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     #   Notes   Linked to 
    2351 Newenden Parish Memorials:
    16. Altar Tomb. Louisa AYERST wife of Thomas Ayerst junior of this Parish died 23 February 1839 aged 38. Leaving issue Sarah Goble, Thomas Russell and Samuel. Also above Sarah Goble Ayerst died 13 June 1839 aged 14.

    17. James Burnet AYERST born 31 May 1835. Died 21 July 1897 at Lime Court, Beckley, Sussex. Also Louisa Jane Ayerst sister of above died 20 February 1916 aged 77.
    Goble, Louisa (I10257)
    2352 Newenden, Kent,England Memorials:
    In the Churchyard - west end.
    1C Thomas AYERST. Sarah Ayerst. She died 12 June 1789 aged 40. He died 8 April 1791 aged 45. They left surviving 4 sons viz: Thomas, Samuel, William and John.

    25. Rebecca wife of Samuel AYERST died 14 May 1806 aged 24.

    26. Samuel AYERST of this parish born 13 June 1834, died 29 September 1857. There was hope in this young man's end. Also Mary Ayerst his sister born 24 February 1837 died 9 January 1892.

    Will of Thomas Ayerst Merchant Newenden, Kent 20 January 1849 3 May 1855: sons in law Edward Hooker, John Hay, son Thomas Ayerst, son James, daughter Sarah wife of Edward Hooker, daughter Elizabeth wife of John Hay,
    Ayerst, Thomas (I10251)
    2353 Newton Parish Register, Midlothian:
    1831January 7 Henry Anderson, Ploughman, Millerhill in this parish and Helen Fala in the parish of Dalkeith gave in their names for Proclamation in order to marriage. Cautioner for the man William Craig and for the woman William Fala. Married on 11th instant by Rev. B. Reveson at Dalkeith.

    Also in the records:
    1833 November 23George Hunter farm servant to Mr Robert Robertson Woolmet and Helen Fala residing at Edmonstone both in this parish gaved in their names Cautioner for the man John Adam and for the woman John Hunter.

    In relation to the above, from the Burial Register;
    1845, July 23 George Hunter(died23rd. Buried 26th of D(S)anderhall Newton Parish-order got by William Falla father-in-law of deceast-Cholera age 34.

    1841 Census
    Household Members: Name Age
    David Adamson 44
    Helen Adamson 42
    Anderson, Henry (I00797)
    2354 Nicholas (s/o William) m. 1- Millicent Daniel of Wiltshire buried 2/1/1633
    m. 2- Francis Kellaway b. 5/29/1606 m. 8/27/1635 buried 2/5/1652
    Children William christened 1/30/1633 buried 5/29/1635 (Millicent probably died from childbirth)
    William christened 9/27/1636
    George christened 7/17/1639 buried 3/5/1650
    Katherne christened 12/20/1641
    Nicholas christened 12/17/1644
    Mary christened 5/29/1648
    Robert christened 5/4/1641
    note: Millicent's sister Gertrude married Thomas Kellaway.

    Robert Keylway b.c.1607, the son of Robert K/C of Lillington Dorset was a Barrister (Attorney) of Grey’s Inn, who in addition to progressing to be one of the Masters of Chancery of England was a friend and student of The Revd. William Oughtred (1574-1660), the brilliant mathematician and inventor of the slide rule. This Robert is recorded as being increasingly involved in a legal sense with events on the other side of the Atlantic in Maryland and Virginia, but it was through his nephews that this accelerated to an extraordinary degree.
    Robert’s sister Frances married a Nicholas Webb of Marshfield, Gloucester (27 Aug.1635) and their youngest son Robert (born May 1651) was also admitted to the Middle Temple aged 19 in February 1670.
    Robert Keylway’s brother Thomas (b.c1608 m.Gertrude Daniel) had five sons, but it was their son Daniel (Kelway) (1628-1673) who obviously became the entrepreneur in the New World, amassing an apparent considerable fortune from tobacco, plantations and trade goods, which on his death aged 45 in London, he left to his 22 year old cousin Robert Webb of the Middle Temple.
    Webb, Nicholas Richmond (I06221)
    2355 NICHOLAS CAREW IV, of Beddington, Nutfield and Carshalton, co. Surrey, Sulham, Berkshire, and Delamers, Hertfordshire. Born 1436 (being aged 22 at the death of his father); died 1466. Son and heir. King's Serjeant, was made constable of Southampton in 1457. He was sued in 1461, by Mercy, 2nd wife of his grandfather.

    Married Margaret, daughter of Edward Langford.

    Kings Sergeant, Constable of Southhampton

    History of Parliament
    Biographies of the Members of the Commons House, 1439-1509--
    J. C. Wedgwood, 1936--
    pp. 154-155--
    Carent, John, junior (1425-83); of Ash in Stour-Pain, Dorset, and of
    Toomer, Somerset. M.P. Dorset 1453-4, called "junior". Son and heir of William Carent, MP (1395-1476), by Margaret (Stourton), and nephew of John Carent, sr., who d. leaving coheirs in 1478. Married (1) 1441 Jane dau. of Thomas Brooke of Weycroft, Devon, M.P., and (2) c1459, Margaret, widow of Nicholas Carew of Beddington, Surrevy, M.P., who survived him and d. 1503. By Oct 1441 John junr. and Jane his wife had succeeded, on the death of Ralf Bushey, to Winterbourne-Houghton, which they had of the grant of Sir John Chidiok. One must assume that it was John senr. who was the eschr. in 1441, but it was John junr. who was sheriff, Som. and Dorset 1459-60; and as "of Ash" or as "junior" he is to be found on Dorset comns. from Dec 1460 onwards. Both senr. and junr. were electors for Dorset when William Carent was elected in 1450. It will probably be the uncle "senr." who was servant to the Duchess of Somerset 1458. Junior was pardoned on the roll 5 Feb 1462, with the other official Lancastrians, and 5 Feb 1472 and 20 Nov 1474. He was an elector again in Dorset, 1472. Died just before 11 Jul 1483, when William Carent his son succeeded him.

    NICHOLAS CAREW IV, of Beddington, Nutfield and Carshalton, co. Surrey, Sulham, Berkshire, and Delamers, Hertfordshire. Born 1436 (being aged 22 at the death of his father); died 1466. Son and heir. King's Serjeant, was made constable of Southampton in 1457. He was sued in 1461, by Mercy, 2nd wife of his grandfather.
    Married Margaret, daughter of Edward Langford.

    Writ to the sheriff of Surrey to compel Richard Carew to return the manors of Beddington, Bandon and Norbury claimed by John Iwardby and Sarcha his wife, Walter Twynyho and Eliz. his wife, Chris. Tropenell and Anne his wife. 25/3/2 8 May 8 Henry VII [1493]
    These documents are held at Sutton Local Studies Centre
    Former reference: [A18] Administrative history:
    On the death of Nicholas Carew in 1466 the major part of the family property passed to James Carew (Nicholas' uncle). The manor of Nutfield however was divided amongst Nicholas' sisters Sancha, Elizabeth and Anne (see Victoria History of the County of Surrey, vol. iii, p.224). They presumably also laid claim to Beddington, Bandon and Norbury as coheirs of their brother.

    National Archives: Writ to the sheriff of Surrey to compel Richard Carew to return the manors of Beddington, Bandon and Norbury claimed by John Iwardby and Sarcha his wife, Walter Twynyho and Eliz. his wife, Chris. Tropenell and Anne his wife. 25/3/2 8 May 8 Henry VII [1493]
    These documents are held at Sutton Local Studies Centre
    Former reference: [A18] Administrative history: On the death of Nicholas Carew in 1466 the major part of the family property passed to James Carew (Nicholas' uncle). The manor of Nutfield however was divided amongst Nicholas' sisters Sancha, Elizabeth and Anne (see Victoria History of the County of Surrey, vol. iii, p.224). They presumably also laid claim to Beddington, Bandon and Norbury as coheirs of their brother.

    Who is this??
    Iwardby, Elizabeth, who was the wife of Nicholas, and formerly wife of Thomas Selendyne: assignment of dower Bucks . Details of this file are shown at items level Iwardby, Elizabeth, who was the wife of Nicholas, and formerly wife of Thomas Selendyne:
    Date: 1462 - 1463 Source: The Catalogue of The National Archives

    The Will of NICHOLAS CAREWE, of Bedyngton, co. Surrey, Esquire.-I4 Nov., 1456. Lambs in Berks, &c., to wife Margaret with remainder to son Nicholas and his heirs, the manors of Much Pourle, Sulham and Hide. Proved at Lamebeth 10 May, 1458.
    Carew, Nicholas (I04650)
    2356 Nicholas Hare, Esq. of Inner Temple, d.1597 [no ref. or date]

    These documents are held at Norfolk Record Office
    Indenture - Grant of Livery: 1) Sir William Cecill, Knight and Master of the Court of Wards and Liveries and Robert Keylwey, Esq. surveyor of the same liveries. 2) Nicholas Hare, gent. son and heir of John Hare, citizen and mercer decd Hare 5588 224 x 2 22 May 1565
    Royal Licence of Livery Hare 5589 224 x 2 20 June 1565
    Confirmation of Arms by Clarencieux King of Arms to Nicholas Hare of Stoubardolfe, gent. son of John Hare of London, gent Hare 5590 224 x 2 24 Oct 1574
    Indenture - Covenant (monetary). 1) Sir Richard Cholmeley of Roxleye (York), Kt. and Francis Cholmeley, Esq. his son and heir. 2) Nicholas Hare and Ralph Hare, Esqs. sons of John Hare of London, mercer and Richard Hare of London, mercer, dec'd. 24 Eliz Hare 5591 224 x 2 30 Nov 1581

    Charter - Exemplification of Letters of Administration Hare 5592 224 x 2 31 Dec 1590
    Probate copy of the will of Nicholas Hare of Stowbardolf Esq; Proved 24 May 1597 Hare 5593 224 x 2 16 Jan 1596
    Inventory of goods and chattels of Nicholas Hare, Esq. being in his house at Stowbardolf or his chamber in the Inner Temple, London Hare 5594 224 x 2 24 & 30 Apr 1597
    Hare, Nicholas (I09434)
    2357 Nicholas Oldisworth, Rectore, sepultus. Nicholas Oldisworth. BORTON-ON-THE-HlLL. 89 1645. 1 Nicholaus Oldisworth, ille, Regis Alumnus, vel prima in aetate, cum Westmonasterii, turn Oxonii eximius, ille, in utraque Academia, Artium Magister egregie doctus, ille, demum Ecclesiae hujus, annexaeque Capellae parochialis Rector, longe clarissimus, quippe qui amplissi- mus literarum et virtutum omnium thesaurus, illud, inquam, et loci et saeculi huius Desiderium, mortem obiit apud Willmington, 25 t0 Die Martii Comitatu Warwiciensi : Die 26 to sepultum in Cancella Berchestoniensi, 1645.
    Nicolao Oldisworth successit Gugidius Oldisworth 2 *7 March, 1645.
    Giles 01disw0rth. :j 'Presented by King Chas. I. pro hac vice. *14 May, 1645. Giles Oldisworth, M. A., 4 by death of Nicholas Oldisworth.

    Bodleian Library: MS Don. c. 24
    Poems of Nicholas Oldisworth (1644) with receipts added by his daughter Margaret Mann. (late 17th c.) Margaret Mann ( Compiler)

    Meriall OVERBURY (b. 1585, Barton-on-the-Hill, England; d. 1-1653, Barton-on-the-Hill, England) m. 9-2-1604, Barton-on-the-Hill, England, Robert Oldisworth Son Nicholas Oldisworth (d. 1645)

    Nicholas Oldisworth, rector from 1634 to 1645, and his brother Giles, rector from 1646 to 1678, (fn. 313) were probably resident; both were noted scholars and writers and Giles was a strong supporter of the monarchy, although he retained his living during the Interregnum
    From: 'Parishes: Bourton-on-the-Hill', A History of the County of Gloucester: volume 6 (1965), pp. 197-206. URL: Date accessed: 30 December 2011.

    Will of Giles Oldisworth, Rector of Barton on the Hill and of the anexed Chapel of Moreton in Marsh in the County of Gloucester, Clerk 28 June 1679 PROB 11/360

    Will of William Oldisworth, Gentleman of Wotton under Edge, Gloucestershire 16 November 1674 PROB 11/346
    Oldisworth, Nicholas (I09616)
    2358 Nicholas Wadham's three sisters are all commemorated on brasses: Joan on that
    of her first husband, Sir Giles Strangeways at Melbury Sampson, Dorset; Margaret, wife of Nicholas Martin, at Piddletown, Dorset (q.v.); and, Florence, the wife of John Wyndham (d. 1572), at St. Decumen's Church, Somerset (q.v.).21

    A Who's Who of Tuydor Women
    ...FLORENCE WADHAM (c.1530-c.1596)
    Florence Wadham was the daughter of Sir John Wadham of Branscombe, Devon (c.1515-March 8, 1578) and Joan Tregarthen (d.1581). In 1556, she married John Wyndham (c.1506-August 25, 1572). In 1557, she fell ill and died. Or at least that’s what everyone thought. She was duly buried in the Wyndham family vault in St. Decuman’s Church in Watchet, Somerset. That night, so the story goes, a sexton bent on stealing her jewelry, opened her coffin and tried to remove her rings. This brought her back to consciousness and sent the sexton screaming from the crypt. Her family, however, welcomed her back and the following year she gave birth to a son, John (1558-1645). Florence remarried after Wyndham’s death, taking as her second husband John Faringdon
    Wadham, Florentina (I03607)
    2359 Nicholas WEBB (AFN: 21N5-ZC5) Pedigree
    Sex: M Family
    Birth: 1 Dec 1603
    Gloucester, Gloucestershire, England
    Christening: 1604
    Marsfield, Gloucestershire, Engl
    Father: Christopher WEBB (AFN: 21N5-QV2) Family
    Mother: Mrs Elizabeth WEBB (AFN: 21N5-ZP7)

    Spouse: Mrs Anna WEBB (AFN: 21N5-ZDC) Family
    Marriage: Abt 1622
    Marsfield, Gloucestershire, Engl
    Webb, Christopher Richmond (I03989)
    2360 Nina B. Groves was born in 1900 in Bombala, NSW and died in 1963 in North Sydney, at age 63. Another name for Nina was Mena. Nina married Carl Russell Watson, son of Walter Carter Watson and Alicia McNamara, in 1926 in Randwick, NSW. Carl was born in 1900 in Richmond, NSW and died in 1961 in Chatswood, NSW at age 61.
    Watson, Carl Russell (I00849)
    2361 No baptism at St Olave Jewry, London to date.

    Text: * 31 Jan 1661-2 Webb, Edmond & Smith, Jane Book: Book 25 Collection: London: - Calendar of Marriage Licence Allegations, 1660-1700 (Marriage)
    Text: 31 Jan 1661-2 Edi Webb, of Gray's Inn, Middlesex, Esq., Bachelor, & Jane Smith, dau. of John Smith, of St Mary Aldermanbury, London, Esq.; at St Peter's, Paul's Wharf, London. Book: Burials. Collection: London: - Marriage Licences, 1611-1828 (Marriage)

    "...On the tomb of Jane(Smith) Webb of Rodbourne Cheney are the arms(azure), two bars between three pheons(or), which were granted 13 August 1629 to Thomas Smith, father of the elder John Smith..."
    Notes and Queries, Oxford Journal, 1958 CC111 pp315-320

    "...Shipton Bellinger Hants. Near Winchester - At the time of the Dissolution of the Monasteries, the Manor of Shipton was held by the Prior and Convent of St. Swithun and thus passed from the Crown to the Dean and Chapter of Winchester in 1541 (where it remained until 1857).

    Tidworth....The Smith family had owned this, besides property in London and Cheshire and slate quarries in North Wales, since 1650 and were said to be the richest commoners in England with an annual income of around 1 million pounds in today's terms.

    When, at the end of the 18th Century, the male line became extinct, the properties passed to a nephew, Assheton Smith, who in the first part of the 19th Century was a celebrated cricketer and famous huntsman, besides being a Member of Parliament for Andover. Whilst there is plenty of evidence of Assheton Smith's presence in Tidworth, including his enterprises in Ashdown Woods above Tidworth, his development of Tidworth Park, and building new kennels at Home Farm, Tidworth (Happy Land, as it is locally known), practically none exists of his influence in Shipman, except as landlord to several farmers. .." 
    Smith, Jane (I00178)
    2362 No baptism found Christ Church, Southwark

    An architect at Peckham in the early 1840's
    Lived at Walworth for a time. See Gentleman Magazine 1824 re marraige announcement1841 Census Lambeth, Surrey, England:
    Listed on the 1841 census at Lambeth
    Greenway Robins, Architect, wife Cordelia and children Cordelia, Georgina, Eliz, Emily and Frank all born in Surrey

    1851 Census: Camberwell, Surrey, England:
    Cordelia Robins abt 1798 Southwark, Surrey, England Head Widow Fundholder Camberwell Surrey
    Cordelia Robins abt 1830 Newington, Surrey, England Daughter Camberwell Surrey
    Elizabeth Ann Robins abt 1836 Camberwell, Surrey, England Daughter Camberwell Surrey
    Emily Robins abt 1839 Wandsworth, Surrey, England Daughter Camberwell Surrey
    Georgiana Robins abt 1833 Camberwell, Surrey, England Daughter Camberwell Surrey
    Greenway Robins abt 1827 Newington, Surrey, England Son Solicitor Camberwell Surrey
    Charlotte Dover abt 1830 Christchurch, Surrey, England Servant Camberwell Surrey

    A Catalogue of the papers of the Amalgamated Society of Engineers 1846-1920.
    MSS.259/ASE/7/TD/3 Lease and Conveyance in Fee 1840 June
    2 documents
    Conveyance by John Jeffrey and Simon Thurston to Mathew Robins for £2700. This conveyance also has a small map indicating the boundaries of the properties.
    MSS.259/ASE/7/TD/4 Lease and Mortgage on Fee 1841 January
    2 documents
    Lease and Mortgage of Mathew Robins and Greenway Robins to Messrs John Gregson and James Cooper. Mathew and Greenway Robins at this time mortgage the property for £2500 to John Gregson and James Cooper. The money raised was used for the conversion of the properties into three houses.

    Will of Greenway Robins, Architect of Peckham , Surrey 14 June 1853 PROB 11/2174
    Robins, Greenway (I02209)
    2363 No children of her own but at least 14 stepchildren. Russell, Jane (I00944)
    2364 No issue Bridgeman, Katherine Selina (I03276)
    2365 No issue.

    Sydney Morning Herald 20th December 1932
    WATSON.-The Funeral of the late Mr. FRANCIS CHARLTON WATSON will leave our Chapel, corner Orchard-road and Brown-street, Chatswood, THIS TUESDAY at 1 p.m., for Crematorium, Rookwood, by road. By request, no flowers.
    Sydney Morning Herald 11 February 1933

    WALES -Probate Jurisdiction.-In the Estate of FRANCIS CHARLTON WATSON late of Lindfield near Sydney in the State of New South Wales Free- holder deceased.-Application will be made after fourteen days from the date hereof that Letters of Administration with the Will annexed of the Estate of the abovenamed deceased may be granted to PERPETUAL TRUSTEE COMPANY (LIMITED) of 33-33 Hunter-street Sydney and all notices may be served at the offices of the undersigned to whom all creditors are hereby required to send in par- ticulars of their claims within the said period of fourteen days. MAGNEY and MAGNEY Proctors for the Administrator, 79 Elizabeth-street, Sydney.
    Watson, Francis Charlton (I00817)
    2366 No living issue Iwardby, Richard (I04700)
    2367 No living issue Stuart, Anne (I03529)
    2368 No marriage recorded in Clavering 1678-1687? Mary (I09336)
    2369 No mention in Annes pedigree so probaly died young. Saunders, Robert (I02179)
    2370 No mention in either parents will. But a John Croxston is listed as father to:(what connection?)
    1. ELIZABETH CROXTON - International Genealogical Index
    Gender: Female Christening: 24 FEB 1585 All Hallows The Less, London, London, England

    2. MARTHA CROXTON - International Genealogical Index
    Gender: Female Christening: 02 FEB 1582 All Hallows The Less, London, London, England

    3. JOHN CROXTON - International Genealogical Index
    Gender: Male Christening: 14 FEB 1584 All Hallows The Less, London, London, England

    4. HUMFREY CROXTON - International Genealogical Index
    Gender: Male Christening: 20 JUL 1578 All Hallows The Less, London, London, England

    5. NICHOLAS CROXTON - International Genealogical Index
    Gender: Male Christening: 13 NOV 1580 All Hallows The Less, London, London, England

    6. THOMAS CROXTON - International Genealogical Index
    Gender: Male Christening: 06 SEP 1579 All Hallows The Less, London, London, England

    7. GRACE CROXTON - International Genealogical Index
    Gender: Female Christening: 01 NOV 1581 All Hallows The Less, London, London, England

    8. JAMES CROXTON OR CROXSTONE - International Genealogical Index
    Gender: Male Christening: 02 JUL 1592 All Hallows The Less, London, London, England

    9. ABRAHAM CROXTON - International Genealogical Index
    Gender: Male Christening: 24 JUN 1590 All Hallows The Less, London, London, England
    Cruxston, John (I05430)
    2371 No mention in fathers will but online site has her marrying a John Robins in 1671 at St Botoloph and dying 1724?

    1671 May 30 John Robins, Esq., of Mattsdon, co. Grloucester, Widower, & Elinor Chamberlayne, of Mangersbury, s' co., Sp', about 28, dau. of Edmond Chamberlayne, of same, Esq., who consents ; at S' Botolpli, Bishops- gate, or Great S' Bartholomew's, London.

    Indentures between 1750 and 1767 give evidence of the ownership of the property by the lord of the manor. In 1767 a lease was granted to Joannah Griffiths, spinster, of All that cotage or tenement situate on Frenchay Common, with all shops buildings gardens etc., with the use of the saw pit, thereto adjoining, which cottage was formerly in the occupation of Eleanor Robins, widow, since of William Tippott, decd., afterwards of Henry Pitt, the elder, but then of Joannah Griffiths, to hold unto the said Joannah Griffiths unto the full end and term of 99 years if the said Joannall Griffiths, aged about 54, and Ann Pitt, the younger, or either of them shall happen to live so long, at a yearly rent of 4s.
    Chamberlayne, Eleanor (I09820)
    2372 No mention of her or family in mother will.

    Finding Ref D5626/1/78 Title Powden Pastures Date (1652)-1863 Description Include reference to Kennington manor house, etc., Lambeth (Surrey), 1657; cottage called Nevells House in Church Honeybourne, 1676; marriage settlement of Robt. Siddersin of the Middle Temple, London, and Katherine Graves, 1683, and of Thomas Holder of Norwold (Norfolk) and Bridget Graves, 1685, referring also to estate at Northwold (Norfolk); legal opinion referring to the pastures as "very ancient lands above 30 or 40 years last lying to greensword (sic) [and therefore] cannot be ploughed up", 1693
    (Graves family and their trustees, Sir John Maxwell and Lady Steele)
    [See also D5626/13/1] NumberofDocs 3 bundles Level Item HeldAt Gloucestershire Archives

    Robert Siderfin,j bachelor (son of Thomas Siderfin) and Kath. Potkins, spinster, married at St. James', Duke Place, 3 February, 1680-1. Katherine Siderfin, alias Graves of Croydon in Carhampton, Co. Somerset, but dying at Exeter, Adminstration November 23rd, 1686, to her husband Robert Sidderfin.
    Graves, Catherine (I08708)
    2373 No mention of Mary in fathers will of 1758. Deceased?? Nalder, Mary (I06326)
    2374 No mention of Mary in her father will of 1570. Already deceased? Gamage, Mary (I05505)
    2375 No mentioned in mother will. deceased?? Neate, Elizabeth (I01947)
    2376 No one close on IGI.
    Some Westly's at Saffron Walden:
    Westley, Frances (I01109)
    2377 No parents given in register.

    Name: William Barnes Gender: Male Baptism/Christening Date: 03 Oct 1641 Baptism/Christening Place: SAINT JOHN,HACKNEY,LONDON,ENGLAND Birth Date: Birthplace: Death Date: Name Note: Race: Father's Name: William Barnes

    Name: William Barnes Burial Date: 28 Apr 1642 Parish: St John at Hackney County: Middlesex Borough: Hackney Record Type: Burial Register Type: Parish Register

    Name: Wm Barnes Burial Date: 27 Mar 1642 Parish: St John at Hackney County: Middlesex Borough: Hackney Record Type:
    Burial Register Type: Parish RegisterName:

    Corne Barnes Gender: Male Baptism/Christening Date: 06 Oct 1644 Baptism/Christening Place: SAINT JOHN,HACKNEY,LONDON,ENGLAND Birth Date: Birthplace: Death Date: Name Note: Race: Father's Name: William Barnes

    Name: Richard Barnes Baptism Date: 18 Jun 1646 Parish: St John at Hackney County: Middlesex Borough: Hackney Parent(s): William Barnes, Ann Barnes Record Type: Baptism Register Type: Parish Register

    Name: Susan Barnes Baptism Date: 24 Oct 1648 Parish: St John at Hackney County: Middlesex Borough: Hackney Parent(s): William Barnes,Ann Barnes Record Type: Christening Register Type: Parish Register

    Name: Susan Barnes Burial Date: 1651 Parish: St John at Hackney County: Middlesex Borough: Hackney Record Type: Burial Register Type: Parish Register
    Barnes, Wyllym (I06958)
    2378 No parents given in register. Barnes, Ann (I06959)
    2379 No parents given.
    as Richard Barnes is buried Jackney St John in 1680. 
    Barnes, Richard (I06960)
    2380 No parents given. Barnes, Suzan (I06964)
    2381 no title] 212B/3597 1722 Oct. 20
    (1) Ballard, Philip, gent., of Bratton, par. Westbury, and Sarah his wife.
    (2) Halliday, Giles, gent., of Wedhampton, par. Urchfont.
    Fowle, William, gent., of Allcannings.
    (3) Ballard, John, gent., son of Philip
    Halliday, Elizabeth, spinster, daughter of Giles.
    Lease and Release, and Marriage Settlement of same property as in Bargain and Sale of 1642/3, Jan. 4
    Ballard, Phillip (I09559)
    2382 no title] 212B/3597 1722 Oct. 20
    (1) Ballard, Philip, gent., of Bratton, par. Westbury, and Sarah his wife.
    (2) Halliday, Giles, gent., of Wedhampton, par. Urchfont.
    Fowle, William, gent., of Allcannings.
    (3) Ballard, John, gent., son of Philip
    Halliday, Elizabeth, spinster, daughter of Giles.
    Lease and Release, and Marriage Settlement of same property as in Bargain and Sale of 1642/3, Jan. 4
    Halliday, Elizabeth (I09565)
    2383 no title] 281M/T828 1727 These documents are held at Devon Record Office
    18 November 1727
    1. Elizabeth Clarke of Trowbridge, Wiltshire, widow, executrix of will of Thomas Clarke, baker, deceased, Thomas Clarke of Trowbridge, cothier, eldest son and Edward Shrapnell of Trowbridge, clothier and Elizabeth his wife, daughter of Elizabeth and Thomas Clarke.
    2. Edward Mortimer
    Lands and hereditaments in Bulkington and Keevil, Wiltshire mortgagedby Francis Merewether to John Aldridge for £579.
    Family (F02978)
    2384 no title] 348/I/20 1740
    Contents: Marriage settlement (Vilett to Richmond alias Webb and Vilett, for Young), land in Swindon.
    Parties: John Vilett of London, John Richmond alias of Biddestone, John Vilett of Swindon, Elizabeth Louisa Young of Swindon
    John Vilett, Wine Merchant of Swindon, widow and Elizabeth Louisa Young of Swindon spinster married 1740. Bondsman Thomas Humphris. 
    Young, Elizabeth Louisa (I09462)
    2385 no title] 628/2/2 1735-1804
    These documents are held at Wiltshire and Swindon Archives Contents:
    Bundle of deeds concerning lands in Westbury, Warminster, Bratton, Kingston Deverill and Imber, and including copy wills of Richard Woodyear, gent. of Westbury Leigh (proved 1791) and Robert Woodyear, gent. of Warminster (proved 1800), and the marriage settlement of William Aldridge Ballard, Esq. of Bratton and Mary Band Woodyear of Westbury Leigh (1780).
    Parties: Ballard, Woodyear, Nevill, Seagram, Portal, Harding, Davis.

    Woodyear, Mary Brand (I10514)
    2386 no title] 947/1398 1689, 1796-1836
    These documents are held at Wiltshire and Swindon Archives
    Settlement on the marriage of John Greenhill jnr. of North Bradley and Grace Aldridge of Bratton, relating to lands and houses at Drynham in the parish of North Bradley, 1689; eight deeds of Drynham Farm in the same parish 1796-1836, and bills of Richard Blake of Trowbridge forthe conveyances 1833-1834, purchased by Walter Long of Rood Ashton (d.1867) in 1836.
    Includes, copy contract for the purchase of Drynham Farm for £1800 byRichard Godolphin Long of Rood Ashton, 1833, not completed due to hisdeath in July 1835 but subsequently carried through by his son, Walter, as described above.
    Parties: Greenhill, Aldridge, Turner, Coward, Pigott, King, Smyth, Heathcote, Harper, Master, Saunders, Long.
    Family (F02972)
    2387 no title] 973/3/1 1668
    These documents are held at Wiltshire and Swindon Archives
    Settlement on the marriage of William Trenchard of Cutteridge in North Bradley and Ellen Norton of Abbots Leigh, Somerset, relating to the manors of Cutteridge and Overcourt in North Bradley, including the manor house and farm at Cutteridge; Normanton Farm in Durnford; and the manor of Corgraige alias Mountrenshard, Co.Limerick.
    Parties: Trenchard, Owen, Norton, Baldwyn, Gorges, Nevile.
    Norton, Ellin (I09880)
    2388 no title] MS 11936/508/1043358 1 March 1826
    Contents: Insured: Frederick Westley and Abraham Hopkins Davis 70 Stationers Court Ludgate Hill booksellers

    An obituary ran in "The South
    Australian Advertiser" dated 29th June 1866 as follows: We regret to
    announce the death of another of the pioneers of the colony - Mr A H Davis - who expired on Monday at the Reedbeds, after a prolonged illness. ... For the last year of two, Mr Davis has suffered from failing health, and a severe attack of illness some time ago... The remains of Mr Davis were interred in the Hindmarsh Cemetary on Wednesday, June 6. ..

    Abraham married Mary. Mary’s mother was Martha Williams who died at Moore Farm in on 21st May 1849. Mary Williams was born on 2nd July 1793 and christened on 5th August 1793 at Christ Church, Southwark, Surrey, London, England to Charles and Martha Williams. It listed Charles Williams.

    Mary died on 3 April 1846 at Moore Farm, Reedbeds, South Australia. Her death notice in the “Register” on 4 April 1846 reads “Died on Friday the 3rd instant at Moore Farm after a severe but short illness, Mary, beloved wife of Mr A H Davis in her 53rd year.” She died of black fever.
    Davis, Abraham Hopkins (I07730)
    2389 no title] MS.Eng.hist./c.477/fols.174-5 1601 May 7 These documents are held at Oxford University, Bodleian Library, Special Collections and Western Manuscripts
    An assurance policy secured on the life of the Countess of Huntingdon for the next six months for £50 lent to William Heyricke by Timothie Batherst and Edmund Poshull [Pershall]. Made in the Office of Assurance in the Royal Exchange, London; registered by Richard Candeler, May 12.

    The Home counties magazine VOL. V. (1903).
    RICHARD CANDLER, citizen and mercer of London, was son of Simon Candler of Little Walsingham, Norfolk, by his first wife, and nephew to Richard Candeler of Tottenham (vide "Home Counties Magazine," Vol. II., p. 301). In his will proved in the P. C. C. loth March, 1614-15, he divides his property into three parts, (i) to his wife; (2) to his son Ferdinando ; (3) " being one unto myself." This division was in accordance with an old custom of the City of London, the third part being called the " Testator's share " and is so referred to in the will of a John Chandler, citizen and draper, 1686. Richard Candler leaves 50 to his loving aunt Elizabeth Candeler, the widow of Richard Candeler of Tottenham, and 200 to their daughter his kinswoman the Lady Ann Heybourne, whose husband Sir Ferdinando Heybourne he appoints executor, and leaves him jioo " for his paynes and fatherlye kindness to me." It is evident that he named his son Ferdinando after him. The will also refers to his wife's mother Mrs. Anne Smythe, to his mother-in-law, " which was my father's wife," and to his half sisters Margaret Candler and Sara Candler, and states that he dwelt at the time of his death in the parish of St. Bartholomew, and that he was born at Little Walsingham in Norfolk. He leaves ^2 to the poor of St. Bartholomew and Tottenham, and 20 to the parish of Little Walsingham : to Christ's Hospital jio, the compters in the Poultry and Wood Street 2 each, and the same to the prison of Ludgate, " for release of poore prisoners." The ministers and churchwardens who distribute the dole at his burial are to have ten shillings each for their pains, and forty gowns are to be provided for the same number of poor men to bring him to his grave, but the place of his burial he leaves to the discretion of his executor. His son Ferdinando does not receive his share until he attains the age of twenty-one, and in the event of him dying before then, the residue of his property is to be divided into four shares, (i) to his executor and his heirs; (2) "to Lady Heybourne and her heirs; (3) to his brother-in-law Richard Kydgedale and Susan his wife ; and (4) to his brother-in-law Richard Pulford and Ann his wife. He was the donor of the silver cup to the Company of Mercers, which Sir John Watney refers to in his account of " The Hospital of S. Thomas of Aeon and the Mercers Company's Plate," p. 203. The will says : " to the Company of Mercers London, one gilt cuppe of silver with my name and arms engraved thereon, value j 20 -" Sir John Watney states that there were two mercers of this name, one apprenticed to Sir Thomas Gresham and admitted in 1565, and the other apprenticed to one of the same name and ad- mitted in 1600, but I think there must have 'been three, viz., Richard Candeler, who succeeded John Elliot a few years after 1552 as London Factor to Sir Thomas [Burgon's "Life of Sir Thos. Gresham"], Richard Candeler of Tottenham, born 1541, and Richard Candeler of St. Bartholomews. Elizabeth, widow of Richard Candeler of Tottenham, died in 1622, and her will was proved in the P. C. C. that year. In it she refers to the tomb in Tottenham Parish Church, " which I did erect at my charges." Three score of poor women are to attend her funeral and have dresses for so doing, ana if her servants choose also to attend they are to be similarly clothed. She leaves legacies to Ann Baker, wife of an apothecary and to her cousin Baker, brother of said Ann. To children of Robert Baker deceased, and to Robert Baker, probably son of the latter, her bed and hangings, the pictures over her chimney, and a silver warming pan of above fifty ounces. Maud Kewby, wife of a " glassman " in the Poultry, her kins- woman Ann Locke, Mr. Rodwell, "preecher of the Word at Tottenham," and Robert Barefoot, are all remembered. Her cousin, Thomas Locke of Merton Abbey receives the handsome legacy of 400 and five pieces of tapestry, together with two pieces of bor- dering under a window and five curtains of purple and yellow taffita. There are gifts to the poor of Tottenham and Hackney.
    2Oth December, 1563 "Account of silver and gold bullion de- livered by John Bull Comptroller of the Mint to Richard Candeler, factor to Sir Thomas Gresham." Sir Thomas writing to Sir William Cecil, on April i8th, I56O, 1 quoted by Burgon, says : " I have commanded my factor Candeller to give his attendance upon you every morning, to know your pleasure whether you will have anything [said] unto me .... Sir, as I have commanded him to be with you by vi. of the clocke in the morning, every morning, so I shall most numbly desyre you that he may know your present answer ; for that I have no man ells to do my business and to kepe Lombard Streat." Again, on June 22nd, 1560, in a letter to Sir T. Parry : " My factor Richard Candeller writes me that my lorde of Hundsdone said unto hym that " a dyd moche marvill that the Queene's majestie's harnes came none other ways home, wherein I had moche disappointed her highness and that he thought I hade sold her harneys to the marchaunts in London, for leuccar and gayen."
    I cannot discover the date of the death of Sir Thomas Gresham's factor, but I think it was about 1570. The name occurs later in the State Papers, 1576: "Answer of Richard Candeler to a bill of fees set down by certain Aldermen and citizens appointed by Sir Ambrose Nicholas, Lord Mayor of London, respecting his office of making and registering assurances and in August, 1604, grant is made to Christopher Heyburn and Richard Candeler in reversion after Ferdinando Richardson of the office of making and registering assurances on ships and merchantdize in London." But I think this office was held first by the Richard Candeler of Tottenham, and passed to his son-in-law, Sir Ferdinando Heyborne, who assumed the additional surname of Richardson, and that a grant of it was made in 1604 to Christopher Heyborne and to Richard, nephew of Richard Candeler of Tottenham, of this office in reversion after Sir Ferdinando. The number of gowns provided for poor men and women in the wills of Richard Candler, 1614, and Elizabeth Candeler, 1622, suggests to me the ages of the testators at the dates when they made their wills.
    Gresham, Susan (I06624)
    2390 No will of Nicholas Martin was proved, but we have an even more valuable equivalent in his Inquisition post mortem, taken at Shaston on 19 May, 39 Elizabeth (Chanc. Ser. II. vol. 249. No. 76). This document records the names of the daughters and their respective husbands, all of whom had been parties to a deed of 33 Elizabeth concerning the Martin lands. The second daughter, Jane, is stated to be the wife of Tristram Dyllyngton, and the name Tichborne appears neither in the findings of the jury nor in the deed recited in the Inquisition.

    Corroboration is afforded by two Feet of Fines ; one in Hilary, 33 Eliz., in which Nicholas, his daughters and sons-in-law were deforciants, among them being Tristram Dyllyngton and Jane his wife; the other occurs in Mich., 33 and 34 Eliz., when Tristram and Jane were deforciants of a fourth part of the Athelhampton and other estates. Turning to the history of the Dillingtons of Knighton George, I find it stated in Berry's Hampshire Genealogies that Tristram married, as his second wife, Jane, dau. of Nicholas Martin, and by her had issue Robert, Barbara and Anne. Their arms, dating from a grant of 1509, are given as Gules, a lion salient, or. On the other hand, the same volume of genealogies includes the descent of the Tichborne family, but there is no reference to Henry having married Jane Martin; ... 
    Martin, Jane (I04897)
    2391 Noah Webb, Wlliam Richmond (I03964)
    2392 Nobel and Margaret had five children, all born at Caloola:
    ALFRED OXLEY WILSON (born November 1864 , died 26 October 1920 at Chatswood ; on 12 April 1911 married Edith Eleanor Watson who died 10 May 1946.
    Watson, Edith Elanor (I00835)
    2393 Non conformist Records: Name: Ester Garratt Event Type: Baptism Birth Date: Birthplace: Christening Date: 16 Aug 1818 Christening Place: Ashwell, Hertfordshire Marriage Date: Marriage Place: Death Date: Death Place: Burial Date: Burial Place: Father's Name: Sibal Garratt Mother's Name: Abram Garratt Record Set: RG4_0738
    1841 Census:
    RG number:
    HO107 Piece:
    446 Book/Folio:
    1/5 Page:
    5 Registration District:
    Royston & Buntingford Sub District:
    Royston EnumerationDistrict:
    Ecclesiastical Parish:
    Civil Parish:
    Ashwell Municipal Borough:
    Back Of Street, Ashwell County:
    HARIDINE, Samuel M 25 1816 Hertfordshire
    HARIDINE, Esther F 22 1819 Hertfordshire
    HARIDINE, Priscilla F 4 1837 Hertfordshire
    HARIDINE, Emily F 2 1839 Hertfordshire
    HARIDINE, Samuel M 0 (6 months) 1841 Hertfordshire

    1861 Census:
    Ann Harradine abt 1843 Ashwell, Hertfordshire, England Daughter Buckland Surrey
    Emma Harradine abt 1849 Reigate, Surrey, England Daughter Buckland Surrey
    Esther Harradine abt 1818 Ashwell, Hertfordshire, England Wife Buckland Surrey
    Fanny Harradine abt 1851 Reigate, Surrey, England Daughter Buckland Surrey
    Saml Harradine abt 1816 Ashwell, Hertfordshire, England Head Malt Maker Buckland Surrey
    Saml Harradine abt 1841 Ashwell, Hertfordshire, England Son Labourer Buckland Surrey
    Thomas Harradine abt 1845 Ashwell, Hertfordshire, England Son Labourer Buckland Surrey

    1871 Census:Priory Road
    Esther Harradine abt 1818 Ashwell, Hertfordshire, England Wife Reigate Foreign Surrey
    Fanny Harradine abt 1851 Reigate, Surrey, England Daughter Domestic Servant Reigate Foreign Surrey
    Samuel Harradine abt 1816 Ashwell, Hertfordshire, England Head Shopman to Corn Merchant Reigate Foreign Surrey
    Samuel Harradine abt 1841 Ashwell, Hertfordshire, England Son Bricklayer Reigate Foreign Surrey
    Thomas Harradine abt 1846 Ashwell, Hertfordshire, England Son Bricklayer Reigate Foreign Surrey

    1881Census: Priory Road
    Augustus Harradine abt 1869 Reigate, Surrey, England Grandson Priory Road, Reigate Foreign, Surrey, England
    Esther Harradine abt 1818 Ashwell, Hertfordshire, England Wife Priory Road, Reigate Foreign, Surrey, England
    Samuel Harradine abt 1816 Ashwell, Hertfordshire, England Head Labourer Priory Road, Reigate Foreign, Surrey, England
    Samuel Harradine abt 1841 Ashwell, Hertfordshire, England Son Unmarried Bricklayer Priory Road, Reigate Foreign, Surrey, England
    Archybald Shore abt 1878 Reigate, Surrey, England Grandson Priory Road, Reigate Foreign, Surrey, England
    Henry Shore abt 1857 Reigate, Surrey, England Son in Law Widower Priory Road, Reigate Foreign, Surrey,
    Samuel buried Hampstead 1889 aged 74 years.
    Garratt, Hester (I08840)
    2394 NORTH BRADLEY, WILTS. "Near this Place is Deposited the Body of William Trenchard, Esq. of Cutteridge, in the County of Wilts, (by ye Body of Ellen, his beloved Wife). He died the 22d. of August in the year of our Lord 1713, and in the -6 th year of his Age. His Wife was the Daughter of Sir George Norton, of Abbot's Leigh, in the County of Somerset, by whom he had ten children, whereof four lye buried in this Church, and only four survived him ; viz. John, Anna, Frances, and Ellen, which three Daughters he made joint Executrixes, who in performance of his Will, and in grateful Memory of their indulgent Parent, erected this Monument." Arms. Quarterly, first and fourth paly of six ; second and third a saltire ; impaling Barry of four, in chief an escutcheon ermine.

    Trenchard, 'Squire." {Query William Trenchard of Cutteridge in North Bradley, Wilts, who 7rt. Ellen, da. of Sir George Norton of Abbotsleigh, Somerset, and d. •22 Aug. 1713 aged 78.)

    Will of William Trenchard of Cuttridge, Wiltshire 04 December 1713 PROB 11/537
    Will of William Trenchard of Cuttridge, Wiltshire 19 June 1705 PROB 11/483
    Trenchard, William (I09896)
    2395 North Wiltshire Muster List
    In 1834, Sir Thomas Phillipps, Bart., published a book containing a transcript of North Wiltshire Musters from 30th year of the reign of Henry VIII [1539] From the Original in The Chapter House Westminster.
    The Tythyng of Abery. (Avery??)
    John Showter: a horse, a harnes, and a bill
    Showter, John (I01095)
    2396 Norton Greene, esquire, was of Frogenhall, co. Kent; he married Cecily, daughter of Christopher Roper of the Lodge in Linstead, by whom he had an only daughter and heir, Mary, married to Sir Mark Ive of co. Essex (Vis-it. Kent 1619). K.W.M.

    following is the information as
    it appears in the c.1505 pedigree, as taken from the 1834 Coll. Top. et Gen. article. The phrasing in quotations is exactly as it appears in
    the 1834 article (pp. 310-311).

    "Dame Mary, wedded to Sir Richard Frognall." They had:
    C1. "Edmond Frognall and his brethren and sistren." With issue
    indicated, but not named.
    C2. "Elizabeth, wedded to Sir William Gascoigne, Knt."
    St. John, Mary (I01203)
    2397 Norton of Abbots Leigh, etc. DD\SAS\C/795/BK/19 1618
    1 doc
    Contents: Agreement: Nicholas Botiller of Devizes(co.Wilts.)esq., and wife Margt., and Geo.Norton of Abbots Leigh, esq., and Nich.Strangways of Melbury Sampford (co.Dorset), esq; reciting that Botiller has delivered £1000 to Norton, etc., of which £300 has been repaid; and agreeing that the remaining £700 is to be held to the benefit of Botiller and his wife, and their children. 17 Nov.16 Jas.I
    [Also listed by Winstanley as APD 94].

    Sir George Norton, of Leigh, Admon. 9 May, 1584. (Som. Wills, v. 74.)

    ABBOTS LEIGH. [Leghe by Potbury, Abbot's Lee, Abbottslie.] See also LEIGH ; some items there may belong to ABBOTS LEIGH. Registers. Baptisms, 1783-1812; Burials, 1703-1717, 1780-1812; Marriages, 1769-1809. (Parish Register Abstract, 5.) Treaty with the Bishop of Bristol, at the request of the King, for Sir Geo. Norton to have the Manor of Lie (Harl. 6195, /. 14, 15.) Action by Hugh Smyth against Sir George Norton, temp. Eliz. concern, the manor. (Chan. Proc. Ser. II. vol. i. 350.)

    The reversion of Abbotts Leigh, in the county of Somerset, was granted 23rd September, 1559, to Sir George Norton, knt. who d. 26 Elizabeth, leaving a son, Samuel Norton, esq. of Abbotts Leigh, father of George Norton, esq. of Abbotts Leigh, whose daughter and heiress, Grace Norton, of Abbotts Leigh, m. B. Norton, esq. of Church Stretton, in Shropshire, Alderman of London, by Jane, his wife, daughter of Thomas Owen, esq. one of the judges of the Common Pleas, and by him, who d. in 1635, aged seventy, had a son and successor, Sir George Norton, knt. of Abbotts Leigh, b. in 1622, who m. Ellen, daughter of Sir William Owen, knt. of Condover, in Shropshire, by Ellen, his wife, daughter of Robert, Lord Kilmorey, and by her, who m. secondly, Sir Timothy Baldwin,

    SIR GEORGE J NORTON, of Leigh, Somerset, Knt, dec d . Admon. May 9, 1584, to his son Samuel Norton, Esq.
    WILLIAM NORTON, Citizen of London. Will dated Aug. 27, 1593, proved Jan. 1593-4, by Bonham Norton. [8 Dixy.] To
    be burd in the Church of S* Faith, under the Cathedral of St Pauls. One-third of my goods to my wife Johan, another third to my only son & heir, Bonham Norton, & the remaining third to uses of my will. To William & Thomas, sons of Bonham Norton, ^100 each at ages of 21, & if either die under age, the survivor to have his brother's ^roo. My two brothers, Edward & George Norton, £4 each. To John, son of Edward, ^"20. Richard, son of my brother Richard Norton, ,£10. My sister in law Alice Hewet, 40/. Sixty-six gowns of cloth to the Freemen of the Company of Stationers, & to the Livery of the Company, whereof I am a member, 40/, " towards a recreation or drinking to be had amongst them at their pleasure." Parishes of Clyffe, co. Kent, Cleobury- Mortimer, Stottesdon, Ludlow, Ludford, &c, Salop, 40/ each parish. Laurence Malbone. Residue to Bonham Norton, Exor. George Norton, my brother, & Richard Watkins, Overseers. My manors in Salop I have already assured to my son Bonham Norton, he to satisfy the dower of my wife Johan.

    Will of Samuell Norton of Lyng, Somerset 08 February 1621 PROB 11/137

    SAMUEL NORTON, of Lyge, 2 Somerset, Esq. Will dated Jan. 1, 1615, proved Feb. 8, 1620, by the Exors. [16 Da/e.] To my daughter Elizabeth Seaman, £$ for a piece of plate. My daughter Joan Courte, ^"io yearly. My son Samuel Norton. To Hugh Norton, his son, £5 for a piece of plate. Residue to my son George Norton Abbots Leigh his daughter Grace, they to be Exors. Mr Thomas Morgan & Samuel Davies, preacher of God's Word, Overseers.

    Will of George Norton, Grocer of London 14 February 1626 PROB 11/148
    Norton, George (I06545)
    2398 Norton of Abbots Leigh, etc. DD\SAS\C/795/BK/19 1618 1 doc
    Contents: Agreement: Nicholas Botiller of Devizes(co.Wilts.)esq., and wife Margt., and Geo.Norton of Abbots Leigh, esq., and Nich.Strangways of Melbury Sampford (co.Dorset), esq; reciting that Botiller has delivered £1000 to Norton, etc., of which £300 has been repaid; and agreeing that the remaining £700 is to be held to the benefit of Botiller and his wife, and their children. 17 Nov.16 Jas.I [Also listed by Winstanley as APD 94].

    Administration of Nicholas Strangways (D/SEY/JP/274) file24 Feb 1648/9

    General release. (1) John, Nicholas, Elizabeth and Dorothy Strangways, sons and daughters of Nicholas Strangways of Abbotsbury, esq, (deceased), (2) George Strangways, gentleman, brother of (1), All claims to (estate in Abbotsbury?). Signature(s) (1). Witness(es) Nicholas Wale, Joseph Masters and John Pitts. (D/SEY/JP/269) file25 Mar 1649
    Will of Nicholas Strangways, Gentleman of University of Oxford, Oxfordshire 27 November 1676 PROB 11/352 Son ?nephew?

    Marriage settlement. (1) John King of Sherborne, gentleman and Elizabeth his wife, (2) Thomas Bagley of St Martins in the fields, Middlesex, gentleman, (3) George Strangways of Abbotsbury, gentleman, Nicholas Strangways of the same, gentleman, brothers of said Elizabeth and William Fauntleroy of Fauntleroys Marsh in Folke, gentleman. Land in Somerset. Signature(s) George Strangways. Witness(es) William Fry, John Pitts and Henry Bestland. (D/SEY/JP/59) file1 Nov 1653

    History of Parliament Online:
    Strangways’s father, the youngest brother of Sir John Strangways , was a sea-captain and unsuccessful privateer. ..
    Strangways, Nicholas (I03063)
    2399 Not christened until 22 Aug 1866 in Ashwell, Hertfordshire, England.

    1861 Census: Ashwell, Hertfordshire, England:
    William Edwards 41 Master Tailor
    Susan Edwards 42
    Fanny 15
    Ida 10
    Thereza 5
    William 3
    Walter 8 mths.
    Edwards, Thereza (I00099)
    2400 Not married in 1778 at time of her Aunt Eleanor Axford's will.

    National Burial Index
    First name(s): Anne Last name: AXFORD Date of burial: 13 May 1802 Age at death: 74 Calculated year of birth: 1728 Place of burial: Erlestoke Dedication: St Saviour County: Wiltshire
    Walton, Anne Axford (I02485)

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