rear-admiral of GreatBritain, who died in 1771; and that of his wife Frances, who died in 1763. On the north wall are those of Marc Antoine Bonoit, Esq.a native of France, tutor to Henry Duke of Newcastle, who died in1687; Lieut. Col. Floyer, who died in 1731; Charles Floyer, Esq.who died in 1766; and Joseph Bentley, Esq. who died in 1660.The last-mentioned monument commemorates also Eleanor, daughter of Joseph Bentley, and wife of Richard Graves, Esq. of Lincoln's-inn,who died in 1656, and lies buried at Richmond with four of herchildren. This monument, which is adorned with several busts,has been engraved by Vertue. It is now concealed by the gallery.

    From: 'Richmond', The Environs of London: volume 1: County of Surrey (1792), pp. 436-469. URL: Date accessed: 24 October 2011.

    Text: 24 Jul 1661 William Morgan, of St Andrew's, Holborn, Gent., Bachr, abt 30, & Elizabeth Greaves, Spr, about 20, dau. of Richard Graves, of Lincoln's Inn, Esq., who consents; at St Matthew, Friday Street.

    Name: Richard Graves Of Lincolns Inn Marriage Date: 3 Jul 1635 Parish: Holy Trinity Minories County: London Borough: City of London Spouse: Ellmon Barkes (Ellinor Baites) daughter of Richard of St Selpuchre, London, Record Type: Marriage Register Type: Parish Register
    Bates, Eleanor (I09422)
    2476 On the IGI:
    Joseph Chipperfield Baptised 23.09.1759 son of William Chipperfield and Joyce Reed.?

    William Chipperfield
    Birth: About 1716 Of Ricklin, , Essex, England
    Spouse: Mary Crekell
    Marriage: 26 NOV 1752

    Is this the cirrect William who married Joyce Reed or is it the William born Clavering 1729??
    Posibly the Wm Chipperfield buried Clavering in 27.09.1780?
    Or William Chipperfield buried 1793 aged 65 years?

    There is a William Chipperfield baptised Rickling in 1737/1738 but seems to young. Parents William, a blacksmith and Frances??
    Chipperfield, William (I01611)
    2477 On the north wall of the chancel is a mural monument to Mrs. Anne Garth, the wife of George Garth and daughter of the Hon. St. John Carlton of Holcombe in the county of Oxford, who died in the year 1655. Hung on the walls is a fine series of hatchments of the Hoare and Garth families.
    From: 'Parishes: Morden', A History of the County of Surrey: Volume 4 (1912), pp. 235-237. URL: Date accessed: 29 June 2010.

    The Archbishop of Canterbury, London Marriage Licences:
    AllHallows the Less, or St Martin Orgar, London. June 9 George Garth, of Moreden, co. Surrey, Esq., Bach., abt 22, & Anne Carleton, of Cheveley, co. Cambridge, Sp., abt 17, dau. of Sir John Carleton, Knight, dec'd ; with consent of her mother Dame Anne Carleton, of same ; at Highgate Chapel, Middx. 
    Carleton, Anne (I07187)
    2478 On the tomb of Ralph Scrope, Prebendary of Ailesbury, Rector of Hambleden in Bucks, and Archdeacon of Northumberland, younger son of Henry fourth Lord Scrope of Bolton.
    "Of your charite praye for the soul of maister RaufTe Scrope, some tyme person of this Church, which decessed the 20 day of March in the yere of our Lord 1516, whose soule God pardon."
    Scrope, Ralph (I07734)
    2479 On William's marriage licence the witness is Mary Rowland. Is this his sister? The parish register of Ramsbury records the death of a Mary Rowland aged 43 years on April 29th, 1834.

    1841 Census: Ramsbury, Wiltshire, England:
    High Street, Ramsbury:
    William Rowland 40 Solicitor Yes born in county
    Rachel Rowland 40 yes born in county
    William 15 Solicitors clerk
    Charles 9
    Frederick 6
    Francis 3

    In Pigot and Co., National Commercial Directory, 1830 the town of Ramsbury, according to the 1821 census had 2,335 inhabitants, including William Rowland, attorney. In the same directory is listed William Rowland's father-in-law, Stephen Neate, gent. of Aldbourn. Aldbourn is described as a village three miles north of Ramsbury, with 1,385 people according to the 1821 census.

    1851 Census: Ramsbury, Wiltshire, England:
    High Street, Ramsbury.
    Agnes Sarah Rowland abt 1845 Ramsbury, Wiltshire, England Daughter Ramsbury Wiltshire
    Rachel Rowland abt 1800 Devizes, Wiltshire, England Wife Ramsbury Wiltshire
    Rachel Rowland abt 1827 Ramsbury, Wiltshire, England Daughter Ramsbury Wiltshire
    William Rowland abt 1797 Ramsbury, Wiltshire, England Head Solicitor Ramsbury Wiltshire
    Mary Ann Pounds abt 1817 Ramsbury, Wiltshire, England Servant Ramsbury Wiltshire

    1855 Kelly's Directory
    William Rowland listed as a private resident and as solicitor, clerk to magistrates, clerk to Hungerford union and superintendent registrar. William Rowland is also the agent for Sun Fire Insurance.

    1861 Census: Ramsbury, Wiltshire, England:
    Wm Rowland abt 1797 Ramsbury, Wiltshire, England Head Ramsbury Wiltshire
    Mary Margaret Burton abt 1836 Enborne, Berkshire, England Servant Ramsbury Wiltshire
    William Kibblewhite abt 1820 East Garston, Berkshire, England Servant Ramsbury Wiltshire

    English Wills Calenders:
    1866, Rowland, William, effects under £35,000, granted 20.01.1866. William Rowland of Ramsbury Wilt. Gent, died 11.12.1865 at Ramsbury, proven by William Henry Rowland of Hungerford, Gent, Stephen Neate Rowland of Coulsdon Surrey, Gent, and John Webb Rowland of Axford Farm Ramsbury, Gent, the sons.

    (In the parish registers there is the death of an Ann Rowland on Nov 3 1847 aged 27 years. Four days later, on Nov 7th there is an entry for a Sarah Ann Rowland aged 14 days. Is this mother and daughter?
    Perhaps James' (b.1799) daughter or a wife to one of his sons? There were no marriage entries filmed on this particular film for the period 1843-1880.)

    Memorial in the Ramsbury Church:

    "In loving memory of William Rowland of this parish who died December 11 1865 aged 69 years also of Rachel his wife the second daughter of Stephen Neate of Aldbourne Esquire who died July 24th 1877 aged _ years Erected as a token of affection by their surviving children. Virgil: the day break and the shadows flee away "

    Day: 11 Month: Dec Year: 1865 Age: 69 Forenames: William Surname: ROWLAND Place: Ramsbury County: Wiltshire Country: England Reference: 104588 Notes: husb of Rachael
    Rowland, William (I00126)
    2480 On ye Second. [In a lozenge: Arg. 3 catherine-wheels sa. a bord. engr. gu. (SCOTT)]. (Griffin note: Scott):

    "To ye pious Memory of Mrs Bridget SCOTT, one of ye Daughters of Thomas Scott of Longage in this Parish Esq, lineally descended from ye Ancient Family of Scott of Scott’s Hall, in this County, & of Elisabeth his Wife, One of ye Daughters of Richard GRAVES of Gloucestershire Esq. She was born ye 12th Day of July 1697, & died 31st of May 1725. Aged 28. And, as a wise Virgin, being ready, is enterd with ye Bridegroom to ye Marriage.
    William TURNER Junr. Esq. and Elisabeth his Wife, only Sister and Heiress of ye sd. Bridget, executors of her last Will & Testament, erected this Monument."

    The 2 next Inscriptions are on ye North Side of this Tomb:
    "Anna Maria, Daughter of William TURNER, Junr. of Canterby. Esq. & Elisabeth his Wife, Daughter of Thomas SCOTT of ys. Parish Esq. was born ye 3d. Day of July 1719, and was buried ye 27th Day of August following - Aged 8 Weeks."

    "Elisabeth Daughter of William TURNER Junr. of Canterbury Esq. and Elisabeth his Wife, Daughter of Thomas SCOTT of this Parish Esq. was born May 7 1722 and died ye 4th of May 1723. Aged almost 1 Year."
    Scott, Thomas (I09424)
    2481 One born 1602 in Marlborough and one 1605 in Burbage Daniel, Millicent (I06572)
    2482 One in Great Easton? Baptsising children 1613-10618 Salmon, George (I10383)
    2483 One Nathaniel WADE was christened 30 Nov 1578, Saint Matthew Friday Street, London, s/o Thomas WADE

    691 Nathaniel Wade, cit. and draper {0/ St. Mathew, Friday St Lond. (Dat. 2 June 1620.) Extx: wife Marie; tent, called "the Beare" in psh, of St. Mathew, Friday St., Lond., part thereof wh. John Shipton, grocer, dwells, leased to my fath.-in-law Mr. John Farmer, part wch. Mr. Roger Deacon holds; bro. Timothy Wade; bro. Andrewe Wade; sist. Marie Dike and her chn.; Ids. in Market Stainton, co. Line, hot. of Thos. Conyers, gent.; Margt., dau. of Wm. Pearte; Mary, dau. of sist. Marie Dike; frd. Mr. Rd . Stocke, par. of Allhallow's, Bread St.; Mr. Wight of Daintree, minis- ter; Johane and Mary, form. Wade, but now marr., dwelling about Southfleete, co. Kent; George Alchin; Eliz. Isham; Rebecca, wife of Raphe Hayes; uncle Jonas Hill; uncle Joseph; frds. Thos. Salsbury, Jeffrey Elder, John Shipton, Rd. Combes and Josephe Stacye; wife of my fath. Farmer; Kath. Elder; Anne Randoll, the eld.; Margt. Drake; sist. Benson; sist. Shipton; godson Nathl. Bayley; Walter Bayley; my servts. Raphe Eve, Thos. Longe and John Stanton; bro. Dike; Roger Drake; my wife's sists. and bros.; my sist. and bro. Palmer and my godson, their son, John Palmer; poor chn. in Christ's Hosp.; Overs: frds. Wolstone Randoll and and Nichs. Benson; bro. Nichs. Sugar, minister. (Nathamell Wade] Wits: Richard Stocke, Thos. Hanley, scr. Cod. (undated); frds. Rowland Herlen and Rd. Stocke to be Overs: as well as those named. [Nathaniell Wade] Wits: Richard Stocke, Raphe Eve. (Pr. 13 June 1620.)

    According to the Draper Rolls, Nathaniel WADE was freed by apprenticeship in 1604.

    2 Feb 1606 St. Margaret Westminster. Married: John PALMER and Jone WAYDE
    Could this be the Brother and Sister PALMER, parents of John, who were all named in the 1620 will of Nathaniel WADE, Draper, of St. Matthew Friday Street, London?

    Will of Nathaniel Wade, Draper of Saint Matthew Friday Street, City of London 13 June 1620 PROB 11/135

    Sentence of Nathaniel Wade of Saint Mathew Friday Street, City of London 13 June 1635 PROB 11/168

    Will of Nathaniel WADE
    02-13 Jun 1620. ... citizen and draper of St. Mathew Friday Street, London, names, friends, Rd. COMBES and Josephe STACYE and "my sister and brother PALMER" and my godson, their son, John PALMER...Sister Benson ("sister in law") as a Nicholas Benson married Sarah Farmer Clapham 1607?

    Wade, Nathanial (I05457)
    2484 One source has March 1814 London for birth but a baptism for a Stephen Neate baptised Bishopstone 22.07.1818- Stephen son of Stephen Neate and Sarah Paternoster Row, London.

    Tanner of Cricklade. Living at Crickdale in 1840 and at time of marriage in 1841.

    1841 Census: Cricklade St Mary, Wiltshire, England:
    Name: Stephen Neate Age: 25 Estimated birth year: abt 1816 Gender: Male Civil parish: St Mary Cricklade Hundred: Highworth, Cricklade and Staple County/Island: Wiltshire Country: England
    Street Address:
    Occupation: Tanner
    Not born in county
    Registration district: Cricklade Sub-registration district: Cricklade Neighbors:
    Name Age
    Stephen Neate 25
    Mary Neate 25
    John Tuck 15
    Lydia Evans 25

    On 1851 census gives his birth as Middlesex, England.

    "The Tombstone transcriptions list Mary Neate's death in 1885 along with a mention of her husband Stephen who was interred at Mortaise in France in 1855.

    1851 Census: Cricklade St Mary, Wiltshire, England:
    High Street
    Little, Mary Head, Widow 50 year Retired Schoolteacher Ldebury, Hertfordshire
    Neate, Stephen Lodger Marr 37 Retired Tanner Middlesex, London
    Neate, Mary, Lodger, wife 35 wife of Stephen Neate Tanner Wilts, Devizes
    one servant

    See Gentleman's Magazine, Obituary May, 1855. 
    Neate, Stephen (I00400)
    2485 One time of Purton, Wiltshire
    See Visation of Wiltshire 1623.

    Wiltshire: - Abstracts of Inquisitiones Post Mortem Returned Into the Court of Chancery in the Reign of Charles 1st
    Henry Maskeline.
    County: Wiltshire
    Country: England
    So seised, the said Henry and William, by indenture dated 28 Jan [1612] , 9 James 1st, made between themselves of the one part, and Oliver Webbe, of Redborne Cheyney, gent., son and heirapparent of Edmund Webbe of the same, esq., and John Webbe, gent., another son of the said Edmund, of the other part, in consideration of a marriage then to be had between William Maskeline, gent., son and heir-apparent of the said Henry Maskeline named in the writ, and Sibilla Webbe, daughter of the said Edmund Webbe, for the advancement of the said William and his heirs male, enfeoffed thereof the said Oliver Webbe and John Webbe: to hold to them and their heirs to the sole use of the said Henry Maskeline during the joint lives of himself and the said William Maskeline, the son; after their decease, to the use of the said Sibilla for her life; after her decease, to the use of the said William Maskeline and his heirs male by the said Sibilla; for default, to the use of the heirs male of the said William; for default, to the use of Thomas Maskeline, second son of the said Henry, and his heirs male; for default, to the use of Richard Maskeline, third son of the said Henry, and his heirs male; for default, to the use of Henry Maskeline, fourth son of the said Henry, and his heirs male; and lastly, for default, to the use of the right heirs of the said Henry Maskeline, the father, for ever.

    Maskelyne, William (I01411)
    2486 One web site has died 15.06.1681 aged 24 years-no other information.

    Giles Chamberlayne-On the 25th June 1681, commission to Bernard Dutton, principal creditor of Giles Chamberlayne, late of Stow, County Glos. but who died at Tangier parts beyond the sea, bachelor, to administer the goods, etc. Admon Act Book. 1681.

    There is a marriage of a Giles Chamberlayne and Marjory Peron at Idmiston on 13.09.1669. Above different Giles?

    Recognizance before Sir John Bucke and William Childe by Giles Chamberlaine, Henry Chamberlayne and William Byrde Husbandman all of the City of Worcester for the appearance of the said William Byrde at Sessions and for his keeping the peace towards John Farley. 1/1/48/101 16 October 1625

    Thomas Strangways, second son of Giles Strangways of Charlton Adam (see Strangways of Charlton Adam); died 3 Oct. 1766, aged 51; bur. 13 Oct. 1766. Wells Cathedral.
    Chamberlayne, Giles (I09811)
    2487 Only possibility on IGI:
    Christening: 28 APR 1727 Presbyterian Chapel, Abingdon, Berkshire, England
    Father: Farmer CHILD

    East Ilsey, no Sarah,
    Ashampstead, no Sarah, but Amy & Ann baptised

    Possible paretns Joseph Child and Amy Wall.

    Witness to the marriage of Sarah Child at Lambourne was a Joseph Child. Possibility:
    JOSEPH CHILD Pedigree
    Christening: 03 JUN 1739 Lambourn, Berkshire, England
    Father: JOSEPH CHILD Family
    Mother: AMY
    Siblings Francis, Richard and Mary.
    Mary Lambourne July 28th 1734. Franics May 25th 1736 Josaeph June 3rd 1739 and Richard 17.12.1741. Mary 11.11.1743. All baptised Lambourne to Joseph and Amie.

    Sun Fire Office
    FILE - Policy register - ref. MS 11936/502 - date: 1824-1825
    item: [no title] - ref. MS 11936/502/1021449 - date: 14 October 1824
    [from Scope and Content] Insured: Joseph Child Lambourn Berks merchant

    "Mrs Sarah Smith, widow of Farmer Smith Upper Lambourne"

    Aslo connection between Martha Child and Sarah Smith see Berkshire records online?? Aunt?

    Any connection??
    JOSEPH CHILDS Pedigree
    Christening: 24 OCT 1793 Lambourn, Berkshire, England
    Father: RICHD CHILDS Family
    Mother: MARTHA
    Child, Sarah (I01820)
    2488 Only two Isabella Potter's on 1851 cenus. One at Wigtown daughter of James and Agness and one in Uphall daughter of John Potter and Margaret Brown eg: the birth from Scots online.

    Possibly had a brother William Potter as one is a witness at the marriage in 1866.

    There is an Isabella Potter born Uphall 24.03.1846 daughter of John Potter and Margaret Brown on Scots Online. No other Isabella's between 1840-1850. Below but not James Potter and Christina Brown? Brother of James Potter?

    1861 Cenus Glasgow: Is this the correct family?? Only other Isabella Potter is at Wigtown?? Probably not correct family??
    59 Oswald Street, Saint George, Glascow
    John Potter Head Widow 50 Carter Linlithgow, Uphall
    James Potter Son Unm 22 Wright Linlithgow, Uphall
    Isabella Potter Dau 15 Housekeeper & ? Linlithgow, Uphall
    Alex Potter Son Unm 2 Scholar Linlithgow, Uphall

    1861 Census (this one more likely)
    Name: Isabella Patter
    Age: 14
    Estimated Birth Year: abt 1847
    Relationship: Daughter
    Father's Name: James
    Mother's Name: Christiane
    Gender: Female
    Where born: Markinch, Fife
    Registration Number: 685/1
    Registration district: St George
    Civil Parish: Edinburgh St Cuthberts
    County: Midlothian
    Address: Glasgow Road Haymarket
    Occupation: Drepmaker
    ED: 51
    Household schedule number: 13
    Line: 4
    Roll: CSSCT1861_124
    Household Members: Name Age
    Christiane Patter 38
    Isabella Patter 14
    James Patter 47
    James Patter 3
    Jane Patter 12
    Margaret Patter 7
    Mary Patter 1
    William Patter 16
    Source Citation: Parish: Edinburgh St Cuthberts; ED: 51; Line: 4; Year: 1861.
    Source Information:

    1871 Census:
    Name: Isabella Wilson
    Age: 24
    Estimated birth year: abt 1847
    Relationship: Wife
    Spouse's name : Fergus
    Gender: Female
    Where born: Markinch, Fifeshire
    Registration Number: 644/10
    Registration district: Hutchesontown
    Civil parish: Glasgow Govan
    County: Lanarkshire
    Address: 4 Erroll St
    ED: 45
    Page: 14 (click to see others on page)
    Household schedule number: 80
    Line: 6
    Roll: CSSCT1871_141
    Household Members: Name Age
    Fergus Wilson 37
    Isabella Wilson 24
    William Wilson 3
    Potter, Isabella Margaret (I00755)
    2489 OPR Vol. 100 1-2
    May 8 Christian Formain daughter of Alex Mactavish, Lockkeeper Gairlochy and of Una Cameron, born 28 th April.

    After death of father perhaps sent to relatives??
    1841 Census Unachan, Kilmonivaig, Inverness
    Mary McDiarmid 12 years Inverness, Scotland
    Cathn McGruer 61 years "
    Ann Mc Tavish 16 years "
    Catherine McTavish 11 years "
    Cathn Mc Tavish 40 years "
    Christian Mc Tavish 8 years "
    Donald Mc Tavish 15 years "
    Mary Mc Tavish 20 years "

    Name: Christian McTavish
    Age: 8
    Estimated birth year: abt 1833
    Household: View other family members
    Gender: Female
    Where born: Inverness, Scotland

    Civil parish: Kilmonivaig
    County: Inverness
    Address: Unachan
    Parish Number: 99
    ED: 3

    Possibly Listed on the 1851 census Kilmonivaig, Inverness
    Donald Cameron Head M30Spirit DealerKilmonivaig, Inverness
    Flora Cameron Wife M 22 Kilmonivaig, Inverness
    Una Cameron Daug 5 Kilmonivaig, Inverness
    Christy McTavish Sister-in law Un 18 Servant Kilmonivaig, Inverness

    or is this the family??

    Name: Clethrine McGruer
    Age: 63
    Estimated birth year: abt 1788
    Relationship: Visitor
    Gender: Female
    Where born: Boleskine, Inverness
    Parish Number: 92
    Civil parish: Boleskine and Abertarff
    County: Inverness
    Occupation: Pauper
    ED: 1
    Page: 8 (click to see others on page)
    Household schedule number: 31
    Line: 10
    Roll: CSSCT1851_20
    Household Members: Name Age
    Christy Cameron 4
    Clethrine McGruer 63
    Alex McTavish 34
    Ann McTavish 26
    Cathrine McTavish 59
    Cathrine McTavish 19
    Christy McTavish 16
    Donald McTavish 28
    Tavish McTavish 66
    Tavish, Christina Formain Mc (I00022)
    2490 Order will to check children including George? Brown, George (I01249)
    In a vault near this place are deposited the remains of Robert Hopkins, Esquire, of this parish, who departed this life Jan. 28th, 1834, aged 80 years. He was descended from John and Anna Hopkins of Harwell in this county and his family had lived six hundred years in the parish of Steventon, near Harvell.
    In the same vault lie the remains of Sarah his beloved wife who died Aug. 11th, 1825, aged 59 years. Their surviving sons, sensible of the great loss they have sustained, have erected this monument.
    Richard, son of the above Robert and Sarah Hopkins, died in his infancy, and was buried at Harwell.
    Sarah, their only daughter and wife of the Rev'd B.D. Hawkins, died July 17th 1832 aged 26 years and was buried at Rivenhall, Essex." (i.e. b.l806)
    Hopkins, Robert John (I07611)
    2492 Over the family pew is a monument to the memory of Thomas Lewes, son and heir of Thomas Lewes of this place, he died in 1695, aged 61.(fn. 20) His wife Anne, daughter of Sir. Matthew Andrews, in the county of Surry, Knight, died in 1694.

    Another is placed to the memory of Francis Lewes of Stanford, Esq. which was erected "As a pledge of the tender and affectionate regard of his widow Sophia Lewis."This gentleman was son of the abovenamed Thomas, by Anne his wife. He marriedSophia daughter of Sir Samuel Dashwood, Bart. and died in 1743 in the 52 year of his age
    From: 'Nottinghamshire: Rushcliffe hundred', Thoroton's History of Nottinghamshire: volume 1: Republished with large additions by John Throsby (1790), pp. 1-10. URL: Date accessed: 01 February 2012.

    Lewes, Franics (I07714)
    2493 Oxford University Amumni
    Hope, Benjamin s of Edw. of Devizes pleb. Trinity Colledge matric.4th April 1677 aged 17 years BA From Hart Hall 1680. Vicar of Stapleford Wilts 1693.

    The descent of the All Cannings part of Provenders after 1644 is not clear. Most of it was apparently held by Edward Hope c. 1710. (fn. 96) Part of it was bought by Gifford Warriner from Benjamin Hope in 1753 and added to his other land in All Cannings, (fn. 97) but the rest passed to Richard Hope (d. c. 1729) and was held in 1780 by John son of John Hope. (fn. 98) John was succeeded by his brother Edward who sold part of the land to John Clift c. 1816. It was held by William Clift from c. 1823 to at least 1831. The other part was sold by Hope to the trustees of William Hayward. (fn. 99)

    From: 'Parishes: All Cannings', A History of the County of Wiltshire: Volume 10 (1975), pp. 20-33. URL: Date accessed: 14 October 2010.

    Name: Charity Hope Gender: Female Birth Date: abt 1686 Christening Date: 8 Dec 1686 Christening Place: Amesbury, Wiltshire, England Father's Name: Benjamin Hope Mother's Name: Sarah

    Day: 26 Month: Dec Year: 1685 Groom Forenames: Benjamin Groom Surname: HOPE Groom's parish: Amesbury Groom's county: Wiltshire,England Groom's condition: Groom's occupation: gent Groom's age: 26 Groom's notes: Mr Bride Forenames: Sarah Bride Surname: HILLMAN Bride's parish: Amesbury Bride's county: Wiltshire,England Bride's condition: sp Bride's age: 22 Bride's notes: Mrs Place of Marriage: Bondsman 1: EDWARDS Timothy,tailer,Salisbury,Wilts
    National Archives:
    [no title] D/1/14/1/4a/47 n.d Contents: Benjamin Hope, baptismal certificate oath of Thomas Clarke of Devizes.

    [no title] D/1/14/1/4a/48 1683 Contents: Benjamin Hope, nomination to be the curate, Milston.

    [no title] D/1/14/1/4a/49 1683 Contents: Benjamin Hope, testimonial from the Rector of Milston and neighbouring clergy.

    [no title] D/1/14/1/4c/16 1689 Contents: Benjamin Hope, nomination to be the curate, Bulford.

    [no title] D/1/14/1/4c/19 1689 Contents: Benjamin Hope, testimonial from the Vicar of Figheldean and neighbouring clergy.

    [no title] D/1/18/26/90 1693 Contents: Benjamin Hope, vicar of Stapleford, bond.

    [no title] D/1/18/26/92 1693 Contents: Benjamin Hope, vicar of Stapleford. Patron: the Dean and Canons of Windsor, Berks.

    [no title] D/1/14/1/6a/116 1720 Contents: Benjamin Hope, nomination to be the curate, Kingston Deverill.

    Mr Anthony Daffy Deposit and Account Boo: 1676/77
    1676 :[30A] Mr Edward Hope junior" The Vyes Mercer in the Count of Mr Edward Hope junior" The Vyes Mercer in the Count of wilks is Debtor:
    Aprill ye 12 delivared unto mr Edward hope junior 48 1 pintes of
    Elixir 6/00/00
    76/7 March ye delivared unto mr Edward hope junior 36 1½ pintes of
    16 Elixir 4/10/00
    77 Novembr delivared unto mr Edward hope junior 48 1 pintes of
    15 Elixir 6/00/00
    1679 Aprill ye delivared to mr Edward hope junior 36 1 pintes of
    9 Elixir 4/10/00
    79 July ye 9 delivared to mr Edward hope junior 36 ½i pintes of Elixir 4/10/00
    79/80 March delivared to mr Edward hope junior 36 ½h pintes of
    23 Elixir 4/10/00
    1680/81 delivared to mr edward hope junior 36 ½h pintes of
    februa 23 Elixir 4/10/00
    81 Novem ye delivared to mr Hope of the devis 36 ½6 pintes of
    12 Elixir 4/10/00
    82/3 January 3 delivared to Mr Hope junior 36 ½6 pintes of Elixir 4/10/00
    83 June 12 delivared to Mr Hope junior 36 ½6 pintes of Elixir 4/10/00
    1683/4 febr 20 delivared to Mr hope junior 36 1½ pintes of Elixir 4/10/00
    [30B] Mr Hope Junior Creditor
    May ye 16 Receved of mr Edward hope junior in muny and Charges
    in full 10/00/00
    1680 May 27 Receved of mr Edward hope junior in full 15/16/00
    May ye 20 Receved of Mr hope junior in full in muny and Charges
    1684 June ye 7 4/10/00
    Receved of mr Edward hope junior 16/00/00
    [This account is crossed through.]

    (48)Edward Hope, junior, gentleman and mercer of The Devizes (as it was then called), Wiltshire, seems to have been a wealthy dissenter; he appears in the 1693 list of Ellen Daffy's agents, and the will of an Edward Hope of Devizes (showing extensive lands and property) was proved on 16 January 1708. (NA, PCC, PROB 11/505.) In 1672 Edward Hope applied for registration of his house in Devizes as an Independent/Congregationalist meeting place, with Mr John Frayling as teacher/minister; the licence being received on 14 May 1672. (Turner (ed.), op. cit., note 19 above, vol. 2, p. 1070.) On 29 July 1676 Sir Edward Bayntun (1618-1679) made a covenant "to assign to Edward Hope junior of the Devizes, grocer, the remainder of a term of 1,000 years in a messuage and house in the Devizes", for which Hope paid Bayntun £159. Bayntun was head of one of Wiltshire's foremost families; elected MP for Devizes in 1640, 1654, 1675 and 1679, he was known to be sympathetic to dissenters. (Jane Freeman (ed.), The commonplace book of Sir Edward Bayntun ofBromham, Devizes, Wiltshire Record Society, 1988, p. 33.) The extent of the Hopes' affiliation with the dissenting movement is unclear, given their connection with Oxford University: entrance to the University required membership of the Established Church. In 1677 Benjamin Hope, son of Edward Hope of Devizes, matriculated at Trinity College, Oxford, aged seventeen, taking his BA from Hart Hall in 1680, and he went on to become vicar of Stapleford, Wiltshire, in 1693. And on 26 April 1704 Edward Hope, son of "Edward, of Devizes, Wilts, gent." entered Hart Hall, Oxford, aged seventeen. (Joseph Foster, Alumni Oxoninsis, Oxford, Parker, 1891, vol. 2, p. 742.) In 1652 an Edward Hope of Devizes issued a farthing token bearing the symbol of a ship and anchor. (Dickinson, op. cit., note 22 above, p. 223.)

    Mr Daffy

    [94A] Mr William Sanders'22 living at St Michaell's towne in Barbados
    is Debtor, mr Benjamin Hope'23 of Camberwell his sonn in Law

    (Benjamin Hope of Camberwell, Surrey, appears as one of Daffy's satisfied customers in his 1675 pamphlet, having taken the Elixir both to cure his gout and as a remedy for colic. (Daffy, op. cit., note 12 above, pp He was possibly a relative of another of Daffy's agents, the dissenter Edward Hope junior of Devizes (see note 48 above), whose son Benjamin matriculated at Oxford in 1677.) 
    Hope, Benjamin (I07482)
    2494 p.98 DD\GB/148/90 5 Nov.1698 These documents are held at Somerset Archive and Record Service
    As p.89, for £5 by Hester Blagrave [dau. of John and Hester Blaygrave], granddaughter of Mrs. Jane Gore.
    Blagrave, Hester (I09372)
    2495 P1/10Reg/79
    Alt Ref No
    Child, John
    Place Key
    /East Hagbourne/Hagbourne/Berkshire
    Child, John (I05660)
    2496 P1/12Reg/467 Will 1773 Hopkins, Francis Gentleman West Hendred
    This Frances or his father??
    Original bundle containing: an acknowledgment of receipt, from Elizabeth Hopkins to her brother Richard Hopkins, of a legacy of £50 under the will of Francis Hopkins, their father, 1775; copy will (1789) and codicil (1794) of Elizabeth Phillips of Gosport, Hants., widow, N.D.; the estate of the late Elizabeth in account with James Collins of Gosport, gent., her executor, 1795 CR 237/270/13-15 1775-1795

    Case and opinion, and copies of same, concerning the securing of certain copyhold estates in the King's Manor of East Hendred to the devisees of Richard Hopkins, viz., the aforesaid 32 acres, here described as at the top of the Holloway, to Elizabeth Leaver, his sister, and a house, farmyard and garden called the Field Garden, in East Hundred to Belinda Hunt Robertson, his daughter CR 237/270/17-19 1809
    Hopkins, Francis (I07137)
    2497 P1/13Reg/447B
    Wall, Roger, senior

    Possibly Roger Wall and Elizabeth Bacon who marry at Ramsbury 05.10.1772. Possible second marraige for Roger?

    An Elizabeth Bacon born 1740 Ramsbury daughter of John and Audry?
    Also an Elizabeth Bacon born Lambourn 1740 daughter of Stephan and Elizabeth 
    Wall, Roger (I07248)
    2498 P1/1839/54

    Alt Ref No
    Will, wrapper Date 1839
    Hughes, Elizabeth
    Place Key
    /Broad Hinton/Wiltshire
    Broad Hinton

    A LIST of Persons who have obtained GAME-KEEPERS CERTIFICATES, at the rate of Three Guineas each, for the Year 1812.
    GameKeeper Manor Whom Appointed
    Hughes, Robert Salthorp, Quidhampton, and Binknoll Woods Mrs. E.P. Benet 
    Hughes, Elizabeth (I00314)
    2499 P1/B/192
    Inventory, will
    Brunsdon, William

    John Brunsdone b. abt. 1587 Lambourn, Berkshire (father of William above) m Katheren Mushe b. date unknown on 08.10.1609 at Easton Royal, Wiltshire
    William b. 1618 Easton Royal, Wiltshire
    John b. 1622/23 Easton Royal, Wiltshire
    Henry Brunsden b. abt. 1560 Lambourn/East Garston, Berkshire (father of John above) m Margaret (surname unknown) b. date unknown abt. 1581 at Lambourn, Berkshire
    Thomas b. 1583 Lambourn, Berkshire (poss. twin)
    Margaret b. 1583 Lambourn, Berkshire (poss. twin) John b. 1587 Lambourn, Berkshire William b. 1589 Lambourn, Berkshire
    Agnes b. 1592 Lambourn, Berkshire
    Awdrie b. 1595 Lambourn, Berkshire
    Henry b. 1600 Lambourn, Berkshire Anne b. 1601 Lambourn, Berkshire
    Jane b. 1603/04 Lambourn, Berkshire
    John Brunsden b. abt. 1535 Lambourn, Berkshire (father of Henry above) m Mrs. John Brunsden b. abt. 1539 Lambourn abt. 1559 at Lambourn
    Thomas b. 1553/54 East Garston/Lambourn, Berkshire
    Ann b. 1558 Kingsclere, Hampshire
    Rychard b. 1558 Kingsclere, Hampshire
    Henry b. abt. 1560 East Garston/Lambourn, Berkshire
    William b. 1574 Lambourn, Berkshire Robert b. 1578 Hathrop, Gloucestershire
    (not sure if Ann, Rychard and Robert are actually members of this same family due to their being born in different counties).The information above represents only my direct ancestors.
    Brunsden, John (I06121)
    2500 P2/M/1196 Administration bond, commission 1772 Merewether formerly Dorchester Wife Market Lavington
    William Dorchester, of Ichilhampton, p. All Cannings, & Elizabeth Merewether, of Esterton, p. Market Lavington married.
    A Sarah Dorchester married Francis MERRYWEATHER on 12 Jun 1735 in Etchilhampton, Wiltshire, England. (Married a cousin?)
    Etchilhampton Church:
    Mrs. Sarah Merewether, wife of Francis Merewether of Easterton, Gent., and eldest daughter of William and Elizabeth Dorchester, died 1766, aged 55. Also her husband Francis Merewether, Sen., Gent., died 1781, aged 67. Sarah, daughter of Francis and Sarah Merewether, died 1793, aged 42."
    [no title] 212B/3189 1734 Sept. 30
    These documents are held at Wiltshire and Swindon Archives
    (1) Francis Merewether of Easterton, gentleman Executors of the will of William Dorchester
    Thomas Fowle, of Charleton, gentleman Executors of the will of William Dorchester
    (2) Sarah Dorchester, spinster Daughters of the said William Dorchester
    (3) Ann Dorchester, spinster Daughters of the said William Dorchester
    Assignment upon attaining their majority of two undivided third parts of various tenements comprising their father's estate. (Enclosed) Grant dated 13 Dec. 1686 by Wm. Hancock to Roger Dorchester of lands at Ashlington.
    Letters of administration to Francis Merewether for the estate of Sarah his wife - 1772.
    Dorchester, Sarah (I07765)

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